Divorce Strategies For Divorced Movie Queens

Chapter 24

Chapter 23 – Who Is Sorry

Ji Chenli and Minghong sat face to face at the dining table and had nothing to say. She wanted to ask Minghong if she had done anything to her last night, but she couldn’t get out of her mouth. There weren’t many at first, but they just kept staring at Ji Chenli without saying a word, the scene was once very embarrassing.

No, Ji Chenli thought, guessing like this is not a problem, why not ask directly, so he secretly cheered himself up, and said: “Last night…”

Unexpectedly, Ming Lang also said at the same time, “You…”

The voices of the two merged together, and they stopped at the same time to let the other party speak first, which was even more embarrassing.

Ming Lang chuckled, drank the last sip of milk in her glass, wiped her mouth and said, “You talk first.”

Ji Chenli had mustered up enough courage to say those two words just now, but when Ming Lang interrupted him, he lost his breath and couldn’t say anything, so he brushed his hair uncomfortably, “It’s still you Speak.”

“You drank too much yesterday, did you get a headache in the morning?”

“It’s okay.” Ji Chenli wasn’t used to chatting with Minglang so calmly, but was still chatting face to face at the same table, and felt that this scene was so weird no matter how it looked.

But the passers-by next to them found it pleasing to the eye. Both of them are beauties, especially Minglang’s appearance, which is the best in the entertainment industry where beauties gather. It looks like a painting.

Ming Lang said again: “Yesterday you drank too much, Feng Cai handed you over to me and ran away. I…I changed clothes for you…I didn’t do anything else!”

She looked a little nervous when she spoke, and her facial muscles moved a few times, like a child who made a mistake, and she looked a little cute.

Using cuteness to describe Minghong, Ji Chenli felt that she was probably still awake from the wine last night. She picked up the juice she brought over just now, covered her face with the cup and coughed a few times to cover up, and glanced at the table with guilty eyes, ” That… I… last night… no… no…”

The voice behind was too low, Ming Lang didn’t hear it, so he could only lean forward, “Huh?”

Ji Chenli had no choice but to say it again, “I didn’t do anything to you…”

Although Ji Chenli still has some understanding of her wine taste, the more drunk she is, the better her memory will be, but she is afraid that last night when she was about to get drunk, even though Ji Chenli doesn’t want to provoke her at all now. It’s crazy, but after all, she has been infatuated with Minglang for so many years. Minglang has an instinctive attraction to Ji Chenli’s body. Ji Chenli is really afraid that he will give Minglang to something because he is too drunk. It’s so early For the rest of her life, she will be with Ming Lang, so who can she ask for reasoning?

Ming Lang seemed to think that what Ji Chenli said was unbelievable, her pupils dilated slightly due to surprise, and then she leaned back on the chair and smiled.

“No.” Ming Lang said, she thought what would Ji Chenli do to her after drinking, so that she could justifiably keep her by his side, but Ji Chenli’s wine tasted very good, drunk Fall asleep right away, without waking up halfway.

“Really?” Ji Chenli asked again worriedly.

Ming Lang clasped his hands and propped his forearms on the table, approaching Ji Chenli with a serious expression, “If I say yes, can we not divorce?”

Ji Chenli was silent.

In fact, Ji Chenli’s thinking is quite traditional, it’s all about people, of course he has to be responsible for the rest of his life, but if that person is Ming Lang, it seems to be another matter, after all Ming Lang doesn’t love her, and she She wanted to escape Minglang too much, it was best to remove Minglang from her life completely, so that there would be no later pain.

Ming Lang understood, and smiled self-deprecatingly, “Don’t worry, there really isn’t one.”

Ji Chenli breathed a sigh of relief, and also showed a relaxed smile. It’s right to think about it, that’s Minglang, even if he wanted to do something to her, would he be able to deal with her? Even if he is awake, he is no match, let alone drunk.

“Then your face…”

Ming Lang touched the face with a slight slap mark, and smiled jokingly, “I changed your clothes last night, probably hurt you, because you accidentally slapped it.”

“…” Won’t you put on some foundation to cover it up? Do you have to show it to scare me for a while? When Ji Chenli remembered that the woman in front of her changed her clothes last night, she felt uncomfortable, “Our marriage is just a transaction, you don’t have to worry about me in the future.” She ate the sandwich on her plate in two bites, He drank the juice in the glass in one gulp, “Mr. Ming eat slowly, I’m off to work.”

“Chenli!” Ming Lang called to stop Ji Chenli.

Ji Chenli had already moved his chair and stood up, “Mr. Ming, is there anything else?”

“I used to treat you…was it bad?”

Ji Chenli thought for a while, then smiled, “No, the president treats me very well.”

If it is Ming Lang at this age, it is really good. He repaired the orphanage, established a charity fund, and solved the problem of children going to school. Of course, this is what Ming Lang did in his previous life. Before the incident happened, Ming Lang could even be considered a good boss. Ji Chenli often thought afterwards that she would rather Minghong at that time not be so merciful and give her those unnecessary fantasies, so that she would not naively think that there was such a possibility between herself and Minghong.

Ming Lang only thought Ji Chenli was sarcastic, lowered his head and said, “Got it.”

Ji Chenli looked at Minglang and felt a little unbearable for a while. She lived again, and all she could remember in her mind was the pain that made her unable to bear it again and again, so that she almost forgot that in fact, there were still some good memories between herself and Minghong, although they were short and weak, they were there after all. of.

In the final analysis, these good memories were ruined by Ji Chenli himself, Ji Chenli thought, Minglang is not a bad person, she just doesn’t love herself, it’s not her fault.

But whose fault is no longer important, Ji Chenli admits her mistake and has learned a lesson, she has already tasted enough of the bad consequences, she just wants not to provoke each other from now on, and keep each other clean.

“Ming Lang, I haven’t formally apologized to you for so long.” Ji Chenli said, “Although it’s not very formal now, I still want to say sorry to you.”

“Sorry for threatening you with life-threatening matters, sorry for disturbing your life, sorry for causing you so much trouble.” It was the first time she truly faced up to the mistakes she had made, and she felt ashamed after apologizing , took advantage of going to the set to be late and ran away.

Ming Lang looked up at Ji Chenli’s leaving back for a long time, until he saw Ji Chenli disappearing at the corner of the hotel entrance before smiling: “Ji Chenli, you owe me more than an apology.”

She held Ji Chenli’s juice glass in her hand and played with it, and touched the smooth wall of the glass with her fingers caressingly, as if she was touching her lover again, “What you owe me is a lively lover.”

“But I owe you more.”

“I owe you so much, I will never pay it off in my whole life…”

Regardless of the weird gazes from the people around him, Ming Lang solemnly put his lips on the spot where Ji Chenli was drinking the juice just now, closed his eyes and let out a sigh.

Ji Chenli was walking on the road, feeling that Minglang was a bit strange today.

Or it’s not today, ever since she was reborn, Ming Lang has always been weird, Ji Chenli had rarely seen Ming Lang’s smile in the past few years, and it’s only been a few months since she was reborn, how much Ming Lang has laughed This time, although most of the time it is ridiculing, sneering, sneering, superficially laughing… At least there are more expressions on her face than before, so much that Ji Chenli almost doesn’t know her anymore, this… This is still the one in my memory Iceberg face?

When we arrived at the set, we greeted Fang Shi first. At that time, he was probably still angry with Ji Chenli because of what happened yesterday. He seemed a bit indifferent to Ji Chenli. At that time, she thought about explaining to Fang Shi when she had a chance in the future, so she entered the dressing room absent-mindedly.

“Sister Ji is here? I’ve been waiting for you for a long time.” Several makeup artists were sitting and chatting together. As soon as Ji Chenli came in, they immediately got busy. When Ji Chenli approached, the main stylist who was in charge of her styling , immediately exclaimed, “Oh my sister Ji! Why did you go yesterday?”

Generally, these stylists like to have a foreign name. The exclaimed name is Ji Chenli. I don’t know it. I only know that he is Andy. Feng Cai had gossiped with her, they were all in their thirties, and they pretended to be fresh meat, no matter who they were, they were all brothers and sisters, but in all fairness, Andy was really well maintained, and he looked just like the current Ji Chen It’s about the same distance, and it doesn’t look thirty at all.

“What’s wrong?” Ji Chenli touched his face and said blankly, “Is there a problem?”

“It’s a big problem!” Andy opened his mouth exaggeratedly, “Look at your dark circles! Look at your dark yellow skin! Oh, my sister Ji! You don’t have to worry about your skin. When I’m thirty, I’ll have to…”

Andy’s voice is very soft among men, Ji Chenli wanted to laugh when he babbled, but he held back and let him apply all kinds of skin care products on his face, gradually his babble became more and more Far away, Ji Chenli began to wander into the sky again.

She began to fantasize that there are fewer and fewer children in the orphanage, and they are being adopted by well-meaning people one after another. When all the children in the orphanage are gone, Ji Chenli will probably divorce Minglang and regain her freedom. At that time, she and Tao Yuan were going to move to a small county town with blue sky and white clouds, preferably in the south, where it was warm and humid, and housing prices were still low. In the county town, she would buy a small building with a facade, people would live upstairs, and the facade on the first floor would be open. A breakfast shop, inheriting her parents’ old craft, selling pancakes and fruits. If Tao Yuan can meet his sweetheart, he will arrange a beautiful wedding for her. her whole life.

Ji Chenli thinks that life without love is actually a lucky thing.

By the way, I have to raise a cat, feed it fat and fat, and hold it in my arms, it’s so much fun.

“Sister-in-law…Chenli, what are you thinking about being so happy? The corners of her mouth are almost raised to the sky.”

Ji Chenli’s fantasies were interrupted, her eyes regained their brilliance, and when she looked closely, it turned out that it was Mingyan who slipped away during breakfast.

“It’s nothing.” Ji Chenli put away her expression, she just thought of Mingyan as an ordinary work partner, and she didn’t intend to share such a private plan with her.

“Forget it.” Ming Yan curled her lips, and then laughed again, “What did my sister tell you?”

“I didn’t say anything.” Ji Chenli said, she remembered something, so she asked Mingyan, “Have you noticed that your sister has changed?”

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