Digital: The Strongest Demon Lord

Chapter 200

Chapter 200

A huge and powerful force had already erupted from the Body of the Dunas Beast, but the effect seemed to be very different from what was imagined, and the most important thing was that such a thing should not happen so quickly!

The original Dunas Beast still felt that he could get a little chance, at least, not as bad as it is now!

But there is no doubt that when the opportunity really comes, the choices available disappear.

The Knight Lord Beast had thoughts at this moment, and he had thought about how to face it, but he still missed the most suitable opportunity, at least in such an environment, everyone changed differently!

“Let me see your play, can it be over?”

The darkness disappeared, the wrapped flames also disappeared, and the Tricks of the Dunas Beast disappeared silently, and the occurrence of this scene had to be a blow to the Dunas Beast!

After the Light Beast still opened his mouth like this, even if the Dunas Beast had a hundred thoughts, it was difficult to say it directly, because he actually knew very well what it was.

The strength of the other party is completely able to restrain itself, even the existence above itself, and all opportunities are completely snuffed out by the opponent!

Even if the Dunas Beast didn’t want to admit that all this had happened, he knew that if his opponent made a single shot, he would most likely have to pay for his own move!

This is something that must be thought about, and the Satanic form of the light beast on the other side has once again emerged from the darkness at this moment!

“Are you powerful?” I remember your actions before, but the way you look now, it’s a mess! ”

In such a form, the Light Beast was somewhat unaccustomed, but this did not prevent them from focusing on their opponents, and the expression on their faces was even more exhaustive, which was a look that would never appear before, but now that they were only strong, the other party had no posture at all!

Obviously, that’s the benefit of having power, for better or worse!

The Light Beast Satan form is definitely an extraordinary existence for its own power, and there have been similar thoughts before, but at that time these things did not threaten themselves, that is, in such an environment!

You can better target your opponents!

However, just when the Light Beast seemed to directly attack with the power of the Light Beast Satan form, the Knight Lord Beast also seemed to be a little impatient, which would not appear before, because the other party calculated very well!

Unscrupulous means in battle have always been the justice that the Knight Lord Beast believes in, but after the defeat of the Dunas Beast’s attack, this one didn’t know what to think, and actually began to attack in front of the Light Beast again!

It was as if to directly strangle everything that had happened before was more like clearing up all the mistakes he had made before, and this light beast had already seen from the other party’s body, but even if he didn’t care!

Yes, even if the other party’s power is really, really can threaten himself, it is absolutely impossible, self-confidence comes from knowing enough about himself, and now he is like this!

The Light Beast Satan’s form is strong, and the Light Beast itself knows it.

There is no doubt that the power of the two sides will explode and go in a more crazy direction, but the Knight Lord Beast is more to redeem its previous disadvantages!

It is true that the current Satan form of the Light Beast is very powerful, and this does not require too much thought, but it can actually be guessed from the appearance of the power of the Light Beast Satan form that is constantly emitted!

But that’s never all the Knight Lords Beast needed.

The power was increasing and erupting, and soon it burst out directly from the body of the Knight Lord Beast, and in the eyes of the Light Beast, and even more under the somewhat surprised gaze of the Dunas Beast, the Knight Lord Beast had already come to the arms of the Light Beast!

Under the Satanic form of the Light Beast, the Arms of the Light Beast were definitely not a very good place to go at this moment, but this did not seem to exist in the eyes of the Knight Lord Beast, and he still appeared extremely crazy next to his opponent, or in his arms!

The occurrence of this scene was very threatening, even the Dunas Beast felt that he had no idea what the Knight Lord Beast was thinking, but this did not prevent the Dunas Beast from starting to think about the next move of the Knight Lord Beast!

“Isn’t it hard for this guy to use that trick?” Suddenly, the Dunas Beast remembered the Knight Lord Beast’s favorite kind, that is, the weak kill!

However, after thinking about this, the face of the Dunas Beast suddenly became ugly, the Knight Lord Beast was something he really understood, but the same Light Beast was even more unfathomable!

The Dunas Beast must also admit that the Knight Lord Beast’s moves are largely meant to be able to defeat their opponents and think about a lot of things, but these are based on reciprocal situations!

But now, is that a reciprocal?

No, at least in the eyes of the Dunas Beast, they are definitely not equal beings, they are the really weak beings.

The Light Beast Satan form of the Light Beast was very frightening, and the Dunas Beast didn’t know what the other party’s means were until now, but it was undeniable that no matter what kind of attack it was, it was not possible to succeed for the time being!

The Action of the Knight Lord Beast was impulsive, not at all like the Knight Lord Beast who was plotting and moving, but the Dunas Beast knew better that the other party was in a bit of a hurry.

Because of his mother-in-law, so the current Knight Lord Beast will be so anxious, naturally, the Dunas Beast’s heart is remorseful, so this time he does not have much hesitation, he also wants to shoot!

The Holy Shield in his hand emitted light, but more importantly, the existence of this force, the power of terror erupted at the first time, “Urgent fear!” ”

The sound was not high or low, but it could be seen that the current Knight Lord Beast was really looking forward to the effect of this move, but soon the next second of darkness overwhelmed everything!

All the anticipation of all the attacks disappeared in front of the eyes of the Knight Lord Beast!

Holding his sister in his arms to kill, this move Knight Lord Beast likes very much, he likes this kind of show of weakness, after giving the opponent a surprise to directly obliterate the opponent’s move!

But who would have thought that he would really become the little sister in the arms of the Beast of Light!

Almost, almost engulfed by darkness!

It’s not just strength, it’s yourself. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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