Divorce Strategies For Divorced Movie Queens

Chapter 12

Chapter 11 – I Do Not Want You

“Crack! Start again!”

Xie Qinglan’s voice remained unchanged and equally annoying, repeating the same sentence over and over again, Ji Chenli couldn’t remember how many times she said it.

Her whole body was so cold that there was almost no temperature, and she couldn’t even distinguish between hot and cold. When she was picked up from the water by the lifeguard, her face was pale and her lips were bloodless from the cold.

The lifeguard shivered from the cold when his hand grabbed her hand, and sent him ashore, sighing in her ear. It’s not easy being an actor. They all come out to make a living. They look good in front of the camera, but they don’t know how to be tossed behind the camera.

This scene has been filmed until four o’clock in the afternoon, and there is only such a shot back and forth, close-up and long-range close-up…repeated endlessly, even the assistants and assistant directors behind Xie Qinglan began to feel unbearable, but Xie Qinglan wanted to let it go Ji Chenli didn’t mean anything.

It was tacitly understood by everyone that the president’s wife probably offended the director, but she has a temper, so she was stubborn with the director, and she didn’t say a soft word. An assistant shook his head, secretly sighing that this girl is really brainless, what’s the big deal if she admits her mistake and subdues her? People have to bow their heads under the eaves, that’s the director! Unless Ji Chenli stops acting, she will suffer in the days to come.

Besides, director Xie Qinglan is not afraid of death, the president’s wife dares to tease her like this, it seems that the gossip rumors are not unreasonable, Mr. Ming probably got married because of Ji Chenli. Otherwise, how could she remain indifferent and not even show her face when her lover was tortured like this? Sure enough, poor people must have something to hate.

Thinking about it this way, those people’s sympathy for Ji Chenli also faded a lot.

Ji Chenli stood stiffly on the shore, his body was completely soaked in school uniform, with mud, algae and other stains in the lake sticking stickily to Ji Chenli’s skin, a gust of cold wind blew through and took away After seeing the last bit of heat from Ji Chenli’s body, her body trembled uncontrollably, her teeth chattered, and even her eyelashes trembled intensively, she closed her eyes and swallowed her throat, the breath she exhaled was cold.

Her head seemed to be no longer her own, there were countless hammers smashing in all directions in her head, buzzing, Ji Chenli felt that her head was about to be smashed open, she had long forgotten all about filming, lines, and scenes She even forgot why she was standing in this place, she just mechanically jumped into the water after hearing Xie Qinglan’s disgusting voice.

The day had passed so long, Ji Chenli’s eyelids were almost too heavy to open, and he looked at the sky along the thin slit in front of his eyes, his eyes were as gray as in the morning, and he couldn’t even judge the time.

“”Unreachable” a three-shot scene…action!”

Hearing the action, Ji Chenli jumped into the water reflexively, with a splash, he didn’t even hear the first few times.


Ji Chenli’s heart rose to his throat.


As expected, the heart hanging in his throat fell back again, Ji Chenli went ashore again with the support of the lifeguard, facing the camera, he used all his strength to draw a weak arc around his mouth.

Xie Qinglan sat behind the monitor, taking in all the expressions on her face, not even missing the unnatural twitches on her face due to the cold.

Mingyan sat next to Xie Qinglan and recited her lines, when she looked up she happened to see Ji Chenli’s fleeting laugh. Ji Chenli’s school uniform was still wet on her body, her hair was tangled up in a mess by the lake water, and it clung to her cheeks and neck casually, with a few pieces of green moss and dead branches hanging on it.

Inky black hair reflected a paper-like pale face. Ji Chenli’s expression on his face had long since stiffened, his eyes had blurred, but his body stood upright, his bloodless lips were drawn into a line, which was the same as her standing posture sharp.

“Tsk, my sister-in-law is really not an ordinary person, no wonder my sister can fall in love with her.” Mingyan rolled up the script and held it in her hand, showing a bit of surprise and admiration, and poked Xie Qinglan with her elbow, jokingly said: “Hey , It’s almost over, she is at least half of the Ming family now, after being tormented by you like this, what kind of words do you say? Forget it, at least give our Ming family a face.”

Xie Qinglan looked at the monitor with a blank expression and didn’t even move, she didn’t know what she was thinking.

Mingyan said again: “I know you want to vent your anger on Xin Yuan, but it’s not the way to do it, right? The day will be long, my sister will hand her over to me, if something happens to my cheap sister-in-law, my sister will definitely let her go. Cut me alive!”

Xie Qinglan opened her mouth slightly, trying to say something, when another hoarse voice cursed from a distance: “Xie Qinglan! You are a villain! You are avenging your own interests by pretending to be a public servant! You are the only villain who is still a director! Damn! Remember me! Come on! In case something happens to Miss Chenli, I will never end with you!”

Mingyan turned her head to look, and it turned out that the voice came from the lounge. The door of the lounge was locked, and there was only one window for ventilation. Feng Cai was lying on the window and yelling. After scolding all afternoon, her voice was already hoarse. .

Mingyan laughed again, stood up and twisted her tired waist, “This little manager is really energetic, hasn’t he been screaming all afternoon? His voice is cracking.”

Xie Qinglan heard Feng Cai’s call, her eyes darkened, and she picked up her horn again, “Do it again!”


An order to stop came from far behind, Xie Qinglan and Mingyan turned around at the same time, the smile on Mingyan’s face froze.

Ming Lang was striding over from the entrance of the studio, followed by her personal assistant and several bodyguards. She was walking too fast, her half-length hair was messed up by the wind, and her black coat was also flying in the air. The rising silhouette, the assistant shouted to stop, Ming Lang’s speed was very fast, Xie Qinglan and Ming Yan hadn’t recovered before she was already in front of them.

“Sister…sister…” Mingyan shrank her neck back two steps, her eyes turned to one side uncomfortably.

Ming Lang looked around, “Where’s Ji Chenli?”

Mingyan looked at Xie Qinglan, and forced a smile on her face, “Sister, isn’t the company very busy recently? Why are you free to come here? Don’t tell me in advance, sister-in-law is filming…”

“I asked you where Ji Chenli is!” Ming Lang shouted.

Her voice was not loud, but it was colder than the north wind blowing, but everyone around her trembled three times, and lowered their heads involuntarily, not daring to breathe.

“Sister-in-law, she…she…” Mingyan hesitated to speak, Xie Qinglan snorted and smiled contemptuously, “Minglang, don’t you know how much Xinyuan has paid for you these years? I think your conscience has been eaten by dogs gone.”

Ming Lang’s face turned livid, “I ask you where Ji Chenli is!”


Before Xie Qinglan finished speaking, Minglang’s eyes were locked on the monitor. The woman in the camera was in a state of distress, her body shaking like a sieve. At first she was able to keep standing, but then she wobbled unsteadily. into the water.

Mingyan’s pupils contracted, she vigorously pushed Mingyan and Xie Qinglan away, kicked over the monitor in front of her, and flew out like an arrow. Blink and jump into the lake.

Ming Yan rarely saw Ming Lang lose control of his emotions like this, and she hadn’t seen it once since Ming Lang took over the Ming family. Thinking is more important.

Mingyan looked at Xie Qinglan with a bitter face, “I’m going to die now.”

The water in the lake is extremely cold, and the moment Ming Lang jumped into the lake, her heart was also chilled. She is very good at water, and she picked up Ji Chenli one step faster than the fully armed lifeguards. Ji Chenli was already in the water. Li passed out, his eyes were closed tightly, his lips were still trembling, and his body was shaking violently unconsciously.

“Ji Chenli! Ji Chenli!” Ming Lang hugged Ji Chenli in his arms, her body was colder than the lake water, Ming Lang wanted to use his own body temperature to give her some warmth, but it was a drop in the bucket. He squinted his eyes and didn’t respond to Minglang’s call at all.

“Ji Chenli! Wake up!” Mingyu panicked, she shook Ji Chenli vigorously, as if doing so would wake up the person in her arms, “I won’t let you die! You can’t die, hear me! Ji Chenli Wake up, Chenli! If you dare to die, I will…I will burn that broken orphanage to the ground! Did you hear what I said!”

Probably Minglang’s shaking made Ji Chenli feel uncomfortable even in a coma, or Minglang’s words stimulated her, Ji Chenli really woke up, the lake was too cold, and Minglang’s body temperature made her feel unusually warm, So her hands subconsciously hugged Ming Lang’s neck tightly, and pressed herself into Ming Lang’s arms without reservation.

“I can’t…you promise me not to move them…” Ji Chenli rested his chin on Minghong’s shoulder, and whispered into her ear, breathing on Minghong’s ear, making people shiver with cold.

“Chenli?” Minglang’s eyes lit up, and he hugged Ji Chenli tightly, as if he wanted to rub her into his body, “That’s great…I thought…you’re fine…” Her lips stuck to the On Ji Chenli’s ear, “Fortunately, you’re fine…”

Ji Chenli felt a little warm liquid falling behind her ears, her body was so cold that the warm liquid became extremely hot, and could scald a piece of the back of her neck.

“Minglang?” Ji Chenli finally regained some consciousness.

“Yes.” Minglang said hoarsely, “Chenli, I am… I am here…”

Ji Chenli snorted weakly, then pushed away Minglang’s embrace, and stretched out his hand to the lifeguard who had been standing beside him at a loss, “I’m running out of strength, please send me up.”

Ming Lang wanted to help her, but she avoided Ming Lang as if she had been stung, “I don’t want you.”

Ji Chenli leaned on the lifeguard’s shoulder, still muttering, “I don’t…I don’t want you…”

Ming Lang watched helplessly the person who was still in her arms just a second ago, at this moment she would rather lean on a stranger’s arm than run away from her, as if she was some unbearable dirty thing.

I do not want you.

This is Ji Chenli’s most instinctive and real reaction.

The lake water seemed to seep into Minglang’s internal organs through the pores, and even her heart went cold.

The lifeguard sent Ji Chenli ashore. Her legs were completely unable to support her body, she sat on the bank crookedly, struggled for a long time, and finally lost consciousness.

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