Do whatever you want [football]

Chapter 26

After finishing the youth training meeting and summarizing the recent youth training results (after), Li Xian devoted all his energy to preparing for the next round of the league.

But in the past few days, Ozil and the others are desperate to live and die. Every day behind Pintus and Gaudino, two physical coaches, they use "the two devils" to attack them at the beginning to vent their distress.

In person?That is absolutely not dare!

Not to mention whether they will be retaliated against, they are actually very convinced of Pintus and Gaudino, because in the field of fitness coaches, they are the top, they are champion coaches, and they are professionals!

Ever since they knew how much their weekly salary was, the players became even more cowardly in front of their two coaches.

Their BOSS will definitely not pay these salaries in vain, if he does his job well... go to his job!They still have to speak ill of them behind their backs to vent their dissatisfaction!

It was even worse for Ozil and the others. They had to ride their bicycles home every day with sore backs and legs. Fortunately, they had delicious... small meals when they got home!

Together with the newly hired nutrition experts in the team, the two devils have convinced their leaders that every day is a nutritious diet, although it is not unpalatable, but think about the happiness in the past, and look at the present, there is no harm without comparison!

Li Xian is actually a bit used to them, although he will strictly follow the recipes, but in other respects he is very spoiled.

For example, the three found that they all had new clothes!

Their BOSS personally match!

In addition to the exclusive formula of calming essential oils, family movie day, game day, Modric and Ozil were a little homesick at first when they called home every day. After a few days, they didn't plan to move at all!

Even more speechless than them is Toni Kroos!

After moving the family here, Roland was shocked to find that their son refused to go home!Still plausible——

"It's great to live here. Dad, you see, my school is less than 1000 meters away. Randall can also help me with my homework. His skills are superb. I am reluctant to leave here..."

Then you are willing to leave Dad?leave your brother?

Roland was also dissatisfied for a moment, and immediately threw this idea out of the blue!

One of the two naughty ghosts is missing, and the other one is easy to deal with!

And the younger one also needs to study and go to the Magpie Youth Training, when the time comes, the home will be their two-person world!

Roland is delighted!Let go of the eldest son!He even wondered if he could apply to send his youngest son here too!

Faster than him was Antoine Griezmann's father, Allan.

Alan Griezmann is a father who respects his son very much. His son can't resist the charm of Alan Shearer and Owen, as well as the old Sir Robson who is said to be returning to the Magpies, and is eager to join the Magpies youth training camp.

He also respected the opinions of several other children, and found that none of them objected to living in the UK, so he decisively moved his home.

Toni Kroos is currently a leader in the youth training, lives with the first team, and is the darling of Li Xian. He is responsible for the reception as a tour guide, so he took Griessmann and his son to visit. , introduced, to complete the task entrusted to him by Clark, the director of youth training: Make sure to keep the heart of the little golden retriever Anthony here!

But Tony is so real, he renders his daily life extremely beautifully with no exaggeration and simple language——

God knows that he is a German, and Griezmann is a French, and the two of them just communicate in the simplest English!

In short, under Tony's "eloquence", Anthony, who is 15 years old this year and can't wait to jump into the adult camp and want to "stand on his own", looked at his father very excitedly, and he wanted to go too!

Live with your head coach?

Eat and live?

Michelin three-star chef level?

Superb golf skills and help with math homework?

Can you still play football with your friends, ride to the base together, and play games together?

I'm going!I'm going!I'm going!

Xiaoge's father's name is also Alan. Alan was still hesitant until he saw the scene of Newcastle training!

That was when Li Xian was begged by Ozil for a free kick. The football was kicked from the left side of the penalty area with his left foot, and perfectly circled the moving "human" wall with a super large arc. After that, there was even an obvious rotation acceleration, and finally Passed under Ji Wen's shoulders and fell heavily into the net!

There is a player's son, the old Griezmann's vision is also good!

This is a beautiful arc, a super banana ball not inferior to Bayesian arc!

It's even a little different because it's falling faster and has a strong spin...

More importantly, such a gorgeous arc was created by rubbing the outer instep of the left foot!

His son is a left-footed general!

He was amazed when he saw it, and when he looked at his son, he saw little stars in his eyes, and he was obviously fascinated!

He took another look at the big eye that begged Li Xian just now, he knew him, his name was Ozil, one of the players that Li Xian bought this winter, the MVP of the last game, he just heard, this big eye also lived At Li Xian's house...

He glanced at Tony again, found Duke very decisively, and asked to send his son to Randall Li's home too!

Duke immediately approached Li Xian to apply. Li Xian looked at the little golden retriever who was staring at him eagerly, and then at Cross. He thought it was a speculative agreement between the two children, so he agreed without thinking.

One sheep is freed, and three sheep are also freed. Now it is okay to have one more. Li Xian found that these players who have obeyed the management of the youth training team since childhood are very capable of taking care of themselves.

However, there are only five master bedrooms in their house, and now they are full, and there will be nothing they can do if there are lambs in the future!

The day Anthony lived in the "Magpie Senior Dormitory", his French senior stomach was conquered by their food!

tasty!How can it be so delicious!

Tony didn't blow!

His "little friend" Tony looked at his expression and sighed sadly. The Chinese sentence that the boss laughed at them was apt.

But the little guy can only eat the base with Tony the next day.

Because there is another game, there will be a game the next day, their home game!

Tony wanted to watch the game live, which would allow him to see things that the live camera could not show, and Anthony wanted to go even more, and the two hit it off!

The two of them found Modric, their "big brother", vacuuming after finishing their homework.

Why not big eyes?

Big Eyes is listening to the BBC broadcast while washing the dishes, which is very "poor".

Of course they can't delay Dayan's progress!

"Are you going to watch the game?" Modric asked in surprise, and then saw two little heads nodding straight.

"Did you tell the boss?" Modric asked again.

It's so close to St. James' Park, and you still have to tell your parents?

But their "big brother" insisted on this, so they had to go to the study to ask their parents for instructions.

After hearing this, Li Xian agreed without hesitation, "Okay, the game time is 6 pm, your training should be over, and I will ask Richard to pick you up then."

On this home game day, Li Xian will fight for victory!

Not only to win, but also to play the tradition of the Magpies, that is, to play offensive football.

This is not only for tactical considerations, but also to please the fans, and more importantly, to hand in homework!

His homework is not only for the fans of his home country, but also for Sir Robson!

After the pre-match press conference against Manchester City in the last round, he had some communication with Wang Ning, a reporter from "Sports Weekly", and he didn't know what he reported. " came to the door.

"World Football" is referred to as "Tianzu" by Chinese fans for short. This is the pride of Chinese fans, and it is also the underpants of Chinese football in the eyes of fans——

Our football isn't good enough, but we make the best football shows ever! ①

We also call it Tianzu for short.

For some reason, Tianzu became interested in magpies and wanted to make two special issues.One feature was dedicated to Alan Shearer, the legendary striker who just scored his 200th Newcastle goal, and the other was an introduction to the club in general.

Tianzu has never dealt with Magpies before. After all, they are the ace program of the National Sports Channel with 13 billion people in the backstage. on himself.

It must be because my speech that day made the compatriots in the motherland feel kind!

Li Xian attaches great importance to this matter. All the cold films he shoots need to be promoted. Now they don’t have any fan base in China. CCTV is here to send warmth. What else is there to say?

The thighs hugging CCTV's daddy can't be loose!

These are huge chicken thighs, delicious!

CCTV started shooting from this game, and the filming period lasted for a week, and ended after their game against Aston Villa.

Li Xian is actually more nervous about handing in his homework in front of Sir Robson than performing well in front of his hometown elders.

Originally, the Jazz returned to St. James' Park to watch the game and should not be "specially treated".

After all, the old man was born and bred in Newcastle, and has a deep affection for his hometown team. After get out of class, he even said that he would come to the stadium to continue supporting the team, but Li Xian was just nervous!

#话球帝# The title can make him calm as usual in a city stadium with nearly 5 people, but this is Sir Robson. If the game is good, can the old man praise him in front of Sir Alex?

Cough, although Sir Robson is good, but Sir Alex Ferguson is his true love!

He is a fan of Sir Alex Ferguson!

Speaking of this game, leaving aside the efforts of him, the coaching staff and the players to win this victory, our big-eyed Ozil is out of luck!

Due to the arrangement of the FA Cup, the latest schedule is a double match a week. Ozil's small body was tossed too hard by Pintus, and Pintus felt that Ozil was not active enough in physical exercise. I suggest that Li Xian not Put his name on the big list.

"Actually, I didn't want him to start this game, but can't he join the squad?" Li Xian felt that this was obviously a bit cruel for a young player, especially Ozil's life this week was a bit miserable.

Pintus firmly "killed the fish to warn the monkeys", said: "This will make him more motivated to persevere. He is actually not bad, but you can't pamper him that much!"

Did I, did I really love him?

Li Xian looked at the wide-eyed bald head in front of him, nodded to Pintus, and assured him: "I won't put Mesut on the big list, but I think it's still necessary to comfort him. Considering his physical condition."

From Li Xian's point of view, Ozil has worked very hard. Everyone's physique is different. Look at Modric's body, it is difficult to suffer in confrontation. Let him face the male god who is still a crane. Who knows who? What a disadvantage, who do you think you should reason with?

If you talk about Messi again, it will be even more speechless. Pulling, shoveling, and rooting of old trees may not be able to stop the current M19!

So he still patted his head to comfort his midfield brain, turned around and ruthlessly kicked Big Eye out of the starting lineup.

Ozil is taken!

The authority of the two devils, Pintus and Gaudino, is established!

Li Xian borrowed from Ferguson in training young players. He doesn't like Wenger's "quick success and instant benefit", so the lineup for this week's rehearsal is 442, and Solano and Nzobia can finally play!

This is also the most commonly used tactic in the Souness era, so the players are also very skilled.

Javier Mascherano, who was on the bench with Özil in this game, also played well. Modric got the chance to start, which made him feel relieved and decided to work harder in this game!

Li Xian observed the favorability of Ozil and Mascherano, and found that he is still very useful for Ozil's smooth hair. 5 points, the corresponding Nzobia and Solano have improved.

This is the importance of arranging the starting roster reasonably!

If players cannot be allowed to start, whether they are playing FM Football Manager or the FIFA series of games, or in reality, the players will be somewhat dissatisfied deep in their hearts.

If the number of times is too high, they have to think for themselves, or "think about their own future" under the instigation of their agents.

Li Xian's thoughts have not changed. On February 2, Li Xian ushered in his first home game day after taking over the Magpies!

This time, his opponent is Portsmouth led by the old Drake Knapp!This has also become one of the highlights of this round of competition.

Lao Lei actually took over Portsmouth in 02 and brought it to the Premier League.

In the three years after being promoted to the Premier League, Portsmouth's results were 3th, 13th and 16th respectively. Lao Lei finally fell out with the then club chairman Mandalic and then left Portsmouth.

But just last month, Portsmouth was also acquired. Israeli owner Gedmark acquired Portsmouth and invited Lao Lei back.

After Lao Lei returned to the coach, he also strengthened the team. He bought Benjani, Sean Davis, Routledge, Portuguese midfielder Mendes, and French left back Parmalot. .

In the last round of the league, Lao Lei led Portsmouth to a 1:1 draw with Bolton. In order to consolidate his coaching position, Lao Lei obviously also wanted to take 3 points from St. James' Park!

However, looking at past resumes, it is impossible to evaluate Lao Lei's coaching ability, because Li Xian remembers very clearly that Lao Lei defeated Manchester United in the quarter-finals of the FA Cup in the 0708-[-] season, and finally reached the final. FA Cup!

This made Li Xian a little worried, because if it hadn't been for the "upset" loss to Lao Lei at that time, Manchester United would have been able to reproduce the glory of 99 and win the Triple Crown that season!

Therefore, not only will Li Xian not underestimate Portsmouth, but he also implements the chairman's spirit and pays attention to opponents tactically!

Of course, the home game is different. Not only the two "children" of Li Xian's family are excited about it, but the fans in the whole city seem to be mobilized!

Newcastle is a team that can be basically full even after relegation!Li Xian remembers that after they returned to the Premier League in 17, the fans ignited all their enthusiasm. The total attendance record of that season even exceeded 120 million!

In order to prepare for the game, Li Xian handed over the work of receiving CCTV staff to Duke, but when the players were about to warm up, Duke entered the locker room with two oriental faces and applied for filming.

Li Xian looked at the camera, then at the players' naked but unconcerned appearance, and agreed without hesitation.

He even regretted that Irving was not here today, this is our team grass!

Oh, the Magic Flute is our team flower, feel free to shoot!Not cute, not soft, not selling you Amway!

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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