Digital: The Strongest Demon Lord

Chapter 80

Chapter 80

After counting, there were nearly 100,000 of these dark Digimons that were not qualified in Lake’s eyes!

And how many of them were there before the Nightmare Legion?

After all kinds of wars, there are only about 900 people left:

The ratio is more than one to a hundred.

But Lake had no fear that this terrible ratio would have any internal effect on the Nightmare Legion.

As Lake said, the great demons were sinister, cunning, ruthless, cruel and vicious, and it was more difficult to stir up any storm under their hands than to ascend to the heavens.

Instead of worrying about these young onions rebelling, the Nightmare Legion’s current priority is to quickly elevate them to the point where they can be used as soldiers, and in the process, they will gradually be assimilated by the Nightmare Legion, and they will have a sense of identity with the Dark Digimon, and there will be no hidden dangers.

After all, the way of thinking and data vaccines brought about by virus data are very different, and no matter how kind digimon is, once it becomes a viral digimon, it will also change its temperament.

The Lilith Beast had a new job.

She led the group of small demon beasts and small demon beasts she raised to build several large factories in the dark area, working day and night to produce devices that could allow ordinary dark Digimon to enter the sea of the Internet and move freely.

The resulting units were equipped in batches by the Nightmare Legion.

Then these nightmare soldiers who have been given the device open a new chapter in the history of the digital world!

This was accompanied by a loud roar from the Leviathan Beast.

Tens of thousands of dark Digimons have entered the sea of the Internet!!


Just as the Nightmare Legion embarked on the development of the Sea of Networks.

At this time, the Digital Continent finally ushered in Lake’s long-awaited drama— the Rebellion of the Four Sacred Beasts!

Originally guarding the four directions of the Digital Continent, the four sacred beasts of the river in theory, because the Yellow Dragon Beast was sealed, began to stir.

Among them, the Suzaku Beast and the White Tiger Beast are big! The White Tiger Beast had actually always wanted to replace the Yellow Dragon Beast as the Lord of the Sacred Beast, and the Suzaku Beast had a burst of temperament and was extremely angry.

Then, the Balba Beast casually dialed, and the Suzaku Beast and the White Tiger Beast took the lead in fighting!

That’s right, the rebellion of the Four Sacred Beasts would come so early, and it was entirely because the Barba Beasts were behind the scenes! He sent the vampire demon beast to continuously emit the Yellow Dragon Beast within the territory of the White Tiger Beast to be sealed, the new Lord of the Sacred Beast will be born among the four Sacred Beasts, only the strongest Sacred Beast can replace the Yellow Dragon Beast and become the new Sacred Beast Lord’s remarks, the proud White Tiger Beast was even deceived, directly summoned his own divine generals, claiming that he was the best candidate for the new Lord.

The Balba Beast turned his head and transferred the White Tiger Beast’s remarks to the Suzaku Beast, and the Suzaku Beast, which had always regarded itself as a highly self-respecting beast, ran to the territory of the White Tiger Beast without saying a word after hearing the arrogant words of the Balba Beast’s version of the White Tiger Beast.

A conflict broke out between the two sides.

But this conflict was far from reaching the point where it would completely trigger the Rebellion of the Four Sacred Beasts! The real mess is still a further conspiracy in the Barba Beast.

The Suzaku Beast and the White Tiger Beast fought a battle, although this conflict did not spread, but in the hearts of the Suzaku Beast and the White Tiger Beast sowed the seeds of dissatisfaction with each other, and then at this moment, out of nowhere, the rumors came from nowhere, saying that the Digital Continent was about to be destroyed by an unstoppable force, and if they wanted to save the Digital Continent, only by gathering all the digital cores of the four sacred beasts into one and giving birth to the strongest sacred beast could they save the Digital World!

This is supposed to be a low-level lie that no one would believe.

However, he could not stand the Balba Beast behind the scenes, and he fabricated a large number of credible proofs, and even used the huge impact of Lake’s Chaos Judgment on the entire digital world to alarmize and construct a huge threat that did not exist in the digital world.

It doesn’t take all the Sacred Beasts to believe, as long as one Sacred Beast believes, that’s it!

The Balba Beast lied to the Suzaku Beast and the White Tiger Beast respectively that the others were preparing to seize the digital cores of the other Sacred Beasts, and wanted to become the King of the Sacred Beasts, and told the same thing to the Basalt Beast and the Green Dragon Beast.

Regardless of whether the news was true or not, the Suzaku Beast and the White Tiger Beast, who already had a vendetta against each other, immediately broke out into a second conflict! But this time the outbreak of conflict also made the Green Dragon Beast and the Xuanwu Beast mistakenly believe that the two were really robbing the digital core, and anger and the desire to become the strongest sacred beast also made them join the so-called ‘digital core’ battle!

The four sacred beasts left their own realm in unison, and the long-term separation left them speechless, they all maintained their own thoughts, and as soon as they met, they directly went to war!

At this point, the last chance to clarify the misunderstanding is lost:

They all have a common idea in their hearts, and they all think that the other party is fighting for their own digital core, otherwise why would they leave their own town and run to fight? Therefore, even if some sacred beasts wake up now and know that all this is just a deliberate conspiracy, it is too late, and other sacred beasts will not believe it!

So. The misunderstandings became more and more deep, and the fight between the sacred beasts became more and more ruthless! In the end, a great chaos swept across the Digital Continent… It just exploded!! _

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