Didn’t Love You Enough

Chapter 18 - committed to

Xu Xueying also wanted to say something to Lin Jiabao, and suddenly he paused, looking straight behind Lin Jiabao, “His Royal Highness, His Royal Highness … Xue Ying finally saw you.”

“Xue Yingri is looking forward to seeing you. Xueying really misses you!” Xu Xueying pushed away Lin Jiabao and ran to Xuanyuan Hancheng.

Lin Jiabao Leng Buding was pushed down and took a few steps. Xuanyuan Hancheng quickly went up to help the baby, and ignored Xu Xueying’s sincere words.

Xuanyuan Hancheng looked at Lin Jiabao’s look wrong, took him into his arms, thought about it and said to Jiabao, “Baby, go back with Yuanqing first.”

Xuanyuan Hancheng felt that the baby was stiff in his arms for a moment, and then held him tightly in his arms. He said in his ear: “Baby, I will return to Pingle Court in a while.”

Lin Jiabao’s expression followed with a slight expression, and they left with Yuanqing. Xuanyuan Hancheng left only Yuanfu and ordered the palace people to retreat.

Xu Xueying just saw His Royal Highness whisper softly to Lin Jiabao, His Royal Highness’s expression was so focused and gentle. Xu Xueying couldn’t believe her eyes. Her Royal Highness had not been so tender to her when she was most favored. This Lin Anzhu looked at the incompetent, and why?

Xu Xueying showed jealous and resentful eyes at the back of Lin Jiabao’s departure. Xuanyuan Hancheng just caught Xu Xueying’s vicious eyes. It seems that Xu Xueying cannot stay in the East Palace. Her feet have been banned, and she can trick the baby here.

Xuanyuan Hancheng thought that the baby’s look was very bad. He had to go back and explain it to the baby as soon as possible. It would be bad for the baby to misunderstand him.

Xu Xueying saw His Royal Highness watching her and quickly changed her expression. “His Royal Highness … His Royal Highness, it wasn’t Xueying’s original intention that Bizhu bumped into you. Xueying thought about His Royal Highness day and night, and heard the news of His Royal Highness. Xueying also prayed to Heaven every day to bless His Royal Highness to come back safely, please His Royal Highness Ming Jian … “

Xu Xueying said with a choked voice, crying as if suffering a lot of grievances. On the one hand, I did not forget to put the beautiful side face with tears in my eyelashes in front of His Royal Highness.

“You don’t have to pretend to be Xu, you all know it. You know exactly how Yu’s child went …” Xuanyuan Hancheng said coldly.

“It’s not me … I don’t … Your Royal Highness You have really wronged me. How could I hurt Your Royal Highness’s Crown Prince? Someone must have framed me. It must be Yu’s or Princess Prince’s! Your Royal Highness You cannot believe them Of course, we must clearly observe Qiuhao, and Xueying is innocent … “Xu Xueying listened to His Royal Highness, and immediately panicked. However, she immediately calmed down, thinking that Bizhu was dead. There was no proof of death, and other clues were dealt with early.

Xu Xueying was crying even more heartbroken, “This is really going to kill me … Xue Ying is really wrong … Your Royal Highness must believe me …”

“You’re wrong! … Hehe, you have to confront Bizhu.” Xuanyuan Hancheng said coldly.

“Bizhu died early” Xu Xueying looked at His Royal Highness’s cold expression. “No … no … Bizhu she …”

Xuanyuan Hancheng was too lazy to look at Xu Xueying’s hypocritical pretentious face. Turning around and Yuanfu said, “Tomorrow will move Xu to Beihangong.”

Xu Xueying was screaming in horror when he heard the three words of Bei Han Palace. Bei Han Palace is a veritable Cold Palace. If you go there, you will either be crazy or die alone. She wouldn’t go there even if she died. “No … I was framed … Your Royal Highness … Your Royal Highness!”

Regardless of Xu Xueying’s pleading, how to quibble and not admit to killing Yu’s child. Xuanyuan Hancheng quickly left Xu Xueying’s imprisoned yard.

When Xuanyuan Hancheng returned to Pingle Court, Shu Ya stepped forward and reported to His Royal Highness, “His Royal Highness, Lin Xiaozhu locked himself in the bedroom and did not let us in.”

Xuanyuan Han Cheng heard quickly walked into the bedroom, found Lin Jiabao on the bed, and saw him covered in quilt. “Jiabao … baby …” Xuanyuan Hancheng reached out to pull down the quilt, but the baby pulled the quilt helplessly.

“Baby, what to do if you put down the quilt and get bored? Talk to Xianggong, don’t keep in your heart. Do you remember what you promised Xianggong?” Xuanyuan Hancheng continued to pull the quilt covered in his face and heard him. Then, Jiabao relaxed a bit, “Guabao …” Xuanyuan Han took down the quilt.

Seeing the baby’s tear-stained face, he felt very distressed. “Baby, don’t cry …”

Lin Jiabao was very sad. In these days, His Royal Highness’s love and care for him made him gradually lose himself, and he forgot that he was only His Royal Highness’s waiter. His Royal Highness had the Crown Prince and other servants long before him.

Because Lin Jiabao had not seen His Royal Highness other women, he chose to escape and ignore. Xu Xueying’s words completely awakened him. His Royal Highness His Royal Highness is His Royal Highness, not his acquaintance, his dream is about to wake up.

The thought of His Royal Highness Prince would treat others like him, Lin Jiabao felt uncomfortable as if he had blocked a stone.

Lin Jiabao felt that he had become better or worse, and he was clearly the latest one, but he wanted to occupy the Crown Prince and let His Royal Highness do nothing more than him. It was not proper to break the rules. His Royal Highness Crown Prince is the future emperor. There cannot be only one of him. It seems that he is destined to share justice with others.

Lin Jiabao was also a little worried. In this way, does His Royal Highness Crown Prince really like him all the time? He’s scared …

“His Royal Highness, I will study piano, calligraphy, painting, poetry, and poetry.” Lin Jiabao assured Xuanyuan Hancheng while crying.

Xuanyuan Hancheng picked up the baby and let him lie on his back. Gently wipe away the tears for him, “Guobao, you don’t need to learn these, you don’t need to learn these. You are just like darlings.”

Lin Jiabao thought and said something that made Xuan Yuan Han Cheng laugh and laugh. “Jiabao is still young and hasn’t grown up yet, I will definitely be better than now. So Your Royal Highness, you can’t leave me, you haven’t seen me when I grow up!”

Xuan Yuanhan was very funny and pity him. He didn’t know what Xu Xueying said to Jiabao, so Jiabao had such an idea, afraid he would not want him.

“Baby, you have to believe in Xianggong. Xianggong will definitely not want you.” Xuanyuan Hancheng lifted Lin Jiabao up and let him sit by the bed.

Xuanyuan Hancheng slowly knelt down on one knee under Lin Jiabao’s gaze, “I Xuanyuan Hancheng swears that in the future, you will be the only one, and you will only be your husband.”

Lin Jiabao was frightened by Xuanyuan Hancheng ’s actions, immediately stood up, crying to help Xuanyuan Hancheng, “Woohoo … His Royal Highness, do n’t kneel … Woohoo … Sangong, get up … Woohoo Woo “

Xuanyuan Han couldn’t bear it, he just held Lin Jiabao’s hand and stared at Lin Jiabao with a firm, loving look, “Baby, believe me …”

“Woohoo … but … I’m not good …” Lin Jiabao couldn’t see His Royal Highness, and he knelt on the ground with one knee and cried even louder.

Xuanyuan Hancheng still knelt very firmly and insisted, “Baby, believe me! Baby, don’t worry, don’t doubt it. I will let you feel that you are the most important treasure of my life.”

“I … I believe you, I believe you …” Lin Jiabao felt filled with his heart, and his eyes were filled with the promises and loving eyes of Xiang Gong. Lin Jiabao was so moved, even if His Royal Highness is in the future Really tired of himself, he did not regret it.

After pulling up Xuanyuan Hancheng, Lin Jiabao slightly lifted his toes and kissed him. Of course Xuanyuan Hancheng would not let go of the baby’s opportunity to embrace him, and deepened the kiss on the baby’s lips. Lin Jiabao even embraced Xuanyuan Hancheng’s neck actively, and obediently Xuanyuan Hancheng kissed.

He reluctantly left the baby’s sweet lips, looking at the lustrous and moist lips of his kiss, Xuanyuan Hancheng’s eyes deepened.

Xuan Yuanhan embraced Jiabao’s body tightly, making him feel his fiery. Lin Jiabao seemed to be scalded, the boss with staring eyes, looked at him in surprise.

Xuanyuan Hancheng laughed at the baby’s expression and said, “Baby, you have to believe in yourself, you don’t have to grow up to attract me deeply. But I will wait for you to grow up, and then swallow you again.”

Lin Jiabao’s face was hot with Xuan Yuanhan’s hot eyes, and he bowed his head embarrassed.

Xuanyuan Hancheng refused to let him go, and continued to hold the baby, and put kisses on his forehead, eyebrows, and cheeks. All the way down to Lin Jiabao’s neck, Xuanyuan Han Cheng reached out to unlock the button on Jiabao’s neckline.

“Well … Xianggong you … Xianggong, how many women do you have? I haven’t seen it before.” Lin Jiabao hesitated, or asked the same question that his father Lin Dazhuang had asked him when he met.

Xuan Yuan Han Cheng was buried in Lin Jiabao’s collarbone sucking. Hearing Lin Jiabao’s problem, he looked up and looked at the baby and said, “In addition to Xu, there are two servants, Song and Yu, and two Daughters. I’ll see you later. “

“She said …” Lin Jiabao remembered what Xu Xueying had said to her before.

“I have sent him to the Leng Palace. She made an unforgivable mistake, and everything was her fault.” Xuanyuan Hancheng interrupted Lin Jiabao’s words and said positively: “You and Song and Yu are both of you Don’t worry, things can’t be changed before, but I will never touch them and anyone else either now or in the future. “

Lin Jiabao did not reply, and the words promised by Xianggong gave him a dream. The dream was so beautiful that he didn’t care about the truth of the dream at all.

Xuanyuan Hancheng put Jiabao in his arms. He knew that his baby still had deep worries, but it didn’t matter. He has a lifetime to prove what he said.

“By the way, is there still a princeess? Is she seriously ill?” Lin Jiabao thought of this important woman next to him.

“Baby, you don’t have to worry about her at all. As early as when I was on the expedition, the princess was already ‘ill’. For a variety of reasons, I couldn’t disclose it to the outside world. I just announced that she was sick and couldn’t see anyone in bed.” Xuanyuan Hancheng thought The princess had already died. The baby knew nothing, so she told him the truth.

Lin Jiabao nodded and understood, “Well, I will keep it secret.”

Xuanyuan Hancheng looked at Jiabao’s eyebrows, and kissed his cheek. “Baby, rest assured.”

Lin Jiabao smiled lightly.

“Baby, laugh one more.” Xuanyuan Hancheng loved to see the smiley face of the baby.

Lin Jiabao obediently revealed a big smile to Xuanyuan Hancheng. That bright smile made Xuan Yuanhan shine, and the deep dimple was so playful and cute.

“Xiangong my wish is to see the smiling face of the baby every day.” Xuanyuan Hancheng said: “So the baby must be happy every day.”

Lin Jiabao listened to Xuanyuan Hancheng’s words, giggled buried in Xianggong’s broad chest, and his heart was as sweet as eating a lot of honey.

Shu Ya and Shu Qin stood outside the bedroom and heard the laughter of Lin Xiaozhu from the room. Both of them were relieved. Just after Lin Xiaozhu returned, his face was very bad, and they were all worried.

“There is still a way for His Royal Highness, and he will coax the little master soon …” Shu Qin said.

Shu Ya said: “Little Master’s mind is simple and very obedient and obedient, which is still very good.”

In the early morning of the second day, Xuanyuan Hancheng got up lightly and gently put a kiss on Lin Jiabao’s forehead and got out of bed.

When changing clothes, Xuan Yuanhan saw Yuan Fu stop talking to him. Xuanyuan Hancheng waved his hand to him and said softly, “Go out and talk.”

Jiabao suddenly woke up in the middle of the night last night, and Xuanyuan Hancheng always slept lightly. I immediately felt the movement around me and quickly soothed the baby. Looking at the baby’s unpredictable look, Xuanyuan Hancheng was distressed. He knows that this is a manifestation of the baby’s lack of security, but he can only use actions slowly to improve the anxiety in the baby’s heart.

On the way to the early dynasty, Yuan Fu told His Royal Highness that Xu Xueying had hanged himself last night. Xuanyuan Han Cheng stopped to listen, Xu Xueying still went the same way as the previous life.

“Keep your mouth tight in Pingleyuan, don’t let the news reach Jiabao’s ears.” Baby has never experienced this. He is so soft-hearted that he can’t sleep well when he hears these nights.


Although Yuanfu severely restrained the people in the palace so that the news did not reach Lin Jiabao’s ears, the news slowly spread in the east palace.

At that time, many people in the palace saw Lin Jiabao coming out of Xu Yuanying’s imprisoned yard, and Xu Xueying killed himself that night. Everyone couldn’t help but stare, thinking in their hearts that Lin Xiaozhu was a terrible one. So silent, it killed the woman who was once loved by His Royal Highness …

One day, Yu went to the Song’s courtyard to drink tea with her. Song’s personality was honest and quiet, Yu’s lively and talkative, and the two of them were next to each other, so Yu often came to talk to Song.

“I’m afraid that this twin child waiter is much higher than Xu Xueying’s means. Since His Royal Highness has had him, he has never stepped out of Pingle Garden.” Yu’s seeing Song’s drinking tea by himself, and said: “Do you want to visit him?”

“This is not very suitable. Pingle Garden is connected to the inner study. It is forbidden and we are not allowed to go.” Song did not dare. That was to let the personal palace maid go to the inner study only to anger His Royal Highness. Imprisoned. “There will always be a chance to see it later.”

“Aren’t you curious?” Yu’s herself was very curious, she had long wanted to see the beautiful pair in the rumor. However, Song’s shrinking refused to go with her, so I had to see it later.

Yu Qin has eased from the shadow of losing her son, and now he is thinking about giving birth to His Royal Highness again. Hate! Those two are really abominable, they are even more superb than Xu Xueying. When Xu Xueying was flattering before, they were able to share His Royal Highness for a few days. And now … it was only when His Royal Highness visited his daughter …

“By the way, I heard that Kang’er is sick again.” Both Yu’s and Song’s daughters are not well, and they will often exchange experiences on how to take care of their daughters.

“Yeah, it suddenly burned, and it scared me at the time … Fortunately, it’s gone now …” Song’s mind was still a little bit frightened now.

Kang Er was persuaded by Xu Xueying that day, forcing Xiao Wei, a small palace girl, to take Lin Jiabao into Xu Xueying’s yard. In the evening, Red Wei was sent to see what happened to that monster. Hong Wei secretly looked outside Xu Xueying’s yard, just to see the scene where the palace people carried Xu Xueying’s body out of the yard. Hong Wei was scared by the people who moved the house to discuss how Lin Xiaozhu was powerful.

When Hongwei went back, she told her everything that she had seen and heard. Kang’er was five years old and knew what death was. He started to burn the night when he was scared.

Hongwei herself was also afraid to die. If she was found to have taken Lin Xiaozhu, she wouldn’t be safe … Hongwei scared herself and soon became ill. The grandmother didn’t think much about it, thinking that Hongwei was waiting for the little master and she was too sick, so she moved her temporarily. 2k novel reading network

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