Divorce Strategies For Divorced Movie Queens

Chapter 31

Chapter 30 – Nasty Old Lady

Ming Lang held Ji Chenli’s hand and lay on the head of her bed. The hospital was full of wounded, and it was difficult to find a place to step on the stairs. Ming Lang finally vacated a separate ward for Ji Chenli , There is not even a bench in the small ward, and the hospital bed is also a temporary iron bed, which is surprisingly short, and Ming Lang can completely lie on the upper body of the hospital bed when sitting cross-legged on the ground.

Ji Chenli’s back was injured by the falling ceiling, and his spine was severely fractured. It was a fairly successful operation, and Ji Chenli’s life was saved, but the spinal fracture was complicated, and there was still a long period of treatment and rehabilitation to follow, so he might not be able to recover as before.

But these seem to be trivial things now, as long as Ji Chenli can survive, it doesn’t matter if she is paralyzed for the rest of her life, Ming Lang thought, just take care of her for the rest of her life.

In addition to the fractured spine, Ji Chenli’s back was also **** and **** cut by sharp bricks and cement. She was bandaged with medical gauze, and she was neither lying down nor lying down. Ming Lang had to turn her over in four hours and let her Lie on her side in a straight line for a few minutes to prevent the wound on her back from becoming infected.

Ming Lang didn’t drink water for dozens of hours and was sleepless. After learning that Ji Chenli was out of danger, she held Ji Chenli’s hand and sat on the concrete floor and fell asleep. An alarm clock was set for an hour, and Xu Luyang came over after Ji Chenli’s surgery. She originally wanted to tell Minglang’s head office that she needed to go back as soon as possible, but the moment she opened the door and saw Minglang, her words were choked up. I can’t speak in my throat.

Ming Lang was still dressed as she was at the disaster relief site, with a cashmere sweater, jeans, and only a pair of socks on her feet. The raincoat and rubber boots were missing. Xu Luyang guessed that she was afraid that those things would be dirty, so she took them off outside. came in. Although the air conditioner was turned on in the hospital, it wasn’t very warm. Ming Lang didn’t feel cold when she was sitting on the ground. She held Ji Chenli’s hand tightly and slept soundly. She was probably too tired. Uncomfortable, but she fell into a deep sleep, Xu Luyang walked over, and could even hear Minglang’s light snoring.

Xu Luyang sighed, and quietly backed out.

Not long after she left, there was another aftershock. The hospital was far away from the heart of the shock, but the shock could be clearly felt. Minglang woke up suddenly from her prone sleeping position, her eyes were still closed, and she had already climbed onto Ji Chenli’s bed. On the hospital bed, protect Ji Chenli firmly under him.

She reacted too strongly, and the movement was a bit loud, just as Ji Chenli’s anesthetic had passed, she opened her eyes narrowly, and vaguely saw a person in front of her, she wanted to raise her hands and rub her eyes to see who was coming, that person But he grabbed her arm and shackled her to the bed, “You’re injured, you can’t move now,” the man said.

Ji Chenli woke up instantly.

Ji Chenli had listened to this voice for ten years, and she was so familiar with it that she had formed a conditioned reflex. She didn’t even need to judge, her body could naturally recognize that this person was Minglang.

Ji Chenli raised his lips slightly, and smiled softly, “Am I not dead, or am I living again?”

If it’s the third life, then it’s too nonsense, especially in the third life, he still can’t get rid of Minglang, it’s simply, **** nonsense.

Ming Lang’s side face was next to Ji Chenli’s ear, and Ji Chenli’s chuckle followed her weak voice into Ming Lang’s ear, and the weak breathing air flowed through Ming Lang’s ear, with a self-deprecating tone , and still have the energy to laugh at himself, it means that he is probably fine.

Ming Lang let go of his heart, and then laughed, “Live it again, you are so beautiful.”

Ji Chenli knew that he had survived the earthquake.

“How about the others?” Ji Chenli asked, “Feng Cai, Fang Shi, and the crew.”

When Ji Chenli woke up, the first thing she asked was someone else. Minghong’s eyes were a little disappointed, but she immediately cheered up again. She got off Ji Chenli’s bed, brought Ji Chenli a glass of warm water, and dipped it in with a cotton swab. Moisten her lips with some water, “Feng Cai and Fang Shi were slightly injured, and have returned to City C. Others… some are alive, some are dead.”

Ji Chenli nodded. Most of the crew members are college students who have just graduated, and even the experienced cameramen are only in their thirties. They are in their prime, and they died like this. I really don’t know why the family is so sad. Sample.

Ji Chenli was trapped for dozens of hours, and after being rescued, he was unconscious for more than ten hours. He only relied on infusions to maintain the necessary life energy. His throat was already dry and smoky. Can’t wait to stick out his tongue and lick his lips.

Ming Lang watched Ji Chenli’s little pink tongue move in and out quickly, his eyes moved slightly, and his throat felt a little tight. She purposely dabbed some water on Ji Chenli’s lips, and saw that the flexible tongue brought the water into her mouth with a slight twist of her tongue. With a cotton swab, he rubbed his thumb back and forth on Ji Chenli’s lips.

Even if the lips are dry and cracked, they are still extremely soft. Minglang even wants to pry open the gap between the lips, and pull out Ji Chenli’s nimble little tongue to caress, but her eyes meet Ji Chenli’s. Eyes facing each other, the undisguised disgust in Ji Chenli’s eyes made her wake up immediately.

Ming Lang felt a hidden embarrassment of being hit by someone. She turned her face away and put the water glass on the ground. Her clothes were dirty and she couldn’t sit on the bed. There were no other stools in the ward, so she just sat cross-legged on the floor with her spine straight. Standing straight, she stared straight at Ji Chenli, she seemed to know that Ji Chenli didn’t want to talk to her, and she didn’t take the initiative to talk to Ji Chenli, seeing Ji Chenli’s spine shivered.

Thinking of the spine, Ji Chenli felt the pain, not only the spine, but also the whole back was burning, and even the internal organs also ached, Ji Chenli could only gasp in pain.

“Is there any painkiller? Give me two.” Ji Chenli couldn’t bear the pain, and finally took the initiative to talk to Minglang.

“You can’t take more painkillers, you… bear with it.”

“Don’t eat too much.” Ji Chenli felt that his brain was hurting, and he didn’t have time to argue with Minghong, so he said: “I just got the injury, you ask the doctor to prescribe two pills for me today, and I won’t take it again gone.”

Ji Chenli’s expression looked very painful, his facial features were distorted out of shape, his eyebrows were almost wrinkled together, grinned in pain, Minglang was a little at a loss, hesitated for a long time and choked out a sentence, “Should I Shall I tell you a joke?”

“Huh?” Ji Chenli thought he had heard it wrong, and opened his eyes wide to look at Minglang, even the pain on his body stopped instantly, “What did you say?”

“Let me tell you a joke.” The expression on Minghong’s face was uncomfortable, “You don’t want to chat with me, at least you can distract yourself, and the pain will stop.”

Ji Chenli hasn’t enjoyed this kind of treatment for eight hundred years, what are you kidding? The big boss of Guangming Real Estate, the head of the Ming family, came to tell him a story? It would be crazy to change someone casually, Ji Chenli also thought it was incredible, she gritted her teeth in pain, but still couldn’t help laughing: “You still tell jokes?”

“Try it, who knows.” Ming Lang said.

She pondered for a moment, as if she wanted to recall what the joke she wanted to tell, and after a few minutes, she cleared her throat and said, “Once upon a time there was an old lady who lived in a village. Every summer evening, I move out my chair and move it to the yard, and watch the old and young folks in the village chat comfortably from afar.”

“A traveler passing by the village occasionally found the old lady and felt curious, so he asked the people in the village, hey, who is that old lady? Why is it always gloomy?”

“She is the oldest old ghost in our village. The neighbors said disdainfully, don’t be fooled by her, she is a vicious old woman.”

“Why? The traveler asked puzzled.”

“Because she killed her lover.”

Ji Chenli lay on the bed and listened silently. Minglang was not a storyteller. The story that was supposed to be ups and downs was told dryly by her, not attractive at all, but Minglang’s voice was very magnetic. , flowing out low and gently, like a warm stream flowing through Ji Chenli’s burning wounds and internal organs, Ji Chenli actually felt that his body didn’t hurt so much.

Ming Lang continued to tell her story: “The neighbor looked at the old lady and said contemptuously that her lover used to be so good to her, but she was kind enough to treat her like a donkey. Everyone persuaded her to be good to her lover. Some, but she stubbornly felt that her lover had other plans, so her lover was **** off.”

Having said this, Ming Lang suddenly stopped talking.

Ji Chenli was drowsy when he heard it, and Ming Lang stopped without warning. Ji Chenli still wanted to know what happened next, so he asked, “What happened next?”

“Later,” Ming Lang took a deep look at Ji Chenli, and said, “Then the old lady was lying on the bed one day, and died in a flash.” When Ming Lang said “Ba Ha”, his expression was serious and serious, Ji Chen Li Moming was overjoyed, and wanted to hear her continue, but she didn’t speak again.

“…It’s over?” Ji Chenli didn’t realize it.

Ming Lang said: “It’s over.”

Ji Chenli pouted, “It’s boring.”

Ming Lang smiled slightly, just as her cell phone was vibrating in her pocket, it was her preset alarm clock that rang. Ming Lang turned Ji Chenli over to a side-lying position, and put a pillow under her head to maintain balance, before saying, “It was originally a cold joke, but of course it’s boring…Are you sleepy?”


“Then go to sleep, when you wake up, it won’t hurt anymore.”


Ji Chenli had already forgotten the pain in his body, thanks to Ming Lang’s reminder, he remembered it again, and it hurt even more.

After Ji Chenli fell asleep, Ming Lang said again: “The old lady often sits alone in the yard on summer nights, watching the crowd from afar. There are three generations of grandparents and grandchildren who share a family relationship, and there are loving and sweet newlyweds. , and groups of young partners.”

“The old man always feels that he can find the shadow of his lover in these people, no.”

“Such a unique person, how could there be another one in the world.”

Ji Chenli didn’t hear that, she now has relatives, children, and friends who can help her, and doesn’t need a lover anymore, so even if she heard it, she still couldn’t understand the loneliness of this old man. She just frowned in pain in her dream.

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