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v2 Chapter 2110 - 0 strange

“Guan Liyuan! Don’t go too far … our Liuqi alliance is not easy to provoke! I have asked the leader for help …”

Among the strange planes, a pure male head above the neck looks like a Chinese character, but starting from below the neck, the upper body has four arms, ribs and four wings, and the lower body looks like a cow’s six-hoof and three tails. …

And from arms to wings to hoofs and tails, there are all kinds of raw scales, some raw feathers, some are webbed, and some are like sharp claws, including body like bandages, and Each “bandage” has a different skin color, scale armor, hair, and even a careful look in the tail, clearly an arabesque.

It is the monster who claims to be the strongest transformed body!

The rule of his major is the “blood rule”, which is superb in genetics …

It is said that he is of human origin. Through continuous biological transformation, when he became the master, he had raised his blood to the level of disaster.

During the period after Marcia’s death, she effectively promoted herself to the level of disaster.

Although it doesn’t seem to sell well, it does realize the transformation that promotes itself to the catastrophic level, and it is not the general catastrophic level. It has the natural destiny of several catastrophic creatures …

Guan Liyuan suspected that the original reason why Marcia was sold decisively by the Hundred Monsters was not only because the Hundred Monsters jealoused him, but also because of the secrets of Marcia’s promotion. At that time, Hundred Monsters were not even disaster-level .

Therefore, they will quietly hire Tatian and Kai to search for the trail of Marcia’s remains.

Now the Lord of Hundred Stranges is also a ready-made target for Guan Liyuan …

Whether it is from the ruins left by Guan Liyuan who once “snapped” a wave of Marcia, or from revenge for his own god, or from revenge for Kai and Tatian … Guan Liyuan has enough The reason is to kill the Hundred Monsters!

Especially the last reason … even if there is no purpose of “jumping by now”, after waiting for the limelight to pass, Guan Liyuan will not let him go!

And now it just needs to be the target of performance. The Lord of Hundred Monsters naturally bears the brunt. Although the Lord of Hundred Monsters is weaker, there are only seven planes, but they are attached to the “Liu Qi Alliance” and the six leaders of the Liu Qi Alliance. Are dominated by twenty or thirty planes.

This kind of alliance-like power is basically universally dominated by the top-level.

Like the Qiqi Alliance, it is a nature of paying protection fees. The Lord of the Hundred Stranges previously cut a plane to the Liuqi Alliance in exchange for the qualification to join the alliance. After joining the alliance, two planes were sealed to the alliance. Of God.

The original Hundred Monsters had a higher status before Marcia died, but after Marcia died, the two planes recovered by the Hundred Monsters could only be forced to enclose the gods recommended by the Alliance. In fact, Don’t listen to him dispatched!

At the same time, however, the six leaders must also play the role of asylum, otherwise the entire alliance will be in danger of collapse if they cannot be convinced.

Guan Liyuan had a good discussion with Ms. Mo before, and she was very excited outside, attracting a wave of attention, and Ms. Mo took the opportunity to enter the “sun and moon dimension.”

After a few months of running, just after arriving at the Huge Monster Plane, after Guan Liyuan made a big noise, he led the Hundred Monster Master, then ignored the opponent’s home field advantage, forced the plane to suppress, and defeated the Huge Monster Master to collapse. …

Because of the sluggish information across the planes, Baiguai only used Guan Liyuan as a new master with high bloodlines.

Even when I heard that in the selection of Qiankun, the young man who became the new master was a quadruple-blooded bloodline. While being jealous, Baiguai specially probed the position of Guan Liyuan’s plane, only when he was ” Fatty. “

When the “fat” was found, Baiguai was very surprised, and then … Baiguai began to doubt life!

Anyway, he is also an old master with seven blood planes with disaster-level bloodlines. Under the suppression of the home plane, Guan Liyuan pressed the hammer-he had six tails before!

“Leader? Oh, can your leader lose the life of an extraordinary hero of my land? Hundred strange, let alone the leader of the Alliance of Qi Qi … even if the King of Qiankun is resurrected, I cannot save you today!” .

Anyway, I also know that the King Qiankun is no longer there, and the “anchor” left by him is about to jump up and hammer himself … then there is no need to taboo, it is better to blow first.

“Heroes heroes? What? You didn’t come for Marcia?” Hundreds of strangers stunned.

Compared to Marcia’s hyper-level blood, Baiguai has forgotten about Kai and Tatian.

And Guan Liyuan seemed to feel something at this time. While secretly hooking his mouth, he waved the right eyeball sword to Baiguai …

That is, at this moment, a thick darkness wrapped up all kinds of monsters!

Although Guan Liyuan’s eyeball sword swept across a dark mass of darkness, while the eyeball sword swept across, the darkness stagnated into a solid, as if broken by obsidian …

The Lord of Hundred Strange People had disappeared, but Guan Liyuan’s eyes were now turned to his side.

Where Guan Liyuan gazed, the group no longer hid, and saw six figures of humans or beasts, or half-humans and half-beasts appearing. At the same time, an old man who appeared to be wearing a black cloak. Chicks are holding all kinds of monsters.

“Liuqi Alliance Leader?” Guan Liyuan said while watching the six people ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Baiguai was in a very complicated mood at this time, both the relief for the six leaders to save himself, and once Guan Liyuan fell into Liuqi Alliance In my hand, it is difficult for me to share another regret …

“It turned out that Liberty Dominion came here. I waited for Liu Qi to have a long way to go … I have heard about Liberty Dominion, and there may be some misunderstandings. But our Liuqi Alliance still hopes to make friends with Liberty Dominion. Maybe this way … Baiguai plane, cut to freedom to dominate the four seats, how did everyone reveal this page afterwards? “Said the black robe holding Baiguai.

The black robe is one of the leaders of the Six Qi Alliance. It understands the rules of shadows, but also the rules of shadows that are biased towards hiding, fleeing, and covering. Although the person is shady but also low-key, the external sacred name is simply “the master of the black robe”, but right The creatures in his own plane seem to be called “the great black gods” …

Hearing the words of the black robe, the instinct of a hundred strange instincts-just now he had already thought of the script, that is, the lord of the Six Qi Alliance rushed this arrogant new master naked to others, and directly won!

After all, when rushing into another’s home alone, it is the weakest time for the domination. Even if Guan Liyuan is in the new domination, it is considered to be some means. It is by no means the opponent of the six allies, and even the six allies came together. Baiguai was puzzled.

Baiguai also wondered if he could find some “specimen” to study the secrets of Guan Liyuan’s quadruple hyper blood …

But when the black robe opened his mouth, he actually cut off the four planes by himself?

There are only seven planes in total, one of which is the destiny plane, and two of the other six planes are sealed to the leader, and then four are cut?

I have grown up to the point where you are upset and want to get rid of it? ——A strange look at the six leaders.

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