Digital: The Strongest Demon Lord

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Grade: Complete body (0%)

Attribute: Virus





Mystic Talisman LV1 (0/100): Summons a layer of Mystic Powers to protect itself, immunity is equal to MP damage! During the protection of mystical powers, immunity to all abnormal states!

Super Evolution (A special Digimon made from a mixture of countless digital data!) Theoretically, there are infinite possibilities for evolution! )

The Final Body (a Dark Super Dream that combines almost all digimon data and advantages into one body will not be restrained by digimons of any attributes, and will restrain all attributes of digimons!) )

Dark Super Dream, or rather, Rick the Crosser, finally exhaled a long breath.

“It’s finally done! This invincible figure! ”

As a top code farmer from the twenty-first century.

When Lake realized that he had come to the world of Digimon and had become a Digimon egg, he immediately began to transform his own programming, and finally took an unknown number of years to get inspired by the super dream in Pokémon! Finally created this theoretically perfect prototype with unlimited evolutionary potential!

But then the oncoming problem is that this amazing complex body that has full physical strength once produced requires too much data! So much so that Lake had to put himself into a dormancy, relying on the elf egg’s own instinctive absorption of external data to gradually meet the demand for data!

In the end, Lake succeeded!

It took more than a hundred years, and Lake, who broke out of his shell, knew that all the loneliness he had endured before this was worth it!


“This is my power, the power of super dreams!”


Lake slowly covered his whole body with the power of thought, and under the drag of the mind force, Lake’s entire body gradually rose off the ground, and then suddenly accelerated! Transformed into a stream of light, he instantly disappeared into the founding village where he had been for hundreds of years and was now abandoned


The initial digital world was chaotic and disorderly

Although the digital world has been born for nearly a hundred years, a hundred years have passed, and the digital world has not only not given birth to order, but has further intensified chaos and strife! The digital world is in the process of extreme expansion, no matter how many Digimons die, there will always be more Digimon born!

During this period, the amount of data of the Digimons that remain in the battle is also getting larger and larger! When the amount of data reaches a certain level, these Digimon will produce a magical phenomenon, that is, — evolution!

“This disorderly data growth, no wonder the digital world will be targeted by the network death god, in the network world, the current digital world is definitely an extremely eye-catching abnormal program!” That is to say, the current network technology of mankind is not up to standard, replaced by the level of the twenty-first century, I am afraid that before the digital world grows up, antivirus software will directly erase the digital world! ”

Floating in mid-air.

Expressionlessly, he looked at the indissoluble Digimon below.

Lake couldn’t help but be glad that the human network technology was backward at this time, otherwise his hard-won second life would probably be destroyed before it began

The waters of the digital world are extremely deep! In order to avoid the digital world being exposed to the network death god prematurely, the main program of the digital world world tree “Igudra hill” will take powerful removal measures to release the X virus to kill the vast majority of digimon and reduce the growth anomaly of their own data! In the midst of that catastrophe, even if they survived the X virus infection, Igudrahir would still send his Royal Knights and Royal Legions to clean up the remaining Digimon! No old Digimon has survived this catastrophe

Unless, of course, Digimon can become stronger than the Royal Knight!!

“Digimon evolution can’t happen out of nothing.”

Lake’s mind was silent: “Any evolution needs to be supported by data growth!” At this time, I am already a Digimon, and I am the same…”

And the most direct and effective way to obtain large amounts of data.

There is no doubt that there is only fighting! Kill other Digimon and loot his stats!!

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