Divorce Strategies For Divorced Movie Queens

Chapter 3

Chapter 2 – The Last Beauty

The moment the divorce agreement was signed, Ji Chenli showed a long-lost relaxed expression on his face.

She had just finished the resection operation, and only her hands could barely move her whole body, but the name she signed was neat and straight, and only her wrist shook at the last point where she left the words, leaving a crooked place. blemishes.

“Thank you.” Ji Chenli handed back the divorce agreement to Ming Lang with pen and paper, his withered fingers were two points paler than the contract paper, about the size of a chicken paw, not as thin as a human hand.

She used hunger strikes and passive treatment to fight against Ming Lang. She didn’t have any hope for this method. Fortunately, after seven years of legal relationship, Ming Lang still had a bit of humanity towards Ji Chenli, so she didn’t kill them all.

Ming Lang took over the divorce agreement in duplicate, one of which was placed on Ji Chenli’s bedside, and the other was handed over to the lawyer behind her. She did not leave immediately, but stood by the hospital bed condescendingly looking down at Ji Chenli, The assistant was sensible, and immediately moved a chair over for her to sit down.

“I’m tired.” Ji Chenli didn’t want to face Minglang’s stinky face like a sculpture of ice, turned her head to face the other wall, grabbed the edge of the quilt with both hands and tried to pull it up to cover her head, her body was too tight Too empty, the quilt does not move at all.

The quilt suddenly received another force from the outside world, easily covering half of Ji Chenli’s face, only revealing a pair of half-closed eyes.

“Go to sleep.” Ming Lang squeezed Ji Chenli’s upturned quilt, and said softly, “I’ll accompany you.”

Ming Lang doesn’t speak much, it’s rare to say such words that are close to love. If Ji Chenli heard these words earlier, she would be moved to tears, but now she only feels a little funny in her heart, and she doesn’t want to argue with Ming Lang , didn’t have the energy to toss with Minglang any more, closed his eyes without hesitation, and really fell asleep after a while.

Ji Chenli’s breathing was so weak that he could hardly notice it, his face was pale and bluish, his lips were chapped, if it wasn’t for the beeping movement of the instrument next to him, he would really look no different from a dead person.

Ming Lang vaguely remembers the first time she met Ji Chenli many years ago. Ji Chenli was a college student who had just graduated, with a bright smile and bright eyes. His black hair was tied high behind his head. The vitality is so vigorous that it is about to overflow. I don’t know when it started, Ji Chenli’s vitality was drained away bit by bit in places Ming Lang couldn’t see, and by the time Ming Lang noticed it, there was no cure.

“Mr. Ming, I have to attend Miss Han’s film premiere this afternoon…” the assistant bent down and whispered in Ming Lang’s ear.

Minglang nodded to show that he knew, and sat beside Ji Chenli’s bed for a few minutes, and left with his legal assistant in a mighty manner. The nurse who took out the catheter came several times, but each time she kept the same stiff expression, unable to understand what was going on in her mind.

Later, Han Xinyuan also came to see Ji Chenli once. She and Ji Chenli were born in the same year, the same month, and the same age. Ji Chenli is a withered rose, while Han Xinyuan’s life has just begun to bloom. The make-up brightened the gloomy ward, and by the way, even Ji Chenli’s complexion improved a lot, looking like a radiance.

Ji Chenli and Han Xinyuan had a long-standing grievance, and they smirked bitterly with a cold face, “Hey, isn’t this the new actress? Congratulations.”

“How did you become like this?” Han Xinyuan and Ming Lang are a bit similar, they are both extremely restrained people, but Han Xinyuan is in the entertainment industry after all, he is better at pretending than Ming Lang, and smiles when he meets people, gentle, intellectual, elegant and understanding Li, very popular in the circle. When Ji Chenli was on the same crew as her, even the choreographers in the crew secretly praised her countless times behind her back. It’s really rare that such a big wrist doesn’t have any airs at all. The only person in the circle who doesn’t get along with her is probably Ji Chenli.

Ji Chenli grinned wickedly, and the words he spit out stabbed people like nails, “I’m willing, can’t I?”

She remembered something, and she laughed, “Movie Queen, Ming Lang and I divorced, and the agreement was signed a few days ago.”

Han Xinyuan nodded, sitting beside Ji Chenli’s hospital bed, with his legs crossed comfortably, “I know.”

“Of course, Ming Lang must have been impatient to tell you, right?” Ji Chenli smacked the word divorce several times in his mouth, thinking it was quite funny, and couldn’t hold back anymore, “Hey, from now on you two Let’s go to the happy days of peace of mind, I wish you two years of hugging three, and your children and grandchildren will be in groups.”

What she said was immoral, Han Xinyuan and Ming Lang were both women, how could there be a lot of descendants, Han Xinyuan laughed secretly when he heard this, his knife-like mouth couldn’t stop when he was so sick.

The corners of Han Xinyuan’s mouth turned up slightly, and his narrowed eyes were full of smiles: “I would like to borrow your good words.”

Ji Chenli can’t get used to Han Xinyuan’s wretched, smiling face the most. If he asks anyone to come to see Han Xinyuan, the adjectives that come out of his mouth will not be wretched. However, Ji Chenli looks at people from a tricky angle, and he looks a little wretched .

“Go away, my eyes hurt seeing you.” Ji Chenli’s smirk cooled down.

“Okay, I’ll come back in a few days.”

“Forget it, I want to live a few more years.”

The patient is very old, Han Xinyuan smiled and shook his head and went out, not to compete with her for a moment of quick talk.

After she left, Ji Chenli was alone in the ward. He felt that seeing Han Xinyuan’s sarcastic words this time was better than before.

It’s a pity that Han Xinyuan didn’t see Ji Chenli again, because Ji Chenli was already dead at that time.

Ji Chenli specially picked a good time to die.

She secretly recorded the frequency of Minghong’s coming to the hospital in her heart, calculated the day when she secretly climbed to the roof of the hospital’s top floor, jumped off the rooftop the second she reached the main entrance of the hospital, and fell straight in front of Minglang’s eyes. .

When she stopped breathing, her eyes were wide open, and she looked at Minglang without blinking, which was exactly the same as Minglang’s vibrant eyes when she first saw her. On the ground, Ji Chenli was lying in the middle of the pool of blood, his whole body was shattered and fractured, like a lotus flower watered by blood, strangely gorgeous.

It’s been a long time since Ji Chenli had such a gorgeous moment. She’s long past her prime, no matter how carefully she grooms her, she can’t pretend to be beautiful.

Although it is an expensive private hospital, many people who came to see the doctor gathered at the door. They all screamed and fled in all directions after witnessing such a horrible emergency. I was busy making 120 calls, and suddenly remembered that this place itself is a hospital, and gathered the best medical resources in the city, so I had to hang up the line angrily.

Ming Lang’s assistant is good at dealing with emergencies. He quickly drew up a quarantine area with the bodyguards who came out from the dark, and kept all unrelated people a few meters away. Ming Lang stood next to Ji Chenli’s body, Still in that condescending manner, with his hands behind his back, his hair covering the side of his face, making it impossible to see his expression clearly.

If someone came closer, they could find that her lips were slightly parted, trembling abnormally, the fingernails behind her back dug into the flesh of the palm, and the veins on the back of the hand were clearly defined.

Ji Chenli can make troubles, from marriage to divorce, she doesn’t leave any room for things, and when she makes troubles, Minghong can’t live in peace, and even dies violently, she has to carve a lifetime imprint in Minglang’s heart before she can stop.

“Mr. Ming, the police are here.” The assistant said from behind Ming Hong.

Ming Lang seemed to be frozen, and didn’t move for a long time, so the assistant had to approach her a few steps, and reminded her again, “Mr. Ming, the police are here.”

Ming Lang’s whole body was shaken, and she suddenly came back to her senses, “Let them come here.” She made a hoarse voice and opened a hole around her, and the air poured in, and the assistant felt that she could finally breathe smoothly.

“President Ming, she…”

“It’s nothing.” Ming Lang said in a muffled voice, “If you die… you will die.”

Living like this, it would be a relief to die.

Ming Lang’s back has always been straight. At that moment, the assistant saw her back bent down in a daze. She rubbed her eyes and looked at it again. It was clear that her back was straight as before. It was an illusion of her own vertigo. That’s all.

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