Disgraced Consort

Chapter 195 - : Luanfeng Account 3

Her body, after more than a month of conditioning, has also become much better, and her complexion is no longer pale. As for Qianji Handu, she seems to have gone away from her long ago.

She hugged Haier and kissed Haier’s face with her mouth open. Haier leaned her small mouth and kicked her with her little feet, as naughty as when she was in her belly.

Such a warm and comfortable shin was interrupted by a discordant footsteps sounding outside the palace.

She looked out of the temple, and it was precisely when Nalanlu appeared in the uniform of the other side, he walked straight into the hall, gazing at her and Haier with a dark eyes, and said with a smile:

“Subordinate to the order of the Queen Mother, we are here to greet the Emperor Concubine and His Royal Highness back to Beijing.”

She did not refuse. Now, not only does she have amnesia, but also because she really wants to return to the palace.

Regardless of whether it was a sign that he was going to send her out of the palace, she hoped to see him again.

This month’s separation only made her feel the deepest thoughts in her heart.

It turned out that the thoughts will not disappear with the passage of time, but will infiltrate more and more into the softness and denseness of the bottom of the heart, making people unable to refuse this softness.

“There is work.” She said this lightly. When Nalanlu reached out to take Haier, she only closed her hand and held Haier tightly, not willing to let go.

“The lady really distressed His Royal Highness.”

“Well.” She should make this sound. Yu Guang saw that Zhang Zhong’s face seemed a bit wrong.

She hugged the prince, as Nalanlu went out of the hall, she heard Nalanlu sneered:

“Ma’am, even if she gave birth to a prince, in the end, the position of the middle house was not to confine the maid. The minister really felt sorry for the maid. But fortunately, so as not to let others think that the palace of the king of Xiang relies on the sanctuary of the maid to have today’s influence. “

She only smiled and did not answer anything.

Nalanlu, she and his brothers and sisters love, in fact, as early as the night when Xingjiao accident, it should be exhausted.

Now, no more stinging words, from his mouth, can’t hurt her.

As for the queen’s position, it has always been a symbol of the indomitable heights.

She wasn’t even curious at all, who was sitting in that position now.

Now she just wants to hold her child and go back to Xuanyuanyu’s side, even if she goes back this time, it is the final separation.


At this moment, she had a hint of hesitation.

This hesitation is about Haier in her arms.

This time, it was late at night when Tan Xun.

Her shoulders carried her straight into Bingran Palace. Haier fell asleep sweetly in her arms. She had wanted to accompany Haier. She never thought that the Queen Mother’s figure appeared outside the hall, and she got up quickly. At that time, the queen mother flicked her sleeves and motioned for her to sit down and talk.

“See Queen Mother.”

“You don’t have to pay much courtesy. You haven’t seen you in a month. Your look is really good.” The queen mother glanced at the child in her arms and said, “Momei, first take your prince to the palace to rest, mourn and emperor The concubine said something. “

Mo Mei approached, Xi Yan hesitated, but still handed Haier to Mo Mei.

After all, just hugged to the side hall, and, the queen mother talked to her, in case Haier woke up, it was estimated that it would be difficult to coax him to fall asleep in the middle of the night.

When Momei left the hall, the other palace members in the hall all withdrew and closed the door.

“It’s a lot better to do the treatment of Gongyaoquan and Yuanzheng Tangyao.” She was less careful in the past and only spoke as usual.

“I don’t know, did Yaner’s memory recover a little?” The Queen Mother said this sentence, her hand, and gently patted her still holding Haier’s hand.

Her hands did not flinch, but said:

“Although the hospital is acupuncture for the concubine from time to time, but some things in the past, always recalled, are vague, not very clear.”

“It doesn’t matter if you don’t remember the rest, just remember the emperor’s affection for you.”

“Queen Mother, do you mean?”

“The emperor has enrolled her as a queen, and she is pregnant for two months now. In addition, the Western Attendant did not hesitate to risk her life and exposed her predecessor Shang Shuling, which is also regarded as a gift from the emperor to the West.”


She nodded, and whoever was the queen had nothing to do with her. She has never accounted for this.

“The mourning family knows that, no matter before or now, these are not for your accountability. And the emperor will enshrine Chen’er as the prince when he will worship the Tai Temple in the future.”

“The queen mother, if the queen is pregnant, is it not a rush to set up the prince?” She seemed to have said this sentence unintentionally, and there was her own temptation.

“Since the beginning of the dynasty, I have always stood tall and not stand tall. This rule will not change. But, Ai Jia looked at it, and now the emperor, he has been hesitant about falling down as a prince, if not a few days ago. The Qunchen had a fold, and he asked the emperor to set up the prince as soon as possible before the imperial conscription. I am afraid that this will have to be put on hold. “

“Yu Jia Qin Zheng?” These two words reached her ears more than the rest of the words. She chanted them again, and she couldn’t continue to calm down.

During this month, she knew nothing about it.

Only listened at this moment, the bottom of my heart, inevitably tense.

The previous imperial conquest was still vividly remembered. This time, only the Night Kingdom remained in the Three Kingdoms.

“Yeah, the battle with Yeguo is inevitable. The walking lights sent by Yeguo endangered the dragon’s bow and the death of Mrs. Feng, and the death of Mr. Feng could not be related to Yeguo. Inevitable. “

“Queen Empress, what do you say?” Xi Yan’s stunned voice re-explained the sentence, even with disrespect.

“It seems that the emperor did not tell you without telling you. Yes, on the night of New Year’s Eve, Mrs. Feng died, Mu Fang’an died, and Mu Shangshuling’s character changed greatly because of her loved daughter’s death. The book of Mu Shang made the past a success, and only made exile. “

The Empress Dowager looked sad.

After all, the Mu family is the one she has always wanted to protect, but to this day, she can’t guarantee it at all.

Xi Yan’s lips trembled, and he couldn’t say a word.

On the night of New Year’s Eve, yes, at the beginning of the first day, Li Gonggong’s elephant wanted to return something, but she was only eager to love her own warmth and sweetness, but she did not care about others at all.

Close your eyes, Mu Tao, go?

She has no way to accept this fact, even if it is an unquestionable fact.

Can this matter be regarded as a scheme between emperors?

From the time Mu Mu was born, it was clearly the emperor’s incompatibility.

When Mu Yao came to see her for the last time, how could she not remember the lonely part of her inadvertent exposure?

She said that without a child, she is free.

Now, is death the real relief?

And all this, if she took that evening hairpin hairpin that night, maybe, everything will be different, at least, Mu Yu will not die?

Heart, so painful that no other taste can be discerned.

I wanted to shed tears, but my eyes were so painful that I couldn’t shed a single tear.

“Yan’er, the Ai family didn’t expect that the emperor even concealed you. But you have to know that even if he conceals anything from you, it’s for your own good.”

Of course she knew he was for her good.

Even though there have been doubts, there have been sorrows.

Only, based on deep love.

“Yan’er, Ai Jia asked you a word, you have to answer Ai Jia honestly.”

“Hmm.” She couldn’t say anything, but nodded hard.

Since she has amnesia, if she behaves too much about the past, or even loses her mind, she will only let the queen mother see the signs.

Stopped the trembling lips, only the bottom of my heart, the bottom of my eyes continued to ache.

“Although you lose your memory now, this sentence is answered by your temperament. It is good to not have to think about the past. It is also good to ask you, if you are free to leave the palace, and stay in the palace forever, you Which one do you choose? “

Is this the end of the day?

“The Queen Mother, do you want to listen to your concubine’s heart?”

“of course.”

“If you had amnesia before, your concubine thought, you should choose freedom. After all, as a family woman, you should be free from childhood. But now, since you have lost the past memories, all the concubines’ memories start from the beginning. The beginning of the palace, if you go out of the palace, you do n’t know what to do. So, the concubine wants to stay here. “

In this sentence, more or less sincere.

What time did she answer the Queen Mother’s words, not so?

The queen mother is a wise woman, and it is undoubtedly the foolishest to deal with such a wise woman.

After all, for the Empress Dowager, it was just a check and balance in the harem.

From the beginning of three years ago, the Queen Mother passed her back to the palace, that is what it meant.

“The Ai family knows it. Good boy, do n’t waste your favor on Emperor Fei. The Ai family hopes that you can go with the army and the emperor. After all, this battle may end soon, maybe it will take a long time. But anyway, it should be It is the only day when you can leave the palace. Since you choose to stay in the palace in the future, this freedom of leaving the palace is the only one. “

“The concubine also thought, but the emperor would not allow it.” Saying this sentence lightly did not reduce the sudden pain in his heart by one point.

“He will, as long as you put it forward, he will promise.” The queen mother was very meaningful.

“The queen mother means–” She said only a few words, not to mention it.

In fact, it is because, at this time, she simply had no way to think about other things. In her heart, her mind was full of things.

“Do you want to see the emperor?” The empress asked the sentence.

“The concubine naturally thought.” She blurted out the words, wondering whether she was thinking of Mu Tao, or, this was her most real thought.

“Just think about it, the Ai family will arrange for you to see the emperor tomorrow night. I hope you don’t miss the Ai family arrangement.”

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