Digital Comparison: That Taichi Became the Digital Emperor

Chapter 145

【Taiyi knew very well that relying solely on flying cameras could not fully explore the secrets in every corner.】

【Especially in places like the barrier cast by Fairymon, the magical power will prevent the flying camera from peering into it.】

【The secret base of the molecular beast is a place hidden very deeply. Even with the most advanced detection equipment, it is difficult to detect its true appearance.】

【Taiyi knew that these special places were hiding badges.】

【The badge, a symbol of power, is what the chosen children seek.】

【Each badge represents a unique power.】

【As for how many badges there are, Taichi knows, of course, there are nine.

Ah He: Hahaha, that Taichi is really great, but unfortunately he can't count. There are seven of us chosen children, so how can there be nine badges in"six nine three"?

Vampiremon: Hehe, both Taichi from that world and you, Ah He, are wrong.

Ah He: What am I wrong about?

Vampiremon: There are actually eight badges.

Taichi���Why are there eight?

Vampiremon: Why should I tell you?

Ichijoji Ken: Hehe, Vampiremon, you are wrong too. There are indeed nine badges.

Vampiremon: ??? ??? ???

【On this day, the sun shines through the window and shines obliquely on Taiyi's desk.】

【At this moment, the door was suddenly pushed open, and Koshiro walked in, followed by Flamemon. The fiery red flames seemed to shine with golden light in the sun.】

【But unlike his usual majesty, Flamemon now looked a little depressed.】

【Guang Shilang's face was also full of anxiety, and there was a little confusion in his eyes, which made Taiyi frown.】

【He knew that both Koshiro and Flamemon were extremely confident and powerful, and now they looked like they had encountered some difficult problems.】

【Taichi stood up quickly and looked into Koshiro's eyes, trying to find the answer from his eyes.】

【Taiyi said:"Koshiro, what happened? We just approached the Shaba Continent and we ran into trouble?"

The protagonists of the real world, the digital world, and other worlds think that this is about the Ballmon Village? ? ? ?

【Koshiro took a deep breath and said,"Yes, Taichi, there seems to be something wrong with the food in the cafeteria. The Digimon who ate it began to show abnormal poisoning reactions."】

【Taichi's eyes instantly locked onto the kitchen, especially the Flamemon who was in charge of making the food.】

【Taiyi's eyes were like a knife, piercing into Flamemon's heart. Flamemon eagerly defended himself, his voice filled with deep worry:"King, how could I do such a thing? My loyalty to you is beyond doubt."】

【Taiyi was silent for a moment and took a deep breath. He knew that under the current control program, Flamemon would never betray him.】

【Taiyi asked,"Are the ingredients still preserved?"】

【Koshiro and Flamemon made affirmative gestures together】

【Taichi ordered:"Let Andromon check them."】

【Guang Shilang frowned slightly:"Are we equipped with inspection equipment?"】

【Taichi responded confidently:"Recently, I have obtained higher access rights from the Steel Empire Power Program and obtained the technical information of the tester. I can immediately build one and have Andromon control it."】

【Taiyi stepped into the steel factory that responded to the sound and raised his sacred plan. Then, the blueprint of the testing machine appeared in the air.】

【Gearmon and the other Mechanical Digimon acted quickly and assembled the Digimon in an orderly manner.】

【After just a moment, a fully equipped testing machine flashing with cold light appeared in front of everyone.】

【Andromon lost no time in starting operations and accurately tested the suspected poisonous ingredients.】

【Andromon flexibly moves its slender hands and skillfully places the food sample into the transparent test tube of the testing machine.】

【The machine hums, the internal chromatography analysis starts running, and the screen displays every micromolecular component of the food.】

【Just a few minutes later, the analysis bar on the screen stopped jumping, and a detailed inspection report replaced it.】

【Guang Shilang ran over impatiently and tried to interpret it quickly. Taiyi was calmer. He watched from the side and waited for the result.】

【The report clearly showed that the food contained a large amount of foreign substances, and the chemical indicators of these foreign substances were exactly the same as the gas-like poison secreted by the Gazhi beast.】

【Taiyi's originally deep eyes were now even colder, like a pool of ice water..】

【The anger and determination in his eyes made the atmosphere around him heavy, and people felt a chill emanating from their bones.】

【There was a gleam of confusion in Koshiro's eyes. He stared at Taichi, as if trying to find the answer from Taichi's eyes. He tilted his head slightly and asked,"Gashimon? Is it very powerful?"】

【Taiyi's eyes revealed a hint of coldness, as if he was recalling the past grudges with Gazhimon. He smiled coldly, with contempt in his tone:"To be honest, it's just a growing animal, I don't think much of it."】

【Taichi's words seemed to arouse Guangshilang's curiosity again, and he was a little surprised. Taichi continued:"Although the poison of the Jiazhi beast is somewhat unbearable even for the mature stage, it has shown its potential."】

【Taichi took a deep breath, and seemed to want to explain in detail to Guangshilang:"But its growth stage, mature stage, and complete form are not very good."】

【But when he said this, Taiyi's eyes became deep, as if he had a secret unknown to others:"It's just……"His tone was somewhat heavy, as if he remembered a dangerous existence,"Its ultimate form is special."】

Gorillamon: Special, how special can it be? I am the one who accepted it.

Devilmon: Oh, I don't know what to say.

【There is a sharp intuition in Guangshilang's eyes, as if he can see through the essence of things.】

【He looked at Taichi firmly and said tentatively,"So you want to tame this Gajimon?"】

【The surrounding Digimon all nodded one by one, as if they agreed with what Koshiro said.】

【They all thought they had figured out Taiyi's thoughts.】

【But Taiyi's response was beyond their expectations. He shook his head slowly, his eyes revealing a hint of indifference, and said:"Wrong, I want to add a beast to the dead"】

【This response was like a bolt from the blue, instantly making the atmosphere tense. Kou Shiro's eyes widened instantly, and a trace of shock flashed across his face. He obviously didn't expect Taichi to have such an answer.】

【The other Digimon also seemed a little uneasy. They looked at Taichi in disbelief, as if they wanted to see the truth from his eyes.】

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