Divine Exchanged System

Chapter 38

Chapter 38 - You All Don't Have the Qualifications

Just as Tang Qiao was pinning all her hopes on Wang Shan, a flurry of footsteps approached from outside the door, heralding the arrival of two Three-star Cultivators. Cultivators of their caliber would be instantly promoted to generals upon enlisting in the army.

As the two generals entered the bedroom, they knelt before Tang Qiao's father's bed. “Great General, a decade ago, you suffered injuries from a Demonic Beast while saving our lives, leading to your current plight. We have not forgotten your benevolence and have ventured deep into the mountains to procure a Yang Returning Pill for you!” They presented a wooden box to Tang Qiao.

Upon opening it, Tang Qiao found yet another Yang Returning Pill. “Quick, let the Great General take this pill to prolong his life!” one of the generals insisted.

“Wait!” Wang Shan interjected firmly.

”Who are you?” The generals scrutinized Wang Shan and, recognizing him as a One-star Cultivator, their faces contorted with disdain.

“Your Yang Returning Pills are counterfeit,” Wang Shan declared calmly, his statement sending ripples of shock through the room.

”How dare a mere One-star Cultivator accuse us falsely?” the generals retorted icily.

Wang Shan persisted, “What you have there are not Yang Returning Pills, but Yin Returning Pills.”

Tang Qiao and Qin Meimei gasped in alarm. Despite the subtle difference in name, the Yang Returning Pill and the Yin Returning Pill had vastly divergent effects. The former was life-sustaining, while the latter was lethal. Anyone who consumed a Yin Returning Pill would undoubtedly perish within a day, regardless of their health.

“Your accusations are baseless. Show us your identity card to prove whether you bear the mark of a Pill Refining Master!” demanded Meng Yin, one of the generals, his voice laced with frost.

All eyes turned to Wang Shan, who responded with a dismissive chuckle, “Neither of you has the right to demand my ID.”

The air crackled with tension as Meng Yin and Zhang Bo, the two generals, bristled with murderous intent. If Tang Qiao hadn't intervened, Wang Shan would have surely made them regret their hostility.

”Master Wang has crafted the Yang Returning Pill for me; he is my honored guest. You shall not disrespect him,” Tang Qiao declared, standing firmly by Wang Shan's side.

Upon hearing Tang Qiao's words, Meng Yin and Zhang Bo were seized by a cold sweat.

They had not anticipated that Wang Shan, a mere youth, was in fact a Pill Refining Master!

Being a Pill Refining Master was already a position of great prestige, and with Tang Qiao's testimony, Meng Yin and Zhang Bo certainly couldn't ask Wang Shan to produce his identification.

Such irreverence, if pursued by the Pill Association, could cost them their ranks!

Noticing their uneasy expressions, Wang Shan chuckled and said, “You two aren't scared that I'll actually heal your great general, are you?”

Meng Yin and Zhang Bo exchanged glances but remained silent.

Their furtive behavior told Wang Shan all he needed to know.

“Administer this Yang Returning Pill to your father,” Wang Shan instructed Tang Qiao.

She nodded and gave the Yang Returning Pill to her father.

In that moment, Meng Yin and Zhang Bo were visibly anxious, their foreheads beaded with sweat.

As soon as Tang Qiao's father ingested the Yang Returning Pill, Meng Yin and Zhang Bo felt compelled to act.

A chilling aura of murderous intent emanated from them both.

Each a Three-star Cultivator, they practiced the Earth Rank Wind Condensing Arts.

At their command, a flurry of wind blades hurtled toward Tang Qiao's father!

In the nick of time, an intense coldness emerged near Tang Qiao's father, freezing the sweat on Tang Qiao's brow into ice.

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