Doctor Clairvoyant

Chapter 9 - The Ex-Girlfriend

Chapter 9: The Ex-Girlfriend

Translator: Wu Xinyu Gu Chaoxun

Proofread by May Zou


Lin Qi had already seen through his mammonish ex-girlfriend now. It was told that the society was a big dyeing vat. When Li Wanyun was in the countryside, she was actually a quite graceful girl, but now in the dyeing vat of the society she was rotten to the core.

“I’m here looking for my head teacher.” Lin Qi flatly responded.

“What? Your have finished your internship?” Li Wanyun was surprised.

The internship report should be endorsed by the attending physician and stamped with his seal. However, Lin Qi didn’t have any relations, and he had just worked in the hospital for a few days, how could he already finish his internship?

While Zhou Qi looked at Lin Qi aside, laughed scornfully and said, “Who I wondered is there? So it’s Security Lin in Jinhai Hospital.”

He emphasized the word “security”, which attracted sidelong glances from other students.

This was a medical university, and all students who went to other hospitals were to work as interns, and why did he become a security guard?

Unless he had made a serious mistake, and whoever made a mistake during his internship, he would definitely be disqualified to pass the approval of the attending physician.

“So it’s you, Master Zhou Qi, my pleasure to meet you.” Lin Qi said impassively.

This Master Zhou Qi had a domineering and arrogant personality. Depending on his powerful and influential family, he tyrannized in the school and bullied the weak, even teachers had to be on the watch for his changing mood.

“Well, so you finish your internship by working as a security for a few days?” Zhou Qi looked at him with contempt.

Li Wanyun suddenly became aware, “Oh, I see. You come here to ask the head teacher to change an internship hospital because you cannot stay there any longer. What should I say, how could a guy as poor as you find any relations to have a seal of approval on your report, but to be swept out like rubbish?”

“Wanyun, don’t say such harsh words. What if he takes this too hard and wants to commit suicide?” Zhou Qi sneered, “A person like him even hasn’t been to an upscale place as the Taste Pavilion, and never has a chance to drive a luxury car, what else can he do?”

Although Lin Qi followed the motto “medical practitioners should be broad-minded” after being imparted the inheritance, he couldn’t help feeling annoyed under such circumstances.

He couldn’t understand why Lin Wanyun had such a grievance that she would join Zhou Qiin ridiculing him.

Lin Qi came up with a story: A boy said to his girlfriend, “I had five yuan and I would spend all of it for you. But someone else gave you twenty yuan, then you left me behind and went with him, without knowing the fact that he actually had one hundred yuan”.

It could be said that Lin Qi was the former. It was true that he wasn’t rich at all, but he was willing to give all he possessed to his beloved.

But what came next from Li Wanyun made him almost go ballistic.

“Why are you, a bastard who didn’t know who his parents were, still staying here to make a fool of yourself?” Li Wan-yun said mercilessly.

“Do you feel wronged to be with me?” Lin Qi hadn’t expected that she would even mention about such things. He completely gave up on her at this moment.

“He-he, how do you think of it? Do you think you can give me what Master Qi can offer?” Li Wanyun snorted, and deliberately seized Zhou Qi’s arm tightly, posturing.

Lin Qi only felt sick, “Then be with him for a good time and lick his toes!”

After saying this, Lin Qi silently turned away and walked into the auditorium.

“You!” Li Wanyun’s face turned purple. Being around Zhou Qi, she was indeed an ass-kisser, but she didn’t expect that Lin Qi would expose her in public. She pulled Zhou Qi with grievance, “Look, he is stepping on me. Master Qi! You must back me up.”

“Go to the auditorium with me! Now the headteacher is my follower. I can try every trick in the book to give him a hard time!” Zhou Qi wore a sullen look and dragged Li Wanyun into the auditorium.

Lin Qi’s head teacher was surnamed Wang. He was a fat middle-aged man with a bulky head and a bulging belly. It was said that he had made a lot of personal fortunes since coming to Jinhai University and had sexually harassed female students by using unspoken rules.

“Mr. Wang, I would like to go to another hospital for my internship.” Lin Qi remembered that the students could apply for another hospital during the internship in their university with the approval of the head teacher.

The head teacher looked up at Lin Qi and lay back in the chair, saying with contempt, “Lin Qi, I remember…is it time to pay your dormitory fee?”

“Isn’t there another month before paying that?” Lin Qi said, “My family is facing special problems. The university and I have reached an agreement that I could pay it the next month.”

Lin Qi had only paid the dormitory fee for half of the semester. Originally, his grandfather had remitted money to his credit card, but so far Lin Qi hadn’t used the money yet. He was living and studying entirely on a work-study basis and scholarship.

“Next month…, OK, I’ll call other hospitals…” The head teacher had to take out his phone to make a call, because arranging internships for students was also one of his duties.

Just at this time, Zhou Qi and Li Wanyun walked in. Having heard their conversation, Zhou Qi couldn’t help laughing, “Didn’t you have the backbone to be against me a moment ago? What’s up, someone hasn’t paid his dormitory fee yet. May I help you with that?”

Li Wanyun seemed to find a chance to strike back and yelled, “Master Qi has enough money. It’s certainly out of question for him to pay your dormitory fee. As long as you’re willing to kneel down and say ‘I was wrong’ for three times, the money is yours.”

The harsh voices of the two resounded throughout the auditorium, like the sound out of a tweeter.

Many students aside also got some inkling and began to whisper.

“Did you hear about it? Lin Qi’s girlfriend was stolen by Zhou Qi.”

“No wonder Zhou Qi is in such resentment, he must be feeling out of sorts now, thinking that his present girlfriend once had a relationship with a poor guy.”

“Isn’t it? Lin Qi has neither money nor connections. The head teacher happens to be a relative of Zhou Qi’s. I’m afraid Lin Qi is going to be knocked into a cocked hat by their humiliation.”

Lin Qi did very well in the university and won scholarships every year. Other students paid a lot attention to him.

The discussion around made the head teachers tunned for a while. Seeing Zhou Qi winking at him, he seemed to know what to do.

“Lin Qi, it occurred to me that there are no hospital internships available recently.” The head teacher directly hung up and said with a straight face.

Lin Qi frowned and said, “Mr. Wang, you haven’t got through yet, have you?”

“That’s what I said, OK?!” The head teacher said with a tough attitude, “Besides, didn’t the school arrange a hospital for you? Are you the one to decide whether you can change or not?”

“Isn’t it the school’s regulation that we can change the hospital once?” Lin Qi observed what had happened and made sense of the fact more or less that the head teacher must have very good relations with Zhou Qi.

“Humph, now the regulation has been changed!”

“When did it happen?”

“Right now and at present. OK?” The head teacher said in a cold voice, “I’ll give you two choices. Either you hand in the internship report or certification, or you leave at once.”

Yesterday Senior Long suddenly chose to retreat and live in seclusion, so the internship report and certification he had promised to grant naturally came to naught.

So Lin Qi had no second choice but to leave now, and without a second training hospital, Lin Qi couldn’t complete the internship, which meant he couldn’t graduate from the university.

Seeing this, Zhou Qi couldn’t help laughing, “Oh-oh, you can really no longer survive. You wanna change a hospital? I can recommend one to you. Do you need my help?”

“Piss off. With such a damn head teacher, it doesn’t matter whether I can graduate from the university or not.” Lin Qi hadn’t expect that the head teacher and Zhou Qi were birds of a feather who did nothing but leave no stone unturned to embarrass him.


“How dare you disrespect the teacher, Lin Qi?” Immediately Zhou Qi showed a sinister look and incited, “Mr. Wang, he is scolding you.”

The head teacher turned purple in the face in just a minute, “Freeze! Lin Qi. Today I must teach you a lesson so that you can learn how to respect the teachers!”

With this, Dean Wang leaped forward to grab Lin Qi by the arm.

Lin Qi raised his eyebrows. Since the head teacher deliberately targeted at him, he didn’t have to be polite either. Did they really considered him as a soft persimmon (a pushover) to be bullied?

As for the consequences of giving this Wang something a beating, Lin Qi would not care about it at all at the moment. Now he had been given the inheritance of all these medical secrets, even if he was expelled from the university, at least he would not starve to death with all his medical skills.

“Stop that!”

At this point in time, a rather stately shout rang out, and everyone in the auditorium could see a middle-aged man dressed in style slowly entered.

“It’s Su Tian-lei of Su Group!”

Lots of students exclaimed upon seeing the man.

“Who’s Su Tian-lei?”

“You don’t even know about him? Su Group is one of the top three financial groups in Jinhai city. And Su Tian-lei is the leader of the group and family. He is also the honorary chancellor of our university.”

“Oh, I remember. I saw him on TV the day before yesterday. What’s he doing here?”

With several medical companies under the group, Su Tian-lei was usually very busy with daily work. Now he suddenly visited the university, perhaps for talent recruitment.

Thinking of this, many students became excited with their eyes shining. If they could get the opportunity to enter Su Group, they would certainly have a promising future.

But Su Tian-lei glanced briefly at them and directly walked up to Lin Qi. His face brightened up with great joy and he excitedly gripped Lin Qi’s hands and said, “Lin Qi, there you are. What a hard time I had to find you!”

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