Disgraced Consort

Chapter 93 - : Nuan Qinghuai 1

In the following decades, Chishan, who is still in Jiangning, stepped up the investigation of the ethnic people who fled to the Three Kingdoms.

But Elder Feng never appeared in Wang Ting.

Alan said that Elder Feng has been in charge of repairing and strengthening the Qingning City Wall for many days. Only at night will he return to Wang Ting. Even so, every day, Alan will regularly send the decoction prepared by the upper hand elder.

Some injuries on Xi Yan’s body gradually began to recover during these tens of days, and the arrow wound on his back also became guilty.

However, because she was the first pregnancy, plus cold, this womb is extremely unstable.

However, she did not use any soup medicine that Elder Feng had prepared. Every time, she took Alan and poured the soup medicine into the eternal youth.

After all, on that day, he did not answer her, and saved the child for her.

Therefore, she chose to wait for his answer in this way.

Very sad and helpless.

Of course, what can it do?

She believed that he must know that she did not take these soups.

Even if she had n’t seen him for so many days, if he wanted to know everything about her, he would know it.

It is really difficult for such a thoughtful man to hide everything from him.

Thoughtful, he used to describe her like that.

It turned out that he and she were just a class of people.

Every morning, she would vomit. This situation did not get any better. Gradually, in order to reduce vomiting, she seldom used it every night. After vomiting, she could not eat breakfast. In one day, it was equal to, Only for lunch, she can use a little bit, but, because of the vegetarian relationship, she has limited use of ingredients.

Because the ceremony for coronation as the patriarch is scheduled for July 16, she does not need to do it by herself, and she is increasingly sleepy.

However, the day always passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, it was the day before her coronation ceremony. In the afternoon, she slept on the couch, and Alan gently fanned her for her, suddenly , A sharp cry tore through this tranquility, and then, it was again like a bird-like silence.

Xi Yan opened her eyes and asked softly:

“what sound?”

Alan froze for a moment, but quickly smiled and said:

“Xu is a maidservant who made a mistake, be beaten.”

“Really?” Xi Yan scraped her eyebrows and got up from the couch.

The sunlight outside the palace was very hot.

The weather in the desert is such that it is very hot during the day and very cold at night.

The two extremes are what she must adapt to.

She walked slowly to the door of the hall, but when she reached the door of the hall, she saw the blue figure at the end of the corridor.

It was Elder Wind that she could not see the face behind his mask, but she could see that he seemed very tired. His hand was carrying a crystal basin, which was filled with fresh and litchi.

He came to her and handed the pot to her:



Xi Yan was a little puzzled. This was originally a lychee from Lingnan. Could it be produced in the Western Region?

“It was brought by the caravans in Lingnan. It’s very fresh. You can taste it. The lychee is warm. The weather is getting hotter and hotter, but you can’t eat cold fruits.”

It turns out so.

She knew the rareness of this lychee. She used to be in the Sunda Dynasty. Every summer, Ms. Shijia also took this as her favorite. Although it was just a comparison, few really loved the taste of this lychee. Because, the price of this fresh lychee may be enough to meet the daily expenses of ordinary folk people.

But, now, he gave her this pot of fresh lychee, not only because of its high price and rareness, but also carefully considered the cold relationship for her. Even the cold fruits are inedible.

In summer, cold fruits dominate most.

“These eaten, both warming up and good for children.”

She could hear a smile in his voice, even though she couldn’t see his face.

She lowered her head, only took the plate, and listened to him again:

“It’s so dry outside, where are you going?”

“I only heard a scream and couldn’t sleep soundly. Then I came out to see. How is the repair of the wall?”

“Slightly repair and reinforce, no big problem.”


“In this king’s court, screams are common, just get used to it, just fine.”

Can you really get used to it?

She knew that if people were used to anything, it was actually the most terrible.

She was carrying the plate and was about to return to the temple, but he suddenly took the plate from her hand. She was not strong at her end. Naturally, there was no resistance at his end. When the plate fell into his palm, only he Clearly, I have a very shallow loss.

He didn’t speak, but carried the plate and followed her into the hall.

She sat straight on the chair. He carried the plate and placed it in the next few cases. Then, he slender fingers picked up a lychee and gently twisted along the vertical line, in the red lychee shell. , It burst into a touch of crystal clear flesh.

He handed it to her, but she was stagnant. If she picked it up by hand, that litchi would be so small that she would touch his fingertips. If she did n’t pick it up by hand, could he not feed her?

“Let me come.”

Alan’s voice broke the stalemate. Her slender fingers took the lychee from Elder Wind. Then, she peeled off the shell and placed it in an empty ice bowl that she didn’t know when she prepared.

With this handover, Elder Wind blocked:

“She can’t use iced things. In the future, these ice bowls don’t have to be used again.”

Alan held the hand of the ice bowl and shuddered slightly, still retracting, saying:


After the summer, due to the hot weather, all the fruits will be placed in a bowl with ice cubes. They will keep fresh and cool and delicious. However, because Xiyan ca n’t eat more fruits, this ice The bowl has never been used.

Unexpectedly, today, Fang used it, and was told by him again.

It turned out that he would also care about people.

She always thought that his heart did not know how to care about people.

Alan’s face was still smiling, but she knew that this smile was her most difficult smile.

Elder Feng did not peel the lychee anymore, because he saw that Xi Yan gently pinched one, peeled it slowly, and chewed the white flesh into his lips.

But he also knew that she could not taste anything.

Her time, perhaps, only two years left, unless, you can find Tianxiang flowers, but, those flowers, but all burned in Xuanlong Cave.

This time, Elder Feng did not stay in the hall for long. After he went out, Xi Yan put down the litchi in his hand and said to Alan:

“My hands are so greasy, will you bring me some water?”

“Okay.” Alan happily went outside the hall.

She looked at Alan’s back and immediately got up and went outside the hall.

Even though the sun is rising, Wang Ting’s trees and shadows are still cold. She walked slowly, and occasionally the maidservant saw her and leaned over to salute.

This kind of salute is with respect, and the feeling of respect should be dreamed by many people. Can she say that she doesn’t like it?

Besides liking it?

There is still depression.

The road underfoot should have been taken by the mother. Now, the mother does not know where, and she can no longer care about the safety of the royal palace, leaving her alone, so far, perhaps someone who is still being used.

The screaming sounded again. This time, she heard her directions clearly and summoned the bodyguard who was standing by:

“Over there, where is it?”

“Hui Patriarch, over there-there is the Shaohua Temple.”

She pointed the guard:

“You, take me there.”

“But, the patriarch and elder Feng ordered that no one should enter the Shaohua Temple.”

“Take me over.”

She only spoke these four words again, and the bodyguard dare not talk more. After all, the woman in front of them is their patriarch.

Shaohua Temple, built against the bamboo forest, is very quiet.

However, people who like a quiet residence may not really like this style.

Just like the Empress Dowager of Sunda, only Su Suxiang was scented in the incense burner, but it was just suppressing some desires.

She understands this, so she has no pity for Yi Ling’s ending today, but she can’t deal with it ruthlessly.

Seeing her coming, the guards who guarded the temple were still hesitant, but were forced by a touch of prestige in her eyes. They also ignored the order of the elder Feng and opened the door.

Inside the hall, the ice cubes sprinkled to the ground, melted, and meandered out of the ice water. Yiling sat on the ice water, and when she saw the evening face, a beautiful smile appeared on the beautiful face:

“Unexpectedly, my scream only attracted you, my distinguished patriarch.”

“Except me, who do you want to attract?”

Xi Yan carefully avoided the winding ice water. She stood in a slightly dry place in the hall and looked down at Yi Ling from the top.

She knew that Yi Lingding knew that Elder Feng had returned, and was in the Wang Ting before making such a scream.

Without attracting him, Yi Ling was naturally disappointed.

After all, tomorrow is her coronation ceremony, which also means that there will be a final sentiment towards Yi Ling.

“Of course not you! You are just a counterfeit, what do I invite you to do?” Yi Ling’s tone is still disdainful, “Do you think that you really hold the real power of the Miao and Shui tribes? I tell you, yours The end will be the same as me, exactly the same. I want to understand that the man wants more than the Jinzhen, he wants more! He knows that only the banner of the Miaoshui can make the major Jinzhen The tribe’s true submission! “

“Is it?” Xi Yanrong was not surprised, looking at Yi Ling sitting on the ground, slowly said, “Then you sit in this ice water, don’t you think he will change his mind because of his pity for you?”

“Tell you, you do n’t understand, superficial counterfeit like you, why should I tell you what happened to me and him? Since Elder Wood brought him here six years ago, he must have treated me The difference is that at that time, I was not the patriarch. Perhaps, he really liked it. I was not the patriarch. So, I am completely different from you! “

Xi Yan looked at her, and her words sounded incoherent, yet another flavor was revealed.

“Six years ago, you only knew him. How much do you know about him?”

“How come I don’t understand, even though, in these few years, he has spent very little time in Qingning, but once, it was also summer, I lost my temper and fell into the ice basin, well, just like now, my feet When he stepped on the melting ice water, he appeared behind me and helped me up. Do n’t look at Elder Feng never laughed. In fact, he is really good to me. Why should I listen to others, What about him? If I do n’t send someone to rob him of his food, if I do n’t set up the wolves, if I do n’t ambush the king ’s court, will everything be different? Uh? “

Yi Ling spoke more and more quickly, more and more anxiously, and then tears fell clearly on her face.

Tears, in fact, really good.

Xi Yan looked at her. Who is the “other” in her mouth?

Perhaps this answer, soon, will surface.

“If my father is the elder brother, then I am the heir. If I am the heir, the Miaoshui tribe will recover, then he should marry me according to the family rules. Why, but it is a difference between the maid and the man Is it so different between people? “

Yi Ling cried unsteadily, and gradually, her teeth began to become unclear, so she stopped telling, and only lowered her face, sobbing, and her shoulders were shaking.

Xi Yan stepped forward, squatted down, and looked closely at Yi Ling. If there were any relatives in her world, Yi Ling was the one in front of her.

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