Digital Comparison: That Taichi Became the Digital Emperor

Chapter 136

【Asuke's steps were firm and swift. Without any hesitation, he resolutely led Gomamon out of the deep cave.】

【In the echo of the cave, you can hear Ah Wu's urgent shouts, the sound is like the receding tide.】

【"Ah Zhu, where are you going?"Awu's voice was full of confusion and concern.】

【However, Asuke seemed not to hear and just walked forward with all his heart, as if there was something more important for him to do.】

【Walking out of the cave, the sunlight outside brought them a little warmth. As a clever companion, Gomamon's eyes showed worry and he said,"Azu, I hope you can be more rational."】

【When Asuke heard Gomamon's advice, a flash of anger flashed in his eyes. He stopped, faced Gomamon, and said sharply:"What is rational?"】

【Gomamon took a step back slightly, shocked by Asuke's emotions.】

【"I already knew that Taichi was this kind of person." Azuki's tone revealed deep disappointment and dissatisfaction, as if the resentment that had been pent up in his heart for a long time suddenly burst out,"He is so powerful. After gaining power and strength, he became arrogant and conceited."】

【Gomamon lowered his head and looked a little silent.】

【"There are too many people like this in the real world." Asuke said sarcastically, as if recalling the pain of the past,"Even elementary school students with powerful families will have some abnormal behaviors."】

【Asu sighed, the determination and persistence in his eyes became more obvious:"Besides, Taiyi is now the king of Fayilu Island. I must expose his true face and defeat him for Meimei."】

【Gomamon was silent for a moment, his eyes showing deep concern and worry. He knew clearly that the duel with Taichi would not be easy, but seeing Asuke's determined eyes, he didn't want to say too much to dampen morale.】

【At that moment, Gomamon firmly decided to go with Asuke, no matter what dangers he faced.】

【"Fortunately, I can evolve now." Gomamon thought to himself, but he didn't know to what level Taichi could evolve Digimon now.】

【Azhu has no brains.】

【It doesn't mean that Gomamon doesn't have it.】

【Gomamon knows that in this vast digital world, power and information are both crucial.】

【But the days they spent in that deep cave limited their understanding of the outside world.】

【They only knew that Taichi defeated Devilmon, but they knew nothing about the specific circumstances and details.】

【The excitement and noise of the founding ceremony gradually faded away, and the sun slowly slid down from the highest point in the sky, casting a golden glow over the steel factory.】

【However, even though the ceremony was over, the area around the steel factory was still bustling with people, and many Digimon still stayed there.】

【In the factory square, some Digimon were talking animatedly. Their topic revolved around joining the steel factory.】

【Many Digimon thought that if they joined immediately and expressed their loyalty to Taichi, they would be more likely to receive more benefits and treatment.】

【After all, in this ever-changing digital world, resources and treatment are often proportional to loyalty and the length of time you serve.】

【"I heard that all the Digimon who enter the game during the period will have special rewards!"A small Digimon said excitedly】

【"Yes, we must make our position clear quickly." Another Digimon echoed】

【At the same time, the cafeteria next to the steel factory attracted many Digimon for another reason.】

【The aroma from there was mouth-watering, and rows of various delicacies attracted the attention of many Digimon. These foods not only looked good, but also suited the tastes of various Digimon, making them stop and take a look.】

【""Wow, look at the barbecue over there, it smells so good!" said a hungry Digimon, drooling.】

【"I prefer the fruit salad over there, it's fresh and healthy!" said another Digimon, pointing to the stall on the other side.】

【The delicacies Taichi created from the food data of the Empire of Steel opened the eyes of the Digimon.】

【In the heart of the steel plant is a bright and modern office】

【The transparent glass windows let in warm sunlight, which spreads on the clean floor, bringing a warm feeling to the entire space.】

【Taiyi was sitting at his desk, busy with some trivial work matters.】

【The computers and folders on the desk are stacked in an orderly manner, showing high work efficiency.】

【There is also a bud beast on the desk. The light floral fragrance it exudes makes the entire office space surrounded by this fresh breath.】

【The bud beast seemed to enjoy this environment very much. Its leaves trembled slightly, as if singing softly to Taiyi.】

【There were a series of brisk footsteps at the door, and Gabumon walked in with mixed emotions.】

【Although its body is small, its eyes reveal deep and unwilling】

【Obviously not in a good mood】

【Taichi raised his head and his eyes met with Gabumon.】

【He almost immediately caught the melancholy in Gabumon's eyes, as if he could read its inner world.】

【Putting down the work in his hands, Taichi said gently:"Are you still worried about not being able to defeat Devilmon?" There was a hint of concern and understanding in his voice, which made people feel warm.】

【Under Taichi's gaze, Gabumon looked a little uncomfortable. Its drooping ears seemed to be trying to hide some emotion in its heart.】

【"Erimon evolves to its perfect form and can defeat the ultimate form of Dante Devilmon..."Gabumon's voice was filled with regret and loss, as if every word was telling of his loss."But my perfect form is no match at all."】

【Standing in front of Taichi, Gabumon was like a child seeking comfort, fragile and helpless:"Taichi, am I useless?"】

In the Digital Forest, Ah He laughed.

He looked at his Gabumon. When his Gabumon looked at the screen, there was still hope in his eyes.

Ah He almost laughed to death.

Gabumon, your Ultimate form was no match for Daimon Dai's punch.

You are indeed a waste. Do you still hope to know from Taichi that you are not a waste?

Is this possible?

I am afraid that all you will get in return is the ridicule of Taichi in that world.

【Taiyi's eyes shone with determination, his fingers tapped lightly on the table, and every movement he made silently conveyed a sense of calmness and trust.】

【When he shook his head, the movement seemed to carry a kind of calm strength, as if he had already seen through everything in the world, but still had a trace of tenderness that did not want to hurt anyone.】

【He said softly:"Gabumon, you actually don't know that your Ultimate form is very strong."】

【These words, like the summer breeze, brought a refreshing coolness to the heart, and lifted a little corner of the dark cloud in Gabumon's heart.】

【Gabumon's eyes widened, flashing with suspicion, expectation, and curiosity. It opened its mouth, as if it wanted to say something, but didn't know where to start. In the end, it just gently asked,"Really?"】

【This question implies its lack of confidence in itself, but also carries a hint of hope for the future.】

【Budmon was also curious. 】

Awa: In that world, Taichi decided to deceive Gabumon.

Awa spoke in the chat room.

Akiyama Ryo: It's too early to say now. You know, evolution is a reticular evolution. Even normal evolution has several types. In other words, MetalGarurumon is not the strongest evolution of Gabumon.

Awa: What do you mean?

Daimon: This Akiyama Ryo is quite nice. He can't say anything cruel. Let me tell you, if Gabumon has a very powerful normal Ultimate form, and you can't let it have such a form, it's not it that's bad, it's you. Awa


【Taiyi's eyes became more calm, and he crossed his hands on the desk, as if looking for a starting point for his next words.】

【He took a deep breath, a brief hesitation flashed across his eyes, but soon the hesitation was replaced by determination.】

【"You have an ultimate form called Final Crossbow Garurumon." He said in a firm tone, and every word seemed to be carved so deeply and with so much weight.】

【"It is your normal evolution under the influence of some kind of human power." Taiyi's voice is low, as if describing an ancient legend.】

【When he described the ability of the Final Crossbow Garurumon, it was as if he was describing the legend of an ancient god of war. Every detail was so shocking and fascinating.】

【He described how the End-Garurumon could rain down bullets without expending any energy, and how it could lock onto hundreds of targets with the aiming device on the tip of its nose. These descriptions seemed exaggerated, but they were all real abilities.】

【Gabumon's eyes were filled with shock. It was almost mesmerized by the powerful form described by Taichi. That kind of enormous power and extraordinary strength were things it had never felt before.】

【However, Gabumon is still confused by the statement"normal evolution under the influence of some kind of human power."】

【It blinked, as if thinking about how to ask the question accurately, and then asked curiously:"What does normal evolution under the influence of some human force mean?"]

Ah He: Final Crossbow Garurumon? ? ? ?

Daimon: What a good opponent, what a pity, why couldn't your Gabumon evolve into Final Crossbow Garurumon? If so, we must have had a great time fighting.

Digital One, Ah He thinks the fault lies with Gabumon, why not evolve Final Crossbow Garurumon? ? ? ?

Daiki Kudo: You seem to easily overlook the key sentence, normal evolution under the influence of some human force.

Toma: Yes, this sentence is the most important. We just need to remember that they don't do well in school. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Digital One.

Ah He almost vomited blood.

In class, the teacher often praises himself, but he said that his grades were not good?

But Taichi, Sona and others nodded secretly.

Even Ah Wu knows what his brother's so-called good grades are.

The teacher is like this because of Ah He's father, the big boss of the TV station.

【In the office, Taichi's tone was firm and mysterious, as if this involved a major secret of the digital world.】

【""End of Crossbow Garurumon..." Taichi uttered these words softly, each word seemed to be carefully carved,"It is different from those Digimon that are naturally generated in the Digital World. Its evolution code seems to have been intervened by some special data, which makes it different."】

【His eyes were deep, as if he saw a distant history."It looks like this is a Digimon bred from a special Digi-egg created by some kind of artificial data intervention."】

【When Taichi finished speaking, the office seemed to be even quieter. He spoke again, with more sorrow in his tone:"The so-called man-made, it is a certain existence. An existence that was considered more powerful than it in the past. In order to prevent itself from losing its mind, it created a mediator like EndGarurumon. Like VictoryGreymon, they share a great mission - to prevent it from going berserk and the Digital World from collapsing."】

【Gabumon's eyes were full of curiosity and confusion. He felt the weight of it and his voice trembled slightly:"Agumon and I, could it be that...Is there some kind of relationship? That's why he is so valued?"】

【As soon as Gabumon finished speaking, Taichi's mouth corners slightly raised, revealing a deep smile.】

【He knew that there was an unspeakable secret, and perhaps now was not the time to reveal it.���It's my fault, it's because I don't have the conditions.

Ah He proved in the chat room that Gabumon cannot evolve to that ultimate form. It seems that the problem is not with him.

At this moment, Digimon, the protagonists of other worlds, also know that Ah He can't be blamed.

Joker King: It's so arrogant that it created the mediator.

Joker King: In order to prevent itself from going berserk and the Digital World from collapsing, it created the mediator?

Joker King: It speaks as if we can't stop it.

Many Digimon nodded repeatedly.

Vamdemon didn't expect that it would exist and be so rampant. Does it think it is the number one in the Digital World?

【Gabumon looked at Taichi with a hint of regret, his eyes full of confusion."In this case, under normal circumstances, I can't evolve into Final Crossbow Garu757mon at all."】

【Taichi gently stroked Gabumon's head, his voice full of comfort:"Don't worry, I will find a way. I also hope that Agumon can have the form of Victory Greymon."】

【After a pause, Taiyi's eyes flashed with confidence, and after a brief pause, he said in an affirmative tone:"And your powerful Ultimate Form is not just this one!"】

【Gabumon's eyes flashed with surprise, as if he had just heard shocking news, and he couldn't wait to ask:"What else?"]

Ah He: Needless to say, it must be some difficult condition again.

【Taiyi's eyes calmed down, as if what he was about to share was full of mystery and importance.】

【He took a deep breath, locked eyes with Gabumon, and said in a low and solemn voice:"That is Gabumon - the bond of friendship-"】

【Gabumon's eyes flashed with obvious curiosity and confusion, its ears trembled slightly, and its expression showed unusual concern:"What is this?"

The protagonists of the real world, the digital world, and other worlds were all stunned.

Daimon Dai: What is this, such a long name? ? ? ?

Kudo Daiki: It is completely different from the name format of Digimon. Matsuda Keito

: Really? Then why is Joker Emperor Emperor?

Joker Emperor:...

At this moment, some beings who knew the name of Joker Emperor laughed.

What Joker Emperor, isn't it Jokermon!!!!

But the name Gabumon - Bond of Friendship - is really too weird, what's going on? ? ? ? ?

At this moment, the protagonists of the real world, the digital world, and other worlds all wanted to listen more, but they didn't expect that at this time, the picture stopped.

【Q: What is Gabumon - Bond of Friendship?]

The question has arisen.

The eyes of the protagonists in the real world, the digital world, and other worlds light up.

If you answer correctly, there should be a great reward, right? ? ? ?

After all, Huiyi, Ichijoji Ken, and others have obtained their Ultimate Body data.

At this moment, whether it is human or Digimon, they are all ready to fight.

【First, this is a nickname, not a name.

As this option fell, many people immediately chose this option.

In order to turn back into a human, Xuannai Dogmon also immediately started to choose something like Gabumon - the bond of friendship -. This must be a nickname, not a name.

He, the old man Xuannai, asked himself if he didn't know much.

【Second, this is the name of the evolution. The real name is Gabumon - Bond of Friendship Evolution - Ultimate Garurumon.]

Ah He's eyes lit up.

This made sense. This is definitely the right choice.

Taichi in that world had some kind of transfer evolution.

So, Bond of Friendship Evolution, sounds very reasonable and correct to me.

Ah He: I chose this option and can't wait for the third option.

Ishida Hiroaki: Father and son see the same thing, so I chose this too. Father and son agree so much together. The second option must be the correct one.

Ah He: Yes


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