Divorce Strategies For Divorced Movie Queens

Chapter 95

Chapter 94 – Crutch

The breakfast that Xu Luyang brought them was a well-known and time-honored restaurant in C City. The stuffing of the buns was made with secret seasonings. Ji Chenli ate two char siu buns and a big bowl of porridge. I couldn’t even move on the sofa, and I couldn’t help but lick it a few times to savor the aftertaste, “It’s a pity that my stomach is not big enough, otherwise I will try every delicious thing in the world.”

“Your belly isn’t big enough?” Xu Luyang reached out and touched Ji Chenli’s sprawling belly, jokingly said, “It looks like you’re pregnant.”

“Don’t press, don’t press!” Ji Chenli groaned, “If you press again, I’m going to throw up!”

Xu Luyang was so teased by Ji Chenli that he sprayed a sip of tea on the coffee table, covered his belly and laughed, Ji Chenli looked disgusted, “Are you disgusting?”

Ming Lang changed clothes in the bedroom and came out, and said to Xu Luyang: “Don’t recruit her, if you’re bored, go find Gao Yi, what’s the point of staying with me all the time?”

Ji Chenli’s curiosity was aroused by a name he had never heard of in his previous life, “Who is Gao Yi?”

Xu Luyang gave Ji Chenli a sideways look, and said with a smile, “My fiancé, what’s the matter?”

“Fiance?” Ji Chenli was surprised, “Why don’t I know?”

Xu Luyang sneered, “Miss Ji, you haven’t been back to City C for four years, even Minglang is not my boss anymore, why, I have to report to you to find a fiance?”

“No, that’s not what I meant.” Ji Chenli didn’t have much contact with Xu Luyang in her previous life, she had never heard of her having a fiancé, she just didn’t realize it all at once, and she also realized that she was overreacting, Sitting up from the sofa, he congratulated Xu Luyang shyly and embarrassedly, “Then what, Xu Luyang, congratulations.”

“Congratulations are secondary. Boss Ji remembers to wrap me a big red envelope when I get married.”

“You are already 37, hurry up with Gao Yi’s affairs, what does it look like if you keep procrastinating.” Ming Lang wiped off the water sprayed by Xu Luyang on the coffee table just now, and persuaded: “Is it true that people wait until they are 40 years old?”

“What’s wrong with 40?” Xu Luyang was dissatisfied, “It’s 50 years old, sister, I’m still a girl!”

The traces of time on Xu Luyang’s body are still quite obvious. She likes to laugh, and the wrinkles around her eyes are quite deep. She is no longer young at first glance, but she has a good temperament. It is probably because she has been with Minglang for a long time. When she is serious, she has a The calm and capable aura is very attractive, and it is not surprising that someone chases after him. What Ji Chenli is curious about is why Xu Luyang has been holding it and refuses to agree to it. However, this is Xu Luyang’s private matter, and Ji Chenli and Xu Luyang are not familiar with each other. At the point where she could inquire casually, she tactfully did not continue to ask.

Ji Chenli leaned on the sofa for half an hour, and Xu Luyang occupied the single sofa alone to play with her mobile phone. That sofa has always been Ming Lang’s seat, and she took it, so Ming Lang had to sit next to Ji Chenli , sitting upright with her crutches propped up, Ji Chenli clutched her stomach and wanted to laugh, but when she thought about the kiss with Minghong yesterday, her face burned again.

When the contents in her stomach were digested, Ji Chenli packed her own things and prepared to go back to the orphanage. Xu Luyang also made an appointment to go out together, and it happened that Ming Lang also packed her mobile phone and purse, and seemed to be going out too.

“Where are you going?” Ji Chenli asked.

Ming Lang said indifferently: “Follow the consultation.”

Xu Luyang slapped his forehead and remembered, “Yes, it’s time for a follow-up visit again, look at my memory! Ji Chenli, why don’t you take us there, and save the time of taking a taxi.”

“Okay.” Anyway, Ji Chenli has nothing to do in City C, so she agreed very happily. In fact, she herself is a little selfish. After coming back for so long, she still doesn’t know what’s wrong with Mingyu’s eyes, so she just took advantage of this opportunity. Ask carefully.

The hospital is not far from Ming Lang’s residence, and it takes only five or six minutes to drive. When he arrived at the door of the consulting room, Ming Lang went in for a follow-up examination. Ji Chenli and Xu Luyang were waiting outside. Xu Luyang asked about Ji Chenli’s recent situation in Nancheng, Ji Chenli said something casually, and Xu Luyang was really envious when he heard it, “This life is really comfortable.”

“It’s quite comfortable.” Ji Chenli said with a smile, “But sometimes it’s boring to be alone, so I raised a fat cat, and I’ll show it to you when I have time.”

Xu Luyang suddenly turned to look at Ji Chenli, “After all these years, have you never thought about finding someone else to live with?”

Ji Chenli was stunned, and smiled self-deprecatingly, “My personality is not suitable for living with others, I’d rather be comfortable alone.”

I think you and Minglang are living a good life. I don’t know what you are struggling with. Xu Luyang sneered, and asked with a smile, “Is there not even a single person chasing you? Based on your conditions, it is impossible.” ?”

“It doesn’t matter if you have it or not.” Ji Chenli said, “I plan to live like this in my life, it’s good to be alone.”

“Then what are you doing back here?”

Ji Chenli was silent, looked down at his fingers, and smiled wryly, “I don’t know either. I hate Minglang so much, but seeing her like that, I can’t help but come back. Xu Luyang, do you think I’m pretty What the hell? At the beginning, I was so desperate to not want to be with her, and now I’m running back to annoy you.”

How can it be annoying, Xu Luyang thought, Ming Lang, who was like a stuffy gourd, might be so happy to see you back, she sighed, looked at the closed door of the consulting room, and said quietly: “Ming Lang is gone now. Much better.”

Ji Chenli was shocked.

Xu Luyang continued: “When she just got into a car accident… she was seriously injured and couldn’t even stand up… I won’t talk about the specifics, anyway, it’s all over, and the trauma is good, but later she got mild depression, and she felt a lot of pain in her heart. I understand better than anyone else, so no psychological treatment will work, I was afraid that she would not be able to think about it alone, so I gave her a starling, the one hanging on her balcony.”

Ji Chenli’s ten fingers twisted together, Xu Luyang continued: “Her left eye is completely blind, but her right eye had a chance to be cured back then. The doctor said that the success rate of the operation was 50%, but she Just don’t agree to the surgery.”

Ji Chenli stopped moving her twisted and intertwined hands, she looked up at Xu Luyang, and asked, “Why?”

Xu Luyang smiled, “Who knows, who can guess the decision she Minglang made.”

“What about now?” Ji Chenli asked, “Is there a chance to recover from the surgery now?”

“Yes.” Xu Luyang nodded. Ji Chenli’s eyes lit up, but Xu Luyang said again: “The success rate of the operation is only 20 to 30 percent.”

Ji Chenli felt a chill in his heart, “Twenty to thirty percent…”

“Even so, I still hope that she can undergo surgery.” Xu Luyang sighed, “What is the difference between Minglang and being blind now? Why don’t you give it a go.”

Ji Chenli was noncommittal, she quietly looked at her fingertips and didn’t speak until Minglang came out of the consulting room slowly.

Thin and tall, but she no longer has the powerful aura she used to have, and the edges and corners of her body have been worn clean.

Time does not smooth the edges and corners, only pain can.

But Jiangshan is easy to change and nature is hard to change, Ming Lang will not change, she just hides herself.

“What are you talking about?” Ming Lang with waist-length hair, wearing comfortable and loose cotton clothes, stood in front of Ji Chenli and smiled slightly, his eyes were hazy, and he looked a little naive.

Ji Chenli’s heart suddenly twitched, a little painful, and numb and itchy, as if it had been electrified.

“Let’s talk about when will you be willing to go for surgery.” Xu Luyang said angrily.

Ming Lang was slightly stunned, and immediately understood the situation. Perhaps Xu Luyang added fuel to the scene and said something to Ji Chenli. She smiled at Ji Chenli, looking very relaxed, “Luyang likes to exaggerate, not as exaggerated as she said. , you don’t have to worry about it.”

“I didn’t say anything.” Xu Luyang snorted, “Minglang, if you’re really fine, it’s useless for me to exaggerate.”

“Xu Luyang.” Ming Lang frowned, narrowed his eyes slightly, looking displeased, reminding Xu Luyang to shut up.

Xu Luyang snorted, and turned her head away, thinking that with such a stubborn temper, she deserved it if she couldn’t catch up with her wife, and she was really full and worried.

“Well, count me as a good intention to do bad things, Ming Lang, I will not get involved in your affairs, you can go back by yourself, I’m leaving!” Xu Luyang left the two of them and left in a huff, Ming Lang also realized that I went too far, and shouted “Luyang” from behind, but Xu Luyang had already disappeared.

There were only two people left in the corridor, Ming Lang and Ji Chenli, Ming Lang laughed and said, “Ji Chenli, I have to trouble you again.”

“Let’s go.” After a few minutes, Ji Chen left.

Ming Lang was leaning on his cane to keep up with Ji Chenli’s pace, but unexpectedly, his hand was empty, and the crutch in his palm was taken away, Ming Lang’s heart was at a loss, his hands scratched in front of him, “Ji Chenli, What are you doing? Give me back my cane.”

Suddenly, Ming Lang caught something in his hand.

Warm and soft to the touch, dry and delicate, Ming Lang grasped the thing stuffed into his palm, and was sluggish.

Ji Chenli held Minghong’s hand, seeing her not moving, asked in confusion, “Why don’t you leave?”

“Give me the crutches, and I can walk by myself.” Minglang wanted to shake off Ji Chenli’s hand in his palm like an electric shock, but Ji Chenli held her tightly.

“I threw away that broken crutch of yours.” Ji Chenli said, “If you have to grab something to feel at ease, then grab my hand.”

She paused, then added, “You can only grab my hand.”

“Ji Chenli…”

“Ming Lang, go for surgery.” Ji Chenli said, “If you are really blind, I will be your crutch in the future.”


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