Doctor Player

Chapter 150

Doctor Player Chapter 150

‘It was entirely because of Duke Rife that Prince Seitil was considered a candidate for the throne. Now that the string is off, it's a poor life.'

Even Seytil was attacked by a monster while plotting a wicked plot to harm Raymond and suffered a severe wound on her arm.

At that time, he was stubborn and did not receive Raymond's treatment, so he had great aftereffects and could not even hold the sword properly.

It is completely ruined.

Now Seytil has become a powerless, reckless prince who no one follows.

‘By the way, what will become of Baron Penin's status from now on?'

Of course, Duke Leif did not endorse Raymond as a candidate for the throne.

In the first place, Raymond had no right to succeed to the throne.

However, it was clear that Duke Leif strongly supported Raymond in one way or another.

In addition, Raymond is a war hero and has received absolute support from soldiers.

In other words, the military was left behind.

‘… … I'm no longer going to ignore you as an illegitimate child. Isn't this enough to rival the forces that followed Her Majesty Seytil in the past?'

Of course, that did not mean that the forces supporting Raymond surpassed the 2nd Prince Cairn or the 3rd Prince Lemerton.

As strong candidates for the throne, they are supported by far more people.

But even as two princes, Raymond could no longer be ignored.

Raymond's presence now became a clear ‘threat' to both princes.

‘If Baron Pennin is officially recognized as royalty... … .'

Some nobles gulped.

Then a great storm will come.

In particular, such a threat approached the 3rd Prince Lemerton even more.

This is because he was originally a second-in-command, relatively behind the second prince, and he was cornered by a terrible mistake during this war.

More than anything, the fatal thing is that I started to have a lot of doubt about my qualifications because of this mistake.

‘Damn it.'

Remerton bit his lip.

“Brother, you can't leave Raymond like this. The root of the fire must be removed beforehand.”

Being cornered made him even more nervous.

It felt like if I left Raymond alone like this, he would be grabbed by the scruff of his neck.

On the other hand, the second prince, Cairn, was still at ease.

Rather, it provoked Lemerton.

“Well, what do you do right now with your wonderful younger brother who has made a great achievement?”

“older brother.”

“Anyway, my priorities have changed. Now I have to care more about my dog than about you.”

“… … I beg your pardon?”

Remerton's face hardened.

Cairn smiled.

“Because our poop puppy seems to be much better than you Lemerton. Don’t you think the nickname genius suits my dog much more than you, who is a fool?”

“older brother!”

Remerton got up from his seat, his face red.

Cairn's subordinate, who watched the conversation between the two, spoke cautiously.

“Why did you say that to His Highness Lemerton?”

“Because I sincerely think so.”

Cairn replied.

“Because our puppy has grown so wonderfully.”

A smile crept across his lips.

It was a cold smile.

“Now is the time to step on it.”

* * *

After that, the two countries signed a formal armistice agreement.

The details of the agreement were met and discussed by working-level workers, and this was the most important point.

[The Kingdom of Drowton acknowledged its responsibility for the war and ceded the province of Rafal to the Kingdom of Houston.] [

The two countries ceased hostilities thereafter and made every effort for peace.] frёewebnoѵel.ƈo๓

In the latter case, a phrase that is usually included in an armistice agreement But this time it was somewhat different.

It was because of the strong will of King Michael III.

‘Like Master said, both countries must work for peace. That is the way to reduce the needless waste of national power and promote prosperity for both countries.'


I mean Raymond.

It was Raymond who suddenly (?) became the spiritual support and teacher of Machapel III.

The Armistice Agreement was concluded without much disturbance, but there was one problem.

It was the death of Archduke Berard.

Raymond asked in surprise while imagining eating beef.

“Did you die in prison?”

“Your brother. It is said that he died of a sudden collapse in the middle of the night.”

sudden collapse. It means heart attack.

Rao replied.

“It looks like you have been punished.”

But Raymond frowned.

‘All of a sudden?'

“Are there any traces of the murder?”

“There is none at all. It is said that when the guards fell asleep for a while, they suffered a sudden collapse and died clutching their hearts.”

Raymond felt uneasy.

‘I'm sure he didn't use poison, right?'

There was reason to think so.

It was because of the tricks that Archduke Berard had used so far. fɾēewebnσveℓ.com

Archduke Berard played tricks using various disease poisons.

Could those tricks have something to do with the death of Archduke Berard?

‘An autopsy would give us a little more accurate idea. I can't check.'

After the death of Archduke Berard, the corpse was transported to the capital, but the angry people rushed to the body, shattered it and burned it. Even if you die, you will be punished.

So there was no way to check further.

‘I was trying to find out how they found out about those tricks through interrogation.'

Actually, I asked when I was first captured, but I couldn't get an answer because Grand Duke Berard showed a very hostile reaction.

So I tried to find out later through interrogation, but there was no way to hear the answer.

The only clue left is this.

‘At the last moment, Archduke Berard used the word ‘them'.'

When taken prisoner after the final battle, Archduke Berard uttered gibberish as if half insane.

At that time, the word ‘them' came out of the mouth of Archduke Berard.

‘Who helped Archduke Berard?'

Raymond shook his head.

‘I told the Marquis of Dulac, so he'll figure it out on his own. Ugh, let's not get entangled any more, let's get out of here.'

Archduke Berard's area of activity was the Droton Kingdom. So, it was up to the people of the Drowton Kingdom to dig up his belly in case there was a chance.

It's such an excellent durak, so I'll do a great job digging into the back.

Above all, the timid Raymond did not want to be deeply involved in such heinous affairs.

To think that the vicious Grand Duke Berard might have a back stomach. Just imagining it was scary.

‘The high-ranking people should take care of these things, and I should be faithful to my duty as a healer.'

Originally, each person had their own area.

He is a therapist.

It wasn't his domain to figure out conspiracies or anything like that.

It was overwhelming just to become the best healer on the continent and strive to enjoy the greatest wealth and glory.

‘Let's go home and eat beef first!'

* * *

After that, Raymond returned to the capital.

After receiving enthusiastic cheers from the people of the capital once again, we arrived at the mansion of our dreams.

‘Finally home! It's a beef party right now!'

Raymond made a thrilling face.

“Get the Hanson Beef. The part is mainly sirloin. Buy plenty of safe and special parts. Oh, don’t buy vegetables.”

“all right!”

“Why are you skipping vegetables?”

“I like vegetables!”

Christine and Linden huffed, but Hanson shook his head solemnly.

“You don’t know what. The Master deliberately holds a beef party to boost our immunity weakened by the war. Of course, if you don't have vegetables, you'll be a little thirsty, but it's better to bear with the Master's sincerity for our immunity.”

“… … .”

Christine kept her mouth shut.

‘Is that real?'

She has absolute trust in Raymond, but sometimes has doubts when it comes to beef.

‘I hate Hanssen-senpai heeing.'

Linden felt the same way, but he couldn't even say anything because he was afraid of ‘Instructor Hell' Hanson. He feared Hanson the most in the world.

Then Elmud asked.

“Will Sir Hanson beef help the knight’s courage?”

“of course. The master said that the beef was perfect, so it will definitely help.”

“Then I will only eat beef without vegetables!”

Elmude vowed to eat beef every day from now on.

However, the beef party was canceled for an unexpected reason, and patients from all over the town flocked to the news that Raymond had returned.

“I waited for you, Healer!”

“Heal my son, my prince!”

“I received a heal, but it didn’t work… … ! I waited until my throat fell off!”

During the war, the Penin Clinic was closed.

So, the people of the capital were eagerly waiting for Raymond to return.

‘uh? Should we have a beef party? Did I wait for today?'

Raymond wept.

I went through all sorts of hardships and waited for the day to eat beef, but patients came in droves.

But I couldn't even close the door.

Because he had been away for so long, he saw several patients in serious condition.

‘I can't help it. A beef party has to be done after treating an urgent patient first.'

The treatment that started like that continued for several days.

I barely caught my breath, but another important thing happened.

The ‘medics' came.

During the war, Raymond taught low-level healers basic medical skills and used them as medics.

After the war ended, the healing corps was disbanded, and a significant number of scattered medics came to Raymond.

“You want to follow me in the future?”

“Yes, I want to serve Raymond as our master!”

The healers knelt in front of Raymond like knights pledging their allegiance.

That number reached 30!

Most of those who were medics came.

“I was moved by the prince’s heart for patients! We want to live a life for patients like the prince!”

“Please allow me!”

Raymond was troubled by an unexpected situation.

‘It's something I'm grateful for. There are too many.'

Including the existing disciples, the number approaches 40.

‘Of course, more people will be needed in the future, but how can I feed that many healers?'

Raymond faced a real problem.

Healers are valuable resources.

Even low-level healers are expensive.

There was no money to feed 40 healers.

‘Above all, I don't know if they're trustworthy.'

I came to live for the patient, but well.

There were many who seemed full of greed.

The greed to learn medicine and make a fortune!

‘Of course, asking for money isn't something to be pointed at. I like money too.'

Still, it becomes a problem when money takes precedence over patients.

Such a person inevitably becomes a healer who harms the patient.

Just like Baron Canton of the previous Maple Healing Center did.

Raymond did not want to raise a healer who harmed patients with his own hands.

‘Especially medicine is a treatment with side effects. Improper use can cause fatal harm to the patient. You have to be careful about accepting disciples.'

Then Hanson stepped out.

“Master, leave this matter to me.”


“It’s been a while, everyone. How have you all been? I am Hanson, the first apprentice of the Pennin Healing Center.”

“Ha Hanson?”

Is it an illusion?

As Hanson stepped forward, the low-level healers' faces seemed tense.

Rather, much more than when dealing with Raymond!

Hanson asked in a heavy voice.

“Did you say you came to live a life for patients?”

“… … .”

“Please answer me. Did you really come to the Master to live a life for the patient?”

“That’s right.”

Hanson frowned at the low-level healers' answers.

“The path for the sake of patients is the path of perseverance. It's painful and sometimes you have to sacrifice yourself. Compared to the bloody road that the knights walk, that roughness is by no means inferior! Are you ready to walk the thorny road with the Master?”

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