Doctor Player

Chapter 159

Doctor Player Chapter 159

Special Envoy.

Its official name was ‘Disaster Commissioner'.

It means a person who has been entrusted with the king's authority to deal with disasters.

It was not a name that was created this time, but a position that was originally in the Crusader Empire.

‘This position is dispatched by the king in case of a major disaster that local lords cannot solve on their own, such as earthquakes or serious floods.'

In any case, it was a position worthy of Raymond.

Because this was the job that needed his skills the most.

As a healer, his ability will show its true value.

‘I will definitely succeed and become a feudal lord!'

Raymond's heart swelled as he imagined a rosy future.

The feudal lord is literally the highest seat right under the king!

Standing on top of the unlucky aristocrats who have ignored him so far, as well as enjoying tremendous honor and wealth.

He could also use his power to do things for patients, so it couldn't be better.

‘Wait, seat of the feudal lord! This Raymond goes!'

Raymond shouted his dream of becoming a prince with eyes swirling with a snobbish mind and a heart for patients at the same time.

My heart was pounding at such a golden future, but there was only one thing I regretted.

The point was that he had to leave the capital since he had become a special envoy.

The people of the capital city were also very sorry.

“I haven't been back in a while, but you're already leaving.”

“It’s too bad.”

Raymond felt the same way.

‘If you think about it, this Pennin Healing Center is like my hometown as a healer, but I can't stay there.'

But it was unavoidable.

Because his body was one.

‘Even if the special envoy is over, if I become a prince, I'll have to stay in the Rafalde region for a while.'

Of course, just because you become a lord, you won't be confined there.

Because he was a healer.

He was meant to be where the patients needed him.

‘You just have to clean the foundation well at first. After that, I will have a trustworthy representative and go back and forth between the estate and the treatment center to treat patients.'

The same thing was done by many other feudal lords.

Because there are many feudal lords who go back and forth between the territory and the capital and do other things such as political activities.

‘More than anything else, I'm a healer before a feudal lord.'

Isn't it successful enough just to become a feudal lord?


Raymond was still thirsty.

‘The feudal lord is only an intermediate step in my journey. My real goal is to become the best healer on the continent.'

prince of a province.

And the best healer who commands the continent.

Which of the two can be said to be more successful?

There was nothing to ask.

It was the latter.

Raymond, more than anyone ever lived, wanted to live a life of complete success.

‘The power that the continent's best healer enjoys is more than that of a feudal lord.'

If you think of one of the best healers on the current continent, ‘Saint of Radiance', you know.

His prestige is by no means inferior to that of a single prince.

no, rather higher. frёewebηovel.cѳm

A feudal lord is at most the power of a province or kingdom, but the power enjoyed by the saint of brilliance was an 'empire' unit and a ‘continent' unit.

It's like that in terms of power, but in terms of honor and wealth?

can't even compare Not to mention the honor, the wealth and glory he enjoys would not be insufficient to call him the best on the continent.

Of course, that is a dream of the distant, distant future.

Now was the time to do the work in front of us.

To successfully stabilize the Rafalde province.

That was what he had to do now.

“Go carefully!”

“Please don't forget us, Prince!”

“I look forward to seeing you back!”

“Long live Raymond!”

“Majesty Raymond!”

Receiving enthusiastic cheers from the people of the capital, Raymond departed for the Lafalde region.

* * *

When Raymond left, there were people who looked the opposite way from the people.

they were princes

“What are you going to do?”

Remerton bit his lip.

“The reason Obama said that much means that he has Raymond in mind as the heir to the throne. Are you going to stay like this?”

“If not? Should I make a fuss because my dog is scared?”

“older brother! This is not the time to be so easygoing!”

cried Lemerton.

“Has Obama ever supported any of us in this way? doesn't exist! At this rate, the throne could fall into Raymond's hands!”


In the end, the will of King Oden has the greatest effect on determining the next throne.

If Auden was determined and pushed Raymond, the throne could return to him.

‘Abama may already be thinking of Raymond in her mind.'

Lemerton even had that idea.

He wondered if Raymond would be given the title of count this time as an intermediary operation to place him, an illegitimate son, on the throne.

It may be an overestimation, but Lemerton was frantic enough to suspect such a thing.

However, Cairn always had a relaxed attitude.

“That doesn’t happen.”

“older brother! First of all, we have to work together to crush Raymond... … !”

“Tsk. Noisily. If you're so afraid of dogs, you're going to do it on your own. I am not interested.”

Remerton rose from his seat, his face red.

“All right. I can't help it if you keep ignoring me like that. Raymond, I'll take care of it myself. Don't regret it later.”

The door slams! It closed with a noise.

Cairn blew a whistle.

“You’re very angry.”

At that time, the subordinate next to him spoke cautiously.

“With all due respect, I think Her Highness Remerton is right this time. We must trample on that illegitimate son before the momentum rises.”

“are you okay.”


“It’s fine.”

“… … !”

Cairn stared at his subordinate.

It was the moment when the subordinate swallowed his saliva at the sight of Cairn's unique strange madness in his eyes.

Cairn spoke again.

“are you okay. Because he will be thoroughly ruined in the Lafalde region.”

A voice that tells the truth that will definitely happen beyond certainty.

He raised the corner of his mouth.

“Then you can trample on him.”

* * *

Coming out of Cairn's room, Remerton gritted his teeth.

He was feeling a great sense of danger right now.

‘You can't leave Raymond alone. I have to trample it while I can trample it now.'

Originally, Lemerton always presented a calm and gentle appearance.

However, as he was cornered, his ugly nature gradually came out.

‘It will be absolutely impossible for you, Raymond, to stabilize the Rafalde region. I won't let this Remerton do that.'

Lemerton thought it was his first priority to prevent Raymond from becoming a prince.

Even if King Auden secretly appointed Raymond as the successor to the throne, if Raymond failed to become a feudal lord, then that was the end.

It would be absurd to place someone who couldn't even do this on the throne. Even an illegitimate child.

‘Let's see.'

So Lemerton began plotting an ugly ploy.

* * *

Raymond's party entered the Lapalde region.

and after some time

We arrived at the hill where you can see Ruin Castle.

First of all, as a disaster commissioner, he decided to restore Ruin Castle, the capital city, first.

‘Is this the Ruin estate that I was promised to receive?'

Raymond's heart skipped a beat.

‘It's much bigger than I thought.'

He had never been to Ruin Castle during the war.

It was because it was not the middle army that Raymond was in that attacked Ruin Castle, but a different branch of troops.

So Raymond saw Ruin Castle for the first time today.

It was incredibly wide and big.

“As expected, it is the best city in the Lafalde region. The population in that castle alone would be close to 70,000.”

It was Lao.

For reference, Rao chose the La Falde region as his new post. It was to help Raymond as an administrator representing the king's will.

Rao also knew very well that being with Raymond would be much better for him.

‘My older brother is currently the center of the Houston Kingdom. There will be more opportunities to make new achievements by being with my older brother than looking at old papers in the capital city.'

Lao thought to himself.

“… … Seventy thousand?”

“If you add up the surrounding population of the territory outside your castle, it is much more.”

Raymond's mind went blank.

It didn't feel real.

‘If I became a lord, would I be able to lead so many people?'

He is shy by birth.

I was only dreaming of a rosy future, but when the reality unfolded before my eyes, I became nervous.

“Then come in.”


The old drawbridge came down and Raymond entered the castle.


“… … !”

face hardened.

It was an unexpectedly horrific sight.

‘This… … .'

Houses burned and collapsed here and there.

People with stern faces.

They were traces of the ravages of war.

The war-wounded people looked at Raymond's group, who had just entered, with wary faces.

“Who is it?”

“The new ruler of Houston Kingdom?”

Hostility and wariness rose on the faces of the people.

Because from their point of view, the new ruler was a conqueror.

But one of the people uttered a cry of astonishment.

“no way? Is that Mr. Raymond, the light of the Houston Kingdom?”

“what? really?”

“that's right! That graceful look! It is the light of the Houston kingdom army!”

The people were agitated.

A completely different atmosphere flowed among the people.

Raymond's name was famous even among the people of Drowton!

“The hero of Houston Kingdom who drove out the devil Berard and saved His Highness?”

“There is even a story that His Highness the King gave him a plaque of appreciation in his own handwriting!”

In line with those words, a message came to mind.

[The effect of the item ‘King Drowton's Handwritten Appreciation Plaque' is manifested!]

[The favor of the Drowton people toward the holder of the plaque increases!]

A people asked Raymond with a trembling voice.

“Ho, by any chance, are you the lord who will rule over us?”

Raymond shook his head.

I was nervous because it was my first time facing the people, but fortunately my skills were manifested.

[I want to help those suffering the ravages of war!]

[The skill ‘Heart of Steel' is activated!]

[The skill ‘Charisma of the Doctor' is activated!]

“No, I am not a lord.”

“ah… … !”

I was promised this Ruin estate, but I didn't receive it. So he wasn't a lord yet.

The moment the locals are disappointed.

Raymond continued.

“I am His Highness the King's Special Disaster Commissioner.”

“… … !”

“I am here to help you.”

The eyes of the people who heard those words shook.

special envoy. Disaster Commissioner.

They didn't know what exactly that position meant, but they did know one thing.

That Raymond, the light of the Houston Kingdom, came for them.

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