Didn’t Love You Enough

Chapter 14 - family

In these days, there is a Lin Xiaozhu favored by His Royal Highness in the Prince’s East Palace, which has been known inside and outside the court. And the legendary Lin Xiaobao, Lin Jiabao, is in his small study absently writing red.

“Lin Xiaozhu, but take a break …” Li Zhengqiu, the teacher who taught Lin Jiabao, asked him.

Li Zhengqiu is the prince of His Royal Highness, who has served in Hanlin Academy, now has more than half a hundred people, and has a high level of accomplishment in calligraphy and painting. Xuan Yuanhan Cheng searched for Li Zhengqiu to teach Lin Jiabao.

Xuanyuan Hancheng told Li Zhengqiu that he didn’t need Lin Jiabao’s imperial examinations, nor did he want to be proficient in poems, poems, songs, calligraphy, calligraphy and painting. As long as he can read and understand characters, he hopes that Li Zhengqiu can instruct Lin Jiabao on painting and calligraphy.

Li Zhengqiu will come to Pingle Court every two hours to teach Lin Jiabao, and will leave homework for Lin Jiabao to practice by himself. When receiving His Royal Highness’ order from the beginning, Li Zhengqiu was not happy. But because it was ordered by His Royal Highness Prince, he could only come to Pingle Court to teach Lin Xiaozhu.

Li Zhengqiu also has the pride of some scholars. He wants to be a scholar, and he wants to teach His Highness His Highness to read and write …

But when Li Zhengqiu saw Lin Jiabao himself, he changed his mind. Lin Xiaozhu is very different from the rumors. His temperament is clean and pure, and he is childlike. Looking at Lin Jiabao, who was not much older than his grandson, Li Zhengqiu easily liked him.

Lin Xiaozhu was very polite and really respected him as a master. In addition, Lin Xiaozhu studies very hard, and he can complete the homework assignments, especially Lin Xiaozhu’s talent for drawing, which makes him like this well-behaved Lin Xiaozhu. It also made Li Zhengqiu pay more attention to Lin Xiaozhu’s teaching.

“Li Fuzi, I’m lost …” Lin Jiabao looked apologetically to Li Zhengqiu, thinking that the day is getting closer and closer to the Mid-Autumn Festival, and the family is coming to Beijing.

“Lin Xiaozhu, but tired?” Li Zhengqiu looked at Lin Xiaozhu’s neck, the crimson mark that could not be covered by the collar, thinking of hearing the rumor that His Royal Highness Prince spent the night in Pingle Garden. As a comer, how could he not guess, Lin Xiaozhu was tired. Alas … His Royal Highness is still young, and I do not know how to control myself … Lin Xiaozhu is still young, and it seems that he is tired and exhausted.

“Master, I’m not tired, I will write well, and I won’t take it anymore.” Lin Jiabao wrote carefully.

Now most people in Pingle Court agree with Li Zhengqiu’s idea. This is really unfair to His Royal Highness!

Xuanyuan Hancheng’s life is very sweet and happy, the only drawback is that it is more difficult at night, and he is always testing his self-control!

Xuanyuan Hancheng never knew that he would be as strong as Lin Jiabao’s young and tender body *. Whenever the baby lay under him, it was so tempting to look full of trust and dependence on him.

Every time Xuanyuan Hancheng can’t wait to lick and kiss every piece of baby’s whole body, of course, he really did that too …

In short, the current Xuanyuan Hancheng can only be at the stage where it can solve the problem but cannot swallow it, and the tragic tasting is over …

Lin Jiabao thoughtfully and truly wrote a description, and Li Zhengqiu read and commented to him one by one. At the end, he assigned him two pages of homework.

Li Zhengqiu pointedly said, “Lin Xiaozhu, it ’s important to keep your body. If you think there are too many big characters, write one. Good body is the most important thing … Do n’t rely on young people to control yourself. Can last a long time … “

Lin Jiabao did not hear what Li Fuzi said, and dumbly replied, “Master, I know. Two pages are not too big, I can write well.”

Li Zhengqiu looked at Lin Xiaozhu’s serious expression and sighed, thinking that if he had a chance in the future, he would still have to be bold and mention His Royal Highness …

After Li Zhengqiu left, Yuan Qing stepped forward and asked Lin Xiaozhu anxiously, “Does Xiaozhu feel tired? You need to take a break.”

Lin Jiabao shook his head. He took a nap today and didn’t feel tired.

“But what does the little master have to do?” Yuan Qing asked Lin Xiaozhu’s look.

Lin Jiabao still shook his head. He had studied palace rules with the teachers and teachers. He is now His Royal Highness. He is not the same as before, and cannot see his family casually. The court rules are strict, how can he make an exception for him.

In Lin’s village, Lin Dazhuang’s house has just been expanded. According to the usual practice, Lin Dazhuang ordered half a fan of pork from the butcher in the village early, and banqueted some familiar people in the village.

After the Lin family’s house was expanded, it was much larger than the original one. Now the Lin family has seven or eight rooms of different sizes, and the area of ​​the yard is twice as large as before. Now there is a house, one for Lin Dazhuang, one for Lin Jiawen, one for Lin Lier and Lin Xiuer, one for Lin family, and a slightly larger room for Lin Jiabao.

“Big family, your family’s life is getting more and more prosperous. Jiawen was admitted to the talents, and the family will soon be added again. Jiabao is so prosperous in the palace. It is envious! The host at the table praised Zhang Huiniang.

Everyone in the village heard Lin Jiaojiao’s mother say that Lin Jiabao was on duty in the Queen’s Palace, although Lin Jiaojiao’s mother repeatedly emphasized that Lin Jiabao was only doing housework in the kitchen of the Queen’s Palace, and her Jiaojiao was in The noble lady served her. But the people in the village are not stupid. The queen mother is the mother of the country, and she is no different in her palace than anywhere else. Didn’t you see Lin Jiabao’s back so big a package? The Lin family has built big houses, and they are among the best in the Lin family.

“Haha … they are all children fighting for themselves.” Zhang Huiniang was also very happy to hear her, and said modestly.

“I want to say, Hui Niang, you just have to wait for the blessing, the children are so good. Your Jiner is also married so well, and your Lier is not too young, but he is good, but Let your family Jiner find and find good people in the city. “The women aside said in concurrence.

Zhang Huiniang looked at Lin Lier, who was greeting Zhou Hai’s family, and smiled. “Lier is not in a hurry. Besides, I don’t want to marry her too far away from me.”

There was a horseshoe sound outside the courtyard. It was Lin Jiner who brought her husband Qin Kaixing and his eldest son Cong brother together.

“Oh … my beloved grandson! Come and let grandmother hug …” Zhang Huiniang picked up the little grandson, kissed him on the face, and smirked brother Cong.

Qin Kaixing stepped forward to say hello to his father-in-law and mother-in-law, “This time I will congratulate my father-in-law and my mother-in-law’s new home, and I want to discuss with my father-in-law and my elder brother about going to Beijing.”

He was talking and he heard the sound of horseshoes from outside the yard. “Who else is coming?” Lin Jin’er looked out of the yard, a pony carriage stopped, a little girl jumped out of the carriage, and took some gifts from the carriage. They came.

I saw the little girl walked in front of them holding a gift and said to Lin Dazhuang and Zhang Huiniang, “Master Lin and Mrs. Lin are good. I’m from the king’s house in the city. I’m here to give you gifts. “

Everyone in the Lin family frowned, and Zhang Huiniang said politely to the little girl: “Your young grandma’s kindness, we have the heart, let’s take the gift back. We won’t accept it!”

The girl stalemate with them for a while, seeing that they refused to accept gifts, they had to go back with gifts.

The young grandmother of Wang’s family was Lin Chuner, who had gone to Chongxi.

Lin Chuner’s luck is indeed good. After Chong Xi married Wang’s family, her husband’s condition gradually improved. The two elders of the Wang family liked her very much, and felt that they were really happy.

At that time, Lin Dali ’s family was very proud, especially when the family of the king ’s family sent someone to intercede to the elders of Li Zhenghe ’s clan, avoiding Lin Dali ’s family rules. Lin Dazhuang’s angry teeth tickled and announced in front of his clan that he did not recognize Lin Dali’s relative.

Lin Dali and his wife didn’t take it seriously, they were soaring in the village. I bought satin clothes again and wore gold and silver, and I was afraid that others would not know they were rich.

After that, Lin Dali’s family lived in a big house, bought ten acres of good land for rent, and bought two girls to wait for. Lin Dali is no longer a carpenter, so he lives a good life of collecting rent. Everyone boasted that he was rich and was his official’s in-laws, making the villagers unwilling to deal with them.

Lin Chuner’s acquaintance recovered after six months, and Lin Chuner himself lived a grandma’s life. Under the leadership of Mrs. Wang, she also entered the circle of upper-level female dependents in Peixian.

Lin Chuner has seen Lin Jiner a few times, and she is jealous. It looks better than Lin Jiner’s dressing style. Humph! Lin Chuner thinks that he has just married a merchant. What ’s so great …

Lin Chuner was so proud that it didn’t take long for her to find that her grandmother’s grandmother’s life was not good. Although she had kindness to the Wang family, the two elders of the Wang family also treated her well. However, her husband Wang Xuebo didn’t like her very much. Lin Chuner had been working since she was a child, and her skin was dark and rough. Wang Xuebo thought it was rare for her to go to her room because of her joy. Lin Chuner was also illiterate. Although Wang Xuebo didn’t even pass the exam, he liked artsy. The two couldn’t talk about each other, the most annoying thing was that Wang Xuebo had already had two girls in the house. Both Tongfang girls were more beautiful and beautiful than her, and Yeye took over her husband. At this time, she knew how difficult it was for her to be a red bride, without the favor of her husband, no children, and no effective support from her maiden family.

At this time, Lin Chuner only thought of the Uncle’s family, especially after Lin Jiawen was admitted to Xiu Cai, he always wanted to restore the relationship between the two, but Lin Dazhuang’s family refused each time.

Lin Chuner watched the girl come back with a gift, secretly angry. “I really don’t know what to do …” Her parents had also come to the door to apologize for her apology at her request, but returned without success. Alas … if it wasn’t for her brother Lin Jiawang’s delicious laziness, it would be nice not to pull her hind legs. Where does she need to please Lin Dazhuang’s family. I heard that Lin Jiabao had a good time in the palace. I don’t know what would happen if she entered the palace …

A few days later, Lin Dazhuang and Lin Jiawen bid farewell to their family and Qin Kaixing and set off for Beijing.

Qin Kaixing took two carts to test the water in Beijing this time. Two fellows and four family members accompanied him. The official roads were all along the way. After a dozen days, they went to the capital smoothly.

It was night after entering the capital, and their group first found a clean inn to stay.

“Father-in-law and elder brother go to rest first. The journey has been hard. This time the journey is smooth. We arrived a few days before the Mid-Autumn Festival. Tomorrow I will first go and see the palace people.” Lin’s father and son are very caring.

“Kaixing, you have worked hard, take a rest soon.” Lin Dazhuang was very satisfied with the son-in-law on the way. Fortunately, they came out with son-in-law this time. He was a superb son and had proper arrangements along the way. Let them worry a lot.

In the early morning of the second day, while they were having breakfast, Qin Kaixing had already inquired about everything to be clear. He told them the news, “On the day of Mid-Autumn Festival, from the time of Chen Shi, the palace people will be sent out in batches to reunite with their families for an hour. The Queen’s Palace is naturally the first. I think we will be in the morning You will see Jiabao. “

“That’s great!” Lin Jiawen and Lin Dazhuang’s father and son were very happy after listening.

After using breakfast, Qin Kaixing and Lin Jiawen and Lin Dazhuang walked around in Beijing. The inn they live in is in the west of the city. There are more ordinary people living here, which is very prosperous and lively. On the east side of the city, there are dignitaries, and the inner city is the imperial city. Inside it are the relatives of the imperial family and members of the court.

Qin Kaixing strolled for a while and rented a small yard with a shop in front. After paying the rent for half a month, everyone left the inn in the afternoon and moved everything over. Lin Dazhuang and Lin Jiawen helped sort out the goods and arrange the shop, and they were all ready in the evening.

Qin Kaixing plans to open business tomorrow and hang up Qinjiazhuang’s signboard. “Father-in-law and older brother are bothering you in the afternoon. It will be fine tomorrow. Don’t bother you. Just have me and guys.”

“It’s all family, don’t be so polite. Both your brother and I have strength haha!” Lin Dazhuang said.

“By the way, I found out that there is a place in Beijing called” Yujian Bookstore “. People with merit can read and read in it. Brother can go and see tomorrow, just at the junction of the west and east of the city.” Qin Kaixing I heard what I heard when I asked about the store today.

“Then you have to check it out tomorrow.” Lin Jiawen was eager to hear it. There are not many large bookstores in Peixian, and fewer books can be borrowed. Books are expensive, and the conditions in his home are average, so he can’t often buy books.

In the early morning of the second day, Lin Jiawen, who had eaten breakfast early, went to the bookstore that Qin Kaixing said yesterday. This bookstore is really big. It has three floors and is the largest bookstore ever seen by Lin Jiawen.

Lin Jiawen went in, and immediately the same person as the second child came up. “You have a name for this guy, please come and register first.”

After the registration, Xiao Er and Lin Jiawen said: “The first and second floors here can be read at will, but the books cannot be taken out of the bookstore. They can only be read in the bookstore. If you need to provide tea and snacks, go to the third floor. Take care of your books, and pay compensation for any damage. “

Lin Jiawen thanked Xiao Er and walked around on the first floor. There are many types of books in this bookstore, and there are tables and chairs beside each shelf. There were a lot of people in the book but they were very quiet. Lin Jiawen saw that everyone was sitting and reading quietly, even when there was discussion, they were very quiet.

Lin Jiawen couldn’t wait to pick a book of interest, and sat aside to read it.

In the next few days, Lin Jiawen plunged into the ocean of knowledge, soaking in the book every day.

In the book, Lin Jiawen also met Qian Qingkun, who is also a talent. At the first sight, the two admired each other’s talents. “Brother Lin, haha ​​really can’t see from your appearance. At first I thought you were doing martial arts! I didn’t expect that many of our opinions were so similar. It’s great to know such a like-minded friend like you , We can often discuss articles together in the future. “

Qian Qingkun saw Lin Jiawen for the first time and looked at his long bear-waist and tiger-back, so rude and lonely, he was also a scholar, very curious, and came to chat with him since he was familiar. I didn’t expect them to talk so much, and then they went up to the third floor of the book office and had tea and talked together.

“Brother Qian, I am also very glad to meet your friend. Unfortunately, this time I came to Beijing with my family to meet my younger brother on the Mid-Autumn Festival. I will go back when I have finished.” Lin Jiawen Ye is sorry, the book in the bookstore here He hasn’t seen enough.

“Ah! That ’s a pity. Is your brother a palace prince? This time, His Royal Highness crowned the Crown Prince to destroy the blessings of the barbarians. Qian Qingkun also said, “If you want to say that His Royal Highness is really an excellent Chujun, he is not only invincible in the military, but also values ​​our literati. I heard that His Royal Highness is behind the book, in order to let Hanmen Children can also see the books. “

“Yeah, I really appreciate this gift. Otherwise, I don’t know when I will see my brother! The family misses him very much.” Lin Jiawen said with emotion.

“I have an aunt on duty in the palace, so I know some of them. In which house is your brother on duty?” Qian Qingkun asked.

“My brother works as a court attendant in the Queen’s Palace, and he makes snacks in the Imperial Palace.” Lin Jiawen heard Qian Qingkun’s answer and answered it truthfully.

“That’s great. Compared to some places, this is really a good place. Your brother is very lucky.” Qian Qingkun thought about it. “In the Queen’s Palace, there is a secret about His Royal Highness Prince.”

Qian Qingkun said mysteriously, “I heard that His Royal Highness fancy a court attendant in the queen’s maiden’s palace, but now it is loved day and night. I heard that the court attendant is still very young!”

Lin Jiawen frowned, without a second thought, and passed by with a smile. Which of those noble people does not have some romantic affairs. His Royal Highness His Royal Highness has been spread all over the world, and he is decisive in dealing with the barbarians. I didn’t expect it to be a little hobby …

Qin Kaixing also made good progress here, and the cloth was very good after just a few days of opening. There are many good cloths and satins here in Beijing, and the designs are novel and beautiful, but the price is also high.

The fabrics brought by Qin Kaixing are of good quality. The patterns are outdated on their side, but they are relatively fresh on the Beijing side, and the prices are relatively affordable. Still very popular with the people in the west of the city.

Qin Kaixing is very happy. If this continues, the goods brought this time will be cleared in a few days. Thinking that this time I came to Jingli, I was right, not only sold the inventory, but also made a small profit. When you go back, buy some popular goods in Beijing to go back, and you will definitely make a lot of money. If you can find a regular buyer, it will be better.

As the Mid-Autumn Festival approaches, the Lin family father and son and Qin Kaixing are looking forward to meeting Lin Jiabao … 2k novel reading network

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