Didn’t Love You Enough

Chapter 55 - Closed

One afternoon in May of the next year, Dundun was outside the Yongbao Hall, anxiously calling for Dad.

“Dundiaobei, your father is giving you brothers and sisters in it.” The queen mother comforted the grandson, and she was also anxious. Jiabao was premature this time, and she was also worried. But Taiyi also said that Huang Guijun is pregnant with twins, and premature birth is normal.

“My father went to accompany my father, and I have to go to accompany my father and brother to my sister.” Dundun also wanted to go to the temple and was stopped by Chen Yan.

“Your father is going to help your father, but Dundun must be good!” Said the queen mother holding Dundun to coax him.

After waiting for a long time, the baby finally cried. Soon after, the midwife led the two grandmothers out of each other.

“Congratulations to the queen mother, congratulations to the queen mother! The Emperor Guigui gave birth to a pair of little princes. The two little princes are so handsome, look at the queen mother!”

“Okay! Good! Haha! Come and see, you have two younger brothers, and you will be the elder brother in the future!” The queen mother laughed with flowers on her face, and she had two grandchildren all at once!

“How about Huang Guijun?” Then the queen mother asked Jiabao’s condition with concern again.

“Returning to the queen mother, Huang Guijun is all well, but there is some relief, the emperor is standing by Huang Guijun, so that the old slave first came to confess to the queen mother,” she can see today how much she loves the emperor Guijun, the emperor actually accompanied him throughout the production. This is also unique in the homes of large families, not to mention this is the emperor of all things!

“Okay, you did a great job today. Go down and get the reward.”

“Noah, Mother Queen Xie!”

“Brother? Sister? Sister?” Dundun heard that there was only the younger brother and no younger sister.

Over the past few months, everyone has hoped that Huang Guijun will give birth to the dragon and phoenix. Therefore, he often thought of his brother and sister in front of him. For a long time, he remembered it. “I want my sister, I want my sister!”

“The younger brother is also very good. In the future, Dundun can play with his brothers and teach them to read and write. As for the sister, there will be later!” The queen mother smiled and soothed Dundun.

“What about a good sister?” Dundun was still upset, muttering a small mouth. “Father must have helped me! This is what Tie Xie taught. It’s not enough to fail or lose more!” Dundun was a young boy, and he said something ridiculous, and the queen mother laughed loudly.

Dundun is almost three years old and very smart. Xuanyuan Han accepted the elder sister-in-law Xie Changqing to enlighten the great prince. Xuanyuan Hancheng has revealed to Xie Changqing what it means to make the great prince Zhu Chu. Xie Changqing also taught the great prince very carefully. But sometimes strange problems often make Xie Changqing cried.

Lin Jiabao woke up leisurely, and saw Xuanyuan Hancheng lying on his bed watching him affectionately, staring at each other. Lin Jiabao called with a soft waxy voice: “Xiangong …”

“Guobao, how are you feeling, are you better?” Xuanyuan Hancheng asked softly.

“I feel much better. I’m just a bit hungry.” Lin Jiabao produced a lot of practical power today, and now he feels that his stomach is empty.

Xuanyuan Hancheng immediately instructed Shu Qin to bring the prepared food and feed him to Baobao.

The grandmother hugged the two little princes who were full of milk. The twins looked very similar. The only difference is that my brother has a small mole on the left earlobe, and my brother has a small mole on the right earlobe.

Lin Jiabao hugged his brother and hugged his younger brother. “Sangong, the nicknames of the two babies, let’s call them Xiaozuo and Xiaoyou. It’s easy to remember and recognize.”

“That’s right, just call this.” He had always had no opinion on the nickname taken by Guabao. As for the nickname, he would have to consider a few days and announce it at the full moon.

“What’s wrong with Dundun, don’t cry.” Lin Jiabao missed his eldest son again. Then he would be confinement, and he would not be able to be with his son for a long time.

“Dundun is very good, right after the mother. It’s still noisy for her sister.” Xuanyuan Hancheng remembered the eldest son saying that he had helped him, it was really angry and funny. Although he is also looking forward to the Longfeng tire, the twins are also very good. Now that he has three sons, he is very satisfied.

Every time Xuanyuan Hancheng accompanied the production of Baobao, every time he watched Baobao walked from the gate of the gate, he was trembling. He also didn’t want Goodbaby to produce too often, which was bad for his body. The child’s business, let it be.

This time Lin Jiabao still had a full moon before he was born. The two full moon banquets of the second and third princes were also solemnly held.

Above the banquet, everyone saw two little princes. At this point, the two children’s eyebrows had grown a little longer and looked more similar. No twins have ever been born in the Xuanyuan royal family. The fateful women felt strangely tight when they saw each other, and congratulations to Huang Guijun.

Xuanyuan Han assumed the names of the second and third princes, namely Xuanyuan Ruiqi and Xuanyuan Ruilin.

Dundun no longer clamored for his sister at this time, and looked around at the younger brothers’ cribs, looking quite like a younger brother. “Brothers, grow up quickly, brother will play with you later.”

Kang’er and An’er also attended today. Since Yu Yue’s death, An Er has a more introverted personality and is quiet and does not love words. But Kang’er seemed to have grown up a lot overnight, and she changed her usual indulgence. In the West Fourth Institute, Kang Er will also take care of this lost sister. Song Ye was also relieved to see her daughter, her daughter is now the only one to rely on. The emperor is still concerned about his daughter and believes that his daughter will have a good home in the future.

After the hundred-day banquet of the second and third princes, ministers began to play on the court to invite the emperor to be the emperor’s companion.

Xuanyuan Hancheng first stayed in the country without sending, and then six officials also signed a letter inviting the queen. Xuanyuan Hancheng still made a reply. Finally, some senior officials headed by Xie Changqing also wrote in succession, saying: The harem is indispensable, and the emperor and the emperor are valuable, and everyone is expected.

Repeated this several times, Xuanyuan Hancheng finally issued three imperial edicts on the sixth day of June, the day of Lin Jiabao’s birthday.

The first imperial edict is naturally to make the emperor’s imperial edict. The second imperative is to make the prince a crown prince. The third imperative is to change the country name to Baotai.

These three imperial edicts are also the best birthday gifts that Xuanyuan Hancheng can think of.

The ministers of two of these three imperial edicts were all expected. As for the title of change of state, the emperor revealed the deep affection to the emperor Guijun. The ministers thought in their hearts that the emperor must have planned for the day of Huang Guijun’s birthday.

On the day of the good day, where the Emperor Qin Tian’s eunuchs had been set up, the grand ceremony was held. Today is the day of Xuanyuan Hancheng’s big wedding with Lin Jiabao. The entire palace is full of red silk, and the lights are colorful, and the celebration is very happy.

On this day, Xuanyuan Hancheng and Lin Jiabao got up early to bathe incense.

The royal ancestral temple was opened in the morning, and the ancestors were sacrificed. After that, a formal closing ceremony was officially held on the Royal Terrace. The ritual process was very complicated and long. Lin Jiabao had repeatedly practiced many times in advance, but he couldn’t help but stand on top of the royal platform.

Xuan Yuanhan was wearing a bright yellow dragon robe and holding a book in his hand. He personally read the sealed seal letter. After reading aloud, Lin Jiabao, dressed in a red suit, walked slowly.

The phoenix embroidered by golden silk on Lin Jiabao’s red suit and the Jiulong Panyun on Xuanyuan Hancheng’s body echo each other, interweaving the most gorgeous and hot.

Lin Jiabao knelt down in front of Xuanyuan Hancheng to take over the book with both hands. Xuanyuan Han inherited the sound that the two could hear, and said the word he wanted to say at this time—I love you.

“I love you too!” After listening to Xuanyuan Hancheng’s love words, Lin Jiabao held the book in his arms and stood beside Xuanyuan Hancheng’s side.

Xuan Yuanhan took Lin Jiabao’s hand and looked at the civil and military officials who were kneeling under Yutai. From this moment on, he finally ushered in the days when he could stand side by side with Lin Jiabao.

The author has something to say: Zhi Yan threw a mine, a fat snake threw a mine, by Xiao Mo threw a mine, this is nothing to do, threw a mine, Xi Yu threw a mine, and sorry Wu threw a mine Lei Wen regrets dancing threw a mine, fat snake, threw a mine, thank you for your support ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) / ~

The pet of rebirth is not enough. The next chapter is over. Thank you dear ones for your company and support all the way. Meow loves you!

The next chapter of the long-awaited dragon and phoenix buns that everyone has been waiting for will appear la la la = ^ _ ^ = 2k novel reading network

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