Divine Empress of Blood

Chapter 14: Half-truth.

“So what is it you wanted to show us, Ethenia?”

I’m back in Ingrid’s office at the HDA. After the meeting yesterday I went home and spent the afternoon discussing with Athena, and creating a few simulations to present. If I am to be associated with HDA, I figured it was easier to get them on-board first, instead of creating another vampire situation, one that won’t go as well seeing as my goddess form is going to be recognized a lot more from now on, but I’m going to try and use that to my advantage.

“I’m not going to sugarcoat it. I’m going to have to kill a lot of people. There isn’t any grand plan of righteousness, I’m not that morally upright. Of course, I won’t just go on a rampage for fun, but if I want to live my life like I want to, the avatars of rogue gods have to go.”

I wait a bit after that statement, to let Ingrid gather her thoughts. I think Faith already knows a bit about it, I think Athena spoke to Sigyn and Khione yesterday after we decided what to reveal.

“Okay. Ethenia, I’m not sure I can agree to this if you’re going to be a part of the HDA. If you go through with this, we might have to go after you as a criminal.”

I figured she would say that. Let me see. Where did I put my tablet? Oh, thank you Faith! I give her a smile as a thanks, and pull up the video simulations that I prepared. I really hate all this bureaucracy, it makes things so inefficient.

“Yeah I sorta knew you’d say that. I made a few simulations to show you why. Well, why it’s good for you. My own views and goals aren’t necessarily aligned with yours and that of the HDA,  Anyways, just watch this, then ask Faith or Cosmos if this is realistic.”

Oh, right. No wonder she’s surprised, I never actually mentioned my theory about Cosmos, I guess her reaction confirms it though.

We spend the next 15 minutes in silence as Faith and Ingrid watch the few simulations I prepared. They’re mostly based on what major gods can do, like Loki, Ishtar, Quetzalcoatl, and Poseidon. Their goals and viewpoints according to Athena are going to be the most problematic if they ever make powerful avatars. We do have another theory, but we’re not going to mention that, probably ever. That would reveal too much, and both me and Athena agree that’s not a good idea.

“I see. I understand why you want to do what you say, but I still can’t agree. I don’t believe in incapacitating people before they’ve even done anything, as long as there is no concrete evidence leading up to said crime or path. I’m assuming I can’t talk you out of this, but I want no part of it, nor do I want any HDA resources spent on this, witch hunt of yours.”

“That’s fine. I didn’t expect you to. I just wanted to let you know beforehand, as I don’t want to make an enemy of you.” 

At least not yet. Not that I would say that out loud. Considering the direction me and Faith are going, I’d want her fully on my side before I take drastic measures such as making an enemy out of HDA. Now it may seem contradictory, becoming a criminal and probably ending up on most wanted lists, when all I ever wanted was to live freely? Well I look at it like this. I can either deal with an annoying government once I’ve attained the power I need to live as I want, or I can contend with fighting the gods and their avatars for the rest of my life, which, for all I know is forever, as I am practically immortal. Yeah I’d rather snuff out avatars, and then find a way to deal with the gods, if need be.

“I know you mentioned the vampire, but I’m going to be focusing on this. As far as I’m concerned the vampire isn’t really causing any issues, at least that I’m aware of?”

I look at Faith and she gives me a nod, hmm, I wonder what she thinks about the vampire? No, there’s that emotion again. Why do I care so much about what she thinks? Ugh who am I kidding, of course I care. That whole spiel about her having feelings for me hit me harder than I thought. I can’t deny that I favour Faith, and I do care about her. Enough for me to sacrifice my freedom? Hell no. Enough to go through temporary minor annoyances, probably yes. 

“Well, unless either of you have anything else, I’ll get going.”



Faith POV.


“So. What are your true thoughts?”

Ingrid looks crestfallen. I believe this is the exact kind of situation she didn’t want, and hoped not to be put in. One one hand you practically have a demi-goddess saying she’s going to eradicate people who are most likely going to be major problems to her goals, whatever they are. I still don’t truly know what her goals are. Can it actually be as simple as living life like she wants? Honestly that’s probably it. I’ll have to talk to her. Well, later. After I solve my own feelings. On the other hand, they are innocent people who have yet to do anything.

“I don’t know. I really didn’t want to be put in this situation. Theoretically I should report her as a major threat to the government, but that would absolutely make an enemy of her, and we need her. We can not make her into an enemy, but I don’t want to cross this line. What stops her from going after you or me? What if she deems us to be threats to her goals?”

Wow. Okay I want to go back to talking to Nia. I doubt she would leave two potential major threats to her goals like that, only to decide otherwise later. She already inferred she’s only going after the ones who want to make Earth their domain, or just cause chaos. I’m torn. I didn’t associate myself with the HDA only to go after innocent people who have done nothing wrong, but, I honestly have to agree with Nia. Athena already talked to Sigyn and Khione, and they’re on board with the plan if I am. I don’t know what I should do. The only thing I know is I’m not going to stand in her way. The world still doesn’t truly realize what’s going on. Most people don’t even know about the gods, only the government. Probably most governments, I’m assuming there’s avatars, as Nia called them, in different countries across the world.

“I don’t think you have to worry about that. We already know she’s out of the norm, but her actions still follow logic. I don’t know if this word truly fits her, but she is meticulous. Do you really believe she would leave two threats alive, only to go against us later? Unless she truly thinks we’re never going to be a threat to her even if we go against her, but I don’t think she’s that narcissistic.”

Actually, maybe she is. But she’s not stupid. I mean I’m quite narcissistic myself, that kind of happens when you are smarter than most of the population. I already miss Nia, I want to go back home and cuddle. No, bad Faith. Home? I guess I truly think of that as home. I guess I’m too deep already.

“I think our focus should be on the vampire. I don’t know why Nia doesn’t consider the vampire a threat, she should know as well as we do what they did in the past, how dangerous a vampire can be. I don’t know if this is a lesser vampire or not, but I’d rather not find out too late. So unless you have other suggestions, I think we should lay a trap for the vampire. For some reason she seemed fixated on me during our last encounter, she called me a snack, I guess I’m considered a delicacy to her?”

“Yeah, sure. Not like we can do anything about...wait, Nia? Are you two dating already?”

Oh no. I did it again. I really don’t want to explain this to Ingrid. It’s not like we’re friends, we’re coworkers. I don’t want her having anything over me. Well, not like she can do anything to-oh. That’s what’s stopping me from wanting to be with Nia. How could I be so stupid? I don’t want to lose her. It’s not the guilt or the past holding me back. Well I guess it is, but not like I thought.

“No, we’re not together, we just became better friends during the weekend.”

We’re not together. At least not yet.

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