Divorce Strategies For Divorced Movie Queens

Chapter 93

Chapter 92 – Instant Explosion

The rain outside the window kept falling, and the dark winter sky kept pouring water down like a leak. Ming Lang’s legs, which were forced to steam by Ji Chenli for half an hour, improved a lot, and the dehumidification effect of the air conditioner in the room finally played its role. It worked a bit, but there was still a slight soreness under her knees, at least within the tolerable range, she left the bedroom wearing glasses, Ji Chenli leaned on the sofa, with a hot water bottle on the back of his head, Holding a glass of **** syrup and drinking it, Minghong sniffed it, the smell of **** filled the room.

Ming Lang asked, “You…have a cold?”

“Ah?” Ji Chenli was emptying his head, turned his head to see Mingyu coming out, and the warm water bottle fell on the sofa, “No, I was drenched in the rain just now, I’m afraid of catching a cold, so take precautions in advance.” Ji Chenli covered his hands The head asked: “Is your leg better?”

Ming Lang nodded, “It’s much better, thank you.”

“There’s still some **** syrup in the pot, do you want it? I’ll serve some for you.” Speaking of which, Ji Chenli had already gone into the kitchen to fill Ming Lang’s syrup, the question was just a formality.

The taste of **** is very strong, spicy and stimulating, and the internal organs are warmed up after one bite. After the spicy taste, the mouth turns sweet. Ming Lang and Ji Chenli each hold a glass of **** syrup, nestling on the two ends of the sofa, Ming Lang’s glasses are clouded. There was a layer of mist, and there was a vast expanse of whiteness. He looked like the four-eyed boy in the cartoon. Looking at the Coke, Ji Chenli laughed unceremoniously, “Don’t say, you still wear glasses. It’s kind of intellectual.”

Ming Lang also smiled at Ji Chenli, “I’m an intellectual.” This is true, apart from one master, Ming Lang has more than a dozen tutors around him since he was seventeen. MBA, plus she lived for decades in her previous life, isn’t she an intellectual, or a senior elderly intellectual?

When she said this, the long hair hanging down her ear was soft and gentle, Ji Chenli smiled again, “You lived 20 years longer than me in your last life, and I didn’t think you had changed much. This life has only been four years, and it has become almost unrecognizable to me.”

Ming Lang held the cup and said, “It’s never time that makes people change.”

Ji Chenli nodded, deeply convinced.

It was raining heavily outside the window, Ji Chenli and Ming Lang were sitting in the room without talking, listening to the sound of the rain quietly, it felt a little comfortable.

Not only did the rain not stop, but it became heavier and heavier, and he couldn’t even get out the door, let alone buy vegetables. Fortunately, there were still a handful of vegetables and a few eggs in the refrigerator. Ji Chenli made a plate of fried eggs and fried another Green vegetables, and finally made an egg soup, with crystal clear and plump white rice, this lunch is also delicious.

The rain was so heavy that Ji Chenli couldn’t leave, so he simply found a book on Minglang’s bookshelf to pass the time. There were many romance novels left by Ji Chenli in Minglang’s bookshelf, with colorful leather covers, plus A few lines of sad sentences are enough to pass the time.

In the air, except for the sound of rain, only Ji Chenli’s occasional sound of flipping through the book, Ming Lang stared out of the window with blurred vision, and suddenly remembered Ji Chenli’s diary in his previous life, when Ji Chenli liked rainy days very much.

Now Ming Lang also likes rainy days, and the rain keeps Ji Chenli behind. But there was a voice in Minglang’s mind telling her whether Ji Chenli should stay or not.

On a simple and monotonous afternoon, Ji Chenli flipped through a small book at a glance, yawned, took out his phone to check the time, paused for a moment at the date column, and glanced at Minghong again.

“What do you want for dinner?” Ji Chen asked, putting the book aside casually.

“Huh?” Except for adding some water to the starling on the balcony, Ming Lang sat quietly on the other side of the sofa all afternoon, quietly listening to Ji Chenli’s sound of turning the pages of the book. When Ji Chenli suddenly asked, she felt a little bit Did not respond.

“I asked you what you want for dinner.” Ji Chenli asked again.

“Anything is fine.” Ming Lang pondered for a few seconds, then said cautiously, “Aren’t you going back?”

“Can I go back in such a heavy rain?” Ji Chenli laughed, and rummaged through Minglang’s bookshelf again, “I remember you used to have a menu here, why can’t I find it?”

“What are you looking for a recipe for?”

“Anyway, if you’re idle, you’re idle. It’s only three o’clock in the afternoon. Why don’t you make a cake? I think you have a lot of butter and cream in your refrigerator.” Ji Chenli found the dusty pastry book in the corner Recipe, casually said with a smile, “Isn’t today your birthday?”

“Really?” Ming Lang was obviously taken aback. She counted the days in her heart, and it seemed that it was true.

Ming Lang hadn’t celebrated her birthday for decades, and she didn’t even remember the day, but it was difficult for Ji Chenli to remember it. She felt excited in her heart, her eyes were slightly sour, she was speechless for a long time, and only listened to Ji Chenli’s words. He explained with a smile, “I also found out when I checked the time just now.”

Ji Chenli sneered at herself in her heart, everything about Minglang was an instinct she carved on her heart with her own hands, and she could remember everything with just a little reminder, it was simply a subconscious reaction.

This kind of explanation obviously couldn’t restrain the excitement in Minglang’s heart. She could not sit still for the rest of the time. Ji Chenli made the cake with her own hands. Just thinking about Minglang’s cake made her a little impatient. She stood at the kitchen door, looking at With Ji Chenli’s busy back, it was the first time he was annoyed by his half-blind eyesight, Ming Lang had an idea, turned on the phone camera, put his eyes in front of the phone screen, and watched Ji Chenli’s every move through the camera. However, her mobile phone is an old model from the past few years, the pixels can’t keep up, and the lighting in the kitchen is not good. cell phone.

Ming Lang doesn’t cook, but all kinds of equipment in the kitchen are readily available. The automatic noodle kneading machine just needs to add flour and water according to the recipe, and then put the reconciled noodles into the mold and send them to the oven. The only thing Chenli did manually was to apply cream and decorate flowers.

After the cake was ready and served on the table, Ji Chenli was not a professional pastry chef after all, and his skills were limited, so he just smeared cream and added some fruit to decorate it. Of course, it was not as exquisite as that sold in the cake shop, but Ming Lang patted the cake on the left The one on the right, as if she was holding a baby, did not let go. Ji Chenli saw her half-blind sitting at the table, thinking about it, and thought it was funny, and laughed, “Are you still going to finish?”

Ming Lang felt embarrassed to be exposed, so she laughed dryly, put away the phone, and waited for Ji Chenli to go back to work in the kitchen before she quietly took out the phone again.

There are no other ingredients for dinner except eggs. Ji Chenli found a nearby restaurant and ordered a few stir-fried dishes for takeaway. The takeout in star-rated hotels is not cheap. Bill, please.

The takeaway boy seemed to be quite familiar with Ming Lang, looked at Ji Chenli, and joked to Ming Lang: “Miss Ming, who is this beauty? Why haven’t I seen it before.”

Ji Chenli leaned against the door frame, smiled and waved to the delivery guy, “Hi.”

“Hi…Hi…” The takeaway guy looked at the two beauties, especially the one behind Minghong who was still a stranger, and smiled at him, unable to speak, and stammered greetings with a smirk.

“…Family.” Ming Lang coldly handed the money to the delivery guy, slammed the door, not even asking for change, planning to ask the manager of that hotel to change the delivery person to deliver food for him next time.

Ji Chenli covered his mouth and smiled behind Minghong, “This delivery boy is quite handsome.”

“…” Ming Lang’s face darkened, and he was determined to change the delivery guy.

“Also, who is your family member? You are so beautiful.”


Ji Chenli has quit drinking for many years, but looking at the heavy rain, I fear it won’t stop today, and it’s Minglang’s birthday again, so he took this opportunity to open the most expensive bottle of red wine in Minglang’s wine cabinet. An alcoholic who has borrowed alcohol for many years drank the wine, and the mellow taste spread in his mouth. Ji Chenli squinted his eyes with joy, and let out a sigh. Minglang imagined the expression on Ji Chenli’s face, and was once again annoyed at his own vision.

“This wine has a strong aftertaste, don’t drink too much.” Ming Lang reminded.

It’s a pity that her reminder was already a bit late. The glutton in Ji Chenli’s stomach was hooked out, and she drank several glasses in a row. In this life, she didn’t have the amount of alcohol she practiced in her previous life. After drinking a few glasses of red wine, a smile appeared on her face. Layer Hongxia smiled at Minglang, “No way, I can’t drink a thousand cups without getting drunk!”

Hearing her tone, Ming Lang knew that she had drunk too much.

Ji Chenli held the wine bottle and half-closed his eyes, smiled and looked at Minglang who was opposite her, and said with a big tongue: “Ming…Minglang…Why are there two Minglang…”

Ming Lang picked up a chopstick and chewed the takeaway ordered by the hotel tastelessly in his mouth. After getting used to Ji Chenli’s cooking skills, he felt that it was a star hotel. The level of the cook was far worse than Ji Chenli’s, which was not as good as Ji Chenli’s. The scrambled eggs are delicious, put down the chopsticks and said leisurely: “You drink too much.”

“I didn’t…didn’t drink too much.” Ji Chenli blushed silly, “Just dizzy…a little dizzy…seeing two… Mingyu…”

It’s not just drinking too much, Ming Lang can laugh out loud imagining Ji Chenli’s stupidity, she was scared by Ji Chenli in her previous life, fearing that she would drink again until her stomach bleeds, so she reached out to grab her The wine bottle was grabbed by the drunken Ji Chenli.

No matter how much Ji Chenli hates Ming Lang, Ming Lang’s face is the one that suits Ji Chenli the most, especially now that she has long hair fluttering, and she is a goddess in the words of the Internet, with a white and thin hand reaching out to Ji Chenli. In front of Chenli, it was like scratching Ji Chenli’s inner itch. Ji Chenli refused to let go when he pulled it, and he held it in his hands like an old hooligan, hehe said: “You are so… pretty…”

Ming Lang’s hand was held by Ji Chenli, and her heart beat a little faster. She had never been molested before, or in other words, no one dared to moles her like Ji Chenli. Slightly hot, he withdrew his hand from Ji Chenli’s and said calmly, “Ji Chenli, calm down.”

Ji Chenli’s hands were empty, as if his heart was also empty, he curled his lips in dissatisfaction, borrowed the wine to strengthen his courage, patted the table and stood up, grabbed Minghong’s collar and leaned over, his wine-stained lips turned towards He kissed Minglang’s lips.

Ming Lang was frightened by Ji Chenli’s sudden action. In front of him was Ji Chenli’s drunk eyes, half-opened and half-closed looking into Ming Lang’s eyes, provocative, and even stuck out his tongue to lick Ming Lang’s dry eyes. lips.

The mellow red wine mixed with Ji Chenli’s sweetness exploded between Minghong’s lips and teeth, causing Minghong’s brain to buzz. She obviously didn’t drink, but because of the little alcohol between Ji Chenli’s teeth and cheeks, she was drunk. Hugging Ji Chenli excitedly, lips and teeth intertwined instinctively.

Ji Chenli didn’t know when he had half-kneeled on the dining table with one knee, giggling while kissing Minglang, with his hands hanging on Minglang’s neck, kissing her condescendingly, as if offering sacrifices.

When the lips of the two finally parted and they leaned together panting, Ji Chenli’s body became warmer under the influence of alcohol, and he leaned against Ming Lang’s arms as if he had no bones, almost limp into a ball.

“Minglang, I’ve been hiding from you for so many years, why can’t I hide from you?” Ji Chenli’s breath sprayed on Minglang’s ears with alcohol, dyeing her ears as red as ripe cherries. Ji Chenli’s eye sockets were hot, he couldn’t help sticking out his tongue and licking Minglang’s earlobe, and smirked, “Why can’t I hide…”

The small piece of Ji Chenli’s skin where the hot air brushed was almost scalded, Ming Lang exhausted all his self-control in his life, holding Ji Chenli stiffly, not daring to make any movements.

She was afraid that even if she moved, the last string in her mind would break.

“Ji Chenli, Chenli.” Ming Lang sighed against Ji Chenli’s ear, “My Chenli…”

Because of these four words, Ji Chenli smirked drunkenly, laughed and cried again, “Minglang, it would be great if you loved me in your previous life.”

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