Divorce Strategies For Divorced Movie Queens

Chapter 44

Chapter 43 – Transition

It is neither the first day nor the fifteenth day of the lunar new year. The moon is like a crooked sickle, hanging crookedly on the top of an old tree in the distance. .

Counting the time, Ming Lang hasn’t had the milk cooked by Ji Chenli himself for more than twenty years. In the years when Ji Chenli was not around, she counted the days in a daze, looking for many famous and unknown cooks, Spending a lot of money, just to buy a cup of longan and red date milk that tastes the same as back then, but in the years after Ji Chenli’s death, no one can make that kind of taste.

Just like the years after Ji Chenli’s death, Ming Lang never met anyone who was even remotely similar to Ji Chenli.

In Minglang’s heart at the beginning, Ji Chenli was nothing more than an ordinary woman who was no different from the dust of the world. Such girls can be seen everywhere, full of sunshine and vitality, like a thriving young tree, but the life of this little tree is so tenacious , Ming Lang’s heart is clearly a piece of frozen soil that even a **** can’t dig through, but this small tree has taken root in Ming Lang’s heart.

Ming Lang thought that Ji Chenli was just a small tree, so it grew in her heart, and even Ming Lang could give her nourishment so that she could grow here forever, but who knew that Ji Chenli was a poisonous weed that pierced her intestines. What kind of heart do you want to see that would use other people’s lives as a bargaining chip? Han Xinyuan’s body is Han’s father and Han’s mother who died for Ming Lang, plus Han Xinyuan’s own three lives! How dare Ji Chenli use this as a threat?

Ming Lang spent seven years trying to get this highly poisonous plant out of his heart, deliberately ignoring it, listening to it, and giving her nourishment. As expected, Ji Chenli withered, but Ming Lang felt a little sad again. Just staying in one place and withering half dead, it seems that he no longer has the energy of the past, and it is definitely not to the point where he will die immediately. So wilted, Ming Lang began to miss the vibrant little tree in the past. As long as she has a little nourishment, she will try her best to grow up, to a place where Ming Lang can see as long as she turns her head, Ming Lang thinks, it would be great if the former Ji Chenli can come back.

Unable to come back, Ji Chenli has been dying in a corner where Minglang can see, but in the soil that Minglang cannot see, Ji Chenli’s roots have already rotted, such a plant , no matter if she is a small tree or a poisonous weed, it is impossible for her to grow into the shape Ming Lang wants.

During the days when Ji Chenli was hospitalized with stomach cancer, Ming Lang finally realized that this person who had been languid for a long time would really leave her. She began to fear for no reason. In Lang’s heart, her roots had already been deeply rooted in Ming Lang’s heart, if they were uprooted, all that would be brought out would be **** pieces of flesh from Ming Lang’s heart. Ming Lang thought, it’s fine to just be so listless, as long as the person is still there, she doesn’t dare to ask for anything more, as long as she slowly nourishes that person from now on, she will grow up slowly one day sooner or later.

Sooner or later.

Ke Minglang doesn’t understand Ji Chenli’s determination.

Once Ji Chenli secretly decides something in her heart, she will never procrastinate. She never seems to care about the consequences. This is the case with marrying Minglang, and the same is true for facing death.

Ji Chenli never thought about the seemingly perfect plan of slowly growing back into a “vibrant little tree”. When she couldn’t survive, she resolutely cut off her own roots without any further delay. He died in front of Ming Lang’s eyes without any warning, which shocked Ming Lang.

Instead of slowly withering and dying in an ugly state, it is better to die in the most gorgeous and blooming state while still a little bit angry. Ji Chenli died without thinking about what would happen to her remaining roots. Of course, she also He never thought that he would really take root in Ming Lang’s heart.

Then Ji Chenli’s remaining roots in Ming Lang’s heart slowly rotted away in her heart, eroded clean together with her heart.

Ming Lang remembered Ji Chenli’s death day by day, the first day, the second day, the third day when Ji Chenli was not around…Ming Lang began to notice all the traces Ji Chenli left in this house, Ji Chenli The toothbrush and mouthwash cup that Ji Chenli used daily, the towels that Ji Chenli put on the shelf, the clothes that Ji Chenli wore still had her dying smell, the empty Erguotou bottles that Ji Chenli threw in the trash, And… Ji Chenli’s diary, a diary in a drawer, the outermost one contains their wedding rings.

On June 11, XXXX, the weather was sunny

Today I am going to marry Ming Lang, or, Ming Lang is going to marry me.

I really want to see Ming Lang put on the wedding dress I prepared for her soon, she is so beautiful, she will be the most beautiful bride in the world.

It would be great if we could hang the wedding photo of me and Minglang on the wall of our bedroom, on the wall facing the bed, every morning when I wake up, I can see the beauty of my daughter-in-law, hehe .

It’s a pity that Ming Lang won’t agree.

On July 20, XXXX, the weather was cloudy

I participated in a variety show today, and my whole body is about to fall apart. I wanted to stay in a nearby hotel, but I still caught the early morning flight, otherwise, if Minglang returns home, she won’t be able to see me.

It’s been a month since I saw Minglang, I miss her.

July 30, XXXX, weather, heavy rain

It rained heavily today, but Ming Lang is back, she is finally back! happy!

Made her a meal, but she didn’t eat a bite, sad.

August 1, XXXX, weather, showers

It has been raining for the past two days, and Minghong also goes home every day. Does it mean that she will go home as long as it rains? I really hope the rain never stops.

Today, Ming Lang sprinkled a lot of salt into the dish without paying attention, but she ate it without making a sound! horrible! She must have secretly hid in the study and drank a lot of water, hehe.

My Minglang Mensao looks so pretty (drool).

Tomorrow I will be in the filming group, I will not be at home for several months, I really want to see Ming Lang every day.

On January 3, XXXX, the weather was cloudy

It turns out that Ming Lang has always suffered from insomnia. Two days ago, the housekeeper made her a cup of calming milk, but today I cooked it for her myself. I didn’t expect that she didn’t notice it. Hehe, Ming Lang is finally willing to eat what I made. La! Keep going!

On February 27, XXXX, the weather was sunny

Hangover headache.

Yesterday won the actress’s statuette, and Ming Lang’s seat in the auditorium has been vacant. She went to celebrate Han Xinyuan’s birthday, the cake is very beautiful, um, happy birthday.

I think there are some things I really can’t ask for.

On June 11, XXXX, the weather was cloudy

I was in the hospital, Tao Yuan died.

I don’t have a home anymore.

But I was thinking that today is my wedding anniversary with Ming Lang.

Minglang, from today on I don’t have a home anymore, where are you?

Ji Chenli’s diary is very finely divided, and the records are all trivial things, but every page has Minghong’s name, Ji Chenli’s handwriting is not very beautiful, other handwriting is very messy, only Minghong Juanxiu’s name stands neatly among a pile of scribbled characters, it doesn’t look like it was written by the same person, and the diary stopped abruptly half a year before her death.

On June 11, XXXX, the weather was sunny

I have stomach cancer.

This page contains Ji Chenli’s wedding ring, the huge diamond shone with the light of the desk lamp, and the gorgeous brilliance gathered on that line of small characters. This was the only day that Ji Chenli did not mention Minglang’s name. , It was also the only day, that short sentence in the diary, every word was as neat as her writing Minghong’s name, and then it was blank, without a single word.

A drawer of notebooks, the diary has been recorded for six years, with nearly 2,200 pages, recording the whole process of Ji Chenli’s withering day by day.

Ming Lang always thinks that it would be great if Ji Chenli could become what he was before, but she never thought about who made Ji Chenli wither little by little like this.

Ji Chenli’s hand-cooked meals that were dumped into the trash can, Ji Chenli’s quietly prepared wedding dress that was thrown aside and covered with ashes, and Ji Chenli’s hoarse begging.

Ming Lang pushed Ji Chenli to the edge of the cliff with his own hands, and even forced her to jump off with a knife, but in turn accused Ji Chenli and asked her why she had changed.

Ming Lang stayed in the bedroom that should belong to her and Ji Chenli all night, reading the diary all night.

The butler didn’t know what was going on inside, but only knew that there was sobs covering his throat in Minglang’s cheap daughter-in-law’s bedroom. It sounded hysterical and frightening like a ghost. It was Ji Chenli who came to settle accounts with the Ming family with his head covered in bed and shook all night.

Later Ming Lang moved back to the bedroom that smelled like Ji Chenli, but what’s the use? Ji Chenli is dead, now her smell is still there, it will slowly dissipate, Ji Chenli disappeared from this world, since then there will be no such a person, only Minglang in the whole world, full of heart and eyes Ming Lang seems to be born to live for Ming Lang.

Ming Lang has grown to such a big size, she has gradually become the Patriarch of the Ming Family, and the frail and young Ming Yan has been cared for by her parents. The rest of the people around her are only the power of the Ming Family behind her, only that one People, what they see and miss is Ming Lang, who was killed by Ming Lang himself.

Until Ji Chenli died two years ago, Ming Lang suddenly had a strange premonition, she felt that Ji Chenli was not dead yet, Ji Chenli was still alive and well in a corner of the world, but she searched all over the world for , There are countless similar figures from the back, none of them is Ji Chenli.

It was only then that Ming Lang discovered that that woman who was as ordinary as the dust in the world was clearly unique, and after losing it, there was no one to replace her.

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