Do not confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 6 World Famous Paintings, 1 Filial Piety, 1 Le

Chapter 6 World Famous Paintings, One of Filial Piety and One of Happiness
For a moment, the study fell into silence.

The atmosphere between him and his father probably made Lan Qi guess that this conversation may be of great significance to them.

Seeing his father's expression is a conversation about the future, responsibility and family honor.

So it's hard for him to say anything before his father speaks.

Moving his eyes slowly, Lan Qi noticed that the butler was smiling at him.

Still the old fox-like smile as always.

Lan Qi felt a little uncomfortable, and then he looked away.

Then, where you can temporarily focus your attention, there are neatly arranged on the towering bookshelves, the dazzling array of books, and the oil paintings hanging on the walls.

It is said that this is an ancient masterpiece that has been treasured by the family for a long time. It is illuminated by an elegant magic lamp, filling the whole study with an artistic atmosphere.

But obviously.

It falls short of Lankey's paintings.

a long time.

Noel finally seemed to have thought of the sentence, and said:
"Lan Qi, you have been an adult for a month... During this time, the family has solved too many troubles for you, I think you can no longer live like this without any scruples."

There was another short silence.

Or a waiting time.

Noel wasn't sure if Lankey would throw a fit of tantrum after his utterance about his performance being debunked.

Because of Lan Qi's changes in the past two days, in his opinion, it was more like a temporary performance countermeasure.

It is likely that Lankey also realized that the family would start to restrict his extravagant funds and wanton behavior.

So he should be enduring his own bad habits, trying to get through this calamity safely by pretending to be good for a while.


To Noe's surprise.

Lan Qi's eyes were always clear and calm.

After reflecting on the question, he nodded seriously.

"I'm really sorry, I promise I won't do anything that will damage the family's reputation again."

Noel was a little stunned at this moment, and couldn't help but squeeze the corners of his eyes.

He looked at Lan Qi again.

No matter how you look at it, he is a good boy.

For a moment, Noel even felt that he should be proud of having such a well-educated and bright-eyed son.

Either this kid has really repented, or he is still stubborn.

Although Noel prefers the former, he also knows that the latter is more likely.

It can't be that this stupid son suddenly had a complete change in his mental state because of a certain opportunity, right?
But it doesn't matter.

Regardless of whether Lan Qi is acting or not, Noel has a way to fundamentally judge how to treat Lan Qi next.

"Cough cough."

Noel cleared his throat, sat upright, and stared at Lan Qi,

"How is your preparation for the entrance exam of the Alchemy Academy?"

His tone seemed to soften a bit, but his words became more severe,
"You must know that although I need to be with the empire all the year round because of transnational business, it doesn't mean that I don't care about you at all. The tolerance for you is also based on the premise that you are living seriously."


The voice just fell.

The butler standing behind Noe couldn't help showing a little smile.

Among them, three points are gloating at the young master's predicament, and seven points are interesting because they want to see how the young master will deal with it.


Lan Qi didn't say a word for the time being, and was shocked when he heard the words.

In the memory of the predecessor, I have never studied it!

The Alchemy Academy that Noel was referring to was located in the capital of King Hutton, a branch of the oldest Icarite Academy in the country.

Every year, this academy recruits people of the right age who have potential from the Hutton Kingdom and surrounding countries, and it is also well-known in the entire Southern Continent.

The Alchemy Institute is one of the four branches under it.

The entrance exam for the Alchemy Academy, which is famous for its alchemy techniques and theoretical research, was so difficult that the predecessor gave up before he started working hard.

And the predecessor has always lied that he is trying to get into the alchemy academy, so as to deceive his parents' reassurance and trust, and squander a lot of pocket money to have fun all day long.

Damn, this damn predecessor.

I have enjoyed all the blessings, now it is my turn to take the blame!
Lan Qi cursed in his heart.

However, in the original development, the predecessor really won't encounter the trouble at the moment.

Because Thalia will help this fool, rich and young, end his troubles in life.

Thinking of this, Lan Qi suddenly frowned.

"Father, are there any other enterprises with the same name as 'Wilford Chamber of Commerce' in this world?"

Lankey asked.


Noel seemed to be puzzled by Lan Qi's question that suddenly changed the subject, but looking at Lan Qi's serious eyes, he still replied quite proudly:
"I don't dare to say whether there are small companies with similar names, but we are the only large-scale trading companies that trade across the Kingdom of Hutton and the Empire of Crere."

After Noe finished speaking, Lan Qi did not change his expression, but nodded silently.

Now that he has changed his fate of being "killed by Talia" and survived, he will also face some situations that fools, rich and young, would not encounter.

Lan Qi felt that his surname "Wilford" was a bit familiar, but he couldn't remember where he remembered it.

After hearing Noe's words, Lan Qi finally remembered that in the main plot of the game two years after the current timeline, there was a side mission called "Wilford Tragedy"!
The mission prompt is that a multinational trading company suddenly closed overnight due to unknown reasons, and the personnel related to the senior management of the company were also brutally killed one by one.Players can choose whether to investigate, and the task level is very high.

My surname is Wilford, and the family business is also called Wilford Chamber of Commerce, and there is only this large multinational company...

That seems to be right at home.

It seems that I can't lie down casually, at least I have to fight for a year and a half to investigate and solve the potential hidden dangers of the family in advance!

The family's money is all relying on him to retire at the age of 20, so he must guard it well.

Recalling the relevant information about Icarite Academy in my memory,
"I promise that I will pass the entrance examination without any problems."

Lan Qi tentatively answered quite calmly.

He actually didn't mind going to this academy located in the capital.

It can even be said that in the memory of the predecessor, it was a dreamlike academy——

Not only does it have the cutting-edge magic engineering technology and many advanced facilities and resources of the Hutton Kingdom, but it will also receive excellent protection.

Right now, he is still a rank-[-] jobless person with no fighting power, no power to protect himself, and no status "enough to make big shots value him and protect him".

Rushing to investigate the most probable source of the problem—the Crean Empire—was undoubtedly committing suicide.

It's better to develop one's own potential in Hutton Kingdom first.

If you want the fastest claim to fame.

Even gaining the favor of some powerful or powerful people in this world, and accumulating contacts.

Then becoming a card making master must be the most suitable shortcut for your talent.

Going to the Icarite Academy and using the resources of the Magic Academy is far more efficient than staying in such a border city-state to study card making alone.

The royal capital is also a more suitable stage for him to flex his muscles.

No matter how bad it is, as long as he can make a fortune in the capital of Ikerite, he can find a way to bring down his father's Wilford Chamber of Commerce with his own hands, and avoid family ruin!

Noel raised his eyebrows, not aware of Lan Qi's thoughts of filial piety at the moment, but questioned Lan Qi's confidence in saying that he wanted to enroll.

He thought that his idiot son, who acted like a punk, would show his true colors here.

Unexpectedly, besides frowning, Lan Qi was still talking hard.

Lan Qi's reaction today was indeed beyond Noel's expectations every step of the way.

Although Noe didn't have much energy to take care of Lan Qi's daily life, every time he asked the housekeeper and maid about Lan Qi's situation, the two tried their best to cover Lan Qi.

But Noel is not stupid, he can roughly judge what kind of state Lan Qi usually lives in.

"Since you said so, if you passed the entrance examination successfully, then I misunderstood you, and I will apologize to you..."

Noel said in a deep voice, his torch-like gaze deeply explored Lan Qi's emerald green pupils,
"But if you can't pass the college's exams, does that mean you're cheating on our trust in you?"

"Of course, to the point."

Lan Qi responded in a calm voice.

"Then I won't bother you any more today, just keep studying hard. I will buy the train ticket to the capital in advance for you, so you don't have to worry about it."

So far, seeing Lan Qi's straightforward promise, Noel is also satisfied.

Since Lan Qi is still stubborn now.

Nanoye also didn't mind using this to make Lan Qi accept the punishment with conviction after suffering some setbacks.

Noel actually didn't think Lan Qi could pass the Alchemy Academy's exam.

Or simply not possible.

Given the complexity of the Alchemy Institute exam, the number of subjects and the extremely high passing standards, at least two or three years of serious preparation is required.

And this year's Icarite Academy's entrance exam will start in three months.

Lan Qi couldn't handle even the Alchemy Academy, which needed the least talent.

When he goes to the capital to meet other talented peers from the other three courtyards, he will probably realize how stupid and pathetic his laziness, arrogance and short-sightedness are.

"I see."

Lan Qi said with certainty.

His father obviously questioned himself all the time, but he always said that he had a high EQ and wanted to send him to the capital. Lan Qi felt respected.

Then he will definitely respond to his father's expectation,
"As long as you are sure that you can send me to the capital to show off, I promise you will receive the good news that I have successfully entered the Icarite Academy in the capital."


Noel almost laughed out loud.

He picked up the teacup, took a sip of tea, and held back the ridicule that was about to appear on his face.

Also flexed its muscles.

You just go to a school, and you can still give me the whole wave to come out?
Noe didn't expect that today's conversation would go so smoothly, and he had already prepared for quite unpleasant troubles between the father and son.

Lan Qi's punishment is inevitable, because he wants to teach the arrogant and overconfident Lan Qi to pay for the mistakes he made.

Today unexpectedly, a good peace treaty was reached because of Lan Qi's sincerity.

But in Noe's view, the difference is that before punishing Lan Qi, let him go to the capital to see the world.

Anyway, Lan Qi was just going to embarrass himself in the entrance exam of Icarite College.

As for letting Lan Qi go to the capital, Noel wasn't worried that Lan Qi would become a wild horse.

In this small place on the border, Lan Qi, who has never seen the world, can be arrogant and domineering.

But on the grand stage of the real Southern Continent, the capital of Ikrita, where there are big figures everywhere, this dog will definitely not be able to cause any disturbances.

after all.

Noel knew Lankey very well, and Lankey was just a paper tiger type of stupid playboy.

It is definitely not some demon king who will evolve out of control as soon as the environment is suitable.

This is still very reassuring.

(End of this chapter)

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