Disciple of Immortal

Act 2: Chapter 36: Visit

After that, I created as much 《Adamant Ore》 as possible with the remaining 《Jade Dragon’s Eye》 while Pomera focused on suppressing the sound in our room spirit magic, 5th rank; 《Silent Singer》

「Thank you very much for your assistance, Pomera-san. And lastly, Philia-chan.」

I picked up the 《Dream King’s Mask》, and returned it back to Philia.

「This… for Kanata! A present from Philia!」

I recalled the phrase in 《Akashic Record》 as I looked at Philia who spoke with such a bright and cheerful face.


Alchemists from five thousand years ago prepared two 《Dream King’s Mask》 when they created 《Fear God; Zorophilia》 but, later on, whenever its appearance was recorded in history, it would always become a spark for a great war.



… Can I really keep this hot potato?

If I let my guard down and made a slip, a country might potentially vanish from this world.

No, maybe that is just what is going to happen if any Phantasmal rank item in my possession ever gets lost…

In addition, this mask was created by shaving away part of Philia’s body.

This was a Phantasmal-rank item too.

In short, creating this mask most likely consumed Philia’s 《Dream Sand》.

「… Kanata, isn’t happy? are you, don’t need, Philia anymore?」

Philia asked with an upturned gaze, face filled with anxiety.

Thus, I crouched down, and matched my gaze with Philia.

「T-Thank you very much, Philia-chan. But, I think it’ll be safer if you keep it for me. I’ll be really grateful if you keep it for me for the time being. You can give it to me again when I need it… what do you think, Philia-chan?」

「Uhn! Understood! Philia will prepare it again when Kanata needs it again!」

Philia clasped hands into fists before taking the 《Dream King’s Mask》 from me.

After Philia put on the mask, the mask vanished without trace. It might have reverted into 《Dream Sand》 again, and returned into Philia’s body.

「Even that big kettle… has become a mess now.」

Pomera spoke with a dumbfounded voice.

The shape of the big kettle that I used for alchemy was now turned into a mess since I kept using it while patching it together with metal created with earth magic.

It seems the reason that it became like this was because of the explosive energy that occurs during the final phase of alchemizing 《Adamant Ore》.

Though we somehow managed to seal the explosive force with my barrier and kill its sound with Pomera’s spirit magic, it was quite a bold alchemy experiment.

「This should be okay, right? The other mages won’t know about this from the trace of mana in the air, right?」

「I think, it’ll be okay, but… just in case, we should put a barrier.」

I looked toward the door of our room.

Maybe putting a barrier in our entire room was a bit too over the top.

But, even if I forced myself, the strongest barrier magic that I could use was 8th rank.

According to my experience so far in the outside world, this should be around an A-rank adventurer’s level.

It wasn’t that effective against an opponent around my level.

Considering my current situation, I should’ve asked Lunaire to teach me a bit more about barrier magic.

「Though I’m not that good at using barrier magic, it should be better than nothing. I guess more preparation is needed if I’m going to perform alchemy in the future.」

「If Kanata-san is bad at barrier magic, please teach Pomera barrier magic! Pomera… Pomera wants to be helpful to Kanata-san too!」

Pomera raised her big cane that received emergency maintenance as she spoke with a spirited voice.

… We couldn’t find a replacement for her cane either.

「Thank you, Pomera-san. With this, we got an ingredient, I think the rest will be easier than this. After we make enough 《Ether》, special training in 《Distorted World of Cursed Mirror》 will resume too. It should be possible to forcibly boost the rank of magic that we learn during the training.」

「… T-That mirror, again.」

Pomera’s face twitched upon hearing my remark.

「You don’t want to…? Well if you don’t wa–」

「N-No! I-I’ll do my best! Pomera will do her best! Leave it to Pomera, Kanata-san!」

Pomera spoke while gripping tightly on her big cane.

「I-I see. W-Well, it’s rare for anyone to check the trace of an alchemy process. It might be okay even if we’re not going that far in trying to cover the traces of the alchemy…」

That moment, someone knocked on the door of our room.

Both Pomera and I stiffened at the same time.

Philia was the only one who was looking at the door with an innocent look on her face as she said, 「A guest?」.

After freezing on the spot for a few seconds, the door of our room was knocked on again.

My line of sight met Pomera’s.

Pomera gulped her saliva.

「P-Pomera is going to check it. They doesn’t seems to have bad intentions since they knocked.」

「… Stop, let me take a look. It’s okay… My master has taught me close quarter combat too.」

Any mage who didn’t learn 《Twin-Mind Model》 or close quarter combat would have a hard time fighting against an unidentified opponent in close range.

In addition, it was only natural for me, who had the highest level amongst us, to check our visitor.

I clasped 《Hero Sword; Gilgamesh》 in one hand, pondering that it might be time for it to get some action.

I hid the sword behind my back, and opened the door of our room.

There, I saw a man with a pointy hat standing in front of the door.

He stepped back as soon as he saw the look in my eyes.

The man with a pointy hat raised his hands as if to say that he had no ill will.

「C-Calm down, I’m the messenger from the guild master. I came to tell you about the adventurer’s meeting. Since no one was answering when I knocked on the door of the saint’s room, I assumed that she was in your room, her traveling companion.」

I heaved a sigh.

Surely, we were told before that the adventurer meeting was going to be held as soon as possible due to the deteriorating situation, and this man was the guild master’s… I mean, Gannet’s messenger.

After a brief silence, the man in a pointy hat tried to peek into the room.

「Is the saint inside?」

I barely stopped myself from allowing him to see my room. I mean, I’ve yet to stow the 《Adamant Ore》 that we just alchemized.

I absolutely couldn’t let him see that.

「… My bad, I really have no intention to pry into your private life. Guild master even went as far as telling me not to try to haggle.」

… I did have this feeling after seeing Gannet’s speech and conduct that he had an extremely dark side of him but, that’s way too obvious.

Pomera then came to the door after she covered the big kettle with clothes.

「Sorry! Is something the matter?」

「… The adventurer meeting will be held earlier than the original plan. It’ll start tonight since the matter regarding this Ragno stampede takes the top priority.」

「T-Tonight? No matter how you look at it, it’s way too rushed…」

The man with a pointy hat shook his head.

「The ragno that appeared in Manarak so far hasn’t surpassed part of the scale that is appearing right now. They might be backed up by a demon king. It’s no longer the crisis of this city, it’s already a national-level crisis.」

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