Disciple of Immortal

Act 2: Chapter 45: Half-Elf Girl And Transferee(Side: Pomera)

「W-We’ve been waiting for you, Kotone-dono!」

Gannet walked over to welcome her the moment he saw Kotone’s figure appear from behind the door.

After her gaze wandered around the conference room, her gaze returned to Gannet.

「The meeting hasn’t started?」

「We decided to wait for a while longer for you to come, Kotone-dono. Did you have some business to attend to before coming?」

「No, I just overslept a little bit. I’m not an early riser.」

「I see. The meeting did go on till late at night yesterday and you’ve had to wake up early today too. My apologies for our carelessness. And thank you very much for being willing to participate in the migration.」

Gannet skillfully handled the situation with a smile with Kotone, as if his flustered appearance from a while ago was a blatant lie.

「… That person is really skilful at switching his attitude.」

Even Pomera couldn’t help but admire him.

Rosemonde was glaring toward Gannet while muttering,「Old fox」 under her breath.

Kotone was walking toward the empty seat but then she suddenly stopped midway and looked at Pomera.

Pomera flinched the moment her line of sight met Kotone.

Just like that, Kotone changed the direction she walked, and went toward Pomera’s direction instead.

「G-Good day… uhm, Kotone-san. Uhm, do you have some sort of business with Pomera?」

「Where’s the man who sat beside you yesterday?」

Kotone came closer and asked Pomera.

「U… Uhm… he said that he has something to do right now.」

「… I see. Do you know where he came from?」

「N-No, Pomera never heard about that from Kanata-san… Uhm… Kanata-san rarely talks about himself…」

「Do you know his family name?」

「I-I don’t think I can tell you about it…」

Kotone’s eyebrows formed a frown upon hearing Pomera’s remark.

It created an intimidating air unique to Kotone.

「It shouldn’t be something to worry about, right? Or else, is there some sort of secret behind it?」

「F-Fine then, Kanata-san said that his family name is Kanbara but… is something the matter with that?」

Kotone shook her head a little bit.

「Not a big deal, I’m just curious.」

After replying with short words, Kotone walked back toward the empty chair without even thanking Pomera.

「Kanata Kanbara… Kanbara Kanata. Yup, doesn’t seems like those fake names from Yamato kingdom.」

Kotone muttered as a faint smile formed on her lips.

But, that smile had only lasted for a second. Her face returned to the usual taciturn face by the next second.

Pomera, who was frozen stiff when Kotone suddenly called out to her, finally heaved a sigh after seeing the latter get seated.

「W-What was that…」

「Humph, as if S-rank adventurers can oversleep. Just what kind of scheme did that woman come up with.」

Rosemonde spat out such biting remarks.

「Is she really… such a dangerous person?」

「Never hear the story about someone who suddenly appeared when something happened? Well that’s aside, she’s regarded as some sort of hero in this city and she can easily exterminate the monsters. And yet, she’s kinda creepy since I don’t even know what she’s thinking about. And she isn’t the kind of woman who calls out to someone out of mere curiosity. Things might become troublesome if she’s targeting you.」

Pomera felt the same but whenever her line of sight met Kotone’s, the latter averted her gaze as Pomera tried to see into the latter’s heart.

Gannet moved toward the innermost part of the meeting room as soon as Kotone sat down in her seat.

He might be about to start detailing the current situation when Kotone was about to arrive a while ago.

「Pomera! Philia will do her best!」

Philia, who sat on Pomera’s lap, spoke with such conviction.

「P-Philia-chan, you mustn’t reveal your power recklessly oka–」

Suddenly, Pomera recalled Kanata’s remark to Philia before he left.

If Philia did something this time around, Kanata would become the scapegoat for Pomera.

「… Wait a minute? Since Kanata is gone now, doesn’t that mean Pomera will still… become the scapegoat?」

Her face paled the moment she realized that terrifying fact.

Things could easily develop into a similar situation as back then when they recognized her as the one who summoned the Progenitor Dragon back then.

The problem was, she had no idea what kind of trouble was gonna be dumped on her now.

「This seems to be everyone. Well then, I shall brief everyone here about today’s migration plan with the information we gathered last night.」

Gannet stood in the middle of the conference room as he announced the start of the meeting.

Pomera was suddenly hit by bad premonition the moment she heard that.

「E-Eh…? That’s… strange?」

Pomera was looking around the conference room with a listless look on her face.

And finally, she noticed a certain someone that should be here was nowhere to be seen.

The blonde-haired A-rank adventurer, Alfred.

She had completely forgotten about him since she was too nervous before the start of the meeting.

The reason for her worry was because Kanata himself warned her to be careful of Alfred.

Alfred was a coward and a vengeful person.

She came to understand that fact during her duel against him.

He even went as far as threatening her before the meeting last night.

Pomera believed that if it was Alfred, he would stoop as low as ambushing her during the migration. And the fact that he didn’t come made her even more anxious.

Without his appearance in this place, Alfred’s actions became completely unpredictable.

「What are you worrying about, Half-Elf lass?」

「Uhm, I don’t seem to see Alfred… He participated in last night’s meeting though.」

Rosemonde laughed scornfully upon hearing Pomera’s remark.

「That idiot has long since escaped from this city.」


Pomera’s eyes opened wide the moment she heard Rosemonde’s snicker.

「E-Eh, b-but… did he actually… say that?」

「That guy’s face turned ghastly pale after last night’s meeting and then he caught his female comrade’s arm and ran. There’s no mistake about it. I mean, he even screamed, “I’m not ready to die yet” so loudly. It doesn’t seem to be acting coming from such a prideful fella. Maybe he got scared sh*tless the moment he heard mention of the demon king. 」


「He’s the kind of lowlife who loves to walk under the limelight to become the centre of attention. His strength aside, his personality will be a great hindrance to him. To be honest, I’m glad that he left.」

「… I-I see… Thank you for telling me about this.」

Though it wasn’t within her expectation, Pomera was free of one of her worries now at least.

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