Disgraced Consort

Chapter 189 - : Yi Nanping 3

Mi Tian didn’t know why the lady was listening to this sentence, but instead looked very unhappy.

“I just change it myself.”

She stretched out her hand, Mi Tian put on her middle clothes, and only bowed out of the hall.

Holding a tunic in her hand, she didn’t want to change it and lay on the couch. Is everything she did tonight really look like an unreasonable kid?

Does he just think that she hates him more and more?

She didn’t know, but, there would be no more pain.

Or, it should be said that from that day on, after her cry, her heart should no longer have any pain.

Closing her eyes, the brocade seemed to have his faint smell. Among these flavors, there was a faint fragrance, so she began to fall asleep.

In the midst of obscurity, who gently lifted her body and gently faded her tunic, then carefully replaced her warm tunic.

She wanted to open her eyes, but, for some reason, her eyes could not be opened, and she could only hold her arms tightly and absorb those warmths.

Dizzy and waking up again, it was already three shots in the sun.

She moved her body slightly, and found that she really changed into a clean coat.

“Mi Tian.” She called softly.

“Maid, slave-in-law.” Mi Tian entered the hall in response, seeing her confused face, smiling sweetly, and said, “Ma’am, what did you tell me?”

“You changed this tunic for me?”

“Yeah, didn’t the mother-in-law forget it last night, before you went to bed, did you ask the slave-servant to change it for you?” Mi Tian said this, and he felt a little bit in the heart, the mother-in-law would not find anything.

It was strange to say that it was only one hour after the lady broke off, and the emperor came again. When she came out, she told her that if the lady asked her tomorrow, she said that it was her change, and there was no need to mention him.

It hasn’t been very long to serve the master in the palace for these years, but for the first time, I saw such a weird thing.

The two masters seem to be hiding.

Xi Yan scraped her eyebrows. She was just pretending to be amnesia. How could she not even remember what she said?

Clearly, someone fell in for her when she fell asleep last night, and she slept so deeply that she couldn’t even open her eyes.

On this day, she was lying in the side hall, and Haier was brought over by Zhang Zhong after having finished her morning meal. She held Haier and lost her memory, but she did not have to have too many taboos on the matter.

Mother and child nature, even if the love is more than words, what about it?

At dinner, Haier was still sent back to the nursery hall by Zhang Zhong. Because her milk was not enough, in the end, she could only invite two nurses to breastfeed.

Just when Haier was sent out of the palace, the moment the court lady opened the gate, she saw that outside the temple, there was an honour coming, she couldn’t help but ask:

“Mi Tian, ​​has the emperor returned to the temple?”

When Mi Tian was waiting by the side, seeing her asking this question, he hurriedly called out the little maiden to take a look. When the little maiden came back and attached her ear to Mi Tian’s ear, Mi Tian’s expression finally changed.

“What’s wrong?” She asked clearly.

“Mother, it’s the emperor’s return to the temple. You should run out earlier. Rest first. The emperor ordered people to clean up the main hall and will rest in the main hall tonight.”

The words fell, and there was a sharp laugh from the woman outside the hall.

In the palace, in addition to the concubine, the palace people are not allowed to laugh without permission, especially so loudly.

Mi Tian wanted to call the palace to close the door, but she said softly:

“Let’s have another session, in the temple, dull.”

She looked out of the hall, her hands under the Jin quilt, and she squeezed a little, only a moment, but loosened it weakly.

When the ceremonies stopped, Xuan Yuan’s bright yellow figure appeared on the corridor outside the hall. Next to him, a woman smiled delicately, a little far apart. She couldn’t see who she was. She only knew that this dress should be Palace Princess is no doubt.

Xuan Yuanyu followed the woman’s delicate laughter and avoided her deliberately coquettishly, struggling to hug her and striding toward the main hall.

Xi Yan’s face didn’t touch her, but she asked curiously:

“What is the emperor doing?”

“Back to the mother, the emperor called several ladies in the palace to accompany her in the palace last night.” Mi Tian frowned, and still said according to the facts, “Tonight, the emperor flopped this Qin beauty.”

She remembered that this woman should be elected to the palace in the same year as her. At that time, she said that she used incense to confuse the emperor’s woman, Qin Ji, of Luoxia Palace.

“Oh.” She responded, supporting Yi, not ordering them to close the window of the temple, only to freeze like that, suddenly, there was a smile on her lips, “Last night, I slept much. Today, I am not sleepy. . You take some instruments, we are also lively. “

According to the rules, Xuan Yuan will be able to return to Beijing at the earliest Ming Yen Festival, but in a day, he does not need to pass on concubine to serve here.

Did he want to stay here for a long time, or, deliberately, to whom?

“Ma’am, I’m afraid it’s not very good.” Mi Tian felt that it was much harder to serve the empress concubine than she was before. Seeing that the two halls were so close, the emperor was lucky to have the other concubines Want them to have fun?

“Isn’t it possible?” Xi Yan raised her eyebrows.

“Yes, mother.”

The emperor, except last night, took away all the fans, etc., and the rest were unrestricted.

Mi Tian retired and picked up the instruments that she could find. Xi Yan’s eyes flashed through these pieces of music and only chose a Yaoqin.

This made Mi Tian a little relieved. She thought that the lady would definitely choose gongs and drums, so that she could have a “shock” effect.

Xi Yan ordered her to put Yaoqin on the bed frame, and then she leaned back on the couch, gently expressing Hao’s wrist, under her fingers, and the piano sound slowly passed out.

It is “Phoenix Heart”.

Although she is good at dancing, she is also familiar with Yaoqin. Tonight, what is more suitable than Feng Luoxin?

A touch of music came out of her fingertips. She played soothingly, without any unintended mischief.

However, at the last eighteen rounds, although the tone was light, the lower finger was more anxious. At the end, a string broke, and a string was broken. All around, all were quiet.

Yaoqin’s voice will not be very loud, but as long as he has the heart, he will definitely hear it.

You will also hear the broken sound.

She did not expect that he would leave the hall.

Because, choosing this unsympathetic way only means his escape.

But, she was still uncomfortable.

When he returned to the palace, he turned so many cards in a month, and she didn’t feel so uncomfortable tonight.

The throat seemed to be blocked, so that she couldn’t control the temperament at all, just like Mu Tao three years ago.

“Niangniang, will you find a musician to wind up for you?”

“No, it’s finally sleepy.” Xi Yan still smiled. In this smile, she saw that the candlelight in the main hall was almost extinguished.

By returning to the couch, she concealed her uncontrollable emotions.

“I’m going to rest. Close the door, it’s a bit cold.”

When she touched Jinjin with her hand, she felt a little red, and she discovered that her fingertip was cut by a broken string.

However, she didn’t even feel the pain.

Is it heart, numb?

Or, what do you care about more than everything?

Covering the mattress, the nose, still has his taste, but these tastes make her hold the bed.

What does she want to prove?

If it proves like this, maybe she won’t be able to bear it without waiting for her to prove it.

Close your eyes, really amnesia, how good should it be?

Just like, at the age of three, forget everything and don’t want to remember things.

Mi Tian put down the tent and bowed out of the temple.

Just seeing Grandpa Li approaching here, she greeted her. Grandpa Li glanced inside the hall and asked:

“The empress is placed?”

“Well, it’s just placement.”

“How did the music break just now?”

“Nie Niang played half of the strings, and the Niang Niang didn’t want to play anymore, so she set it up.”

“My mother’s hand was not injured?”

“Ah, I didn’t pay attention.” Mi Tian turned around and looked at the Yaoqin in the arms of the little palace girl. The broken string had a little dark red color. If you don’t look closely, you won’t see it.

“Grandpa Li, look at–” Mi Tian picked up the string.

Grandpa Li glanced and said:

“It’s okay, you should be on the night, what the **** are you doing.”

After saying this, Grandpa Li returned to the main hall.

Mi Tian glanced back to the side hall. It was really strange tonight.

The next day, when Xi Yan woke up, her fingertips felt a little cool, and raised her hand in a subconscious look. Last night, the place where the strings were cut was covered with a thin layer of plaster.

“Mi Tian, ​​last night, I told you to take medicine for me?”

Mi Tian was holding a mouthwash cup and glanced at the plaster on Xi Yan’s hand and said:

“Yeah, didn’t the lady tell the slave to give you medicine before the placement?”

“Is it?”

Suddenly a smile appeared on her lips. She froze her fingertips as if she could still feel the temperature of another person from that time.

There is no day, like she is today, looking forward to the night.

Even though, at night, she heard outside the hall, it was still his voice holding the other concubines into the main hall.

But what does it matter?

Because, today, she had a slight fever because of the wounds with pus, Zhang Zhong prescribed the soup medicine according to the convention, he still remembers the use of Xiyan medicine, and added the medicine less, but, after dinner, Xiyan did Starting to vomit, followed by a rash, Zhang Zhong came over and looked at it once, and left the palace without saying anything.

When he left the palace, it was Li Gonggong who came over. After routinely asking, Zhang Zhong only said that he was afraid of any drug allergies. Let him check again.

Li Gonggong listened to his ears, and said nothing more, so he turned away.

However, when Xi Yan repelled all the people and lay alone in the hall, when she felt dizzy and wanted to fall asleep, she was busy covering her nose with Jin.

For two consecutive nights, she slept too much. This deep sleep was accompanied by the stronger Su He fragrance.

Tonight, she can’t really fall asleep.

Even with the drug allergy, she couldn’t sleep soundly.

Sure enough, after this burst of scent, her closed eyes still felt a dark shadow.

Then, her cold hands touched her rashed face.

Only with this caress, her clenched hands, finally let go.

Such a face, plus the unrecovered wounds under his cheeks, could not be called an alluring city at all, and he would still be willing to caress her.

So, just to show that at that time, he said that the expression of greed for her looks was false.

He caressed her cheek and gently covered the quilt, and only this one, her hand stretched out of the quilt, his hand overlaid her hand as expected, when she wanted to put it back, she murmur He whispered, and grabbed him:

“Cold, cold …”

Even if she didn’t know about dreaming, what was realistic, but at this time, she had to say.

He didn’t draw his hand back immediately, but just put her hand in the quilt. In this way, she refused to let go, and only drew her body into his arms more tightly, so tightly, As if it were her only source of warmth.

She waited, even if his hands were cold again, she hoped that he could hug her once, and as long as this hug, she would not doubt that she had wronged her feelings.

Sure enough, his hand hugged her trembling body hard, and then, as her face lifted slightly, following his breath, his lips ended up carelessly falling on the tip of her nose.

This time, she heard, his heartbeat, can no longer calm.

She opened her eyes gently, and her eyes were stunned with black ink eyes that were a little scared …

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