Disgraced Consort

Chapter 130 - : Jin Qu Nuan 1

As a gift of Shang Shuling, Chen Yuan will not mistake this face.

Yes, all the women in the ancestral family have attended the palace banquet. No matter how, they all know that this face belongs only to the emperor Xuanyuan Huan of the Sun Kingdom!

She was shocked and forgot to chase Xiyan, only to hear that the woman who was grasped by Xuan Yuanhuan’s arm just lifted off his restraint, and then screamed sadly:


Almost at the same time, she heard something, the sound of falling from the stairs, she realized that it was not good, and when she looked at the stairs behind her with anxiety, there was still a shadow of Xi Yan.

Her heart suddenly fell like an ice cave, took a few steps, looked down from the stairs, Xi Yan’s small body fell on the corner of the stairs, her head was hitting the railing, and a little blood Come.

Heart, tightly bound.

In this suffocating atmosphere, she saw that Nalan Jingde appeared on the other side of the stairs. He glanced at her with a dark gaze. She couldn’t help but shuddered. In the chill, she heard, Xuan Yuanhuan’s After the voice came, Sen Leng was very:

“Who is that child, why do you care?”

Chen Yuan could n’t hear the voice of that woman anymore, and she could only see it in front of her. There was more and more blood on Xi Yan ’s forehead, and the gushing blood occupied all her thoughts, and she ran nervously Under the stairs, Nalan Jingde picked up Xi Yan and put it in her arms:

“Take her home! If you say a word tonight, be careful of your life!”

After finishing this sentence, Nalan Jingde passed her straight and walked upstairs.

With this expression, he seems to be no longer the old Nalan Jingde she is familiar with.

But, he is to her, why is she really familiar?

Married to him in recent years, except that, she knew that he was the king of the Sun Kingdom’s martial arts, and the rest knew nothing about it.

Of course, now that she didn’t think about it, she hugged Xi Yan and stumbled all the way back.

Xi Yan had been in a coma for five days since that night. The doctor in Fufu diagnosed the pulse every day, applied externally and adjusted internally, but it didn’t help.

She didn’t think about it, Zhang Zhong’s blue ribbon agreement, after all, Zhang Zhong vertical young, but the medical skills are outstanding.

However, at that time, when his father returned home, the government was busy and chaotic. In addition, Yu Xiulou saw that scene and always choked her throat, and Nalan Jingde might not allow her to leave the government now.

She could see the secret that the emperor shouldn’t, no matter who the woman was, she could let the emperor meet out of the palace night and night, and the stakes in it were clear to her without much thought.

Since he chose to meet outside the palace, obviously the emperor did not want this matter to be known by more than one person. Now that she can temporarily save her life, perhaps, it is already a great fortune.

Because, during these five days, Nalan Jingde did not come to her room, which also meant that her life was temporarily accommodated.

She was in front of Xiyan’s bed. Her two sons, Nalanlu and Nalanfu, were brought by their nurses, and they were older than Xiyan, but she didn’t need to worry about her for the time being.

After Xi Yan went to the palace, she was actually the most worried about this child.

Even though Nalan Jingde didn’t tell too much about Xi Yan, all she knew, except for the so-called life experience, only knew that when Xi Yan held her up, she had just turned three years old.

The wound on the head will cause much harm to a child as young as three years old. She dare not think about it. Every time she thinks, she will feel the pain in her heart, and it will be too painful. If, that night, she did not sleep so much Shen, then will Xi Yan not run out on her own.

You will not witness such a scene.

Although, she did not know why that scene would cause such a big impact on Xi Yan.

But, faintly, the deeper ominous in her heart.

This ominous, on the fifth night, when Nalan Jingde came to her room, it slowly became a fact.

He looked haggard and tired.

She did not greet her as before, but looked at him with a different look than usual. From his eyes, she saw that this kind of look was alert.

Yes, she started alerting him.

Even though she guarded him, he still told her two things.

The first thing, no matter who asked her, Xi Yan was just her daughter, the daughter she gave birth in the old house, three years old this year.

The second thing is to ask her to go to Xiulou to take care of the woman immediately.

These two things, he said in a tone that she could not refute.

She only asked him, who is the child of Xi Yan, is it related to the woman in Xiulou?

In this question, Nalan Jingde did not speak.

Just drop a sentence, let her go to Xiulou quickly, and Xi Yan’s injury will be taken care of by the doctor.

She was reluctant to leave Xi Yan, but, Nalan Jing German atmosphere, it seems that the woman’s situation is not good.

So, she could only bear the pain and leave Xi Yan temporarily, thinking, coming back tomorrow morning, one night, it should be harmless.

Following Nalan Jingdefu to Xiulou, she could no longer smell those sweet fragrances at that time. The empty Xiulou became colder.

However, the woman was lying on the couch hung with crimson huasha.

But not seen for five days, the woman is full of sick looks, even so, her appearance is still beautiful, such a beauty, no wonder, the emperor will pity it.

The willingness to go out of the palace private meeting shows that the woman’s identity must be unusual, but she has the Sacred Heart alone.

She sat in front of the woman’s couch, Nalan Jingde said behind her, the woman contracted the wind and cold, asked her to help cold compress, and wiped off her body every day.

Although these things seem to be done by talents, she knows that Nalan Jingde, the servant of the government, will never let them wait.

As always, there were no guards stationed around this courtyard.

However, Nalan King Tak designated this court as a forbidden land at that time, why not explain that this is indeed a taboo in the palace.

However, because of a child’s inattention, this taboo was eventually discovered by her.

As she sat in front of the couch, Nalan Jingde turned and went out of the room. After covering the door lightly, she wiped the woman carefully with warm water.

Because it wasn’t spring yet, the room was still surrounded by carbon fire. She glanced at it and knew that it was a special silver carbon in the palace.

The warmth of silver carbon makes the temperature in the room pleasant.

Even so, when she wiped the woman’s body, she still felt her trembling.

The woman’s body was covered with bruises, which were traces of love, she knew.

There are very few such marks on her body.

Like, she and Nalan Jingde rarely share the same room.

After having two sons, almost no more.

However, these traces are all over the woman’s body, is it really fortunate?

I don’t know why, when she saw that scene that day, she only realized that the woman was forced to be happy.

Who is forced, who is not forced?

In this way, every night, she will go to Xiulou to take care of this woman, and during the day, she will return to look after Xi Yan.

Three days later, the woman’s wind and cold gradually improved. When she saw her, the first sentence asked, what happened to Xi Yan.

She saw the woman’s eyes full of anxious look. At this moment, she could be sure that the woman was Xi Yan’s biological mother.

Because, even though Xi Yan was only three years old and had facial features, she was similar to a woman.

She didn’t tell the woman that after falling downstairs that day, Xi Yan was still unconscious. She only said that she had been injured for a while, and the doctor should take care of it.

When the woman heard this sentence, she had an anxious look.

Afterwards, the woman’s expression became indifferent, no longer saying a word, at this time, Nalan Jingde entered the room.

She remembered very clearly that the woman saw Nalan Jingde’s expression with sigh, she let Nalan Jingde get out, and broke the vase beside the bed.

The fragments of the vase splashed on Nalan Jingde’s feet, leaving no trace of it, only making the girl’s eyes full of ignorance.

Strangely, Nalan Jingde didn’t say a word, but turned back silently and exited the room.

On the second day, Xi Yan also woke up from a coma.

She didn’t know if this was to call the mother and child together, but the awakened Xi Yan’s expression was stunned. She didn’t even remember to call her Xi Yan.

The doctor said that there may be congestion on the head. In such a case, maybe soon, Xi Yan will restore her memory, or maybe, forever, she will no longer remember the past.

For a child as young as three years old, losing the memories of the past is not a big deal. As the age increases, this part of the memory will gradually fade away.

However, Chen Yuan still couldn’t bear it. She saw Xi Yan looking at her, and then asked softly, are you my mother?

At that moment, she nodded, yes, she was Xi Yan’s mother.

Because she understands that Xi Yan’s biological mother may never see the light again.

Nalan Jingde’s words, coupled with Xuanyuanhuan’s question that night, clearly showed only one fact.

The identity of Xi Yan was deliberately concealed by Nalan Jingde, Xuan Yuanhuan did not know.

Why should we conceal, perhaps, the identity of Xi Yan’s father is beyond Xuanyuanhuan’s tolerance.

Or maybe Yi Xuanyuanhuan cares about the woman, not allowing her to have other children.

Therefore, once Xuanyuanhuan knew, it might be the greatest danger to Xi Yan.

Of course, the guesses she can make are limited to this.

When Xi Yan woke up, that night, she went to Xiulou to take care of the woman and brought news of Xi Yan’s recovery.

When the woman heard the news, her expression was joyful, but this joy, soon, followed, as the door of the room was pushed open, and ended.

Xuanyuan Huan appeared on the other side of the room door.

She was a little dismayed, and when she got up to the salute, Xuan Yuanhuan only passed her, approached the woman, grabbed the woman’s slender wrist with one hand, and nearly dragged the woman down to the bed.

Then let her get out of the room.

She exited the room at a loss and closed the door of the room. With the loud noise coming from the room, she saw that Nalan Jingde was standing in the shadow for some time.

In the shadows, Nalan Jingde’s eyes were herons.

He seemed to listen to the movements in the room, as if he was just staying there, but he had to go back down the stairs. When she was about to walk towards the end of the stairs, she heard a tear in the room. Then, it was the woman’s painful cry.

She couldn’t hear everything next.

Because she covered her ears and ran down the stairs.

That night, there was no trace of moonlight.

That night, the wind was in full swing.

When she returned to the room, she only saw Xi Yan sitting quietly on the couch, saw her coming in, and plunged her head into her arms, saying she was afraid of darkness.

She hugged Xi Yan and held it for one night.

In the early morning of the next day, when she stepped on the embroidered building, the room was full of chaos. In those chaos, she saw that the woman was sitting on the ground almost naked, her lower body, a little blood was bleeding, and there were many on her body. Bruises, including that delicate face, and the corners of the mouth were swollen and red.

She gently wiped away the dirt on the body for the woman, but she knew that some of the dirt would never be wiped away if it got into her heart.

It was also on that day that the next word came from the palace, saying that Queen Chen passed her into the palace.

Queen Chen is the old cousin Chen Guo who took her to the palace.

Over the years, she not only achieved the highest position in the palace, but also became the mother-in-law of today’s Prince Xuanyuan.

Even though the prince ’s birth mother was Princess Mu, she died after she gave birth to the prince. So, at the same time, she was born a prince, but unfortunately, Chen Guo died as a foster prince. For the palace.

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