Dimension Forum

Chapter 33 - Summoner of the Other World!

Guan Liyuan, who was lying on the dormitory bed, suddenly felt a shock, then sat up straight and rubbed his head.

“Whew! Come back again … Pokémon world is more comfortable. By the way, Penguin, help me write on the notebook. I will go there again in seven days, otherwise Xiaoxia may think that I was stunned by some beast. Gone, “Guan Liyuan muttered.

Before camping at night, Guan Liyuan returned to the main world several hours in advance when he had two tents to rest.

And the main world, Guan Liyuan’s real ontology is different. After the consciousness leaves from other worlds’ avatars shaped with great cosmic energy, the avatars will be retracted into the forum.

If Guan Liyuan didn’t go back the next morning in Pokémon World, Xiaoxia Bacheng thought he was missing!

回到 After returning to the main world this time, Guan Liyuan did not continue to rest, but immediately experimented with the ability of the “Summoner of the Other World …”

Although in the Pokémon world, four Pokémon have been conquered, including Little Fire Dragon, Pakistani Butterfly, Bobo and Up to Duck, but what will it do to the profession of the “Summoner of the Other World” in the main world? Guan Liyuan also predicts that Out.

After all, the “Summoner of the Other World” can only summon the projections of creatures from other worlds. In most cases, the power of the projection is not as good as the body …

“Let’s try … Well? This summoning password is …” Guan Liyuan tried to use the contract to communicate with the little fire dragon. Sure enough, like other summoning professions, the summoning password, or spell, directly came to Guan Liyuan’s mind.

I saw Guan Liyuan grin, seemingly depressed about the password, but still said, “It’s up to you! Little fire dragon!”

Along with Guan Liyuan’s password, a magic circle emerged from the floor in front of him out of nowhere, and a fiery red light appeared … in front of Guan Liyuan!

“…” Regarding the fact that there is no murderous image, Guan Liyuan doesn’t want to talk anymore.

“Wait? Wait … Little Fire Dragon, do you look taller?” Guan Liyuan suddenly noticed that the Little Fire Dragon, which had only reached his thigh, reached his belly button.

“Gawu?” Xiao Huolong still looked aggressive, and didn’t seem to understand why he appeared here.

However, because of the “contract”, the little fire dragon did not act too panic …

I finally made Xiaohuolong probably clear. Now that it is in the situation, Guan Liyuan once again used the “Bone Veiner” skill “Bone Soldier” and pulled out a bone cutting blade from his elbow to cross in front of him.

“Little fire dragon, use‘ catch ’!”

抓 “Grabbing” is the initial skill of the little fire dragons. All the little fire dragons have physical attack skills …

I saw the little fire dragon “Ga Wu”, a short layer of fluorescence suddenly bloomed on the short meat claws, scratched over the bone blade, looks full of vitality!

But at the next moment, Guan Liyuan’s complexion changed. At the same time when the little fire dragon “scratched” to the bone blade, Guan Liyuan actually felt a sense of strength. He couldn’t help but stretched out his other left hand and reached the other end of the bone blade. This blocked the attack of the little fire dragon.

Even so, Guan Liyuan was pushed back a few steps.

“Gawu?” Xiao Huolong looked at Guan Liyuan in wonder, as if wondering how the master’s strength had grown?

I didn’t know that Guan Liyuan was also confused at this moment!

I want to know his current body, strength and the incarnation in the “Pokémon World” are essentially different …

Small fire dragon feels that Guan Liyuan’s strength has become stronger, why is Guan Liyuan not so?

Replaced with a 10-level fire dragon of “Pokémon World”, it is impossible to push Guan Liyuan of the main world!

After all, level 10 is very low, and the little fire dragon, as the primary form of Pokémon that can evolve in two stages, is not high in racial qualifications before evolution …

Guan Liyuan immediately changed to a posture with the “bone blade” on his side, and once again ordered the little fire dragon: “Little fire dragon, use ‘sparks’!”

“Gawu ~” The little fire dragon opened his mouth, and a ray of flames directed towards the bone blade in Guan Liyuan’s hand.

Tong Guan Liyuan immediately replaced the handle part holding the “bone blade” with both hands, and secretly said: Good danger!

Originally thought that the “spark” was just a special attack based on heat and burning, but he did not expect that it also had an impact and almost lit the dormitory …

The impact of “spark” is far worse than “grasping”, but after about five seconds, cracks appeared on Guan Liyuan’s bone blade, which is the effect of high temperature burning!


Tong Guan Liyuan looked at the crack on the bone edge, and couldn’t help but shine. He knew that going to the “Pokémon World” was indeed the right choice.

As guessed before, although only the projection of Pokémon is summoned, because the limitation of Pokémon in the “Pokémon World” does not take effect in the main world, the projection is better than that in the “Pokémon World”. The body is stronger!

Then he tried three other Pokémon: Ba Da Butterfly, Bo Bo, and Reachable Duck.

The experimental results confirmed Guan Liyuan’s previous guess, while there was another discovery …

Among the four Pokémon, the little fire dragon and bobo are both about 10 levels. Due to the focus of cultivation, the Pakistani butterfly has reached level 13 and the recently reached duckling, only 4 levels …

比较 Compared with the little fire dragon, bobo and big butterfly, the performance is not obvious, but after comparing with the reachable duck, Guan Liyuan found that the increase of the reachable duck is obviously smaller in the main world!

Therefore Guan Liyuan doubts that as the level increases, Pokémon’s performance in the main world will become more and more bright!

I can also say that in the Pokémon world ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ the higher the level of Pokémon, the greater the restraint.

As for calling “Pokémon” to consume Guan Liyuan …

For the time being, the reachable ducks that have no fighting power are not counted. The other three Pokémon simply maintain their existence. A single Pokémon can exist for one hour. The cost of the Pak butterfly is higher than the other two. Consumption is also cumulative.

However, the real consumption is mainly in the use of skills. If you enter a fierce battle, a small fire dragon alone uses the “spark” about 30 times, which is probably the limit of Guan Liyuan. If you change to “grab”, you can double it.

But the good news is that Guan Liyuan found that different occupational energy consumptions are counted separately. After the rune energy consumption of the “Summoner of the Other World” is too large and dimmed, the “Bone Veiner” skills can still be used.

However, both of them consume mental energy. This is a shared part, and it also limits Guan Liyuan’s ability to use both professions at the same time.

In addition, due to the occupational restrictions of the “Summoner of the Other World”, if the projection of a “Pokémon” is destroyed, it cannot be summoned again within a short time …

一 In the early morning of the next day, when you saw Guan Liyuan’s smile, Zhong Liqiu and Wei Yingying knew that his contract of summoning the world had been completed, and the result seemed to be ideal?

“Li Yuan, Li Yuan, how about it? Is there a contract to the” king class “creature?” Zhong Liqiu asked immediately.

Wei Yingying couldn’t help turning his eyes … King? This is a bit too demanding!

额 “Um, I don’t know the specific level, but it does contract a partner who can project the combat effectiveness. After the theoretical course, we will try it on the driving range …”

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