Didn’t Love You Enough

Chapter 25 - Offering heaven

Xuanyuan Hancheng is working in a large account. Today is the third day he left Jiabao.

Three days ago, he said goodbye to his reluctant Jiabao. With the father emperor to go to sacrifice the heaven, this is the first sacrifice of Yuntai in six years, and the most important one this year. In order to achieve good weather this year and Guotai Min’an, the emperor must bathe for three days, pray in person and lead the civil and military officials to pray to heaven together.

Xuanyuan Hancheng kept communicating with Jiabao daily. This is the first time he has left Jiabao for so long since Jiabao came to him. Looking at the letter from Jiabao sent by An Wei, Xuanyuan Hancheng slightly raised his lips.

In the letter, Lin Jiabao detailed his daily life on that day. In the morning, please go to the queen’s maiden. After lunch, I will take a nap. Then I will study with Master Qiu, and then practice writing and painting by myself. In the letter, Jiabao honestly told Xuanyuan Han that he missed him, and said that when Xuanyuan Han returned, he was about to reach the Lantern Festival. Jiabao said in her letter that she wanted to go to Yudianfang for snacks, and asked Xuanyuan Hancheng’s permission. Jiabao also said that he wanted to make the Lantern Festival himself, and asked Xuanyuan Hancheng what kind of stuffing he liked. Although it is a daily chore, Xuanyuan Hancheng is not tired of reading repeatedly …

Xuanyuan Han Cheng wrote a letter to Jiabao, and wrote his thoughts on Baobao. Say to Baobao that it is not impossible to make snacks in Yudianfang, but be sure to have Yuan Qing accompany him and bring a guard, and you can only stay in Yudianfang for an hour, and advise Guibao not to be tired. Regarding the filling for the Lantern Festival, Xuanyuan Hancheng said that he likes Baobao. And let Baobao obediently wait for him to come back, and then go back in two days to reunite with Baobao.

Write the letter and give the letter to the dark guard, let him send it back as soon as possible and ask the dark guard: “Have you made any progress on Zheng Rong?”

“There has been no new progress when the subordinates set off.” The Dark Guard replied.

“Go back and Zheng Rong and let him give the answer to Gu Yao as soon as possible.” If it’s been a long time, Li Wang must have noticed.


A few days ago, the Dark Guard came to the newspaper and caught the two who came to join the nails in the former Prince’s Palace. One of them had taken the poison to commit suicide, and the other was captured when he was about to take the poison. Naihe is the dead of Li Wang, and has never let up. Xuanyuan Hancheng was disappointed that he could not get the exact evidence of the collusion between Li Li and the Crown Prince.

Xuanyuan Han rose up and went out of the account, and came to the profound account of his father Huang Xuanyuan. After telling the story of King Li with his father, the emperor Xuanyuan Zhao heard it and said, “The other side of Licheng will send spies to investigate the news of King Li.”

Afterwards, Xuanyuan Zhaoshen discussed with the prince about tomorrow’s festival. Xuanyuan Zhaoshen was very satisfied with the son, and this time Xuanyuan Hancheng offered to let other princes attend the festival. Xuanyuan Hancheng said that the younger brothers are big, and they can also be involved in the events of the Xuanyuan Dynasty. He also hopes that his younger brothers will become the help of the Xuanyuan Empire in the future and work with him to realize the prosperity of the Xuanyuan Empire.

In the early years of battle for the throne, Xuanyuan Zhaoshen and other princes did not have brotherhood. Some of them only had mutual precautions, conspiracy, and calculations. Brothers, brothers and Christine respected Prince Edward for being able to get along well with other princes.

At this time, the voice of the **** passed from outside the account was Zhao Yong, the head of the internal service around the father, followed by a guard who came down carefully and held the tray carefully.

Zhao Yong stepped forward to greet the emperor and his prince, and the guards behind him also saluted them. Zhao Yong brought that cup of soup to the table case. “Emperor, please have supper. Yeastin tincture is prepared for you tonight.”

The guard saw that His Royal Highness was also in the emperor’s account, and his eyes jumped. Quickly bowed his head and stepped down, Xuanyuan Hancheng glanced at him. Feeling familiar with the guard, he stopped him and asked, “What’s your name?”

The guard apparently did not expect His Royal Highness to question him, and was a little panicked for a while.

Seeing his delay in returning to His Royal Highness, Zhao Yong quickly replied to His Royal Highness, “His Royal Highness Prince, this is the imperial guard Wu Zhijie. Because of this time out of the sacrifice, he was transferred from the army. He has been at Xuanwumen before. On duty. “He knew the details of the Imperial Guard next to the emperor. There are many princes on this trip. In order to protect the princes’ thoughtfulness, they have taken some from the embargo.

“Wu Zhijie ?! How old are you this year, and you look very young.” Xuanyuan Hancheng remembered this person’s message in his heart.

“Back to His Royal Highness, the slaves will be twenty-three this year.” Wu Zhijie did not dare to see His Royal Highness. He was very guilty and wanted to leave at this time.

Xuanyuan Hancheng finally remembered who Wu Zhijie was. Looking at the erratic look of Wu Zhijie, Xuan Yuanhan accepted the alarm bell in his heart.

Xuanyuan Hancheng suddenly picked up the hot soup on the table and handed it to Wu Zhijie. “Drink it.”

Wu Zhijie saw Tang Yan in front of him, and suddenly stepped back and knelt down. “Slave … Slave … Dare to …”

Xuanyuan Hancheng looked at him and knew that there was something wrong with this soup. He looked at him with a smile, “Lonely reward you, drink!”

Wu Zhijie knelt on the ground, his face already sweating nervously. “Minion … Minion … Damn …”

When Xuanyuan Zhaoshen had forced Wu Zhijie to drink soup soup, he realized that there was something wrong with soup soup. Zhao Yong was instructed to come to Chen Taiyi, who was following him on this trip, and ordered someone to take care of Wu Zhijie quietly.

“How did you find Chenger?” Xuanyuan Zhaoshen didn’t find any problems with Wu Zhijie from beginning to end.

“The son-in-law learned that Wu Zhijie was born in Xue Gui’s outer room. This was a casual inquiry. I didn’t expect him to be so panic.” This is what Xuanyuan Hancheng knew from previous lives. After the Xue family fell, Wu Zhijie passed by. The report was Xue Gui’s bastard. At that time Wu Zhijie had served in the embargo for many years, and by his own efforts, he had never participated in the Xue family. Xuanyuan Hancheng did not dispose of him, but merely downgraded him to the army. I don’t want Wu Zhijie to have such a change …

It turned out that Xue Gui’s sister-in-law was gone, and he remembered that he still had a more prosperous outside room. Wu Zhijie’s mother-in-law was the Qingguan Qingguan, and was placed outside by Xue Guiran when she was young. Of course, the Xue family cannot accept a child of a prostitute, especially the eldest son of Xue Gui. Without avoiding unnecessary troubles, Xue Gui kept hiding.

Wu Zhijie himself was also furious. After his mother’s death, he relied on his own efforts to enter the embargo. This time the great event of the calendar, Xue Gui thought of Wu Zhijie, he was the best candidate. For this reason, he promised like Wu Zhijie, as long as things made him return to Xue’s house. And recorded him in the name of Zhao as a sister-in-law. In this life, Wu Zhijie finally agreed not to resist the temptation of Xue’s sister-in-law.

Chen Taiyi came to inspect Tang Yan, “Hui Yi, His Royal Highness, this soup soup contains a kind of colorless and odorless sweat medicine. If you drink this soup soup, I am afraid to sleep for three days and three nights …

Xuanyuan Zhaoshen immediately instructed Zhao Yong: “You go and see, do you want to take it elsewhere this night? Go and stop …”

“No.” Zhao Yong ran out quickly, and his body was cold and sweaty. He checked it with a silver needle and found no problem. This Wu Zhijie is really abominable. No wonder he keeps pestering him and making him want to show his face in front of the emperor. It turned out to be bad intentions.

Zhao Yong ran out shortly and came back panting. “Emperor Qiyu, His Royal Highness and the other four princes took them to the night again. Except for the second prince who had not yet fisted the punch, the other three princes had drank the soup, and they were now lethargic.”

Xuanyuan Zhao asked Chen Taiyi, “Is there an antidote to this sweat medicine?”

Taiyi Chen replied, “Return to the emperor. This sweat medicine should be obtained from rivers and lakes. Please allow the minister to go back and check how many medicines are used in this sweat medicine, and then mix it.”

Xuanyuan Zhaoshen nodded, “Hurry up …”

“Noah.” Taiyi stepped back.

At this time, only Xuanyuan Zhaoshen and Xuanyuan Hancheng father and son were left in the account. Xuanyuan Hancheng looked at the father and the emperor. “The father emperor is probably the action of Li Wang and Xue family.

In the early morning of the next day, smoky smoke emerged from the camp.

Chen Shi’s civil and military officials came to the sacrifice site early to wait. It was a long time before the emperor came to see her, and her Royal Highness and the other princes did not see it.

Officials are also muttering in their hearts, this is about to pass …

Xue Gui blossomed in his heart, and he had received a signal from his son. Last night’s action was fool-proof, this time he also fought this old life and decided to do such a big thing.

Xue Gui looked at the officials standing in front of him, secretly proud of himself. In the future, he would stand at the front …

Xue Gui’s position is in the middle, not as much as Xue Rong’s. Xue Gui looked at his older brother Xue Rong, who was envious and jealous of his brother Xue Rong. His brother Xue Rong was the leader of the Xue family. What about Xue Gui? When speaking to outsiders, he would say that this is Brother Xue Rong.

The reason why he cooperated with King Li, Xue Gui also thought that he could one day surpass his brother. Mentioning the Xue family can also think of him first. So this time he wanted to do something big …

“His Royal Highness Li arrived …” Li Wang Xuanyuan Zhaohong walked slowly under the guard of a group of guards.

“His Royal Highness Li …” The courtiers looked at His Royal Highness with surprise. This King Li should have been in the city again and again, and the Fang Wang Wuyi is not allowed to enter Beijing. His Highness Li is now …

Some old ministers felt bad when they saw His Royal Highness coming, but they did not see His Royal Highness and His Royal Highness.

“The emperor and the prince embraced each other, and this sacrifice of the heaven was presided over by the king.” Li Wang looked at the ministers who were discussing the following, and said loudly.

The Prime Minister thanked Changqing for asking Wang Li, “The sacrifice of heaven is a big event, and the emperor will not be absent for no reason, Li Wang may have the emperor’s hand to sacrifice.”

Xie Changqing is the head of the civil service. He is a young man who has gone through two dynasties. He refuses to believe what King Li said. After the prime minister said, the ministers below agreed.

“The emperor’s ill mind is unclear, so he can’t give a hand sacrifice. The sacrifice of the celestial celestial priest is approaching, and it must not be delayed.” Li Wang ignored the words of Xie Changqing and insisted on supporting the ritual of celestial celebratory celestial ritual.

“Except for the Emperor’s presidency, only Chu Jun can preside. I am afraid you do not have this qualification.” Xie Changqing still persisted.

“My king is also the emperor’s sister-in-law, why can’t he worship the sky. I wouldn’t say nonsense, the sacrifices can begin.” Li Wang said arrogantly. Emperor Xuanyuan Zhaoshen and Prince Xuanyuan Hancheng have both been lost. It is of course fair for him to sacrifice the heaven, and he has been waiting for a long time. As early as the emperor was alive, he took him to worship the heaven, and he vowed in his heart that he would also stand in the position of the father emperor in the future. What does Xuanyuan Zhaoshen have, it’s just a throne that got lucky. The first emperor obviously wanted him to inherit the throne.

Xuanyuan Zhaohong became more and more unwilling, and today he had to sacrifice the sky. This is why he hurried to the altar, instead of checking out the unconscious Crown Prince and others first.

When his sacrifice was over, he would clean them up. If it hadn’t been for direct poisoning, he would have been checked out. He really wanted to directly poison them once and for all. But not in a hurry, he also wanted to enjoy the torture of them, waiting for Xuanyuan Zhaoshen to step down from his abdication edict, and after he rightfully ascended the throne, there were some means to kill them.

Xuanyuan Zhaohong knew the Prince Xuanyuan Hancheng, and he and his concubine jointly killed his son-in-law like this, and according to Xuanyuan Hancheng’s personality, he knew his end. Thinking about the barbaric who was destroyed, Xuanyuan Zhaohong had to preempt it, but he did not expect such a smooth success … God is helping him!

King Li saw that the ministers did not cooperate with raising eyebrows, and the guards went up to surround the ministers.

“King Li, you are going to rebel!” Xie Changqing yelled loudly.

Xue Rong looked at all this, and frowned, without saying a word, King Li was too reckless this time …

At this time Xue Gui ran forward, “I’ll wait for His Royal Highness to preside over the Heaven Ceremony.” Xue Gui looked at the silent Xue Rong and said, “Brother, you still don’t support His Royal Highness with me …”

Xue Rong looked at his excited brother and sighed in his heart. This is the end of the matter, there is no other way, their Xue family can only go black.

Wang Li watched with satisfaction the ministers of Xue family and Xue family. They started on the sacrifice stage.

At this moment a anger came from the distance: “Li Wang, how dare you!”

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