Disciple of Immortal

Act 1: Chapter 24: Graduation

After we finished with the leveling session in the 《Distorted World of the Cursed Mirror》, we returned to Lunaire’s hut.

Thus, after a brief review regarding magic, drug compounding, and meditation, I went straight to cooking our meal without doing the《Twin Mind Method》 training.

「YOu’re StronGer Than Me NoW, KanAta!」

Noble Mimic said as if admiring me.

Surely, my current self might be able to win in a one-on-one fight against Noble Mimic.

Before, I thought “What the hell is with this uselessly high-level monster” but, I never expected that I would become even stronger than him in an extremely short amount of time.

「Yeah, good job on reaching this level. Uhm… Ka, Ka…」

Lunaire was suddenly unable to finish her sentence, there was a tinge of pink on her cheeks.

「M-My student.」

Lunaire said, coughing as if to gloss over her unfinished sentence.

What did she… want to tell me just now?

「PleAsE Do ForgIVe HeR. MaStEr aRen’T Used CallEd AnoTHer PersoN’s NamE After AlL.」

「You’re mistaken! I was just a little bit absentminded just now!」

Lunaire got angry at Noble Mimic.

…. Come to think of it, Lunaire might have never called out to me by name.

No, it was not “Might be”, it was “NEVER”.

It might be just as he said, Lunaire intentionally didn’t call me by name so that meant that she wasn’t used to doing so.

「Just once, I want you to call me by name, Master.」

When I said what suddenly came to my mind, Lunaire glared at me with a scornful gaze.

「… Are you trying to mock me?」

「You’re mistaken! I really just wanted you to call me by name, Master!」

「F-Fine then… just to be clear, i-it’s not like I’m looking for a chance to do that.」

…. Seriously?

Was it only me who couldn’t remember that?

Lunaire closed her eyes as she readjusted her breath.

S-She looked like someone who was prepared to do a suicide attack….

Her condition was strange, was it really hard for her to say one name?

Just when I thought she wanted to say something, her lips suddenly shut again.

W-Was that a feint just now?

I mean, right now even my face was blushing.


Lunaire said while covering her face with her hands.

Though I was so happy that she finally called me by name, I unconsciously covered my face with my hands too due to embarrassment.

「P-Please drop the honorific.」

Noble Mimic was restlessly looking around the hut.

「WhAt… In ThE HeLL I SaW JuST NoW?」

Thus, I continued the cooking preparation in a lighter mood than before.

I was rather anxious right now since my face might be loosened somehow.

Thus, I slapped my hands on my cheeks to straighten my loosened face.

When I carried the dishes to the dining room, Noble Mimic was looking at Lunaire who was standing up to help me.

「So, WhAT KiND Of TRAInINg YoU’Re GoINg To DO NeXT?」

Noble Mimic asked as if to tease Lunaire.

I also caught my breath in hearing him say those words.

Because it was a topic that I wanted to avoid after the end of today’s leveling session in the《Distorted World of the Cursed Mirror》.

「Congratulation. Your leveling is already…. No, you might not even need my help anymore. 」

… Was what she said at the end of today’s leveling session.

Those words indicated the end of my training.

I’ve to leave this place as soon as possible after I finished my training in this place, Lunaire reminded me about that fact numerous times.

Lunaire closed her eyes, she had nothing to say in this regard.

Maybe because he guessed Lunaire’s condition, Noble Mimic stopped moving his body and looked at her silently.

Lunaire opened her eyes a few seconds later.

「… I think you’ve become strong enough. The way you are now should be fine even without my help in the outside world. You’ve finished your training.」

Lunaire’s words attacked me like a heavy blow.

… Although I knew that this day would come sooner or later, it still hurt my heart no matter how many times I heard it.

I ended up forgetting about replying to her and just stared down silently.

Even though getting out of this place should be my goal, before I realized, the days I spent training while laughing with Noble Mimic and Lunaire became extremely important to me.

Leaving this place meant that I wouldn’t be able to meet her any longer.

「YoU’VE GrAduTED HuH! YAY, Let’S PaRtY FoR SeVEn DAyS To CelEbRATe YoUr GRAdua-….」

「No, you must leave today.」

Lunaire interrupted Noble Mimic with her usual indifferent voice.

Though his body stretched up in delight a moment ago, it was already hunched over by the next moment.

「I also have a mountain of things I wanted to do before you came and took a lot of my precious time. Though I’ll be lying if I said that I think of nothing of the days I spent with you…. Please do not waste your time in a gloomy place like this.」

「Master… About that matter…」

「Don’t worry. For an immortal being like me, several dozen days I used for training you was just my way of killing time. Moreover, my emotional attachment is lighter than yours, so do not be troubled by it…」

… I had no idea how to reply to her statement.

I was wondering whether or not Lunaire really meant it when she said those words.

Although she was a poor talker with a shy personality, there was no reason for her to tell me such words.

Or else… I’ve simply misunderstood her.

「A-Are YoU SeRIouS, MasTER?」

「What’s the matter, Noble?」

「N-No, iT’S NoThINg…」

Lunaire started moving the plate towards the dining table.

In the meanwhile, I just stood there dumbfoundedly as I looked at her.

「There was somewhere I wanted to visit after this, can you come with me after dinner? It will be the last place we will go to.」

Lunaire called out to me who was still frozen.

L-Last place… to visit?

Noble Mimic hung around that seemingly looked dejected after his request for tagging along was answered with him almost being blasted to dust by Lunaire.

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