Disciple of Immortal

Act 1: Chapter 8: Lunaire's Base

「Although I don’t want to invite a human into my abode, it can’t be helped, no?」

Lunaire said as she stood in front of the yurt, folding her arms heaving a sigh.

「.. My deepest gratitude, Master.」

「Your lack of restraint is splendid. To me, humans are an existence lower than worms. Well, I guess I’ll treat you the same as a fly that accidentally entered my dwelling.」

Lunaire said as she rolled up the entrance-like curtain with a sullen face.

She was stealing glances at me every once in a while, although she averted her gaze when our eyes met.

「What’s the matter? 」

When I asked so, Lunaire turned around as she tried her best to hide what was inside.

「If it’s okay…… With you? Please wait right there for a while. You absolutely musn’t move from your position.」

「… Master? 」

Lunaire entered the yurt immediately.

I could hear a loud rattling sound from inside the yurt.

What’s that? Someone please tell me what happened inside.


Aren’t you actually going all out in there?

You told me that I absolutely shouldn’t move from here but….

「U-Uhm, are you okay, Master」

I tried to call her but… there was no reply from inside.

It seems I’d become too anxious since Lunaire, who’d guaranteed my safety in this monster-filled labyrinth, had left me outside.

Should I try to peep at what happened inside from the seams between the yurt cloth?

I mean that’s still not outside the category of “not moving from your place”.

….. Oh well, that’s the excuse I made up.

Lunaire was… busying herself with stuffing bone-like things and stuffing massive sized books, which were scattered in the room, into a treasure box-like thing which had some fangs on its sides, in short a mimic like the one you saw in the game.

The treasure box has a similar shaped mouth with the wall that tried to eat me before, so that treasure box might be its monster form.

That box had gold frame and was adorned with various jewels on its surface, it was a gorgeous box.

「I-I-I, I CaN’T EAT AnYmOrE……」

「If you have the time to complain, then use that power to stuff more into your body. My visitor from afar can’t wait any longer after all.」

In hearing the treasure box’s complaints, Lunaire stuffed even more things into its body.

Despite its size, I wonder how it could store something even bigger than its own body.

It might have similar power with Lunaire’s 《Dimension Pocket》.

…. Rather, why didn’t she use her 4D pocket instead?

It seemed the treasure box was really at its limit.


It seemed she was in the middle of cleaning.

Two human-like clay dolls, minus their heads were busying themselves dusting the interior with a clean cloth.


What she said about a human coming to her hut being just like an ugly little fly was a lie after all.

I took a look around the interior of the room.

I saw numerous ornaments made of skeletons, it might be her hobby or something for magical research.

「W-What should I do. I only have one bed. There’s no way I will tell him that I’ll sleep on the floor, nor can I tell him to sleep on the floor, it’ll only ruin the atmosphere. What should I do in this situation, tell me please? 」

「EvEn If YoU TeLl Me ThaT, I am…. JusT a Treasure BoX…」

「You’ve always come up with interesting ideas up until now, no? Tell me please. You at least possess some level of human common sense as a mimic.」

W-What an absurd brawl.

「HoW AbOut SlEePIng ToGeTHer ON One Bed? 」

「D-Don’t joke around! Want me to dismantle you?! 」

I saw Lunaire raise her arm high with a flushed red face.

A magic circle formed on top of her palm.

「C-CalM DoWn, MAsTER!! 」

「Time-Space Magic, 19th Rank《Graviburn》……」

Her fingertip pointed at the treasure box.

At that moment, the two human sized clay doll threw away their dusting cloths and pinned Lunaire together.

「Let me go! LET ME GOO! 」

「If yOu Use ThaT MagIC, LeT AloNe Me, ThIs EnTIrE HuT WiLl LiTeRAry EXplODe! CaLm DoWn MasTeR! 」

T-That magic was super dangerous, huh.

「I kNoW ThaT YOu’Re ExTrEmElY ExCITEd AbOuT ReCeIVinG A VisIToR For The FirSt TIme SInCe WHo KnoWs WheN But, Don’T ForGet ThAt YoU’Re an ImMoRtAl BeING, NoThINg StRAnGE Will HaPPen BetWeeN yO-… Ah.」

My eyes met with the treasure box’.

The moment our eyes met, we reached a tacit understanding.

I gave a slight nod and then stopped my peeping act.

I…. I didn’t see anything at all!

Ten minutes later, Lunaire walked out of the hut, as if that incident I’d just witnessed inside had never happened.

She was really good at acting.

「I did a little cleanup, because the miasma floating in my little hut is poisonous for humans. It’s not like I care whether you die of it or not but, it’ll be extremely troublesome if you happen to die inside of my hut, no.」

「I-I see, thank you for your consideration….」

Too naive!

So that was your way of explaining that exploding noise from inside of the hut, huh?!

I could hear your loud voice from outside even without peeping, you know.

「Well then, come in.」

「T-Thank you, excuse me then…」

When I followed her inside, she stilled right at the entrance.

「Ah, please wait a minute, this nervousness is…. Ah, it’s nothing……」

「I- I see. Well, since I can somehow understand your feelings, I’ll wait for a while.」

She…. Might be still too nervous, well I am her first guest afterall.

For some reason, it seems I need to pretend for this part too.

I felt that being honest wasn’t the best for both of us.

I mean I had long since realized that Lunaire didn’t actually hate humans as she claimed.

And when I was inside the hut, the interior was in fact far tidier compared to the time when I’d peeped a while ago.

Rather, it’d turned into an EXTREMELY tidy place.

She’d even removed the skulls ornaments in consideration that it might spook me, heck, even the bed had vanished, as if it had never existed in this place to begin with.

The treasure box seemed to be already at its limit but, she might have stuffed even more things inside the poor guy.

It seems she’d reached the conclusion that it would be better if the bed never existed from the very beginning, her solution was simply out of the box!

I-I see now, so that was the case.

Though I wouldn’t mind even if she used her bed normally…

As for the treasure box and the two golems, they were enshrined deep into the hut as if telling me that they were just a mere decoration.

…. It felt like the treasure box’s eyes met mine but….

「Are you surprised at my dull taste? My sense about such things dulled after I became a lich, you know.」

「I see. ……」

How could you have told me such blatant lies despite growing those flowers and making that cat statue?

Rather, you should just be honest with me since I really feel bad for you right now.

When I looked at the treasure box, its fangs were peeking out as if brandishing at me.

… And then quietly hid those fangs again when Lunaire glared at it.

T-THis is girl is just…….. TOO MOE!!!.

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