Didn’t Love You Enough

Chapter 5 - Into the palace

Out of Pei County, watching the distance from home, whispered in the carriage.

The group spent more than a day at the post in Xuzhou, the provincial capital. Several other counties have come to gather here.

After waiting for a day, the assembly was finally completed. A total of ten horse-drawn carriages set off from Guancha towards Beijing.

It used to be a spacious carriage with 10 people, but now it is crowded with 20 people.

Each car was followed by a steward in charge. Lin Jiabao, the public servant of their car, was named Zhao. He was 35 years old, not tall, and very lean. His expression was very serious, and he was very harsh on them. Everyone was afraid of him.

Along the way, everyone also became familiar. Especially people who come out of one place mostly form small groups. Lin Jiabao was the only one who came out of Peixian County, and was faintly excluded. Lin Jiabao did not take the initiative to step forward and obediently obey the arrangements of the father-in-law. Zhao Gonggong saw his duty, and he was kind to him.

After walking on the road for nearly half a month, they finally arrived at the post on the outskirts of Beijing.

The station is very large, and there are already many carriages in the stable. Here gather people from all over the country.

“Get out of the car and bring your stuff. Don’t talk, don’t look around, all follow me.” Zhaogong said.

Everyone got off the carriage, didn’t rush to talk, followed his head down, and Gong Zhao took them to a Datongpu house to settle down. There are a few pots of water in the room and let them clean their hands.

Then they took them to dinner, and each person gave them a bowl of polenta and a rough noodle. Although rudimentary, it’s a lot better than the dry grain bread along the way. I was hungry all day, and everyone ate everything.

Gong Zhao asked them to go to the toilet again, and then took them back to Datongpu and locked the door.

After entering the house, everyone rushed to get a good shop first, and those in the same village helped each other to occupy a favorable position. Lin Jiabao was young and had little strength. I was squeezed to the door.

Lin Jiabao didn’t want to rob them either, holding his small bag, and slept on the outermost position of the bed.

“Hey, go to bed. Don’t lean on me!” The girl sleeping next to Lin Jiabao fiercely.

This girl also came from Lin Jiacun, and was very angry at Lin Jia Bao. It looked like he was dirty.

Lin Jiabao did not speak, but moved his body to the door.

After a day of exhaustion, Lin Jiabao soon went to sleep.

On the second day, the father-in-law called them all after dawn. After breakfast, everyone got on the carriage again.

The carriage entered the capital and stopped at the imperial city. Everyone got off the carriage was shocked by this towering city wall.

Lin Jiabao looked at the vermilion city wall, it was very high, and the wall was endless. In the light of the morning light, the palace with red walls and yellow tiles is especially solemn. Today is the day when the palace people enter the palace, Xuanwumen opened early.

First they were taken to the Fifth Institute and accepted the first round of screening.

The first round of screening is very simple, mainly to see if the appearance is neat, the tongue is clear, if there is any disability, odor, etc. on the body.

Although the process was simple, nearly a thousand people entered the palace this time, waiting a long time.

Lin Jiabao was assigned to a team that was both children and passed the first round of screening very smoothly. After the screening of the people in the team, it is already noon.

Then a group of them were taken for lunch, and it was better to eat in the palace. One person has a bowl of vegetable porridge, and white buns are full. The congee is not only vegetables, but also some meat. All of them have only dried food along the way, haven’t touched the fish for a long time, and have swallowed with the smell.

Lin Jiabao drank the porridge, which was delicious and delicious, but he didn’t feel like speeding up his swallowing.

“It’s a white noodle bun, it’s so delicious! I have never eaten such a delicious bun.” A pair of children bit the bun with a big mouth.

“Yeah, it’s delicious, it’s delicious.” A few twins on the side echoed in unison.

“Cut! Just a few white buns.” A delicate-looking pair of children said scornfully.

Lin Jiabao also looked at the white steamed buns. The Bai steamed buns ate very little, because there were many people in the family, and they usually ate with corn noodles.

Lin Jiabao took a bite of the bun and chewed slowly, with a slight sweetness, which was really delicious.

Everyone had a lot of lunch today. Lin Jiabao ate two steamed buns and a bowl of porridge. Lin Jiabao felt his own belly, which was the fullest meal in nearly half a month.

In the afternoon, the governor-in-law came to lead them, took them to a large bathhouse, and let them wash themselves.

Then, they need to go into each room one by one, and let the two old ladies look at them naked.

Lin Jiabao stood stiffly and turned around in accordance with Lao’s request. Go to another small bed and lie down, and let my uncle examine his lower body.

One of them looked at him well, and touched him. “This skin is so slippery.”

Lin Jiabao’s face turned red with shame, and he didn’t dare to move or talk.

After the inspection, the old lady asked him to get up. I dipped the gong cinnabar in a porcelain bowl on the table with a writing brush and headed towards the inside of Lin Jiabao’s arm.

After that, they did not embarrass him and let Lin Jiabao get dressed and go out.

Lin Jiabao came out of the house and came to a large yard. The previously checked people were already aside, Lin Jiabao stepped forward and stood with them.

Lin Jiabao stared at the bright red dots on his arm.

Suddenly there was a loud noise from the other side of the courtyard. From another room, a girl was dragged out, “Oh, my life! O, my life!” The girl cried.

Several sturdy eunuchs held the **** the ground, raised a long and thick wooden stick and hit the girl.

“When the palace is somewhere, dirty and smelly people can come in. Whoever dares to come here to commit adultery is a dead character.” An old woman said loudly in front of a person in the courtyard.

The girl’s cry cried from loud to loud, and it was no longer audible, leaving only the sound of a stick hitting the meat.

Blood splattered along the stick, and the girl’s lower body was already blurred.

People around were scared to death, and they dared not speak. A few timids are almost syncope.

Lin Jiabao didn’t dare to look at it again, and his face turned pale.

After a while, the girl was confirmed to be out of breath, and was towed away, leaving a large pool of blood on the ground.

This is the first time Lin Jiabao has seen the dead, and it is the first time he has understood the cruelty in the palace. Secretly tell yourself, don’t make mistakes, the family is waiting for him, and go out of the house.

By the time all of their teams are checked, it’s time for dinner again.

A group of people went to dinner again. Dinner and lunch were the same as minced meat porridge and steamed buns.

After going through the afternoon, everyone looked bad.

When Lin Jiabao thought of the scene he saw in the afternoon, he was a little nauseated. Barely drank a bowl of porridge and ate a bun.

At this time, the governor-in-law accompanied a cricket in a dark gray palace suit. Everyone saw that they put down their bowls and stood up.

“This one is Xi Xi, in the next month, you should study Xi Gong’s palace rules well.” Guan Shigong introduced.

“I’m Xi Yan, you thirty of the twin children’s court attendants will be under my control for the next month. From tomorrow, you will all learn the rules and etiquette in the palace with me. Now I will give you Send the palace service, you can’t wear your own clothes when you enter the palace. Now you first change it, then take your own things and come here to gather. I will take you to the place where you live. “


Yuan Fu finds His Royal Highness strange these days, especially today.

After the end of His Royal Highness, His Royal Highness did not deal with government affairs, but instead sat in the study room for a long time. The expression looked so … pleasant, so … excited.

It was even stranger in the afternoon. His Royal Highness did not go to Beidaying, but took him around in the palace.

And the more he went, the more he chose to walk on the remote side of the palace.

It was gradually darkening. “His Royal Highness, where are you going?” If you go on, you will be in the fifth house.

At this moment, a group of people in the distant blue robes came to this side. Xuanyuan Hancheng saw the color of the robes and was very happy.

Xuanyuan Hancheng stepped forward quickly, Yuanfu quickly followed.

Xi Yan walked on the palace path with a team of palace servants, and saw two men in the distance.

The head-headed man was wearing a lavender purple uniform with gold placket on the placket. Behind him was an **** who followed and took a closer look. Isn’t this the Yuanfu of Prince Edward’s Palace?

The headed one is …, “See His Royal Highness!” Xi Yan stepped forward and bowed to his knees.

As Xi Xi knelt down, Lin Jiabao and others behind him also hurried to kneel.

“Are you …? Where are you going?” Xuanyuan Han asked Xi Yun, but his eyes searched for something behind her.

Soon Xuanyuan Hancheng found the person he was thinking about. Lin Jiabao, wearing a peasant blue palace, knelt there, Xuanyuan Han clenched his fists and restrained himself from stepping forward.

Lin Jiabao was only 12 years old, and his face was still childish. Wearing a large palace service, people look extraordinarily petite. The baby’s complexion was not good. He lowered his head and saw the two dimples faintly. It was really cute!

“Returning to His Royal Highness, the old slave was the sibling of the Fifth Palace. This is the day when the people in the new palace entered the palace. Behind me is the court attendant this time. There are more people entering the palace this time. The old slaves were preparing to take them to Xilidian to settle. “

“Let’s get up.” Xuanyuan Hancheng fixed his eyes on Lin Jiabao, “take them to settle down soon.”


Xuan Yuanhan Cheng reluctantly glanced again and left quickly. If he didn’t leave again, he was afraid he would really hug Lin Jiabao excitedly. He didn’t want to scare him yet.

“Xili Palace …” Xuanyuan Hancheng whispered happily.

Yuanfu was very puzzled by His Royal Highness His Royal Highness His Royal Highness’ eyes had been staring at the group of court servants. Who did he see?

Yuan Fu thought about it and shook his head. He didn’t see any beautiful one just now. And these court attendants are very young and haven’t grown up yet. He must have thought more.

Lin Jiabao and their court servants followed Xi Yan to memorize palace rules every morning, and in the afternoon they learned behaviors and manners.

Almost all people who come to the palace are illiterate. They can only memorize the rules of those palaces. They also need to write down the road in the palace and go to some palaces, such as the Shangyi Bureau and Yushanfang. living. In addition, they also need to know what is prohibited and some taboos.

These are not difficult for Lin Jiabao. The elder brother taught him some words, and he can remember them with his heart. Carry it faster than others.

Etiquette and behavior are more difficult for them. Walk with bowed head, eyes, chest, and silent. How to worship and worship is particular.

When speaking, speak clearly and concisely. The sound should be soft and not loud, and the speed of speech should be stable, unhappy or slow.

Also learn to make tea, practice tea delivery and water delivery. Hands and feet must be slick, but they must also be light. The cups and bowls placed on the plate must not make a sound, and the tea cannot be spilled.

Lin Jiabao learned very carefully and practiced hundreds of times a day.

After nearly a month of time, Yuanfu must surely have noticed which of the palace servants in Xili Palace.

His Royal Highness went to Xili Palace almost every day, sneaked into the courtyard, and peeked out from the window. Every time Yuan Fu followed, he was intimidated.

His Royal Highness even climbed to the tree in the courtyard of Xili Palace and looked at the court attendant in the courtyard.

Whoops! Your Royal Highness, what are you trying to do! If this is seen by the patrol guards in the palace, what a good thing! Too shameful! Yuanfu is going crazy.

He has been with the Prince for so long that he never knew that His Royal Highness had such a hobby. I like Shuanger or are so young!

Yuanfu is really curious, what kind of twins he is, and his Royal Highness is so hooked.

That day in the inner study, Xuanyuan Hancheng called Yuanfu to his side, and retired all the servants. “I think you also guessed that there is your future master in Xili Palace. I will tell you one thing now, it must be done well. How is your friendship with Lin Ying in the royal palace in my mother’s harem?”

Xuanyuan Hancheng decided to put Jiabao in his mother’s harem after thinking about it. He was not assured that his palace had not been cleaned up.

Yudianfang is a small kitchen in the mother’s harem specializing in refreshments and snacks. There is not much work to do on weekdays, and it is not very hard. There are not many people in Yudianfang, and there are few disputes.

He knew that he was the dowry of his mother-in-law. He was a child at home and had an in-laws with his mother’s heirs. Lin Yi is so skillful that he is a little faced in front of his mother.

In addition, Lin Zhi has a good temper, and will not easily scold and scold the people below. Put his baby there first, and he can rest assured.

“This … friendship is still good.” Yuanfu considered carefully, his popularity in the palace is still quite good.

Xuanyuan Hancheng nodded. “Lin Lin chose to take care of her in the Imperial Villa. He was named Lin Jiabao, and he was Anzhu in the palace. He was 12 years old and was from Peixian. He had big eyes. , There are two dimples on your face. If you go to the small warehouse, this time, if it is not done, you will not have to follow me next. “

“No. The slaves will be done.” Yuan Fu looked at His Royal Highness with a serious expression, and quickly returned.

Yuanfu got the Prince’s order and went to the Empress’s Yongshou Palace.

When Lin Fu came to the Royal Point Room, Lin Ying was making snacks with several palace ladies. Seeing Yuan Fu coming, let go of the work in his hand and greet him. “Grandfather Yuanfu, what are you doing at this time, but what does His Royal Highness have to say?”

“So what, Your Royal Highness was here with the Queen Mother last time, and I ate the kidney bean cake made by your Royal Palace. I liked it very much. The chef who went back to the East Palace also made it, and His Royal Highness said that it tastes different. I will come here.

“Then I will do it, Father Yuanfu, please wait a moment.” Lin Ye heard that His Royal Highness liked to eat her snacks and was very happy.

“Well, don’t be busy, let the hands go down. I’m not in a hurry … Hehe …” Yuanfu quickly grabbed Lin Huan.

Lin Ye looked at Yuanfu’s look and knew he had something to say. I ordered the palace ladies around them to make pastries, pulled Yuanfu out of the kitchen, and came to the houses in the back row.

Lin Ying brought Yuanfu to his room. As a steward of the Imperial Palace, Lin Biao has a large room with two inside and outside.

Lin Huan took him to the outside and sat down. “What’s the matter with Father Yuanfu?”

“Lin Ling, we are also old friends. I don’t hide it, I really have something to ask you this time.” Yuan Fu said to Lin Ying. Now, I have a distant relative among them. I think Lin Ye is kind and friendly, and his workmanship is so good. I wish I could do things under your hands. “

“It’s not that difficult, either.” Lin Ye thought it was a bad thing. There weren’t many people on her side, and it wasn’t a problem to have one more person.

“Then I promised you! Haha, Lin Ling, you can help me a lot this time.” Yuan Fu excitedly told Lin Jiabao about the situation of Lin Jiabao.

“My relatives are very clever and sensible, and I’m going to bother Lin Ying more to take care of it later.” Yuanfu said, and found a brocade box from his chest and handed it to Lin Ying. “I heard that your birthday will be next month. It’s a little bit small. Don’t let it go.”

“Oh, father-in-law, you are really kind. Rest assured, you will take good care of it.” Lin Yan accepted it with a smile.

The two talked for a while, and Lin Ying and Yuan Fu returned to the kitchen.

“Lin Ye, kidney bean cake has been prepared, please take a look.” Lin Ye’s oldest jade frost was carrying the cake to the elder for inspection.

Lin Tong looked at the shape and took a taste. Nodded, “Good job.” Give Yuanfu a few more.

“That’s the taste. It’s so delicious. Lin Yi teaches well. It’s a blessing to do things under your hands.” Yuanfu praised vigorously.

Lin Ye is also very proud. Yu Shuang is her capable assistant, and she has learned her skills seven or eight points.

After that, Yuanfu packed the snacks in a food box and went back to pay.

As soon as Yuanfu left, the other two court ladies also gathered around. “Yi is so powerful, even His Royal Highness remembers the cakes in our royal room!” Said the youngest and most lively Yu Ling.

“Yeah! We are so blessed to follow Lin Yixue to make dim sum.” The older Yu Yu also patted his way.

Lin Ye was naturally happy when he heard it. “Well, your mouth is the sweetest. Go and do something.”

Lin Ye returned to his room at night and opened the brocade box. A jade card was placed inside, and the jade head was very transparent. The words Qingsong and Shou are carved on it, which is very delicate. Lin Ye put the jade card in his hand and played it with love.

Below the Jade Card was a stack of square silver tickets, Lin Yun thought that this Yuanfu was really thoughtful.

Unfolding the silver ticket and looking at Lin Bo’s staring boss. The denomination of the silver ticket was 12,000 silver, which really frightened her.

So much silver!

Lin Ying thinks that this to take care of is not as simple as Yuanfu’s distant relatives … thinking of Yuanfu’s behind … oh! This should all be done, and it can only be done.

Lin Yan carefully collected the silver ticket and stopped early. She was planning to go to Xili Palace early in the morning to lead people, but she didn’t dare to delay.

Inside the house where Lin Jiabao lived in Xili Palace, everyone would be discussing where they would be assigned tomorrow.

“If I want to say it, we’ll still be in the favored noble maiden’s palace, and our lives will be better.” A pair of children said.

“How can there be such a good thing? I heard that many palaces don’t want Shuanger Gongsi. And the emperor loves the queen maiden most, then Yongshou Palace is not good.” Another Shuanger retorted him.

“Yes, I’ve inquired with my grandfather. The places we go to most are Shanggong Bureau, Shanglin Bureau and Yushanfang.”

“I wish I could do things in His Royal Highness, His Royal Highness.” A long, delicate pair said, “I glanced at it that time, His Royal Highness was handsome, and his voice was very gentle.”

“His Royal Highness …” A pair of mysterious children lowered mysteriously, “I listened to Xi Yan chatting with a few fathers-in-law, and said that a palace lady accidentally bumped into His Royal Highness and was immediately stabbed by a staff. “

“Really, it’s terrible.” Everyone didn’t realize what they saw on the first day of entering the palace. “It’s terrible …”

“If you want me to say it, it’s better to go to the royal dining room. There are a lot of delicious things.” Yishuang said.

“Haha, you know how to eat …” Everyone laughed, and worries and fears about tomorrow have also dissipated.

Lin Jiabao thought silently before going to bed, hoping that God bless him, but don’t assign him to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince. 2k novel reading network

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