Die, Replay, Repeat

Chapter 227: In Fang Xiu's Pocket

"Alright, let's get to it," Fang Xiu commanded, sounding like a boss who cared more about getting things done than his team's feelings.

Xiao Chuxia hesitated, "What do you need me to do in the middle of the night? Surely it's not..."

"Stop with the dirty thoughts. I'll tell you what to do, and you just follow. Got it?"

Xiao Chuxia was taken aback. She pointed at herself in disbelief, "Me? Dirty? How dare you..."

"Shrink yourself."

Seeing the steely look in Fang Xiu's eyes, Xiao Chuxia pouted, silently cursing him to stay single forever, but she complied. A soft glow surrounded her, and an amazing transformation began.

Xiao Chuxia, tall and slender, shrank down until she was no bigger than a palm-sized figurine, looking like a tiny, delicate doll.

"This is as small as I can get. What now?" she demanded.

Before she could react, Fang Xiu picked up the tiny Xiao Chuxia and tucked her into his pocket, making her let out a surprised squeak.

She was so small that Fang Xiu's hand enveloped her completely, touching everything. The warmth of his touch made her face flush.

Inside the pocket, she yelled, "Fang Xiu, why am I in your pocket?"

"Be quiet. Someone's coming. Don't make a sound. I'll let you out when it's safe."

Judging by his serious tone, Xiao Chuxia guessed he had predicted something important. Reluctantly, she hugged her knees and sat quietly in the pocket. The room grew silent.

About ten minutes later, just as Xiao Chuxia was getting restless, there was a knock at the door.

The sound made her marvel at Fang Xiu's foresight. Someone actually showed up.

"Mr..." Sun Dehua's voice called from outside.

The door opened with a click.

Seeing the tall figure at the door, Sun Dehua was slightly taken aback. Before he could process it, Fang Xiu spoke.

"You're two minutes early this time."

Fang Xiu's calm remark left Sun Dehua even more puzzled. He wondered what "this time" meant.

Fang Xiu's deep familiarity with the events had led to a slight change in the timeline, causing Sun Dehua to arrive a bit earlier.

"Come in, Sun Dehua."

As soon as Fang Xiu spoke his name, Sun Dehua understood. A deep fear appeared in his eyes. He followed Fang Xiu into the room and tested him, "Mr. Fang, did you foresee my arrival?"

"Yes, I foresaw your arrival and—"

Just like how Sun Dehua had attacked him all of a sudden, this time Fang Xiu used the same trick on him.

Fang Xiu stopped speaking halfway to grab Sun Dehua's attention, and then struck decisively when Sun Dehua was distracted.

Fang Xiu's right eye, with the Blood Pupil, emitted a dazzling red light in the darkness.

Caught off guard, Sun Dehua was hit immediately.

Despite his constant vigilance, his attention to Fang Xiu's every move led him to look right into the Blood Pupil.

Sun Dehua felt like his head was struck by a heavy hammer. His mind went blank for a moment.

In a fight between experts, a moment of distraction can change the outcome. This was no exception.

When Sun Dehua regained his senses, it was too late to react.

With silver flash, a cold scalpel was already embedded in his neck.

"Argh!" A horrible scream pierced the night, waking everyone in the hotel. Fang Xiu didn't stop Sun Dehua's scream because he need that to lure Wen Yang.

As Sun Dehua slowly died, the events unfolded just as before, with Wen Yang arriving with his team.

Fang Xiu calmly allowed himself to be handcuffed and left with Wen Yang.

In the car, Wen Yang spoke the same hypocritical words as before.

"You're as pathetic as ever," Fang Xiu said with a mocking smile.

Wen Yang was slightly taken aback, "Mr. Fang, what do you mean by that?"

"Stop wasting time acting. I have seen the future."

At this, Wen Yang instantly dropped his pretense, a cruel smile forming on his lips. "So what if you've seen the future? Fang Xiu, the moment you were handcuffed, you were already meat on our chopping board."

He pressed a button on a remote in his pocket. "Hahaha, feel that? This is a very precious energy suppressant. It makes you an ordinary person for an hour. No matter what tricks you have, you can't use them now."

Despite Wen Yang's sneer, Fang Xiu remained calm. He even asked, "That's right. But do you feel it?"

Wen Yang was puzzled, "Feel what?" Before he could react, a sharp pain like a needle prick came from his leg. A wave of weakness spread through his body.

Wen Yang's Spiritual Energy disappeared, and he felt like an ordinary person.

"What? How is this possible! A suppressant?" Wen Yang shouted in shock. He quickly looked down at his leg. A very thin silver hair was wrapped around a needle, quietly stuck in his leg. The needle looked very familiar.

In disbelief, he looked at Fang Xiu's handcuffs. At some point, the cuffs had been opened, and their mechanisms destroyed, packed with dense silver hairs.

Turns out, as soon as Fang Xiu got into the car, he had used his silver hair to unlock the handcuffs from the inside and retrieve the suppressant.

The handcuffs were made of Mind Steel and extremely tough, but unlocking them only required skill, not brute force.

"Now you see what knowing the future can do?" Fang Xiu said calmly.

Wen Yang, being an experience and powerful psychic, quickly regained his composure even though he had lost his Spiritual Energy.

His eyes flashed as he calculated his options. He suddenly grabbed the steering wheel, hoping to cause some trouble for Fang Xiu and then jump out of the car.

Even without his Spiritual Energy, his body was much stronger than a normal person's. He believed that even if he jumped from a moving vehicle, he would only be slightly injured and not in serious danger.

Wen Yang's plan was good, but it failed at the first step—the steering wheel in his hand just wouldn't budge an inch.

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