Divorce Strategies For Divorced Movie Queens

Chapter 22

Chapter 21 – I’M Your Wife

Ming Lang looked at Ji Chenli from the side, and just met Ji Chenli’s cold eyes, she seemed to have discovered something interesting, the corners of her mouth raised, and she jokingly said: “I’m your Ah Hong now, so what if I hug you ?” While talking, he squeezed Ji Chenli’s waist with his hands, and Ji Chenli didn’t talk nonsense to her, and took advantage of Minghong’s surprise, he lifted his foot and stepped on her instep.

“Hiss—” Ji Chenli’s foot was not serious, Minglang gasped in pain, and complained bitterly, “Chenli, I’m your wife…”

Ji Chenli almost choked on his own saliva when he heard this, “Minglang, have you been possessed by some monster?”

“Huh?” Ming Lang obviously didn’t understand the meaning of her words.

“Like a psychopath.” Ji Chenli felt the strength in Minghong’s hand loosen, and broke free from her embrace.

“…” Ming Lang coughed twice, and his expression returned to normal, “Let’s go, I specially found a chef in Mongolia, who is very good at roasting whole lamb, you can try it later.” Ming Lang thought about it just now He touched Ji Chenli’s hand, even in winter, that hand seemed too cold, mutton is warm and tonic, it’s a good time to eat.

The location of Ji Chenli and Minglang’s station is not very remote, people can see people coming and going, these people like to gossip in private, Ji Chenli doesn’t want to make trouble with Minglang and add to other people’s jokes, so he has to follow Minglang I went to help together.

Ji Chenli actually doesn’t like to eat mutton, she can’t stand the smell of mutton, she said that fish and sheep are fresh, but these two ingredients are fishy and mutton, Ji Chenli is not used to smelling them, let alone taste them . But Ming Lang loves to eat mutton, Ji Chenli knows it, especially loves to drink mutton soup, skim off the blood, boil it over a slow fire for several hours, the color of the stewed mutton soup is cool, but the taste is mellow, Ji Chenli used to I also learned how to do it when I was free. I pinched my nose and stewed. After the stew, I felt that the whole room was full of mutton smell. The room was ventilated for four or five days before it dissipated.

As for the pot of mutton soup, it was also poured later—Ji Chenli had very few opportunities to see Ming Lang during the year in the Ming family, except for festivals, especially in the first few years of marriage, when he didn’t see anyone for several months It was a common thing. At that time, Ji Chenli had gradually retired from the entertainment circle, guarding such a big house by herself, so she had to find some fun to pass the time for herself, and her fun seemed to be all related to Ming Lang.

“Be careful!” Just as Ji Chenli was deeply immersed in his own memories, Ming Lang suddenly put his arms around her shoulders and took her two steps back. Ji Chenli’s back bumped into Ming Lang’s chest, and then he returned. Suddenly, it turned out that there was a streetlight pole in front of her, and she bumped into it when she took a step forward.

Ji Chenli showed a little embarrassment on his face, and quickly got out of Minglang’s arms, “Thank you…thank you.”

Ming Lang said with a smile: “What are you thinking so focused on?”

“It’s nothing.” Ji Chenli said seriously.

They didn’t walk too far. Opposite was the place where everyone set up tables and set up grills to eat and drink. The tables and chairs were all set up. Some people were helping a piece of skewered meat. Playing poker or something, having fun.

Feng Cai was also among them, she was one of the players, she danced and spoke, when she got excited, she saw Ji Chenli sideways, and waved to her excitedly, “Sister Chenli, I’m here! Come here!”

Feng Cai laughed until the upper and lower rows of white teeth showed brightly, and his eyes were narrowed into a slit. Ji Chenli was infected by her smile, and his mood improved a lot. He quickened his pace and walked to Feng Cai’s side, cheering up and saying: “coming!”

As soon as she arrived at Feng Cai’s side, she heard Feng Cai say in a serious manner: “I am a priest, so I will hate whoever hits me this time. The prophet must check No. 5 in the next game, pass.”

Seeing Ji Chenli approaching, Xiao Wei, the theater manager, immediately moved two chairs over and placed them beside Feng Cai, Ji Chenli thanked him, sat down on the chair closest to Feng Cai, and whispered to Feng Cai , “How about playing Werewolf?”

“Sister Chenli, do you know that too?” Feng Cai listened to the speech on the table with one ear, and said in a low voice, “Why don’t you play together in the next game? You don’t know, this game is very popular now.”

“I won’t, you guys play.” Ji Chenli waved his hand, and he is no stranger to the werewolf killing her. In his previous life, this game suddenly became popular all over the country. It happened to be popular with the live broadcast, and several online platforms competed. She has hosted several werewolf variety shows. Ji Chenli also participated in several times to promote the movie. She is probably a rookie type, and she is easy to trust others. She is often played around at the table, but she observes that other players lie It was quite interesting. After the game, someone asked Ji Chenli how he felt, and Ji Chenli said with a smile: “This game is simply a torture of human nature.”

Drama manager Xiao Wei moved two chairs over, Ji Chenli thought at the beginning that he wanted to sit by himself, but later Ming Lang also came to sit next to her, Ji Chenli realized why he had to move two chairs later.

As soon as the big boss sat down, there were more rules on the table. Those who scolded their mothers and ancestors all fell silent, and each of them spoke like a good baby, which was very funny.

After watching for a while, Ming Lang whispered next to Ji Chenli’s ear: “No. 3, No. 7 and No. 9 are lying.”

Ji Chenli curled his lips, he jumped to the prophet when he spoke in the last game on the 9th, Ji Chenli was listening beside him, and he spoke so truthfully that it didn’t look like a lie, so he sarcastically said: “Old horses have mistakes too. When the front hooves.”

Probably because the atmosphere of a group of people is too good, the thick city wall between Ji Chenli and Ming Lang seems to be a bit thinner, Ming Lang is very happy about this change, his face is calm, and he asks Said: “Am I the youngest?”

Feng Cai didn’t understand the situation, and only thought that Ji Chenli and Ming Lang were flirting, so he answered casually: “Sure enough, women are afraid of getting old, even President Ming is no exception.”

Ji Chenli kicked Feng Cai’s chair leg in dissatisfaction, “Fuck you, why don’t you interrupt before you speak.”

Feng Cai shrunk his neck and focused on the game, Ji Chenli watched the whole game intently until the civilians were slaughtered, the game ended, and the werewolves were indeed No. 3, No. 7 and No. 9. Ji Chenli thought about what he had just done Ming Lang sneered, feeling a little uneasy on his face.

At this time, everyone was replaying the game just now, chattering like a vegetable market, Ming Lang suddenly took advantage of the chaos and whispered in Ji Chenli’s ear, “I’m not afraid of getting old.”

“I’m afraid of growing old alone.”

Ji Chenli turned his head in doubt, only to see something sad in Minghong’s eyes.

“Sister Chenli, do you want to play?” Feng Cai asked, pulling Ji Chenli’s wrist, so Ji Chenli’s attention shifted to Feng Cai, she just pretended that Minglang was deep, and she was too lazy to answer After thinking about it, she decided to join the battle, “Play! Sit next to me, Ah Cai, you are too good at playing, let me show you how the masters play!”

Ji Chenli has joined, it’s a bit outrageous not to invite the big boss, but Ming Lang looks like a stranger, you don’t dare to speak to a bunch of people, at the end there is a bold tentative After asking, unexpectedly, Ming Lang really agreed.

Ming Lang is the big boss. No one dared to kill her when she was in the camp of good people, and no one dared to test her in the camp of werewolves. After playing a few games, she won. Gradually, the game became meaningless. It happened that it was lunch time, and everyone went Going to have a barbecue and eat something, the game is over.

Feng Cai worshiped Ming Lang when they were scattered, “Mr. Ming is just born to play werewolves!”

Ji Chenli disdains, “Isn’t it because she is the CEO that no one dares to kill her?”

Feng Cai cast a contemptuous look at Ji Chenli, “Sister Chenli, what are you talking about, so you are a rookie just like me.”

Ji Chenli: “…” Little girl, wait for your sister.

After eating and drinking, it was already afternoon, full of wine and food, Ji Chenli patted his belly for a walk, scattered behind a certain tent, and only listened to the gossip of two people who were in charge of washing dishes.

“Hey, who said it was always bad for Ji Chenli back then? It was so true that I almost believed it!”

“What’s wrong? You’re so pampered, okay? Bring something delicious and delicious to Ji Chenli as soon as possible, asking for warmth, that kindness… I almost took her away in my pocket.” Yes! Hey, have you ever seen Mr. Ming like that?”

“It’s rare for me to even see her once. How do I know what she was like in the past? But she seems to be quite indifferent to other people?”

“No wonder Xie Qinglan was exiled, tsk tsk, why is this big Buddha easy to offend, I don’t know who spread the news, if someone can treat me like this, I will marry her.”

“Tch, you’re a man, go have a sweet dream.”

“Man… What’s wrong with the man?”

Later, the topic of the two of them turned to the issue of men and women, Ji Chenli was amused to hear that, the two long-tongued men had the nerve to look down on women, how could women be as talkative as they are.

Ji Chenli stood for a while longer, only hearing a few bangs in the tent, like the sound of bowls being smashed, and then there was no movement, and when he listened carefully, he heard the two men trembling and saying: “Ming… Ming…Mr. Ming…”

“Send the washed dishes to the opposite tent.” This sentence was in a bright voice, flat and flat, not like angry.

There was another chatter in the tent, and the two men ran away with a bag of bowls in their arms. Ming Lang came out of the tent, took a turn, and met Ji Chenli just in time, holding a bowl in his hand. There was soup in the bowl, and Ji Chenli could tell it was mutton if he smelled it from a long distance away.

“Ming Lang, Ming people don’t talk dark words, I don’t want to play charades with you, what on earth do you want?” Ji Chenli asked with arms crossed and raised eyebrows.

“Tian Han, you are just recovering from a serious illness, drink some soup to warm your body.” Ming Lang handed the white porcelain bowl on his hand to Ji Chenli.

Ji Chenli lowered his head and glanced at the soup, the soup was clear, with some chopped green onions floating on it, white and green, which was held by Minglang’s slender knuckles, like the dishes on the imperial banquet, but Ji Chenli sneered Laughed twice, “Minglang, do you know that I will throw up when I eat mutton?”

Ming Lang obviously didn’t expect Ji Chenli to say that, she just thought the soup was delicious and nourishing, and she just wanted Ji Chenli to taste it too, but she never thought that Ji Chenli might not be the one she likes. She likes it, even hates it to the extreme, so she holds the bowl and stands a little at a loss, like a child who has made a mistake.

The two just stood there, Ji Chenli finally couldn’t take it anymore and said, “I don’t have anything to do, I’ll go first.”

I only heard Minglang’s voice whispering from behind, “Today… is your birthday.”

Ji Chenli was shocked.

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