Disciple of Immortal

Act 1: Chapter 13: Noble Mimic

Using the time when Lunaire left the hut, I scanned over the notes that I’d jotted down during the lesson, the treasure box spoke to me at that time.

「How is it? KanaTa, Are you GetTing UsEd To ThIS PlaCe? 」

The mouth of the treasure box was moving.

Inside of the box was a vast darkness, I couldn’t guess just how many items were stuffed inside of this treasure.

The space inside of his body seems to be bigger than his own size, so he might be able to control his own mana too.

「Yeah, it’s not that hard, thanks to the Master, and not lonely either. Since I can’t stay for too long in this place, I’ll do my best to be able to leave this place as fast as possible…」

…. Why in the hell could I talk normally with a treasure box?!

Perhaps because of his outspoken personality, I felt that he was easier to get along with.

He’s a treasure box though.

「Uhm, Treasure Box-san, is it? 」

「To be exact, Noble Mimic. But, fEeL Free To UsE WhiCheVEr You LIke.」

I see, his name was Noble Mimic, huh.

So the “Noble” part was referring to the plentiful amount of gems on his body, huh.

Is he….. The comrade of those huge mouths in the wall that bit off my arm, the Gluttony Mimic?

Well, they could just be from the same race.

Well since the person(?) himself said so, let’s call him Treasure Box-san.

……. After all, calling him(?) “Mimic” would remind me of that wall.

「Are you allowed to talk to me, Treasure Box-san? 」

Noble Mimic who was extremely obedient in front of Lunaire might have been told by her to pretend to be a normal Treasure Box in front of me.

「I’M A GonEr If She EveR DisCOveRs. MaStEr Is AlWaYs WORRyINg ThAt I MIgHT ScAre You To DeATh.」

「Well, it’s not a big deal I guess….」

「NO, If She EvER DiSCoVErs The FaCT ThaT I SpoKe To You, I MigHT ReAlLy Be DonE For.」

Noble Mimic Was actually trembling in fear.

…. Is she really that scary when she is angry?

「BuT, I GuESs I cAn BeComE YouR ConVerSaTioN parTnEr OnCe In A wHIle inSteaD of ThaT GlOOmy WomAN.」

It might be because he(?) was the talkative type which made me feel as if he(?) was making  fun of Lunaire.

「Master! This Treasure Box was just insultin–」

Just when I turned while raising my voice to call Lunaire, Noble Mimic restrained me with his(?) tongue.

「MGhhh! I’m Joking you know, just joking! 」

「Do You UnDerStaNd WhAT YOU ArE tRyinG To DO? StOp WiTh ThIs Kind OF ReckLEssNeSS.」

After I managed to escape from Noble Mimic’s tongue restraint and sprawled on the floor, he(?) inched closer to me.

I-Is he going to seal my mouth!?

I used 《Status Check》 on him(?) immediately.


Race :Noble Mimic

Lv :3022

HP :17225/17225

MP :12390/12390



His(?) status is far higher than Heqat, the toad monster who tried to eat me before.

To be honest, I had looked down upon this Treasure Box before.

As the Noble Mimic opened his(?) mouth, I prepared myself to be killed by him(?).

「ThIS iS……… The FirST TiME My MAsTER LooKed So LiVELY. PleASe GeT AlONG WiTh Her.」

「Eh ……? O-Of course! That’s my intention even without you telling me so…」

W-What the hell is with this Treasure Box, he(?) sounds like a cool guy(?), he’s a box though.

We stared at each other in silence for a while.

「Uhm…. Mas-, I mean Lunaire-san, what did she do in the past? 」

Seeing her, I really couldn’t think of her as someone who hated humans.

But, that alone wasn’t enough to explain the reason for her to tell me that she hated humans.

Lunaire said that she was 『A human who’d abandoned her humanity and gained an eternal life』 as a lich.

That meant she used to be a human a long time ago.

I wonder what  happened to her in the past.

「I sEE… So You’Re IntereSteD in Her Past.」

Unlike before, Noble Mimic was serious this time.

I gulped upon seeing that.

For some reason, I felt that I just asked an extremely serious matter about Lunaire’s past without her consent.

「ThE TiMe Was ArOUnd 1000 Years AgO. My MasTer, Who’s AlReAdy A GenIUS MaGIcIAn At ThaT tIme was thE meMbeR of DemoN KinG SubJUGaTIoN ForCE.」

「Demon…. King? 」

「OnE Day, The KinG of DemONs ApPEArEd OuT of NowheRe. He’s CommAnDinG The DEmOns UsING A SkiLL ThaT RaISed The DeMON’s LaTent AbiLItiEs. And MosT TRouBleSOme OF All WAs The LimITLESS GROwTh of ItS REAL BodY WhiCH COulD SelF EvOLve WithIN an ExtrEmeLY Short AmoUNt of Time. It WaS The WorSt CalAMitY DeMOn ThaT EvEr ExisTed.」

There’s that kind of monster outside of this place huh….

According to his(?) story, it was no longer a simple demon, it was calamity itself.

「MAsTer’s SubJuGAtIOn TeaM WaS AnnIHILATED. TheY FaiLed To SubJuGaTE thE DemON KinG. At ThaT tiME, MasteR was……」

「You seem to be enjoying yourself quite a bit, no.」

I heard Lunaire’s voice coming from behind.

Noble Mimic and I were caught off guard.

A chill ran down my spine.

It seems the same went for Noble Mimic.

When I turned around, Lunaire was looking at me and Noble Mimic with her usual cold, and expressionless look on her face.

「I-I WaS ForCEd By THiS GuY! 」

Noble Mimic rolled up his tongue, skillfully made a form of a hand and forefinger as he(?) pointed at me.

Y-You traitor!

And I thought he(?) was a nice guy!

「Let’s talk about this again later, Noble.」


Despite Noble Mimic’s vigorous protests, while  hopping around, he still ended up shrinking in fear after being glared at by Lunaire.

E… Even Level 3000 Noble Mimic was no match for Lunaire.

Lunaire then looked at me after she let Noble Mimic know his place.

I’I’m next huh!

As I thought, I couldn’t get out of this situation unscathed!

「Sorry! I also…」

「It seems you’ve opened up to Noble. Though I’ve so many things to worry about… I’ll get Noble to spit the truth later on. Please wait for a while since Im gonna cook the ingredients that I harvested just now. 」

「T-Thank you very much」

「YoU’Re OnLY kIND tO KaNATA! So SLy! 」

And despite another vehement protest by Noble Mimic, a glare from Lunaire was enough to remind him(?) of his position as pet.

Even though it was okay if you were to become an obedient child from the very beginning…..

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