Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 39 - A Spectacular Sight

Chapter 39: A Spectacular Sight

Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

“Okay, anything you say.”

She parted her lips to take in a deep breath.

Stay calm. I have to stay calm.

Even though she did not have any medical knowledge, she was now the closest person to Jiang Beiyuan who could save her friend. If she could not compose herself right now, she would affect him indirectly.

No longer looking at her, the man cast his eyes on the victim with deep concentration.

Right now, there was only the doctor with his patient.



“#4 suture, on the right.”


“Round needle, slope on the upper corner.”


She dared not tarry.

His long, slender fingers moved fast and steady, performing the operation with slightly bent knuckles.

The two of them worked with a tacit understanding. One single expression from him, a simple action, or two to three simple words were sufficient for her to know what he wanted.

She had never been so calm and steady before. The crowd and the noise seemed to diminish from her vision and consciousness.

In her eyes, there was only the man before her right now.

His side profile was prominent and distinguished, complete with a sharp angle and a perfect arc between the jawline and his thin lips. Although his face was not wearing any expression, somehow, she had this impression of him…

There was light where he was.


They encountered an issue halfway through the operation.

Ding Baoyi had lost too much blood. As this was no hospital, there was no blood bank for blood replacement.

Furrowing his brows slightly, his captivating razor-sharp tone cut through the air. “What is her blood type?”

It was a question directed at her. She quickly replied, “Type A, she’s a Type A.”

“She has lost too much blood. We need to transfer blood for her.”


“… Yes.”

“I’m Type A!”

She raised her arm toward his face without hesitation.

“Quick… take my blood. Quick! Save her!”

He glanced at her.

Her wrist was fair, and it was so clear that he could see the cyan-colored capillaries running up the arm. They were small and tiny, looking ready to break any time.

“I’m afraid you alone aren’t sufficient.”

“I’m Type A, too!”

“Me, too!”

“I’m Type O, it should do, right?!”

Within the crowd gathering around them, those with Type A and Type O blood types all came forward willingly to donate their blood.

It was a spectacular scene.

In the middle of the spacious road, choked with traffic congestion, there was a large group of people with a blood transfusion line visibly extending to two meters.

There was the heroic Dr. Jiang, saving a life; a loyal friend, Yan Nian; and a self-sacrificing group of citizens donating their blood. All were doing their best to… help a dying girl.

In a heavily congested road, and without any surgical equipment, everyone listened and followed the doctor’s instructions to donate blood in an orderly manner.

On this night in the month of June, flowers were blooming in Ning City, accompanied by a refreshingly cool summer breeze.

The glorious moonbeam shone brightly tonight, which added a crown to this bunch of brave warriors.


There was a loud sound of a screeching brake that cut through this beautiful and magnificent landscape.

Xu Kuangjie had rushed over in his motorcycle. Chucking his helmet aside, he took in a few deep breaths.

D*mn, wearing this hot and heavy stuff on a burning summer night almost cost me my life!

His gaze turned to Jiang Beiyuan.

“Get her on the bike!”


Jiang Beiyuan had instructed Yan Nian to make a call to his buddy. With the heavy traffic on the road right now, it was unclear when the ambulance would arrive. He had performed only a minor surgery on her as a stop-gap measure. The crux was to rush her to the hospital, still.

Together, the passersby helped to lift the patient onto the motorbike and used a rope to bind her to his back.

The driver stepped on the accelerator, which gave a loud vroom sound. The motorbike shot off like an arrow and quickly disappeared from their vision field.

“Hold tight!” he roared to the woman behind while glancing to the side.

“I’m gonna speed up!”

The woman behind him lay unconscious yet stuck close to his back obediently.

Giving a snort, he murmured to himself, “This d*mn lass, I was forgiving enough when you hit my head with a basketball in high school. In the end, didn’t you still have to wait for me to save you at the most critical moment?”

Alas, the lady could not hear his grumbling.

But at least they reached the hospital, finally.

After releasing the rope, he carried the wounded woman and ran into the medical facility…

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