Digital: The Strongest Demon Lord

Chapter 146

Chapter 146

Seal the prison.

“The monarch himself has come, please forgive the old decay for not being able to kneel down to greet you!”

Even though he was bound in chains, the Barba Beast immediately felt the arrival of the Dark Monarch Lake!

“No, you are still needed in this battle!”

Lake raised his hand directly, and a dark force appeared in his hand!

It is somewhat the same as the power of the Lilith Beast, but it is only a little similar in appearance, and there is still a big difference in essence!

The most important of these is the terrible power contained in both!

If the energy ball before the Lilith Beast contained only a basin of water, the energy ball in Lake’s hand now contained the power of an ocean!

Under such a force, the Barba Beast could feel fear, but knew that this force would not hurt himself like the Lilith Beast guy!

“The power of the monarch has increased again!”

The Barba Beast opened his mouth with some sighs!

It seems that every time they meet, this monarch is always able to give himself some different surprises, especially in terms of strength, which is even more terrifying!

The power collided directly with these chains!

You must know that before Reich, he single-handedly picked a whole twelve Olympian gods, and now these chains only possessed a part of their power!

How could it possibly resist Lake’s power? Don’t even think about it!

Multiply! Multiply! Multiply!

The power of terror interacts with the chains, and even to some extent this power continues to dissolve!

In a few moments, the power belonging to the god Olympus completely disappeared, and the chains were broken.

The freed Balba Beast quickly gathered the dark power again, and the power just released by Lake actually merged into the Balba Beast’s body at this time!

Soon, the Barba Beast could feel that his current self seemed to be stronger again!


The Beast of Barba fell directly to his knees on the ground, “The grace of the Sovereign Lord, the old decay is remembered in the heart!” ”

In this regard, Lake only simply waved his hand, originally this power was only to lift the shackles on the other party, rather than letting it disappear, it was better to directly waste it, and it could also give these demon kings a little more power.

The Dark White Bone Throne once again appeared under Lake’s body, and by now, almost all of the Seven Demon Kings had returned to Lake except for the Fallen Angel Beasts!

For Lake, this would have been the time when the war had really begun!

Goal, Ilias!

The destruction plan to swallow the gods of Olympus has officially begun!

Mount Olympus.

The wounded Jupiter Beast returned to the sinking with a blank face. This is the last base for the nine of them!

“Is it him?”

Before the Jupiter Beast could fully recover, a god had already spoken!

In fact, these guys now know who the comer really is, but what they didn’t expect was that Lake’s revenge would come so quickly!

They don’t even have a chance to regain their strength from their slumber!

Jupiter’s eyes were on these brothers and sisters, he did not open his mouth, but it was this one performance that silenced all the gods at this moment!

They all know, that damn guy is back!

“The most urgent thing is how to stop their pace! This time it’s not just one! ”

When the Jupiter Beast did not open his mouth, the Juno Beast beside him spoke directly!

As a scout, she knows very well how bad the current situation is, and if there is only one Lake, they can still stand up and make a little trouble!

Maybe there’s still a chance!

But now, it wasn’t just Lake, there were six horrible guys around him, and in fact, after the Balba Beast was released, these guys could feel their power disappear!

There is no doubt that Lake has brought all his men back!

It’s menacing!

“Ilias is now completely in strife!”

Without saying a word, juno beast once again said what he had seen and heard!

If Lake was just looking for their trouble, it would be easy to understand, but now it seems that things are far from being as simple as it seems, and Lake’s appetite is very large!

It was to completely devour the entire Ilias here!

“What about Lord Homer?”

There is a voice opening!

There is no mistake, now it is not something that these gods can solve, without the existence of the host, they will not have the slightest chance of winning this victory!

This time it was a war in the true sense of the word.

Does the host exist?

The rest of the gods chose silence, and in fact they knew very well that if Elias had not come to the point of life and death, Homer would not have chosen to interfere with all this!

Even if they knew that this time was a real war of annihilation!

Power will continue to appear here, and things will go directly to an extreme in a short period of time!

But the Olympus god present could not do anything!

Even, they can only wait for their opponents to come to the door and do things.

However, after only a moment’s effort, the entire Sacred Mountain trembled violently at this moment!

Among the gods, there was one count, and their faces became very ugly, and they knew that things were still happening, and that it was time to come!

It was even much faster than they thought.

“Chops come out and die!”

The Ultimate Demon Beast took the lead in the battle, and now it was still full of anger, but it was far more than it, the Light Beast and the Levitan Beast stood out at the same time!

These three are truly angry beings!

The previous battle of the Beast of Light made the Jupiter Beast run, and now it is still constantly blaming itself, obviously it can obliterate these opponents, but let them run!

How does this make the Light Beast accept it?

As for the Levidan Beast, it was even simpler, it had participated in a big battle with Lake, but because of the relationship between the lone soldiers, it did not even succeed in pursuit!

But now it was different, the Nightmare Legion appeared, and the Six Demon Kings stood with themselves!

Even Lord Lake was by his side, asking such a good opportunity, how could the Levitan Beast give up this opportunity?

The fox fake tiger will not be so.

It’s just that even if they called out to their opponents, the Olympus God still had no intention of coming out, as if he had to make a shrunken-headed turtle with an iron heart! _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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