Disgraced Consort

Chapter 203 - : Point Cherry Lips 2

Because the **** came to the post at night, she was sleeping on the big Kang, which made her always ask to sleep on the outermost Kangpu, but she still couldn’t sleep well.

As soon as she came to sleep, she was afraid of falling to the ground, causing a joke and attracting attention.

The second is that, after all, even if they are eunuchs, they are still different.

Therefore, the spirit is not as good as one day. Until five days after her departure, she decided to move a simple pavement every night and go to sleep in the parked car. This way, she finally solved the problem of sleep.

When asked by the eunuch, she only said that she slept more comfortably in the car, but fooled.

However, the problem of cleaning has always troubled her. This is also the only place where she is acting as an **** on the road.

After all, she is a woman.

Those eunuchs bathing in the daily post are all mixed in a bathhouse, can she? It ’s not that I did n’t think about waiting until they finished washing, but then, it was n’t right after all. In the unlikely event that she came in alone, she would be completely finished.

Not to mention, she tied several layers of cloth tape on her chest, so that after giving birth to Chen, a lot of plumpness seemed to be a flat horse. But it also made her unable to take off her coat even when she was sleeping, so as not to make people aware of the universe inside. When she hadn’t slept in the car before, she couldn’t even take off her boots. Otherwise, she would have found that her feet were so small that they didn’t look like men at all.

Later, when I was alone in the car, I was able to change the clothes outside. However, carrying a basin of water to wash in the car would undoubtedly only make people think that her behavior is more abnormal. For example, every night, a piece of soup medicine will be taken. Even though, with the convenience of the dining room, it does not take much effort to do this, but a little **** who has been taking medicine all the time does not make people think she is a sick seedling, you have to be suspicious of this medicine.

However, she must not let them know what kind of medicine it is, only to deduce that it is easy to drink allergies as soon as they enter the spring, and she has to deal with the medicine residue properly.

Therefore, she can no longer act abruptly.

Rao is so, she can’t just clean her face every day even if it is cleaned, after all, there is still a mask on that face.

She is a cleansing person, because she can’t take a bath during confinement, which makes her very uncomfortable. What’s more, this body is full of smoke now?

On this day, due to heavy rain, the march was affected. Therefore, at night, I failed to rush to the nearest post and camped in the suburbs for the first time.

At night, it was Xiaoyu’s first dream.

She helped a fire in the stove, and when she saw it, a **** in the palm raised a live fish and came not far away, laughing while walking:

“There was a lake in front. Look, this fish is fresh. Tonight, it’s a good meal.”

The so-called extra meal refers to the extra meal of their eunuchs. Except for the emperor, everyone has a fixed daily meal, which also makes it not a fish in the palace. Today, it looks dazzling.

And she only heard two words in her ears:


Because camping in the wild, there will naturally be no extra water for these people to clean. The lake water is too cold. The average person stays overnight and will not go to wash it. For her, staying late at night and borrowing the water Can she be washed a little?

She started the thought while firing, until she finally waited for the master above to finish the meal. The **** got into the camp tent and fell asleep. As she watched the night getting dark, she took two cotton towels and began to eat Go to the location of the lake nestled in the mouth of the eunuch.

The tents of Zha were continuous for several miles. The Songming torch was blazing brightly in the daylight. The forbidden army patrolled between the tents at night. The nails on the armor collided and made a sound. In the steps towards the lake, the forbidden army saw her. She said that she was so tired that she wanted to go to the lake. The forbidden army didn’t stop her, but she told her to go back quickly. Post house.

She answered, and ran to the lake, which was really a good place.

This good word, for her, only meant that it was finally easy to clean.

The lake is full of trees and shadows, and most of them are trees near the water. The sticks dive into the water and wrap around the room. Even if they are hiding in, they can’t see clearly.

Now, by the lake, it is very quiet.

Those soldiers and eunuchs, who were tired all day, slept more soundly than pigs, and would never come to this lake with leisurely elegance.

She chose the farthest tree bush, where, just back to a light and convex mountain wall, and further in, it was an endless lake. In other words, all she needs to pay attention to is whether there are idle people coming from the side where she travels, and no one will come to other places.

Carefully wading from the slightly sloping mudflat to the water, it was just wet and slipped tight after the rain.

She hung a cotton towel on the branch, another cotton towel was soaked with water, and she pulled off a boot and placed it a little higher.

Then, picking up her toes and covering the wet cotton towel with her hands slightly warmer, she slowly scrubbed her bright white toes, even though she did n’t scrub off much of the stain, but she just felt Cheer up.

Fang wiped a lotus foot, but suddenly heard the sound of footsteps not far away, to be precise, it was the footsteps of more than one person.

She heard the man’s hearty laughter, and then it seemed that someone had jumped into the lake and swam to this side.

She was inexplicably inexplicable. When she was about to put on her boots, she didn’t think about it. She was in a hurry. The boots rolled down from the slightly inclined mudflat. Fortunately, there was a tree blocking it. She only turned around and did not drift further Office.

But, she couldn’t wader to get it back.

Because the sound of the stroke is getting closer and closer to her.

Can a man laugh like this heartily, is it Xuanyuanyu?

However, the voice was clearly not Xuanyuanyu, she covered her robes with her feet, only to hear someone shouting not far away:

“Don’t wait, don’t swim far away, it’s cold and the water is cold.”

It turned out to be him!

Yin Ge Cang? !

She looked out from among the tree shadows, and the swimmer had swam to her. Between him and her, there was only a circle of tree shadows. At this moment, he suddenly stopped swimming, his strong body, and opened the tree. Ya, suddenly stroked her.

He found her?

She retreated subconsciously, but unexpectedly the pebbles on the mudflat were extremely slippery, and she stumbled anxiously, thumped, and fell to the ground.

Those who didn’t want to see, but were biased, eventually walked through the branches to the shoal and stood up slowly from the water.

Bronze skin, under the shining of Yuehua, resembles layers of silver yarn.

Of course, those silver gauze, however, could not be reached, the glorious color in his eyes.

Now, these eyes are condensing her, a seemingly panicked eunuch.

Yin Ji Cang condensed this plain **** face, thought it was someone’s potential dark place, perennial vigilance, let him choose to pull out the people in this dark place, but did not expect that is such a face.

Very strange, I should have never seen it. Looking at the posture of ‘him’ sitting down on the ground, it is obviously not a trainer.

It’s just, why, he couldn’t remove his eyes, and even lowered his body and used his fingers to urge the eunuch’s face.

Could it be that the way away from the female color for too long, he has the habit of broken sleeves?

When the thought arose, the little **** nervously hid back when his fingertips were an inch away from him.

Such a panic, really, very cute.

It seems that there is indeed a problem with his orientation.

He reached for the robe of the little **** and said with a joke:

“Where did the **** come to see that he was running so fast?”

The **** was pulled by him, and his thin body fell into his arms more and more kicked.

When his naked skin was attached to the eunuch, he only let the **** panicly said:

“The minions sneaked out to play in the water and didn’t want to be seen by you. Please forgive the minions. The minions will not dare.”

Xi Yan was indeed in a panic. This Yinqiang, did you find anything?

Yin Ge Cang hugged the little eunuch’s body, which was soft and petite, which gave him an inexplicable familiarity. This familiarity brought him closer to the eunuch’s face. Almost cheated.

However, when he saw some hardly noticeable traces on the cheeks of the ‘eunuch’, he just let his lips float with a smile arc.

My heart, he taught her a lot of things, but only with this kind of things, she learned the fastest, but she always made a lot of omissions when making masks herself.

Therefore, he can only wear the mask he made.

Unexpectedly, in fact, her disguise was not under him anymore.

In other words, her previous omissions were only intentional.

He no longer thinks about this deliberately. Now, in his arms, there is the most beautiful existence that this deliberately brings.

I thought that in this life, I would never have the opportunity to hug her, but unexpectedly, I would hug her under such an identity in such an occasion.

However, only in this way can he allow himself to be slightly unsustainable.

After all, it seems to others that he was only interested in a little eunuch. For a person like him who is notorious, these are nothing.

Nose, you can smell the sweet fragrance from her body, arms bent, can hold the touch of tenderness.

Such a life should be no regrets.

So, Nalan Jingde, this old guy, the conditions he offered really made him tempted.

It’s just, heartwarming, nothing more.

Tonight, it was undoubtedly an unexpected harvest for him. This harvest, of course, also came from the temporary meeting of the old guy.

Is it the old guy’s arrangement?

The deeper his smile.

It’s just that this laugh quickly converged.

Along with the sound of kneeling, his hands could only let go of those in his arms.

“See the emperor.”

On the other side of Yuehua as water, Xuanyuan was wearing a black robe, and the robe was outlined with a blue silk thread. In this night, only he was surrounded by a halo of gorgeous colors. It’s unstoppable.

Yin Ge Cang released his hand, and Xi Yan rushed to the ground and knelt on the ground.

“Senior, see the emperor.” Yin Yao stretched his arms slightly, and the attendants who had followed him covered him with silver-grey robes.

“Yuan Xihou, tonight, it’s a pleasure.”

“The lake view is so beautiful that the minister can’t help but want to be in it. The emperor’s interest seems good.”

Xuanyuan sneered:

“I will never miss this lake view.”

How could he miss those hidden plans?

He walked across the far tide and walked towards the end of the lake. I do n’t know why, when he saw a little **** on the ground, his steps were paused, and suddenly he saw that little The **** only retracted his exposed fingertips under the cuff.

Look at the dress, it should be the **** in the dining room, how could it be here?

He raised his eyebrows and heard Yin Qi Cang said:

“It seems that Ben waiting in his eyes is insignificant.”

Xuan Yuanyu didn’t say anything, Grandpa Li knew the master’s thoughts early and said

“Don’t wait for the servants, dare to neglect the waiting master, come, drag on, and blame twenty.”

Xi Yan’s chest is stuffy, twenty?

She knew it was Yin Mi Cang who helped her. After all, she appeared here and it was quite troublesome to explain.

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