Diversity Domination: Starting from the Resident Evil Lottery

Chapter 14

Chapter 14

Lu Yu was dragged by Yayako to a warm bedroom, and the pink style showed that it was a women’s boudoir. And on the bed on the right side of the room, lay a pale sick lady, sleeping there quietly like a sleeping beauty.

The long black hair of the waterfall was draped wantonly, and although only half of his pretty face was exposed, it was already beautiful enough.

“How is her body late at night?” Seeing that he couldn’t wake up late at night, Sporon asked several specialized doctors and healing magicians who were watching over him.

“That… Please forgive our inability to do anything, we can only help her maintain her body for now, as for whether she can wake up…” Needless to say, everyone understands the cause of late night.

“Si Bo Longlang, is the mental state of my cousin really weakened to that extent?” Kuroba Gong asked with a frown.

“Actually, I don’t really know. Because the company’s work is too busy, I haven’t been with her for a long time. I’ve only now realized that I really care too little about late nights, and yet I regret it. Sporon Lang smiled wryly.

“Oh, mom, she’ll be fine.” Si Bo Shenxue knelt in front of him in the middle of the night and cried bitterly.

“Brother Lu Yu, you… You said that your cousin can save it. Wen Mi pulled the corner of Lu Yu’s clothes and asked in a low voice.

Lu Yu glanced lightly at the late night, and the eyes of the ice demon bloomed. Her weakened soul was indeed crumbling. If no one is able to help with treatment, he may die the day after tomorrow.

“I don’t think it’s saved.” Lu Yu shook his head.

If he is allowed to heal, there may be a chance or two of recovery. His understanding of the Great Law of Rebirth from the Heavenly Demon did indeed have a secret method to condense the soul.

Hei Yugong and almost all of them cast speechless eyes at Lu Yu, although they said it so well, they couldn’t say it clearly.

Especially Shen Xue, those big smart eyes were full of coldness.

“Shut up, you don’t know what to say nonsense. Fuck off, you get out of Yotsuba’s house for me. As if Shen Xue was crazy, she pushed Lu Yu away, and those two small fists pounded down at the same time.

Lu Yu frowned, and impatiently stretched out his hand to pull aside the little loli of Deep Snow who was messing around in front of him.

After all, it is only an eleven-twelve-year-old child, and it is normal to hear that his mother is dying so gaffe, Lu Yu did not plan to care.

“Oh, it hurts!”

Who wanted to lose his balance and fall to the ground in Shen Xue, he couldn’t help but cover his feet that seemed to be twisted and exhaled out in pain. Although Deep Snow has a strong magical talent, his body is actually as weak as other magicians.

“Hey, warn you not to mess around in the Yotsuba family, hurry up and apologize to me!!” Si Po Ryō asked sharply.

Hei Yugong also had a headache at this time, and Lu Yu was brought by him. I reminded them myself before coming, but I didn’t expect to get into trouble. In the four-leaf family, Daya is taboo, and the contradiction between the two sides is too great.

“Okay, Lu Yu, he has no intention.” Black Feather Gong played round, and the Black Feather siblings also nodded vigorously.

But at the same time, the figure at the door moved, and Lu Yu noticed a pair of cold eyes watching him.

“Did you hurt Deep Snow?” An emotionless voice came from behind Lu Yu.

Lu Yu slowly looked back and found that the thirteen-year-old junior high school boy, Siboda, was also looking at him with murderous eyes.

“Spoda also what are you going to do, who let you come in without permission.” Kuroba scolded.

“It doesn’t matter to me what you’re going to do, but you offended something I absolutely can’t offend.” Sipoda also slammed Furui Wubo’s cheeks, ignoring his uncle Kuroba. His eyes were full of murderous intent towards Lu Yu, and the strong killing intent was like substance, and it seemed that he had also killed a lot of people.

“Oh? I just pushed her, and you want to kill me? Lu Yu smiled lightly, feeling that the other party was too arrogant.

According to the plot he knows, Spoda is also two years younger than him now, I don’t know if he has been promoted to strategic magician, and I don’t know how far away he is from him.

“Wasn’t it enough, touched my anti-scales and hurt my sister Deep Snow. So constitutes the reason why I want you to disappear. Si Boda also slowly raised his hand to Lu Yu, and strange energy fluctuations appeared in his eyes.

Kuroba’s face changed, he quite understood the power of Cousin Shenxue as a weapon to transform into a tool for sin-Sipodaya. His magical talent is poor, it is better to say that he has tainted Yotsuba’s bloodline, but he has two rather tricky means.

The ability to “disassemble” and “reorganize” can interfere with the intelligence body of the incident, so that the event can disappear from the world without leaving a trace; Or ignore the current state and return it to its original appearance up to 24 hours ago. However, the ability to decompose and recombine by definition does not count as magic, so Spoda is also spurned by the Yotsuba family because he cannot perform magic.

Killing Lu Yu in front of him, clearly not putting him in his eyes, made Hei Yugong’s face ugly.

“Tatsuya, you also have to calm down, Shenxue is only a slight fall.” Spo Ronro also said.

Sipoda also didn’t give his father face at all, and continued: “The Daya Alliance seriously injured Shenxue once a few days ago, and almost killed her. Now the Chinese from Daya have hurt her again, how can I forgive. ”

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