Do not confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 806: Hyperion's Merogaz Form

Chapter 806: Hyperion's Merogaz Form

Brillda, the capital of the Cretan Empire, is located at the foot of the towering Ostrog Plateau and is surrounded by lush green pine forests. In the center of the undulating city stands a magnificent beige building that looks like a temple.

The Imperial Military General Staff and the Imperial Army General Staff.

As the highest command body of the Imperial Army, it is responsible for formulating the overall military strategic guidelines for the entire empire and deploying and coordinating the combat operations of the various services.

From the long border to the vast hinterland, the security of every inch of territory is planned here.

The innermost core of this magnificent building.

The Temple of the Gods.

It is shaped like an underground theater, surrounded by twelve imposing arches. The dome is inlaid with murals composed of thousands of glowing immortal crystals. The brilliance is so brilliant that it reflects the ink-colored marble ground below, turning it into the center of a galaxy.

This is the exclusive meeting place of the Empire's Twelve Military Gods, and also the most mysterious forbidden area of ​​the Kremlin Empire.

In peacetime, even a strong man with ninth-level strength is completely unable to break through the defense line guarded by half of the military gods.

However, most of the military gods have gone to the battlefield now. Even the sixth military god Violet, the Seat of Water Jade, who is stationed in the capital, has gone to explore Lake Stabergen in the neighboring Botswana province. The Temple of the Gods has become much quieter.

Often only Hecintus, the first military god stationed in the capital, stayed here.

At this moment, the Divine Hall of the Command Center was completely deserted.

Directly below the transparent glass mirror in the center of the round table is the restricted area of ​​the Temple of the Gods.

At the center of the earth, a black mosaic Rubik's Cube with an eerie red glow was bound to a stone platform by layers of chains, with gleaming magic-forbidden steel pillars standing around it.

The six faces of the Rubik's Cube are densely covered with ancient curse seals, and the chains wrapped around them seem to have life, like snakes and scorpions, emitting an evil aura.

No one noticed that inside this magic cube mirror, there was an endless [Illusionary Territory] space——


In the exiled void world, all colors between heaven and earth have been stripped away, leaving only endless grayness, a barren land with no grass growing, and charred ruins and dead bones everywhere.

The black desert was shaking from time to time, as if something was stirring underground.

The cold wind howled, blowing up the black sand on the ground, mixed with a hint of blood.

In this dead silent void, a figure gradually emerged.


He was dressed in a black robe, almost blending into the dim environment.

His handsome and deep face was full of vigilance, his short brown hair fluttered in the wind, and there was no sign of giving up in his eyes.

At this moment, he had lost his former elegance and grace, and was replaced by a bruised and disheveled appearance.

The rare stubble on the tired and weathered face adds a touch of worldly touch to the former gentleness.

Loren has been struggling in this nightmarish world for dozens of days.

After being sealed by the third military god, Geyat of Sardonyx, he entered the inner world of this [Illusionary Territory] and could never find the exit.

This world is not a comfortable void, but a desperate situation that wants to kill him at any time.

Black fog surged towards Loren from the horizon, and dark clouds pressed down overhead, accompanied by a sound that pierced the eardrums, and the entire world was shaking.

That was not black fog, but a swarm of void creatures that covered the sky.

boom! ! !
The ground in front of Loren suddenly shook violently, and gray-black dust exploded in the air, rolling up the erupting volcanic ash. A crack meandered from the depths of the wasteland, winding and twisting, and was more than ten meters wide.

Snake-shaped super-giant void creatures rushed out of the cracks, bringing a group of void beasts with them. They looked like worms, strange beasts, and ghouls. They were ugly in appearance, smelly in breath, and filled with vicious aura, like the scum of hell thrown into the world.

At this moment, a bolt of lightning suddenly swept across the lifeless void.

Loren clasped his hands together, and the violent airflow instantly gathered into a silver vortex in his palms.

The next second, the vortex exploded, turning into a hurricane that roared and swept towards the army of void creatures.

Countless wind blades flashed in the hurricane, as sharp as knives. Wherever they passed, void creatures were cut into pieces, giant snakes were chopped into several pieces, and black blood splattered everywhere.

"The 1,562nd Beast Tide."

Loren recited silently, feeling exhausted but not daring to relax.

The air currents surrounding his body glowed with cool electric light, and the power of wind and thunder swirled and roared around him.

Whenever he raised his hand, lightning would condense and then rush out with devastating force, exploding with a loud thunder in the air, and no void creature was spared wherever it passed.

At first, facing the hideous and menacing void creatures, he was on the verge of despair several times.

But with the endless brutal fighting and life-and-death contests, he gradually mastered the rules of survival in this illusory territory.

Fighting against void creatures is a competition of survival of the fittest.

The wind blade condensed in Loren's hand. With just one wave, he could crush the invading void worms. Thunder fell from the sky, and with a roar, the void beast turned into charcoal.

Every battle changes the face of this land.

The earth was cut into pieces, the rocks were shattered by lightning, and everything was razed to the ground where the hurricane passed.

Gradually, Loren became calm in the killing.

This brutal battle has become the norm in his life.

【Witness▇▇▇▇▇▇, the power▇▇ that transcends the limits. 】

Even with the help of divine analysis, the alien divine thoughts that Loren could not fully understand echoed in his ears and enveloped the world.

Deep in the dark clouds, a purple-red eye like a sky curtain slowly opened, and an ominous light flashed in the pupil.

Loren also knew that there were probably several of the strongest void creatures in the virtual territory. They were immortal in this space and were like the space itself. Even Loren could hardly defeat them head-on and could only try his best to avoid them.

The next moment, the earth exploded, and a crack several kilometers long appeared in front of Loren. Void creatures poured out like a tide, flapping and roaring, and attacking Loren.

At the same time, Loren's eyes narrowed, and electric light flashed in his pupils.

Lightning fell from the sky and struck right in the center of the hurricane.

The battle broke out again.

Half an hour later.

Snow-white light struck down from the sky, turning the remaining corpses of void creatures on the ground into ashes.

When the last void creature fell, the strong wind gradually subsided and the lightning slowly dissipated.

Loren stood in the sea of ​​blood and corpses, unmoved, like a god of war overlooking all living beings.

His brown hair was wet with sweat, and strands of it stuck to his forehead.

With a stern face and eyes as sharp as lightning, he gasped for breath and finally was able to relax.

He never expected that the saying "Throw yourself into a desperate situation and you may survive, face your mortal enemy and you may revive" would actually come true for him one day.

"Gayat... I can fight you with one hand as you are now."

Loren clenched his palms. He didn't know how strong he was now.

"When your God of War lets me go, let's see how many I can replace."

Except perhaps for the Diamond Seat Hecintus, the First God of War.

He won't lose to any opponent again.

The air currents surrounding his body were still swirling and roaring, and faintly turned into continuous thunder.

That kind of disdainful attitude that looked down upon the world and all things made the creatures in the void gradually shudder.

After saying that, Loren took a step forward, his black robe fluttering, and walked away in the storm.


Meanwhile on the other side.

Blildad City.

Inside the Void Gate No. 2, which is under the jurisdiction of the Imperial Shadow World Administration.

A critical space is still in the settlement stage.

"We have more people here, so the settlement may be a little slower than that on Lanqi's side."

Hyperion patiently waited for her reward and chatted with Antanas and Shinora.

Standing in the Starry Sky Square where she is now and looking forward, the vast starry sky is shrouded in mist, making the reflection of the stars even more blurred.

The four great demons who entered from this port with her are all here.

"I'm glad you're safe. I've been worried about you for a long time since you left the Demon King's Castle Nakaris."

Shinola held Hyperion's hands and spoke to her with concern.

"I had a lot of fun at Purgatory Corridor Academy..."

Hyperion said a little embarrassedly.

She knew that Shinora was very worried about her. After all, in Ikerite, the two of them were always together and played together every day. It was rare for them to be separated for more than ten days like in the Shadow World.

"That's good."

Shinola breathed a sigh of relief.

She and Antanas have already received their rewards, and are now waiting for the final rewards from the Ice Witch, Pranay, and Hyperion.

Shinora had never expected that his reward would be related to General Ogrin, the commander of the First Army of the Demon Realm during that era of the Shadow World.

[General Wanwei's Gauntlet - Right]

[Category: Equipment Card]

[Grade: Pink Holy]

[Attribute: Slash]

[Rank: 8]

[Effect: After wearing, the strength of slashing attribute attacks will be increased. ]

[Note: Lord Wanwei Ogrin's sharp sword intent, accompanied by his white chainmail gauntlets that kill powerful enemies. ]

It was made of a white-gold Nekaris steel that glowed coldly in the dim light.

The surface of the gauntlet was covered in a layer of chain mail, the scales were arranged in a streamlined pattern, and the emblem of the Demon King's military orders was engraved on the flexible structure.

The knuckles are reinforced with sharp metal edges, which not only protect the knuckles but also make boxing attacks more destructive. The dark red gem inlaid on the back of the hand is angular, and the inside of the hand guard is lined with soft down so that you will not feel uncomfortable even after a long battle.

The wrist is decorated with a metal buckle in the shape of an animal face, which is both domineering and firmly fixes the hand guard to prevent it from falling off during fierce fighting.

For Shinora, Wan Weiqing's right gauntlet strengthened her second best attribute. In addition to her best interference ability [Counterattack], after wearing this equipment, her main attack method [Slash] was also slightly enhanced.

"It's you four who have it harder."

Hyperion could feel that the four of them seemed to have experienced a fierce battle and were in incomplete condition, and then they immediately reached the critical space.

The only time she had been a little tired in this shadow world was when she had to hide with Tamisa all the way from the Demon City of Nakaris to the Purgatory City of Pascual.

When I met Lanqi, I began to find the familiar taste again.

The more I thought about Hyperion, the more guilty I felt.

The last few days were even more excessive.

I had fun with Lysandra all day at the Purgatory Corridor Academy. I had never been happier in the real world.

Maybe it was because when she first came to Ikerit, everyone thought she was an alien and didn’t want to play with her, but at the Infernal Corridors Academy, everyone treated her like a princess, and she even had a close friend like Lysandra.


Antanas rubbed the back of his head a little uncomfortably.

The Ice Witch didn't know how to answer.

In fact, the four of them had been enjoying a life of debauchery and drinking in Naikaris for the past ten days or so. They only contributed a little in the last few days, and they were sure to win.

It feels a bit mixed.

But because they managed to assist the third ancestor Lachar in the end, all four of them were rewarded, which made Hyperion mistakenly believe that their contribution was quite high.

According to Ikerit's level calculation method, Antanas, Sinora, and Pranai should have changed from 81, 82, 83 to 82, 83, 84. For the eighth level, this improvement is already quite significant.

The Ice Witch's power went from 85 to 86, and she was also the one who contributed the most effectively in the battle against Lachar.

It's like looking for a general among dwarfs.

The pink sacred reward was completely obtained by riding a trailer.

The equipment Antanas obtained was similar to that of Shinora, and both belonged to the power of Lord Ogryn of All Might.

[General Wanwei's Gauntlet - Left]

[Category: Equipment Card]

[Grade: Pink Holy]

[Attribute: Basic]

[Rank: 8]

[Effect: After wearing it, the four basic attributes of strength, magic, physical strength, and spirit will be greatly increased. ]

[Note: Lord Wanwei Ogrin's recognition of the ascetic, the black gauntlet he wears to guard the demon world.]

It is carefully made of the finest dragonhide and presents a deep obsidian color. The palm and fingers are covered with flexible Nekalis steel, which can perfectly fit the user's hand lines. The metal surface is etched with fine herringbone patterns, just like the skin of a dragon. It not only provides excellent protection, but also gives the user the power of a dragon.

At the wrist, there is a circle of barbs that turn into thorns from the demonic world. At the same time, these barbs also serve as a strong guarantee for the defensive performance of the hand guard.

Compared to Shinora's [General Wanwei's Gauntlets - Right], it does not have as much offensive power, but it is more versatile and can be used by anyone.

"It would be great if we could also grab those swords of Lord Wan Wei."

Antanas looked at his new equipment with greed in his eyes.

Only now did she realize that the equipment on Wan Weiqing, the demon general who destroyed the world with the blood moon, were all good stuff, and her equipment card from many years ago had been confiscated by the Protoss Empire when she was imprisoned.

"Farewell, those swords are probably epic. We are not worthy of his weapons."

Pranay shook his head.

Besides, none of them can use a sword.

Pranai has the clearest view of the strength of several great demons from the Lord of Blasphemy's faction.

Lord Ogrin of All Might is not only the strongest Great Demon General besides Lord Merogas of Blasphemy, but the weapon he wields is also too powerful, so he can defeat the immortal ninth ancestor, Marquis Bernhard.

In fact, if it were a weak demon general, such as their old friend the space demon Yabo, they would not be a match for the ninth ancestor Marquis Bernhard who has the home advantage.

As they chatted, a pink glow began to appear in front of Pranay.

"Praanai, it's your turn to turn over the reward."

Antanas pointed excitedly.

Shinola also came over curiously to see her brother's reward.

Pranay took out the real object from the ball of light, and only a translucent magic card engraved with bones remained.

【Bone Messenger】

[Category: Summoning Card]

[Grade: Pink Sacred] [Attribute: Undead/Detection]

[Rank: 8]

[Effect: Summon an avatar with 50% of your own magic power and strength, % of your physical strength and mental attributes, completely simulating your own magic power and aura, and can control its actions through thoughts. The farthest distance from the main body cannot exceed kilometers.]

[Note: Skeleton Lord Damongate firmly believes that only living great demons are worthy of output, so when you defeat the Skeleton Lord, you will find that it is not necessarily the real Skeleton Lord. ]


Pranay's expression did not change.

But Shinola could already sense that her brother was happy.

It seemed as if he was thanking this fellow civil official who had had a brief interaction with him for more than ten days in a different time and space tens of thousands of years ago.

During the time when the four of them were in the Demon King's Castle Naikaris, Pranai and Antanas socialized more with other big demons in the Demon King's Castle, while the introverted Shinora and the Ice Witch did not interact with other demons most of the time.

Maybe Pranay himself also has a good relationship with the Lord of Skeletons, Damongate.

"Praanay, promise me, this isn't the last time I see you!"

Antanas stared at the magic card, and after identifying it, he looked away and gave instructions to Pranay.

She suspected that what Pranay would remain in their sight from now on were his clones, and he would never let anyone see his real body again.

"how could be."

Pranay replied emotionlessly.

"You won't be with me in the future, just pretending to be perfunctory, right?"

Shinora glanced at the card in Pranay's hand and understood what Antanas meant.

She seemed to be considering snatching the card away.

"Can't you tell your brother apart?"

However, Pranai seemed to have predicted his sister's thoughts and directly bound the card and put it away.


Shinola was speechless for a moment, confused by Pranay's counterattack.

"Praanai, why are you talking so loudly? That's too much. You can't use Ranchi's logic against us! Our combined brains are not as good as yours, and now you're using Ranchi's formula!"

Antanas condemned.

“They are so full of energy…”

The Ice Witch looked at her three old friends and said to Hyperion.

The four great demons are more than two thousand years old in total, but after not seeing them for a hundred years, the Ice Witch is very sure that not only Antanas, but even the noble siblings Pranai and Shinola have become down-to-earth.

"There's nothing we can do, teacher. They have completely integrated into human society. Every day they are exposed to the culture of Ikerite, and their way of thinking has gradually become more like that of humans. It must be different from before."

Hyperion replied to the Ice Witch with a smile.

After bidding farewell to her mother Kaliela in the era of blood moon and ruin, Hyperion now has her mother the ice witch by her side, which makes her feel happy and secure all the time.

"If you, teacher, also live in the Cat Boss Restaurant for a while, maybe you can put aside your heavy duties and relax?"

Hyperion suddenly had an idea and suggested it to the Ice Witch.

She always felt that the Ice Witch worked tirelessly like a mechanical puppet. Hyperion could feel the Ice Witch's tiredness just by looking at her, but the Ice Witch herself didn't feel tired at all.

"Theoretically, if Florence takes over the affairs of the Church of the Goddess of Fate in Ikerit, I can indeed take some time off, but Florence can't stay in Ikerit forever."

The Ice Witch thought for a moment, but rejected the idea.
"Besides, even if I go to Boss Cat's restaurant, what do I do every day?"

She remembered that Antanas, Shinola and Pranay all worked in this restaurant. They were not only residents but also members of the restaurant. They felt very comfortable living with their friends every day.

"The Cat Boss Restaurant is actually in need of a resident singer. I heard that your voice is more beautiful than that of a siren, but I've never had the chance to hear you sing."

When Hyperion first arrived at the Church of the Goddess of Fate in the Northern Continent, she heard from the priest about the talent of Artemis, the chosen saint of God.

"The devil's voice is not a good thing..."

The Ice Witch shook her head.

Although her magic voice is relatively soft, unlike that of the summoned Great Love Poet.

But it might affect the mind of living beings, so she often doesn't use it.

As they chatted, the Ice Witch also caught a glimpse of the ball of light approaching her.

It also shines with the sacred pink aura.

The moment she reached out and touched the entity of the ball of light, the Ice Witch understood that her reward was different from the equipment cards of Antanas and Shinora, and the summoning card of Pranai, but a spell card.

【Mercury's Blurry Body】

[Category: Spell Card]

[Grade: Pink Holy]

[Attribute: Alchemy/Hidden]

[Rank: 8]

[Effect: Can make the body liquid, greatly reduce physical damage, and gain optical camouflage effect. ]

[Note: Mercury Lord Michio just wants to take it easy, so it would be best if he could avoid fighting.]

"Wow, Artemis, your cards are amazing."

Antanas came over immediately and said to the Ice Witch.

"It turned into liquid... It's weird..."

The Ice Witch was a little resistant to turning herself into a semi-liquid state, but surprisingly she had some compatibility with her.

Although Mercury Qing also has her own unique beauty.

But in human culture, Mercury Lord is still too much like a humanoid slime.

"Huprienne, how about I give you this card when you reach level eight?"

The Ice Witch knew that Hyperion's current card set was all survival-related.

She wanted to leave all the good things to Hyperion.

"Master Artemis, this spell is wasted on me. I can turn invisible and I have enough life-saving magic on me. Besides, it will take me a long time to reach the eighth level. If it is put in the novel, it will probably be the second part."

Hyperion quickly declined, she was too embarrassed to take anything from the Ice Witch again.

The Ice Witch not only gave her the materials for promotion to the priest rank, but also helped her to create a set of sacred life-saving spells that could replace basic cards. Now she could no longer take this kind of eighth-level natural sacred magic card.

"Okay, I'll use it then."

The Ice Witch took back the card and used it herself.

If they encounter a very bad situation in Brillda next time, or even in the worst case they may have to fight, they should improve themselves as much as possible. The power of the Mercury Lord is indeed good.

"All that's missing is your reward, Hyperion."

Antanas rubbed his hands and waited.

Leaving the critical space means returning to Brillda, the capital of the hinterland of the Empire of Cremon. As Hyperion's bodyguards, the four of them will likely be faced with quite thrilling espionage work in Brillda.

In the short term, there will be no more baby buses like this.

But as long as he lives with his friends, Antanas is happy every day.

Growing old with friends is more important than anything else.

"I basically played the entire Shadow World this time, and only completed the mission of escorting Little Spark. I basically didn't make any contribution. It's good enough to get a pink sacred reward..."

Hyperion guessed that she could only get a purple rare reward or even lower.

He was halfway through his words when he was occupied by an orange glow.

She reached out her hand in disbelief and touched the ball of light that was pursuing her.

"Is it a work of art? Or a prop? Material?"

Hyperion dispersed the outer edge of the light mist in confusion.

The moment the orange mist dissipated, it was as if a poisonous fog began to spread, causing Hyperion's hands to tremble, and she subconsciously wanted to throw away the magic card that she could not control.

"Don't be afraid. The magic card won't hurt you. It's just that its magic power is too strong for you to control."

The Ice Witch raised her hand and pinched Hyperion's wrist. As the frost covered the skin on the back of Hyperion's hand, the numbness brought by the magic card was no longer so strong, making Hyperion breathe a sigh of relief with lingering fear.

She looked at the orange magic card again and found that it was engraved with a scorpion and a heart mark.

[Melogas's Blasphemy]

[Category: Spell Card]

[Level: Orange Epic]

[Attribute: Poison/Strengthen]

[Level: 7]

[Effect: After activation, you will enter a highly poisonous state, greatly increasing your strength and stamina. If you use Merogas's toxin, you will have a chance to become demented and become more like her.]

[Note: Although her love may be a little abnormal, she at least loves you. ]


After Hyperion saw the card clearly, she wanted to throw it away as if she had touched something dirty.

She never thought that she would be rewarded with a truly epic magic card, or even a seventh-level epic spell.

But then I thought about it.

After the first experience of the Shadow World with Lanqi, I did see a Blood Moon Bad World series of Shadow World missions.

She was the only one who accompanied Lanqi through the entire four shadow worlds.

So this is a cumulative reward, which belongs to the two of them who initially obtained the task. Therefore, it was only settled as an orange epic after the end of this shadow world.

"Why did I draw from the card pool of Merogax..."

Hyperion had mixed feelings.

She would probably be overjoyed at any epic spell she drew, but Lord Blasphemy Merogas made her a little scared.

"Melogas has a good compatibility with you. You were probably blood relatives in your previous life tens of thousands of years ago. You have the same structure and similar genes in your body, so you can also harness her power."

The Ice Witch explained.

She remembered that Hyperion had a high resistance to poison, so drinking alcohol was like drinking sparkling water, and she would not easily lose consciousness.

If someone else used Merogas's poison to stimulate themselves, they might not be able to resist the negative effects at all, which would be close to suicide.

He poisoned himself to death before he could even get strengthened for long.

"Anyway, Artemis has already prepared the engraving materials for you. When we return to the human world, we will first go to find Miss Unity, our superior in the Allied Forces, and then we can go to a safe place to advance to the seventh level. We will protect you, so you can just focus on engraving your rank."

Shinora assured Hyperion.

Sinora was also happy to see that Hyperion's long-term efforts had paid off.

Not only does Merogas have powerful attacking means, he is also very tanky. According to Lanqi's review of the game after he went to the Demon King's Castle, Merogas was not seriously injured even after being beaten like that by Siglei. He is much more terrifying than the Bishop level.

Shinora was just thankful that she didn't think of fighting Lord Blasphemy Merogas in the Demon King's Castle.

Even if the four of them joined together to fight against Merogas, there was no guarantee they would win. This guy's vitality was almost unfathomable and he was prone to going berserk.

"Actually... I also went to Babybus for the first three Shadow Worlds... but Lanqi always found a way to help me earn more contribution points..."

Hyperion muttered with her cheeks flushed.

How can there be a heroine like her who doesn’t grow at all from beginning to end and is always carried away and wins without any effort?

Lanqi said she...


She is Crystal, so it's okay.

As long as she accepts her own weakness, she will be invincible.

In a sense, she is the lord, and she will definitely play to the end regardless of winning or losing.

"Huprienne, there is only one male protagonist like Lanci who is born like a god and gradually transforms from a god into a human during his growth process. I can only say that you two are a perfect match. You should give all your experience to him, and then he will give it back to you. This is a way to maximize the benefits for both of you."

Antanas put his arm around Hyperion's shoulders and praised her.

"Huprienne, don't take this lightly."

Pranay muttered to himself with a confused look in his eyes.

He always felt that the disaster in the Kremlin Empire was not that simple.

After returning from the Horning Empire during the Blood Moon Era, he made a clear comparison. He discovered that the strength of the Horning Empire at the end of the Blood Moon Era was actually far inferior to that of the Kreiwen Empire, where the twelve military gods were at their peak.

With the help of the third ancestor Duke Lachar, the seventh ancestor Marquis Helitier, the eighth ancestor Marquis Somerset, and the ninth ancestor Marquis Bernhard who probably just awakened in the present world, even according to the timeline foreseen by Lanqi, the vampires should not be able to completely control the Kremer Empire so quickly.

"Well, I will definitely make everyone win everything. This is my awareness as a demon princess."

Hyperion clenched her fist.

The ruler is the ruler, the ministers are the ministers, each has his own duties.

The demon princess has only one goal, which is to not blow up the house until the demons protecting her tear down the other side's house.

"I'm so thankful that you're not a competitive person."

The Ice Witch comforted Hyperion and told her not to feel any psychological pressure.

Artemis had to thank Hyperion for inheriting Iphatia's character to some extent.

Otherwise, if the king likes to be a soldier and rush to the front to show off his prowess, that would be a disaster.

In the current situation, Hyperion is like a little angel to them.

Hyperion nodded.

"It seems that this card should be used with caution."

Her gaze once again turned to the orange mist-filled picture of Merogass' epic magic.

Hyperion didn't know whether her aura and magic power would become more similar to Merogas' after using Merogas' poison.

Fortunately, there is no Kaliera in the real world, otherwise if I turned into Merogas, I would probably disgust Kaliera.

When Hyperion and Kaliela were together at Purgatory Corridor Academy, Kaliela's face changed when Merogas was mentioned.

After the five demons collected the items settled in the shadow world, they chatted for a while in the critical space and arrived at the void gate to return to the real world.

That morning they had just arrived at Brillda, the capital of the Cretan Empire, and had not yet had the chance to meet Miss Unity, the allied spy from the Kingdom of Canberra who was responsible for contacting them. They only met with Miss Unity's subordinates and made an appointment for a new time, then went to the Void Gate of Brillda and entered the Shadow World at nine o'clock.

It seems that Miss Unity has another task to entrust. Although it is not so urgent, it is necessary to ask for her opinion, so Hyperion wants to go back to the Allied Forces to report formally.

"Let's go find Miss Unity from the Allied Forces."

Hyperion said as she led the way through the exit of the Void Gate.

(End of this chapter)

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