Divine Empress of Blood

Chapter 7: Faith

A few days have gone by since that, disaster, at university. Classes have been mostly boring, a lot of what we’re going over in the business aspect was already taught to me in the military. The nice thing is that the professor is an owner of a semi large business, so he’s giving us a lot of practical tips and things he’s done. The practical side is something I’m sorely lacking, as I’ve only been taught the theoretical aspects.

I’m currently out feeding. I’ve been mostly drinking from criminals, and I’ve come to realize I have a preference for female blood. I don’t know what that is about, but their life force is more abundant, so the taste is better. The reason I’m preying on criminals is they don’t report me to the police, since well, a lot of them aren’t exactly on good terms with the law. Makes it easier for me. I’ve developed a sort of tactic. I can run quite fast, and I can sort of make it harder to see me when I’m moving in the shadows. So I run up to my prey, knock them out, take a few sips of blood and then leave them there. It’s quite fun actually, how close can I get without them noticing me? I’ve gotten quite a bit better at getting by undetected. Another thing I’ve learned how to do is morph my clothes. It’s a bit weird, it’s like my blood is seeping through my pores, enveloping my body and leaving behind the clothing I imagine. I have this whole mental catalogue now of different clothes for different occasions, and I’m just about to use one of them.

In front of me is the entrance to a nightclub. It’s quite expensive, but I’ve never been to one of these, as my old country only had the cheap ones where thugs and other lowlife gather to prey on women, so this is going to be a fun experience. I’m not quite sure what I’m going to do, I’ll just sort of go with the flow.

Greeting the bouncer/doorman, I walk into the establishment. The floor is made of onyx coloured marble tiles, with what looks like gold dust inlaid. It’s quite pretty. In the middle there’s a red carpet leading into the club proper, and there’s another set of doormen opening a double door as I approach. I’m instantly hit with the volume of the music, and there’s a lot of people dancing. The other reason I wanted to visit this place is that it caters specifically towards changed. A lot of places don’t really want the trouble our kind brings, so a few clubs have adapted their policies, making it changed friendly.

The dress code is more of an unwritten rule, but luckily my attire isn’t too out of place. I’m wearing a modern version of a roman toga. With one shoulder exposed. The entire piece is white, with accents the same colour as my hair. It’s quite nice that I can use my vampiric wardrobe change ability while I’m in my goddess form, makes shopping for clothes completely unnecessary. 

I make my way towards the bar on the second floor. The entire section is surrounded by some sort of glass, blocking out a lot of the noise from the dance floor down below, making it a nice place to have a conversation where you don’t have to shout, but it’s still hard to be overheard. Hm? This smell. If i’m not mistaken.

“Hi there, is this seat taken?”

The girl sitting at the counter turns around, and I can see her eyes widen for a few seconds.

“If I didn’t know better, I’d say you’re following me.”

“What would you do if I did?” 

I give the girl with snow white hair and icy blue eyes a smug wink. I knew I recognized that smell. Her blood just smells, different. Usually I can’t pick out people, unless I mark them, another neat ability I’ve discovered. I have no need for that here though, it’s like her blood is already marked in my head. It’s so enticing and smells so delicious, I have to actively keep myself in control not to have another accidental form shift, or part of it at least.

“Hmm, why don’t we discuss that over a drink?” 

She phrases it as a question, but I can tell it’s more of an order. I was right, she’s fun. I’ve had to learn how to keep myself at the level of normal people, but not with her. She’s very intelligent. The few interactions I’ve had with her so far has let me pick up on that. She studies my body language, trying to gauge if I’m going to be entertaining, or just another boring person.

I order a fruity cocktail, not like it’s going to taste anything. I haven’t had a sense of taste since I turned into a vampire, but it would be a bit weird to sit at a bar without ordering a drink, plus it can be quite handy to give yourself a few seconds to think while you take a sip.

“So you’re the mysterious transfer. See, my classes just can’t gossip enough about you. Even though we’re not in the same major. New incredibly beautiful girl takes the campus and staff by storm. Donating a large sum of money before even entering. You’ve made quite the entrance.”

“Oh? I wasn’t aware my donation was public knowledge.”

“It’s not.”

She gives me one of her smirks.

“Although I have to say. I’m quite disappointed. At least you could have used another name, it’s quite obvious.”

“Oh, what makes you think I’m trying to hide anything?”

What is she talking about? My name? Does she suspect my connection to Athena?

“That could be dangerous. There aren’t a lot of us that are known, and your pupils are a dead giveaway to anyone with even the slightest knowledge about symbols.”

Well, that confirms that theory. Of course I know the shape of my pupils are one of the symbols associated with Athena. We did suspect that it had something to do with the contract, this pretty much confirms it. Hm, what about my vampire form then? This does give me a theory I’d like to confirm though.

“Well, what about you? It might be a bit hard to figure out exactly, but I’m assuming Khione?”

“Hmm, you’re half correct.”

Half? Wait, does she have contracts with two gods? Is that even possible? Athena, do I need to take her out?

Hmm. Give me a second. Nope, she’s fine. I just spoke to Khione and Sigyn, she’s fine.”

“Well, aren’t you a foxy one.” I return her smirk, and her expression turns to one of surprise before she composes herself again.

“Now you’re just cheating. Oh well, they say it’s fine. I’m assuming yours agree?”

I give her a small nod in return.

“Well then, all this talk isn’t quite what I was after when I came here. Follow me.”

She brushes a few of her fingers across my forearm, sending a small shiver up my spine and giving me goosebumps. Oh I’m so glad I came here.

I follow her downstairs and onto the dancefloor, where she leads me to the middle of the crowd, flashing me a grin before she starts moving to the rhythm of the music. I stand there in a daze as I’m captivated by her figure, moving fluidly with familiar motions. Her ears swaying back and forth in tandem with her body. She gives me a reproachful look and I realize I'm just standing here. Here goes nothing.

We dance in close proximity, evading the people around us as we lose ourselves in the music. Moving in whatever direction our motions takes us, flowing with the rhythm of the people and the tempo of the song. As the song ends I’m pushed from behind, regaining my balance just a few centimeters from her. I stare into her blue eyes, watching the snowfall behind them. Her eyes screams confidence and intelligence, and her lips slowly arch into a grin. I’m slightly taller, so her head is tilted just a tiny amount to meet my eyes. The light in the room enveloping her as her hair reflects it, giving the illusion that she’s glowing like a divine being.

Her hands find their way to my waist, pulling me closer, our hips connecting as the song changes to a slow tune. Eyes connected I move my hands and interlock my fingers behind her neck. Usually I think it’s the smaller one doing this, but her confidence just makes it feel right. Not like I’m usually lacking in that department, I think of myself as quite narcissistic, but there’s something about her.

She guides me into a slow dance, keeping our bodies connected from hips to chest, drawing me into her world. Everything else fades, nothing else matters, only this captivating girl in front of me. Her right index finger tracing along my sides, sending small jolts of ecstasy into my brain. She obviously knows what she’s doing, and she has me right where she wants me. Slowly licking her lips without breaking eye contact, she elicits a barely audible chuckle. Gone is her voice laden with authority, replaced by lust and hunger. I find myself biting my lips, and her gaze flickers between my eyes and said lips, inviting me to play. Don’t mind if I do.

Our bodies connected, I initiate another step in our melding process, locking my lips on hers as I lightly nibble on her lower lip. I can feel another chuckle, the sound is gone but the vibration transfers between our bodies. Having had my fun she takes control, prying my lips open in a dominant manner, as her tongue slithers in and playfully pokes at mine. Her tongue is so warm, yet it’s giving me chills. Igniting something within my chest. She plays with me as her gaze scans my face for small reactions.

As the song ends she disconnects from the kiss, leaving me gasping for air. She takes my hand and leads me back upstairs, and further into a room I didn’t know existed. Locking the door and turning the key, she twirls around and pushes me into the wall, making me give out a quiet yelp of surprise and anticipation.

Slowly moving towards me, moving in a manner befitting a fox on the hunt, arresting me with her gaze. Gently her hand finds its way under the top part of my clothes. I have never been more happy I adopted it into a split top and bottom. Her fingers tracing along my stomach, moving closer and closer to my chest. Looking into my eyes for a few seconds she leans in to take my lips. Her tongue moving in ways that makes my legs lose their strength, as my chest heats up, leaving me wondering how I’m not melting into a puddle. Hand resuming its movement, ignoring my bra and teases around the outline of my boobs. Deciding which she wants to give her attention to, applying more force to her fingers as she drags them to the center of my left one. Yet again circling around, closer and closer to my nipple, before giving it a flick. Coaxing a low moan out of me.

Her face lights up with joy at my reaction, dropping all pretenses of subtlety. Her other hand finds my waistband, and completely ignores it. Her fingers moving painfully slow towards my thighs, as her lips leave mine and her gaze is fixed on my face, fully taking in the state she’s rendering me to. Hand gently tracing my soaked folds as her other gently gives my chest a squeeze, making me groan.

“Please, stop teasing me.” I manage to let out a whisper into her ear as my head slumps on her shoulder, taking everything I have, every fiber of my being to control my urges that screams at me to bite into her neck. As i’m fighting my natural instincts, she slips a finger into my center, leaving me gasping for air as my back arches, and my hip presses into her hand begging for attention. She flashes a cocky grin as her finger starts moving rhythmically, and her thumb tracing around the nub at my entrance.

Her other hand leaves my chest wanting more, only to take hold of my jaw, straightening it as she initiates a kiss of raw wanton passion, sending jolts of electricity throughout my entire body. As my attention is drawn to her kiss, her thumb gives a gentle caress and a flick, eliciting sparks in my head, and my body moaning in pleasure. Her finger drawing me closer and closer to climax, my focus leaving the world as I grow heady, only focusing on the place her fingers take me, closer and closer. In the back of my mind I can feel Athena reigning in my vampiric side, leaving my full attention to focus on the girl in front of me, as my body is completely hers. Her other hand pulls down my top and bra, as she gently nibbles on my nipple. Rendering me into a moaning puddle of pleasure, giving my entire being into her arms and body. My breath is haggard and uneven, only wanting more more more.  Her fingers giving one last powerful thrust with the full force of her body behind it, leaving me in a state where I'm not sure if I'm awake or not, my entire being is focused on the dancing stars in my head as I swear my vision turns white.



“Welcome back to the land of the living.”

My brain is still trying to gather itself from liquid to solid, as my entire body aches, but in a good way. Whatever she did is something I can get addicted to. I've practiced seduction before with other girls in the military, and I've played with myself, but that, that was something else entirely.

“Holy shit. What did you do to me?”

Giving me a smirk as she licks her finger.

“Nothing you didn’t want. See you around.”

She turns around and leaves. My head is still processing wherever it just went. As I come back down to Earth, I notice a piece of paper in my hand. A number and a name.



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