Disciple of Immortal

Act 1: Chapter 18: Hellish Training

Those evil beings were swarming towards me.

And all of them were over Lv.3000, I’m screwed.

I don’t think a weakling like me could do anything in this situation.

「M-Master! Let’s escape from this place! 」

Lunaire stretched out her arms.

「Barrier Magic, 21st Rank 《Amor Sanctuary [Love God’s Sanctuary》」

A magic circle with a diameter of five metres spread before me, which then gave rise to a pink colored-wall of light in front of it.

Lunaire’s barrier magic.

That barrier stopped the advance of those aberrations.

「T-That was close~…..」

The moment I felt relieved, those grotesque devils were clinging on to that wall of light.


「This barrier only allows the ones inside the ability to pass through it. Thus, the ones trapped inside can attack through to the outside, like this.」

While explaining this, Lunaire took a sword from her 《Dimension Pocket》 and threw it towards one of those devils.

The sword passed through the wall of light and made a wide hole in that devil’s body.

The devil’s body got smashed to pieces and its remnant turned into particles of light.

I-I see now, in short we could attack from this safe haven.

What a convenient barrier magic!

If it’s this safe, I guess raising my level was a simple matter.

But… Even Lv.3000-class devil got rekted in one turn huh.

Just how high is Lunaire’s current level?

Though I’m curious about her level, I’m afraid that it would be a breach of privacy to use 《Status Check》 on her.

And I’m too scared to ask the person herself about her level.

「Anyway, keep firing your magic attack towards them. It’s enough even if you managed to leave a scratch and leave the disposal to me.」

「Y-Yeah!  」

Spinning a double layered magic circle, I was aiming for the yellow sphere located in the back most position, seemingly the weakest of the aberrant in the swarms.

Since I just need the one with the highest firepower, I only learned one 9th rank magic.

It takes some time to cast and its accuracy wasn’t that dependable but, it was definitely the most powerful magic that was currently accessible to me,

「Fire Magic, 9th Rank 《Drag Ray [Dragonic Heat Beam]》! 」

A heat ray pierced through the middle of the double layered magic circle.

That floating yellow globe suddenly transformed into doughnut shape and let my 《Drag Ray》 pass through the hole in its center.

H-How in the hell did that thing manage to dodge that attack from its blindspot!??

「Keep firing.」

Lunaire said nonchalantly.

C-Can I really get a lucky shot by continuously firing blindly?

And even if I got lucky, could my attack even leave a scratch against these aberrations?

When I looked ahead, in front of me, the yellow sphere suddenly showed a human-like angry face after it dodged my previous attack.

Its body split into five and then muscular arms kept growing from those five separated bodies.

The weakest? How naive of me!

There was no weak monster in this place.

The five bodies then joined the other Devils to attack the barrier.

Its attack caused a big ripple on the barrier.

「A-Are we safe! ? 」

「It’s alright. You have the《Ouroboros Ring》, and me with you.」

「Does that mean this barrier can’t hold on anymore! ? 」

… Anyway, let’s just trust Lunaire, I didn’t have any choice but to trust her anyway.

It seemed that I wouldn’t be able to hit them with magic.

Since those Devils were glued onto the surface of the barrier, a direct physical attack with a weapon might be able to hurt them.

I went towards those grotesque Devils and then stabbed them with my sword.

The one I was aiming for was the devil with the head of a middle-aged man with a dog’s abdomen.

This guy is just sitting in front of the barrier, breathing heavily like an exhausted dog.

Although I was in fact too scared to get any closer to them, I’ve to take some risk in this situation.

My sword hit its cranium.

I-I did it, that should be enough to cause some dama—!

…. My sword was stuck in its head!!!

I also couldn’t move my arms.

It felt like the blade was caught by its teeth.

《The Fool’s Magic Sword》 was a precious weapon which compensated for my lack of power.

On top of its high value, this is a weapon loaned by Lunaire.


Damn!It won’t budge at all.

I put more power into my arms.


As soon as I heard Lunaire’s warning.

The man turned his head while I pulled the sword, since I was holding it tightly, the sword swung to the side and I moved in the same direction and lost my balance. I hit the floor and it dragged my body along the ground.

「UGHH! 」

Searing pain ran along my body as I was dragged.

The difference between our power broke my fingers which held the handle of the sword.

When I looked up, the man was already right in front of me.

And then, I noticed that I was dragged out of Lunaire’s 《Amor Sanctuary》.

There was no resistance from the barrier when my body was dragged out of it.

This guy used the blade of my sword to drag me out of the barrier.

It seemed I was too naive.

The monster dog was looking down at me while breathing heavily as if feeling delighted after catching its prey.

「Ku~n, Kun, Kuu~n.」

I… am done for.

The moment I thought of it, my body was split in half.

I couldn’t feel anything from below my waist.

In the next moment, I fell onto the ground with my limbs completely intact again.

It seems that the resuscitation effect of the《Ouroboros Ring》 which consumed its wearer’s mana was kicking in.

That was a close call, I thought I was going to die.

To be honest, the feeling of returning from the abyss of death wasn’t something enjoyable.

My mind was in a blank state, I could feel a vague discomfort in my whole body.

I… didn’t want to feel that pain before death anymore.

「Ah …….. 」

Three of those muscular yellow balls from before had already surrounded me.

It was the same yellow ball that I tried to attack with 《Drag Ray》.

The expression on the surface of those ball wasn’t anger anymore, it was laughing

But, that laugh made me even more uncomfortable.

And despite having no way to understand the meaning behind that laugh, I got a bad feeling from it.

And then, a rain of fists faster than the speed that I could follow started raining upon my body.

I only managed to catch a glimpse of the after images of those fist.

The next thing I know, I… was already in Lunaire’s hut again.

W-Was that just a dream?!

When I was looking on the side, I saw Lunaire’s eyes looking at my face.

She stood up as soon as her eyes met mine.

「… That place is the only way to raise your level as much as possible within the shortest time frame but, it seems that place is still too much for the current you.」

So those devils weren’t a dream after all.

「T-That should be enough for today’s training, so use the rest of this day to rest properly. Those events must have taken a heavy toll on your body and mind.」

「No, let me visit that place again. I’ll be alright this time.」

… To be honest, I didn’t want to experience those nightmares again.

But, I couldn’t bear to trouble Lunaire any longer without doing anything in that place.

Today, I’ve yet to be able to do anything against those aberrations.

As expected, I shouldn’t attack them with weapons.

What I should have done was carefully look for an opening to attack with my offensive magic.

I was such a fool to lose my cool in that kind of dangerous place.

When I looked at Lunaire’s face, she avoided my gaze.

「Y-…. You shouldn’t force yourself, you know. That leveling method….. Might still be too early for you, that’s why… let’s start from the basics again by having you defeat the golem.」

Despite what she said, I don’t think I could defeat those aberrations no matter how many golems I killed.

Nor do I know how many years it will take for me to reach those aberrations’s level.

And it’s not like Lunaire was willing to take care of me for that long.

The reason was because she rejected my wish to stay with her before.

「Let me try again. Before, I was simply too surprised by the appearance of those aberrations. I am definitely gonna kick their asses this time!」

「I-Is that so….」

Lunaire seemed to be slightly disappointed as she said those words.

Noble Mimic who was witnessing our conversation from the side seemed like he wanted to say something.

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