Disgraced Consort

Chapter 163 - : Phoenix Seeking Phoenix 1

Mu Yao’s step backwards, unable to take care of the broken pieces of porcelain that had stepped on the ground, the pieces stuck into the heels and hurt.

Of course, this pain can’t withstand the pain in my heart.

“Alas, the host is really unsympathetic to the mother.”

At that time, Li Xue’s words came into her mind again.

What does it mean to be unsympathetic in Li Xuekou?

What does this maid who has served her since childhood know what she is carrying?

Is that bowl of soup medicine?

That bowl of soup medicine will definitely not be a bowl medicine that will make her unable to conceive. Because, in that case, these four words are really unsympathetic.

After that day, she had refused Bailinan, and she might not be able to stay in bed.

In addition, if he did not decree to welcome her back, she may not be able to return to the Night Kingdom after the last Yuan Festival.

Therefore, the manifestation of despair will not be in this.

Bai Linan is proficient in medical skills. If she guesses right, it is just a bowl of soup that slowly poisons her and waits for a certain time before she suddenly poisons herself.

As the identity of Mrs. Feng as Yeguo, she died in Sunkun. For Bai Linan, once she came, she could completely forget her burden. Secondly, Sun Guo must give Ye Guo an account of this matter.

However, this explanation may also become a kind of fuse.

This is a scheme between emperors.

Only, from the beginning, she became a move in the strategy.

She, subconsciously, quickly ran to the corner on the side of the walkway before the people in the room came out. There were some straws piled in the corner. She was so thin that she easily got out of the straws, but she could hear , Behind, came the cry of Li Xue:


Then, the sound of rapid footsteps followed her.

She fled through the night, but in the darkness, her plain filial piety was particularly striking.

That step followed closely behind her, and she stumbled out of the rice straw pile, thinking that the rapid pace would catch up with her, and suddenly, on the dark ground before her, there was a raging light and shadow.

Turning back a bit, I saw that the black courtyard, the fire, spread from the pile of rice stalks, and inside, there was a faint shadow of people, but it was not real.

The fire burning the rice straw was getting bigger and bigger, and the sky was red for half a day, but the sound could not be heard.

There was the sound of the Nuan’s sister ringing the bell to save the fire, and there were also many steps running towards it. After all, the courtyard, not far away is the Tibetan Classics Pavilion.

This sudden fire, if all the scriptures were burned in full, is an irreparable loss.

As for her, staying there does not help.

She only ran forward, escaping everything just found.

Perhaps it was not the bowl of poisonous soup that fled. Because it was blocked by such a violent fire, Cai Taiyi and Li Xuexian would not come back.

Therefore, she was the only one who fled, unwilling to face this cruelty.

Taking her child away, even her life, never let go.

Bailinan, three years of gentleness, but the shadow of flowers and water in the mirror, are all illusory.

After running for a long time, he gradually lost his way.

She ran into a dark pine forest. Although she had been to Mu Fang An for several days, she only listened to the supernatural deeds in the Lingtang, and was unfamiliar with everything around her.

Her steps, outside the forest, gradually stopped.

Tonight is New Year’s Eve, for her, it is another sad taste.

This kind of taste is so strong that only the past three years of hers are added with a different taste.

He ended up with her seeming grace, thoughtfulness, but only for the purpose of fulfilling his strategic plan.

Why, she clearly let go, just want to pass this life calmly, he would not spare her?

Her children, her mother, all left her, but he still refused to let her go!

Her dazed mind was blown by the late wind, and there was no clear vision. Instead, she added a little bit of pain, and she touched the forehead before she rushed too quickly, and her head wind disease began to attack again.

It hurts so much.

Can’t go on like this anymore.

Now, should I go back?

What about going back?

Can she refuse that bowl of soup?

This matter, she can tell her father, let her father worry about it?

Father, it was good to her, but this good one was obviously put behind the glory of the family.

She, first of all, Mrs. Feng of Ye Guo, and second, her father’s daughter.

I do n’t know if it ’s because of the growing headache, or if it ’s something else.

She saw that, in front of her, appeared again before she led her to the white figure in the backyard.

Is it really a mother?

She walked towards the white figure, is it mother?

Therefore, it was only just now that she was led to witness these hidden things.

“Mother.” She whispered the word, but found that the voice was choked in the throat, except for the lips, the word, dry and jerky.

However, Bai Ying disappeared again.

In the depths of Pine Berlin, there is only a bright white room, standing there, still striking.

Did Bai Ying go to that house?

Her toes stepped on the leaves that were spread on the ground, and made a small crunch, near, near!

That is not a house, it is a tower for worship.

Also, the royal court of the Sun Dynasty was set in Mufang Temple to enjoy the incense and the dojo of the ritual.

She saw that in front of the tower, on the upright tower, there was a little clear moonlight, showing a few big letters:

Xiaoren Deshun Qinghua was the queen.

Isn’t this the first Queen Xi Linxi’s card?

The white tower at the back should house the tower of Xi Linyi’s dress and the dojo for the fixed day of the year and the time of the Dharma.

On weekdays, this place should be guarded by an aunt. Today, the fire in front of it seems to lead the aunt here to save the fire, so there is no one here.

No, someone!

She heard that there was a low wheeze in the tower, which was strange to her.

She walked over slowly, and the intermittent sound fell into her ears, but it was clear.

“A lot stronger than your emperor husband?” The first sounded, a man’s slightly obscene voice.

“Ah–” Then, it was the woman who could not bear the pain, but behind the pain, there was another kind of whisper.

“Unexpectedly, your figure is not worse than your sister. It’s really smooth, but in Kung Fu, it is a lot stronger than her.” With a clear voice, it seemed that there was something slapping on the woman’s skin.

“Shut up!” The woman scolded, with obvious displeasure.

“It’s you who is supposed to shut up. This is what you owe me! I will give you the future prince now. You even told me to shut up? So many days, even the sow should be pregnant. Fortunately, the queen will let you out Otherwise, I do n’t think you can expect to be conceived as a Prince of Sunda. “

“Bah, why don’t you say it’s your problem? If I were in the palace, wouldn’t you also come into the palace through your sister with the prince?”

“Okay, I’ll give you three more tonight. If you still can’t get it, don’t count on others.”

“Ah–” The woman had a severe pain.

All these voices fell in the ears of Mu Tao outside the tower.

Except for the dialogue, the rest of the wheezing sounds should come from the unique voice of the male and female Yan Hao.

However, at that time, she was never able to make a sound in one of the countless servants in the Night Kingdom, even when she was in the Dragon Valley, she was silent.

Therefore, the pant in the tower room was strange to her.

However, the voice of the dialogue in the tower, she recognized a little.

The woman’s voice seemed familiar, but the man’s voice entered Mu Tao’s ear, but he was no stranger.

This male voice belongs to Nalanlu.

In the past, she had seen her second brother Nalanlu more than once when she was with Yu Yan in the palace.

This Nalanlusu comes from a very high negative, completely different from his elder brother Nalanwen.

However, she did not expect that he would do such a natural thing right now.

From the lines of their words, are they going to steal the beams and replace the columns to confuse the royal lineage?


Could it be that Na Lanlu is not good for the children in Xi Yan’s womb?

Her head hurts so much that her thoughts stagnated.

She didn’t know why Naranlu was like this. She only knew that suddenly, there was no more voice in the tower. Then, a pair of heron’s eyes stared at her deadly.

The owner of those eyes is Na Lanlu.

He wore a ochre-colored robe, which was obviously not put on in a hurry. Except for the slight folds in the robe, he didn’t even buckle one of them.

However, behind him, there was a charming face. She was no stranger to her. She was a lucky girl. In the past, the woman who should be elected to the palace the same year as her, Xi Linshu, was also the sister of the first queen.

“You, have you heard all?” Sen Leng’s voice resounded like a night mandrel, and she took a step back, just against the card. The good jade above the card was built and attached to the palm of your hand. There was no temperature. Icy.

“you guys–“

She wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Xi Lin’s panic:

“What should I do? Although she is the concubine of Yeguo, but in case it is passed out, this is the big crime of killing the head!”

Xi Linshu’s body was hidden behind Na Lanlu, and her lotus feet were even naked.

“Are you afraid?” Nalanlu smiled sullenly. “Do you want to lose your head yourself, or do other people do it for you?”

“What do you mean?”

This meaning, of course, is very clear. She does not want them to die, she must die.

Mu Tao will flee when he returns, but this time, no longer as lucky as last time, he feels that his arm is tight and has been dragged back by Na Lanlu.

Mu Tao broke away from his restraint, but her strength was not worth mentioning in front of Na Lanlu in Xiwu.

Could it be that it was so dead?

Who else can she rely on? Bailinan?

No, he was the one who wanted her to die.

“My father will be here soon. If you kill me, my father will definitely investigate.”

“Hey, your father is Shang Shuling. Tomorrow is the first day of the first day. Is he not required to submit a letter to the emperor to write a seal? And the emperor is far away at the Yijing Palace at this moment. There is a day away from here. Even if your father It ’s too late to know you like this. “

Nalanlu paused and slammed a certain acupuncture point in the back of Mu Tao with one hand, completely discarding the sound that Mu Tao might shout.

She was speechless.

In fact, she was not prepared to shout. No matter how loud you shout, no one will hear it, because the hustle and bustle brought by the more intense fire covers everything.

He twisted her arm, put her in front of him, and snarled at Xi Linshu:

“What are you waiting for, take my sword, hurry up!”

“I, I–” Xi Linshu’s body just had no time to put on her middle coat indiscriminately, even the button was too late.

“She doesn’t die, you have to die. By then, everything is empty!”

Xi Shunshu’s hand trembled and pulled out the saber from Nalanlu’s waist. This saber was tied to his belt. Even when Fang Caiyan was good, the robe had not faded, and the natural belt would not be unsolved. under.

He has always been a very defensive person, even for her, and will not be at ease.

Every time Yan is good, he will remove all of her clothes to prevent her from crossing the river to dismantle the bridge. It is not too early to say these four words. More often, it is time to kill him.

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