Didn’t Love You Enough

Chapter 20 - Full moon

Zhang Huiniang is busy cooking red eggs in the kitchen, not to mention the joy. Da’er gave birth to a big fat boy. Jiabao had a good time in the palace. This year, his family had a good harvest and his income increased a lot. These are all good things, and I am happy to think about it.

Lin Dazhuang looked so happy at Zhang Huiniang, and didn’t know how to speak about Lin Jiabao’s affairs.

“By the way, the child’s father, when you went to Beijing a few days ago, the Zhou Hai family came to me and asked if Zhou Hai and Li’e could make a marriage first. I think Lier is also 15 this year, and it’s time to settle down first. Zhang Huiniang asked Lin Dazhuang.

“Settle down earlier, you can talk to the Zhou Hai family tomorrow, it is best to settle down before Bo Geer’s full moon.” Bo Geer is Lin Jiabo’s nickname for his son. His name is Lin Guangbo, which means knowledgeable, Lin Jiawen hopes his son will be young in the future.

Lin Dazhuang was thinking about Jiabao’s affairs and wouldn’t know when it would be announced. It wouldn’t be calm at that time. Lier’s family affairs should be settled earlier and be more at ease. As for the dragon and phoenix are still small, I can only say it later.

“It seems to be anxious …” Zhang Huiniang said.

“Xiao Ding didn’t need a lot of work. Besides, this brother’s full moon should be handled well. After that, he will start to prepare for the hometown test for the next year. There is too much work for the New Year. There are too many things. … Will be dragged to next year. It’s settled earlier. “Lin Dazhuang said.

Zhang Huiniang thought and felt reasonable, saying, “I’ll go to Zhou’s house tomorrow.”

The next day, Zhang Huiniang went to Zhou Hai’s house. The Zhou Hai family also wants to settle earlier. Now the days of the Lin family are getting better and better, many people are staring … Zhou Hai ’s mother knows that her son likes Lin Lier when he is a child, and the son has already identified her in his heart. If anything happens, It’s too late to cry. Settle down early, you may have long dreams.

Zhang Huiniang was also very satisfied with Zhou Hai. The Zhou family had kindness to their Lin family. In the early years when she was in difficulties with Da Zhuang, thanks to the help of the Zhou family. Zhou Hai not only did good farm work, but also learned hunting skills with his father, Zhou Mu. Therefore, the family had a good time. They often have wild game teething festivals. Sometimes they have good luck and can get some leather and sell a lot of money. Zhou Hai’s temperament is honest and steady, Lin Li’er won’t suffer if she marries in the past.

The Lin family and the Zhou family negotiated and agreed to let Zhou Hai and Lin Lier get married after the autumn harvest next year. The Zhou family moved quickly, and a matchmaker was invited within a few days and Xiaoding was appointed.

Lin Lier has rarely gone out and hid in her room to embroider her wedding dress since her marriage. This time the ceremony brought back by the capital has red brocade, and embroidering the wedding dress is particularly beautiful.

Huszhan, the descendant of the Prince’s Gate, took a few guards and a group of men. He received the order of His Royal Highness to go to Linjia Village to give Lin Xiaozhu’s nephew a full moon ceremony. They didn’t dare to delay along the way, and hurried up, and finally arrived in Xuzhou two days before the full moon.

After arriving in Xuzhou, Huszhan and his party first went to Shiqishan, the prefecture of Xuzhou.

Shi Qishan heard his subordinates report the visit of His Highness to His Royal Highness. Although he was a little surprised, he didn’t dare to delay, and immediately went to meet him in person.

“Master Hu, why are you here?” Shi Qishan asked Hus to show up and sit at the main hall. Shi Qishan had a relationship with Hus when he was reporting in Beijing. It stands to reason that the two will not have any intersection, and Shi Qishan can’t guess the purpose of the Hus show. “But what do you have to tell the Royal Highness?”

Although Shiqishan is the top five grades, the Husi exhibition is the sixth grade for the talents of Prince Edward. But Shi Qishan did not dare to neglect, and was very polite to Hus. After all, he was a subordinate of His Royal Highness …

“Master Shi is polite. I am here to congratulate you,” Huszhan said.

What Shi Qishan heard was a good thing, then he relaxed and said, “Please also ask Master Hu to confuse me, what’s the joy?”

“Under the rule of Lord Shi, the people of Xuzhou lived and worked in peace, and Lord Shi contributed a lot. And this time there is great news. There is a noble person in this palace who sent Xuzhou to the palace … I’m here for this time too, “Husz told Shiqishan.

“Oh … this is really good news. Dare to ask which one got the emperor’s blue eyes.” Shi Qishan heard the news from Huszhan and thought about it. They have never been a noble person in Xuzhou …

“Not His Royal Highness, but His Royal Highness, His Royal Highness Lin Xiaozhu is from Peixian County, and Lin Xiaozhu is a twin, a palace that Yuntai entered for four years. Now he is loved by His Royal Highness. This is not the case. It ’s to give a full moon gift to Lin Xiaozhu ’s nephew. ”Huszhan explained.

“His Royal Highness … It’s really a blessing!” Compared to being watched by the emperor, of course, being a waiter of His Royal Highness is certainly more promising. The emperor is middle-aged, and there are many princesses. His Royal Highness Prince is still young and has no children. If you can give birth to your prince in the future and wait for his prince to board the treasure, it will really be expensive and benefit your family …

Shi Qishan enthusiastically invited Huszhan and their party to stay in the house. Huszhan declined and returned to Xuzhou Post. The news will spread in a few days when Husz can’t think of it, and His Royal Highness will explain it soon.

Shi Qishan soon discussed with his confidants what he learned today, and in the evening he and his wife also talked about the Lin family.

Mrs. Stone from the prefectural government came out of the big family, and after listening to it, she and her husband analyzed it. I felt that I could get closer and closer to the Lin family, and Madam Shi thought about her interpersonal relationship again. Before I remembered, I had a little friendship with the Qin family who married the sister of Lin Xiaozhu. A gathering of upper-class female dependents. You can start dealing with the Lin family from this aspect.

Shi Qishan discussed with his wife for a long time and set a gift to be given on the full moon.

On the second day, Shi Qishan brought in Du Xiangheng of Zhixian County, Pei County, and told him about the Lin family. Du Zhixian was overjoyed when he knew, but this one came from their county. He also knows the Lin family, the boss of the Lin family was admitted to the talent, and he has also praised it.

Shi Qishan said to Duzhi County, “This Lin family is under your jurisdiction. You should pay more attention on weekdays.”

Where did Du Zhixian use the prefect of Zhifu County to respond quickly?

When Du Zhixian returned, he immediately invited Master Shi to discuss and planned to go in person when Lin Jiawen’s son was at full moon and send a gift.

Within a day, the news of a nobleman in Pei County quietly circulated among the upper-level families in Xuzhou City, all of which secretly planned to make friends with the Lin family.

In the blink of an eye on the full moon of Bo Geer, the Lin family specially invited the village cooks who specialize in cooking noodles, opened a six-table round noodles, and invited people from Xiangshu village to drink full moon wine.

Zhou Hai’s family came to help early in the morning, and the Qin family arrived early. Mrs. Qin said hello to Zhang Huiniang with affection, and Lin Jiner helped her mother to greet the guests.

The ride was not yet open, Wu’s mother talked to her daughter in the room, and looking at Wu Qiaolan’s rosy color, she knew that she was well taken care of in the confinement. “Look at your good life, and your mother is happy for you. Your mother-in-law treats you well, and you have to honor them in the future.”

“Mother, I will …” Wu Qiaolan responded. Wu Qiaolan now feels very happy, her in-laws are kind, her husband is nice to her, and she is motivated. Now with another son, everything is going well.

“Does Jiawen have useful work? Your father said that Jiawen’s knowledge is already very good. This time I am very hopeful. You must urge him to review his homework carefully. Remember not to let him be complacent and slack.” To her daughter.

“Mother please rest assured … Xianggong can feel relieved, and he can review it very late every day …” Wu Qiaolan answered with a smile.

The Lin family received so many gifts today, and the Lin family helped the family register the gift list. The Lin family is only 10 years old this year, and began enlightenment two years ago. They have already learned the San Zi Jing and the 100 surnames. He is not as talented as his elder brother Lin Jiawen, but he works very hard.

The Lin family is only getting sensible, he knows the good life at home now. They all relied on the hard work of the older brother and the hard work of the second brother after entering the palace. Because the elder brother was admitted to Tong Sheng’s home, he was exempted from the tax. This year, the elder brother was admitted as a talent, and the military and military service in the family will be free. He also wants to study as well as his elder brother. In the future, he will use his own efforts to make the family a better life.

“Brother, this gold member sent out a hundred or two silvers for congratulations.” Lin Jiawen said to his brother Lin Jiawen.

Horse-drawn carriages arrived outside the yard, and various congratulations were sent. Many gift givers, Lin Jiawen didn’t know it at all, and gradually realized that something was wrong.

A team of soldiers arrived outside the Lin Family Courtyard. Several soldiers held gifts and sang loudly as they walked, “Xuzhou Zhifu congratulates you!”

The people in the village were watching the excitement, and they were surprised when they heard that the prefecture of the prefecture also sent a congratulatory gift, thinking that this Lin Xiucai really has face, even the prefecture of the prefecture came to give gifts.

After that, a carriage drove up. “The county grandfather … the county grandfather is here.” The villagers with sharp eyes have recognized the county grandfather.

Li Zhenglin Yuquan hurried to greet, “It’s a great honor for us to come to our village of Duzhi County. Duzhi County, please …”

I saw that Du Zhixian did not step forward, but let the young people around him walk first, “Master Hu, please …”

At this time, everyone noticed the young man next to the county grandpa. The man Yu Xuanang was well-dressed, and he was not an ordinary person at first glance.

Hearing the movement, the Lin family came out, Lin Dazhuang and Lin Jiawen greeted each other. Lin Jiawen spoke to Du Zhixian. “The adults of Zhixian County can come to the student’s home, which really makes our Lin family prosperous …” Lin Jiawen again Looking at the young man, he asked Du Zhixian, “I don’t know if this adult is …”

Hu Sizhan introduced himself to everyone, “Master Lin, you do n’t need to be courteous. I am the prince of the Royal Highness. This time, I was given the order of His Royal Highness to send a full moon ceremony to Lin Xiaozhu’s nephew.”

Hu Zhan’s words are like a thunderous explosion in the hearts of everyone in Linjia Village. People in Linjia Village are talking a lot, His Royal Highness … Those are the characters I only heard in the drama. Where have I heard them in real life? Such a noble person … Everyone in the Lin family village congratulated the Lin family. Some of them also sent their children to the palace. They were even envious of the good luck of the Lin family, thinking about how their children did not get the blue eyes of the noble people.

Zhang Huiniang didn’t want to understand yet, and asked with some doubt: “Who is Lin Xiaozhu?”

Hu Sizhan said mildly and politely: “You are Mrs. Lin, and Master Lin is your second son, Lin Jiabao, and is now a servant of His Royal Highness.”

Zhang Huiniang was very excited when she heard what Hushan said, and passed out. “Jiabao he … Jiabao …”

Seeing this, Lin Jiner quickly stepped forward and held Zhang Huiniang, “Mother, mother … what’s wrong with you …”

Many people gathered around Zhang Huiniang, and everyone in the Lin family called her anxiously.

Zhang Huiniang woke up warily, “How did Jiabao …? Jiabao his father, don’t you say that Jiabao is well in the palace, how did he do His Royal Highness …”

Lin Dazhuang did not speak, and his heart was uncomfortable. “Jiabao damn, Jiabao really did a good job …”

Huszhan said to Zhang Huiniang: “Mrs. Lin, please rest assured, Lord Lin is now the most beloved of His Royal Highness. This time, Lin Xiaozhu knows how happy he is to have a nephew. He carefully selected the gifts and wrote After the family letter, His Royal Highness ordered that it must be delivered on the full moon. I didn’t dare to stop on the way, but it came day and night. “Then Hus took out the gift Lin Jiabao chose and handed it out to the family letter. Master Lin.

“Master Hu has been working hard all the way, please sit up. Du Zhixian also invited you to sit up.” Lin Jiawen and Master Hu gave a few greetings and asked him to sit at the main table with Du Zhixian.

It’s time to go, and Bo’s baptismal ceremony has begun. Today’s admission is very happy. There are only a few silver and silver dumplings in the pot …

The Adventist took a mallet and stirred into the basin, and said, “One stir, two stir, three stirs, and the brother led the younger brother. Seventy, eighty, crooked, naughty. It ’s just that I started to bathe Bo Geer. Bo Geer cried when he was cold and cool. This not only did not make a taboo, but considered auspicious, which was called a “ring bowl”. While washing and admitting, I read the congratulatory speech, “Wash your head first, be a prince; wash your waist later, one generation is taller than the other generation; wash your eggs, make the county; wash the ditch, make the state.” Then, I used Ai Yeqiuer to light it, and put **** on it as a support, and placed it on Bo Geer’s forehead, symbolically burning. Give her a comb and dress up, say, “Three combs, two combs, grow up and wear a red top; draw an eyebrow on the left, snoring on the right, find a daughter-in-law, Zhunsi Village; brush your teeth, rinse your mouth, follow Don’t lose sight when people talk. “Then use the eggs to roll on the baby’s face, saying” the eggs roll on the face, the face looks like an egg skin, Liu Hong looks like a white, really a lover. “Wash it, tie the child, use one The green onion struck the body lightly three times and said, “One dozen smart, two dozen smart.” Then he was asked to throw the onion on the roof. Pick up the scales and say a few words, “Although the scales are very small. Pick up the lock three times and say:” Grow up, head tight, feet tight, hands tight. “Then put Bo Geer in the tea tray, use the Lin family The gold and silver dumplings prepared in advance waited for the baby and said, “Left gold and right silver, you can’t spend it, reward people.” Finally, use a small mirror to take a picture of the baby’s buttocks and say: “Use treasure Mirror, according to the picture, **** during the day and black under the net. “Washing like this is complete.

Bo Geer was a pleasing child. Wu’s was well-produced in the confinement, and he had plenty of milk. Bo Ge was raised for nothing. The whole body was chubby, bigger than when it was just born. Except for washing Sanyi who started crying for a while, she stopped crying slowly, and looked around curiously with a pair of round eyes. Wu’s embraced his son in his arms, and he was shocked by the news he had just heard. It seems that the days of the Lin family are destined to be calm.

In the evening, everyone from the Lin family sent Hu and Du Zhixian away. Hus also mentioned that he would come to the door again on the third day. He asked the Lin family to write a letter so that he could take it home for business. After Lin Dazhuang, they talked and persuaded the villagers who were still in the Lin family to please and compliment them.

Lin Dazhuang and Lin Jiawen told the big guy what happened in their Beijing trip. I did not expect Jiabao to have such a change in the palace, which made the Lin family unexpected.

After reading Lin Jiabao’s family letter, he saw in the letter that Lin Jiabao talked about his life in the palace and said that His Royal Highness was good to him. Everyone looked at them and felt relieved.

“I hope His Royal Highness will always be nice to our family …” Zhang Huiniang said.

Everyone in the Lin family nodded. Lin Jiacai showed Lin Jiawen the number of gift slips counted today. “Brother, what about these congratulations? There are more than two thousand and two silvers in this gift!” The carriages that gave full moon gifts tonight were endless. , The families that have been counted in Xuzhou City sent gifts.

In the next few days, as Wu Qiaolan thought, the Lin family could no longer be calm. Every day, unknown people come to visit and give gifts. Several people in the Lin family also sent several groups of people, trying to greet them with warmth, deliberately pleased them, which made everyone in the Lin family overwhelmed, and finally had to thank the guests behind closed doors. 2k novel reading network

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