Didn’t Love You Enough

Chapter 7 - One year

In the middle of September in Yuntai for four years, the barbarians in the north went south and slaughtered a small town in the border town. The news came, and there was an uproar on the court.

The fact that Yu Shi wrote to the barbarians in violation of the contract was a provocation to the Xuanyuan dynasty and should be countered to show the power of our dynasty.

Emperor Xuanyuan Zhaoshen was crowned Prince of the Northern Dynasties for the conquest of Peking University and commanded 50,000 elite soldiers of Peking Camp. And ordered the Zhenyuanhou guarded in the north to cooperate with the army to fight the barbarians.

After the next dynasty, the emperor and the prince made a final charge in the Imperial Study Room, “Do n’t go to the north to attack immediately, you must find out the truth. The barbarians are cunning, you must be careful, you will support you there. The army of the Xuanyuan dynasty had an advantage over the second expedition, but we must not underestimate the enemy. “

“No. Children must remember.” Xuan Yuanhan replied.

“The Physician of the army has been arranged this time? You must pay attention to your own body, and don’t delay the expedition.” The emperor still cared about the prince’s body.

“Please rest assured that everything is arranged properly. Please also take good care of your father, always worrying him that it is really the filial piety of his children.” Xuanyuan Hancheng knelt down and bowed to his father.

“Well, get up. Farewell to your mother-in-law, she is also worried about you.” The emperor lifted up the prince.

“No. The son retired.”

When he was young, several figures flashed into the courtyard of Yudianfang. Xuanyuan Han took a familiar approach to Lin Jiabao’s house and opened the door gently to enter, leaving several dark guards in the courtyard.

In the room, his baby was sleeping on the bed, and moonlight poured in through the window. Looking at Lin Jiabao under the moonlight, the sleeping face was so innocent and cute. Every time I see it, the fatigue and troubles of the whole day are gone.

Lin Jiabao slept heavily, pursing his mouth and raising the corners of his mouth slightly, as if dreaming.

Xuan Yuanhan bowed his head and kissed his brows, and put a few soft kisses on his face. From the little dimple to his lips, Xuanyuan Hancheng was afraid of waking him up, and didn’t dare to go deep. He just licked the baby’s lips with his lips.

“Well …” Lin Jiabao felt the harassment on his lips, turned his head to one side, and continued his dream.

Xuanyuan Hancheng looked at Lin Jiabao’s exposed neck and looked pale against the moonlight, but it was so tempting.

Xuanyuan Han couldn’t help but bite back and forth gently on that delicate neck.

Suddenly, a small voice came from outside the door, and Xuan Yuanhan passed on Lin Jiabao to cover the quilt and walked out gently.

“Lin Ye, it’s you …” Xuanyuan Han Cheng looked at Lin Jiabao’s door and motioned to Lin Ye to follow him to the yard.

“His Royal Highness, An Zhu, he is still young, he has just turned 13 years old, you …” Lin Ying came back from the night and saw the door of Lin Jiabao next door opened slightly, and she saw the High Crown Prince kissing An Zhu A scene.

This is not the first time that I have seen His Royal Highness in the courtyard at night. She was shocked from the beginning, and now she is accustomed to it.

Lin Ye knew that His Royal Highness had a different mind for Lin Anzhu, although he did not know why he was so interested in such a little twin. But after getting along with Lin Anzhu in the past six months, she also loved this hardworking and well-behaved child. So I can’t help mentioning it.

“Lin Ye, I am about to go tomorrow, and I hope you will take good care of Anzhu.” Xuanyuan Han Cheng heard that Lin Ye’s maintenance of Lin Jiabao was satisfied.

“Noah. Please be assured, Your Royal Highness, there will be no mistakes,” Lin Yan promised.

On the second day, Xuanyuan Hancheng rode his mount and left the imperial city with his fifty thousand troops under the testimony of Manwu from the Manchu Dynasty.

When the army left the capital, Xuanyuan Hancheng took a deep look in the direction of the palace.

There are his family, his baby, and his responsibilities. In this battle, you can only win, you must not lose!

During the five years and May of Yuntai, the battle of the Xuanyuan Empire against the northern barbarians achieved the ultimate victory. Xuanyuan Hancheng sat in the big tent of the barbarian king city, his heart filled with emotion.

Over the past nine months, he has experienced the baptism of war, and his character has become more introverted, making it impossible to guess his thoughts.

This expedition was not smooth at the beginning. When Xuanyuan Hancheng took his army to the border town, it had already entered winter.

The northern climate was extremely cold, and soldiers from Beijing could not adapt and fell ill. Fortunately, there were enough herbs in the army to prevent injuries.

The barbarians knew that the troops of the Xuanyuan Empire were coming, and that the strength of the two sides was very different. The barbarians did not dare to confront them directly, often ambushing on their march or raiding at night. Although all were broken, they also caused a lot of casualties, which caused headaches to the soldiers.

The battle continued for a long time until the spring. Xuanyuan Han tried to seduce some of the enemy’s main forces and siege and ambush them, making the barbarians’ vitality greatly injured.

Xuan Yuanhan succeeded in the pursuit, and after several battles he hit the royal city of the barbarians.

Due to his embarrassment, he stayed in the rear, and the supplies of grain and grass kept up. After two more wars, Xuanyuan Hancheng’s army successfully broke through the barbarian king city.

“His Royal Highness, Zheng Yuanhou asked to see.” The guard outside the account came in and reported.

“Please, Zheng Yuanhou, come in.” Xuanyuan Han’s voice just fell, watching a middle-aged man with a strong body in armor come in.

“His Royal Highness, you have just given the order to destroy the barbarians … this … whether you have to consider it, and wait for the reply from the emperor.” Zheng Yuanhou Houzhen is the emperor’s uncle’s elder brother. Admiration is also admired for his brilliant ability to make decisions. But disagreements arose over the issue of dealing with prisoners of war.

“No, I’ve already been on the father’s side.” Xuanyuan Hancheng understood Zheng Yuanhou’s idea. After all, in this life, the father and the emperor’s brother did not die because of the barbarians. It seemed too brutal to destroy the barbarians. Already.

“But, His Royal Highness, this is not good for your reputation! All men, women, children, and young people in this barbaric group will be executed … or their royal family will be destroyed, and the rest will be slaves.”

“Don’t persuade me, I’ve decided. The barbarians have always been a cunning and stubborn nation. If they don’t cut the grass and root out, they are slaves. They are not our own, and their hearts will be different. It must be! If it comes to cruelty, what they have Tu Zhicun, which has no old people, women and children. This time, the best decision is to remove the hidden dangers in the future and to deter other small tribes. I don’t care about reputation or anything .I think Father Emperor will agree with me. “Xuanyuan Hancheng said.

“I have no choice but to do so.” Zheng Yuanhou also knew that the Prince’s analysis was correct, hey! But in this way, the Prince was afraid that he would carry his cruel and inhumane reputation.

In May and May of five years, the prince ordered Tucheng King City to be executed regardless of age, sex, or gender. The whole city was so full of blood that more than 20,000 people were hanged and cleaned. There are no more barbarians in the world.

When the emperor received the news, Xuanyuan Hancheng had led the army on the way back.

His Royal Highness caused a wave of rendering of the barbarians in the DPRK.

The royal lords wrote in succession, saying that His Royal Highness His Crown Prince was too cruel and undermined the benevolence of the Xuanyuan Dynasty.

What’s more, it is said that His Royal Highness Prince Gonggao overtook the Lord, and making this order without the permission of the emperor was a contempt for the emperor and should be severely punished.

These were all suppressed by the emperor, oh! Thinking that the prince is only 19 years old, in the end he is young and full of vigor, and will not consider it from a long-term perspective. The method of treatment this time is simple and crude, and the effect is too much.

Under the pressure of the imperial court, the emperor reluctantly canceled the ceremony of leaving the city to welcome him. After the prince returned to the palace, he was allowed to think for half a month, avoiding his court meeting as a warning.

In the Imperial Study Room, Emperor Xuanyuan Zhaoshen was training his prince.

“This half a month, you should take a good rest. You are not allowed to do this next time, you are the future prince. A crown prince with a cruel name, how do the courtiers think of you? Alas! You are still young, Go back and think about it. You have to pay attention to a lot of things, and you can’t get past it. “The emperor always thought that the second son was more impulsive, but he didn’t expect the same was true of the eldest son. Ugh! No hurry, he is still tough and can teach for a few more years. The prince is doing a good job now.

“Noah, my son understands.”

Over the next period, news about His Royal Highness His Royal Highness spread throughout the Xuanyuan Empire. The content of the message became more and more intense with the dissemination of interested people.

What Prince His Royal Highness ordered to buried 100,000 prisoners of war alive, His Royal Highness likes to kill children, and even said that His Royal Highness likes to eat human flesh and so on.

The people themselves have a poor ability to discern true and false news, and they tend to listen and believe. I am more enthusiastic about the royal affairs, the more curious I am to let the spread.

In Yongshou Palace, the queen had just asked Zhou Yan to dispose of several eunuchs who spread rumors, and she was sulking.

“Don’t be angry after your mother, you won’t be worthy of being angry.” Xuanyuan Hancheng comforted. “This time the incident is not so serious. This is because the Xue family is helping the flames, so it is so.”

“It’s the Xue family again, but your father said, they can’t jump around for a long time.” The queen thought that she was sick and in bed, and she was very sick.

“The son-in-law would also like to thank the mother, this time the expedition is out, and my palace has been dealt with cleanly. The hard mother has given you more trouble.”

Xuanyuan Hancheng did not bring Yuanfu with him this time, but left him in the palace to cooperate with his mother to clean up his prince’s east palace.

While he was not in the palace this time, many nails relaxed their vigilance. Now these people have been cleaned up, and the people around the princess have also been secretly taken away, and they have disappeared after trying out their method of contacting Li Wang. The Li Wei who is currently in contact with Li Wang is Xuan Yuan Han Cheng’s dark guard, and has not let Li Wang find the same.

“What more thanks to my mother?” The queen patted the prince’s shoulder.

She said she was not worried, but the Queen couldn’t help worrying about the impact of the rumors on the Prince.

At night, the emperor came to the palace of Yongshou Palace, and saw the queen frown while sitting on the bed.

“The emperor, you see that this rumor is troublesome. I was still planning to return to Cheng’s expedition to help him with a concubine. Now that the rumors are flying around, the ministers are afraid that they may have ideas. This candidate is uncertain.” The queen told the emperor Complained.

“Don’t worry about Zitong, I’m already working on it. In fact, rumors come fast and fast. As long as there is new news, the old one will be slowly forgotten. Chenger’s body still needs conditioning, and Not in a hurry. “

“It’s such a statement, but Cheng’er’s reputation also needs to be made up for.” The queen thought for a moment, and suddenly the light flashed. “The emperor, look, there are still three months for the Mid-Autumn Festival. If the next decree, let How the palace people reunited with their families on the Mid-Autumn Festival is an unprecedented grace. This is also a blessing for Chenger. “

“This idea is good, and the charter needs to be more careful. Where the palace people meet with their families, the meeting time must be arranged. When the palace people go out of the palace, they must search for themselves and send more guards, but some people cannot drill. The emperor thinks more. “Okay, tomorrow will let people arrange it. Don’t think about it, let’s resettle earlier.”

Lin Jiabao in Yudianfang was kneading the dough, listening to Yuling and Yuxi chatting, “I heard that His Royal Highness is a reincarnation, and the evil spirit on his body is terrible.”

“Yu Ling, you are going to die! His Royal Highness Prince is a brilliant general and hero.” Yu Yu replied angrily when he heard Yu Ling say this to His Royal Highness.

“Don’t talk about the two sisters. It’s not good to hear Lin Yi coming over later.” Lin Jiabao advised.

“Huh!” Yuxi Lengheng.

Lin Ye returned with a smile on his face, and Yu Shuang, who came back with a smile, couldn’t hide his excitement. “Good news, great news!”

Yuling was the most vigorous, and asked around her, “What good news? What good news?”

Lin Yan smiled and announced: “This year, His Royal Highness sent a great victory to the barbarians. To celebrate, the queen mother-in-law gave a decree. During the Mid-Autumn Festival this year, the palace people can reunite with their families!”

“Really? Really? Everyone can be reunited with their family, can I?”

“It’s okay. At that time, it will be arranged in batches according to the palace. Each person will have an hour to meet his family. The notices have been posted.”

“That’s great! The queen queen is gracious!” Everyone was very excited when they heard it. They have been away from home for many years and have no better news than reuniting with their family.

For a while, the good news spread in the palace, and the palace people rushed to tell each other. They were grateful for the kindness of the emperor, the queen mother, and her prince.

In this way, rumors about His Royal Highness gradually disappeared. Later, the romantic affairs of the Xue family’s children spread again, and the people’s attention was also diverted.

Lin Jiabao has been excited since he got the good news. In the evening, I tossed and turned on the bed, thinking about what I thought.

I don’t know if Lin Jiacun will receive the news. Will they see him? It takes more than half a month to get from Linjiacun to Jingcheng. So how far is it? I don’t know if it will be dangerous on the way? More than half a month away, is there a lot of entanglement? I do n’t know if my family has enough money?

The more Lin Jiabao wanted, the more he couldn’t sleep. He got up and went out, and walked to the door of Lin Yi’s room next door. Knocking on the door, “Lin Ling, have you slept?”

“Anzhu, what’s wrong, haven’t slept yet.” Lin Ye opened the door and saw Lin Anzhu, “Come in quickly.”

“What’s the matter? Hehe talked.” Lin Ye looked at Lin Jiabao’s face frowning and asked with concern.

In the palace for nearly two years, Lin Jiabao has long regarded Lin Yi as an elder. He had all his worries talking to Lin Ying. “Well, what do you say?”

“Don’t worry, let me think about it for you.” Lin Yi’s family is the son of the queen’s family. The family is in Beijing. There is no Lin Jiabao’s troubles.

“This way, you can write a family letter, put some silver back home. I bought the familiar father-in-law in the royal dining room, and let the father-in-law help him to the post.” Lin Ye thought about it.

“Great, oh, can you really help me send home books back?” Lin Jiabao was a little uneasy.

“It’s okay, the people in the palace all ask for help. As long as they don’t take things that should not be taken out, otherwise they will be found at the gate of the palace, and everyone will suffer. Therefore, procurement generally only helps those who know it.”

“Thank you so much, I’ll go back and write.” Lin Jiabao went back quickly.

Lin Jiabao wrote in the room most of the night, and put his moonlight silver and bounty in a purse embroidered by his sister Yushuang, thinking about it, and then put the silver that he had entered into the palace home. . He doesn’t have much money in the palace, and his family definitely needs it more.

In the early morning of the next day, Lin Jiabao gave Lin Bao the prepared baggage, and asked some words that he wouldn’t write, so I could fill it out.

After completing this, Lin Jiabao finally put his heart down and began to count the days waiting for the Mid-Autumn Festival to arrive.

Instead of handing things over to procurement, Lin Ling gave them to the Dark Guard of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.

That night, Lin Jiabao’s baggage was already on Xuanyuan Hancheng’s desk.

Xuanyuan Hancheng opened the letter and smiled. The first piece of paper is a letter, but rather a picture.

A little man was making pastries on the paper, and Jiabao drew them carefully, even the patterns on the pastries were exactly the same. The blank place says, father and mother, big sister, big brother-in-law, big brother, big sister, second sister, younger brother, younger sister I miss you!

There are more words on the second piece of paper, some of which were written by Lin Yi. Xuanyuan Hancheng thought that in the future, he still has to let the baby learn the characters well. Seeing that the baby is also very talented in painting, he can also let the baby learn in the future.

The general meaning of Lin Jiabao was that he had a good time in the palace, and now he makes snacks in the royal palace in the queen’s palace. The concubine in the palace treated him well, and the elder sister took care of him.

Reassure the family that everything is fine, he just misses his family. He has now learned to make a lot of snacks. He wants to open a snack shop in the future and be self-sufficient in the future. At the end of the day, the family must visit him during the Mid-Autumn Festival.

After reading the letter, Xuanyuan Hancheng’s face turned black. His baby has planned his life after leaving the palace … this is not possible!

Xuanyuan Hancheng thinks that Lin Jiabao is now 14, although it is still a bit small. But if you raise them around for a year or two, you can eat. He can’t wait …

Xuan Yuanhan instructed the dark guard to send Lin Jiabao’s home letter to the post in Peixian as soon as possible. My heart secretly planned … 2k novel reading network

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