Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 37 - Cry for Help

Chapter 37: Cry for Help

Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

On this night, there were those who rejoiced and those who fretted. There were people who sang and danced, and there was also someone who was hugging and crying for a dear friend with a diminishing lifeline.

The wind was blowing cold and strong, and dark, menacing clouds could be seen gathering on the horizon, so much so that no stars could be observed.

There was a major car accident on the road in the central street of Fu’an District of Ning City.

The driver of a hunchback had fled after running over a young woman.

At this moment, many people had gathered around where the accident had occurred.

They were sizing up the two girls on the ground.

One was hugging and clinging to the other. By this time, the white frock that the girl who was unharmed in this accident was wearing had been stained glaringly red with blood.

“Ding Baoyi… Ding Baoyi, don’t you die on me! Don’t die, you hear me?!”

She was holding to her completely.

She could feel the sharp and excruciating pain, as if she was the one who was hurt. She tried to stop the bleeding from her chest but could not cover the gaping hole no matter how she tried.

Her palms were warm and moist.

Her clear eyes spoke of helplessness and panic as she surveyed the people crowding around her.

“Ambulance… Did anyone call for an ambulance?”

“We’ve called, but there was another accident ahead of the road as well and the traffic is congested right now. We can’t tell how long the ambulance will take to arrive!”


Woo . She let out a cry of horror. Cold sweat slowly dripped from her face down to the ground. Right now, she was an anxious kid who was terrified of losing a friend.

“Then, what should I do? Can anyone here help her?! Please save her!”

Everyone looked at one another.

Nobody wanted to see a young, vibrant life passing. But, alas—

“Only a doctor can save her now, and we aren’t one…”


That’s right, that’s right!

A doctor!

With her shaking hand, she took out her phone from her pocket and called Jiang Beiyuan.

As her fingers were chattering in fear, she forced herself to take a deep breath and punched in his numbers on the numbering pad.

The call went through within three seconds.


“Jiang Beiyuan, Jiang Beiyuan…”

She started to sob, her face streaked with tears and her throat choked.

Hearing her desperate wailing, the man on the other end became anxious, though he tried his best to stay calm. “What happened?”

“Ding Baoyi… she, she got into an accident… losing a lot of blood… a lot… what should I do? Traffic is congested right now… The ambulance cannot get… here…”

Her trembling voice finally managed to narrate the situation to him intermittently.

He could imagine how fearful and helpless she was right now.

Compared to her panicky behavior, his voice was steady and stable, where every utterance was an assurance to her. “Location, tell me now.”

“Central street… slightly to the left… main road…”

“Alright, got it. I’ll be there within three minutes! Don’t panic. For now, place her flat on the road and inspect her wounds. Tell me about her injuries over the phone now.”

As he clutched his phone in one hand, the other was busy opening the car door to pick up the medical kit inside. He then took off toward the direction of central street in big strides.

It was too coincidental, to say the least. First, he happened not to have any surgeries scheduled tonight. As he drove past the mall, he decided to stop by to look for a present for her since her birthday was approaching.

Although the lass was rather heartless toward him, treating him as just a “friend with benefits”, he would hold only overnight grudges toward her. He might seem pissed with her at first, but that would blow over the next day.

And then, he happened to catch her with her bestie at the cinema hall after.

The two young women were agitatedly telling off a man.

That man must have been Ding Baoyi’s boyfriend.

With much interest, he’d mingled with the crowd to watch her reprimanding the man until he heard her murmuring something like “Jiang Beiyuan isn’t any better. Apart from being handsome, there’s nothing good about him!”

What the hell.

After marrying her, he did not ask her to perform any household chores other than cooking, which she did so willingly. That isn’t counted, then.

He indulged and cared for her. He also secretly pulled clients for her business. She was the apple of his eye. Was this not enough?

Angered, he’d turned to leave.

After all, he could do nothing about this. There was no point rushing to reason with her. “Hey, in what way did I not treat you well?”

An aloof doctor could not do something like this.

After going once around the mall, he could not find anything suitable as a present. Just as he was about to drive off, he received her call for help.

This is fate.

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