Disciple of Immortal

Act 3: Chapter 39.1 - The End of Turmoil

Alice had already died, and the turmoil caused by the 《Red Authority Cane》 had finally settled down.

After receiving much healing magic from Pomera, my body healed to the point that I had no problem with moving around.

According to Pomera, the turmoil had already been settled down.

Most of 《Blood Cup》 members who wreaked havoc in Manarak had already been arrested, albeit, some of them managed to escape.

The other party was an organization so I expected that they would come in great numbers, but it was a good thing that most of them got arrested without any problem.

My priority was to go after the 《Red Authority Cane》 along with Bennet while Pomera rescues the wounded people.

Since Kotone, the strongest combat force of this city was caught in Alice trap, I expected that we would have a hard time dealing with the members of the 《Blood Cup》 alas, it was needless anxiety.

… But, the strangest thing was the fact that many members of the 《Blood Cup》 just lay down on the ground with a dazed look on their face, as if they were assailed by some sort of fear.

I guess Philia did her best to surpress them.

After telling the story, Pomera went to a healing center to help the wounded people with her white magic.

I worked along with Bennet and finally located Kotone, 《The hundred Demon》 Garan, and the 《Dungeon Master》 Balot, the three who became the victim of 《Puppet Coffin》.

Everyone was still alive.

But, it seems they were in a comatose state.

I really regretted the fact that I couldn’t find the method to cancel 《Puppet Coffin》 from Alice.

It was an extremely terrifying magic that binds one’s soul and manipulates them at will like a mere puppet after all.

I might have ended up killing them if I tried to forcefully cancel them.

Kotone has been receiving healing magic for a whole half day and has yet to wake up.

Since a researcher in 《Mithril Cane》 was an adept in spirit magic, we tried to move her there.

The next day, I along with Pome, Philia, and Bennet visited the research institute of 《Mithril Cane》.

There, we saw Kotone, Garan, and Balot sleeping in the bed like before.

They look so peaceful as if they were already dead.

「My deepest apologies for being unable to help them, Kanata-dono… Not even us can find a way to cure them. Naturally we won’t give up in trying to find a way to cure them but… The chance for that is infinitely close to zero.」

Gannet bowing to us repeatedly.

I could only grit my teeth since I knew that I also couldn’t do anything to save Kotone and co.

Honestly speaking, I had expected this situation.

I mean, I learned about spirit magic too from Lunaire, in fact, I was more knowledgeable about it than the staff of 《Mithril’s Cane》.

But I still gave the permission for Kotone and co to be treated in the research institute since I had already been aware that we’re pretty much at a dead end.

I had already tried to make Kotone to drink 《Ether》 alas, it was also ineffective.

「According to the specialist in this field, their ego has been in a state of disarray, like a misplaced puzzle. Trying to restore their ego back to normal is akin to trying to piece together the shredded pieces of paper from grimoire that scattered in a huge desert by sandstorm. In short, it’s close to impossible.」

The moment he heard that, Bennet who gripped the railing of Garan’s bed broke into tears.

「Garan-sama, Garan-sama! I finally found you after you’re missing for a long time and thought that there might be a way to save you but… This is…!」

Garan seems to be the senior that Bennet respected the most.

That must be the reason why he cried so much.

「It’s Pomera’s fault… If only Pomera doesn’t kill that 《Humanoid Dragon》…」

「It’s not your fault, Pomera-san. If you didn’t kill her back then, she would control me with her 《Puppet Coffin》 and escaped from Manarak.」

If there was someone to blame, it should be me.

If only I had some spare energy after my fight against the Red King, I wouldn’t get caught by Alice.

In that situation, I should be able to turn the table and arrest her.

Moreover, the main reason why Alice came to this city was most likely due to the arrangement of the higher existence, Nyarlhotep.

No, it wasn’t “Most Likely” anymore, I was sure of it.

I remember that someone disturbed my attempt to delay the explosion of the Red King back then.

There’s no way… I will forget that voice.

It was the voice of the so-called higher existence who sent me to this world after all, Nyarlhotep’s voice.

Nyarlhotep really came to eliminate me for real this time.

Alice had also mentioned that matter.

And this turmoil that was caused by the 《Red Authority Cane》 was one of the higher existential plans to erase me, and since I had no way to escape from their influence, it might affect my surroundings.

In the end, Kotone got involved in this mess too.

I couldn’t do anything but clench my fist in frustration.

And I wouldn’t be a match against a higher existence like Nyarlhotep either.

But, if Nyarlhotep kept messing around with the people around me like this, I would definitely make them pay sooner or later.

I would find the power to fight back against them.

「Kanata… san?」

Pomera, who seemed to be worrying about my silent state, suddenly called out to me.

I shook my head.

「Sorry, I just thinking about something else just now.」

I turned around and faced Gannet.

「Gannet-san, I’ll also try to find a way to save Kotone-san and co. I’ll definitely find it even if it took my entire life to find it. But, can I ask for your help to shelter them until then? Don’t worry about money, I’ll pay for them.」

「Kanata-dono, I’m really glad that you’re getting along with Kotone-dono.」

Gannet muttered with a lonely smile on his face.

The place where Kotone and I used to talk about Japanese manga was the room in this 《Mithril’s Cane》 after all.

Gannet seems to know about my long conversation with Kotone too.

「I’m also indebted to Kotone-dono. You don’t have to worry about the money for their treatment… And Kanata-dono, I’ve something to talk with you in private, may we change the place?」

This time, Gannet spoke with a serious look on his face.

Honestly I didn’t want to do that but, I had no plausible reason to refuse him.

I nodded.

I followed Gannet into the conference room, and sat facing each other.

Gannet’s subordinate brought refreshment and a thick envelope into the conference room.

Gannet started talking as I looked curiously at the envelope.



Journey of The Childhood Friend Who Got Betrayed by Sword Saint

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