Doctor Player

Chapter 173

Doctor Player Chapter 173

‘Is this my limit?'

Raymond bit his lip in helplessness.

Doctors are not gods.

Even on the modern earth, the home of medicine, there are many diseases that cannot be identified.

The best of medicine is like that, but now he's just a professional.

So, you may encounter a disease that cannot be solved.

But then.

“Master, what are you doing here?”

“Ah disciple.”

It was Christine.

She looked at Raymond with worried eyes.

“… … I was just getting some fresh air.”

Raymond tried to let out a sigh, but held it back.

Everyone must be expecting a lot from him. You shouldn't look discouraged.

Christine bit her lip at the sight of him.

she said in a heavy voice.

“… … One more patient died. There are additional patients with an imminent arrest.”

It was heartbreaking news.

Christine opened her mouth cautiously as Raymond bit his lip.

“How about evacuating the villagers first?”

“… … !”

Raymond's eyes hardened.

I want to evacuate people first.

‘It's not a bad solution. But what about the people with the plague right now?'

they will all die

Also, there was no guarantee that contagious diseases would not spread even if they evacuated.

Christine knew those problems, but she brought up that opinion because she knew the situation was bad.

“I will think about it a little more.”

Raymond thought desperately.

‘Remember, Raymond! If I don't solve it, those patients will all die. It's not the time to be weak! I have to come up with something.'

Seeing Raymond like that, Christine bit her lip.

‘Remember. Maybe I can help.'

But neither Raymond nor her came to mind.

Even though Raymond's intellect increased by 5 points using the ‘Expert's Judgment' skill, the answer did not come to mind.

‘Damn, I might be able to get some clues using the modern earth inspection tools.'

State-of-the-art diagnostic tools flashed into his mind.

CT MRI PET and countless other diagnostic examination tools.

all were unavailable.

Now he was even more helpless as he had to find out everything with only patients' symptoms and basic physical examinations.

‘There's not too much to take as a clue. How can I check further?'

Raymond opened the market just in case.

But only disappointed.

There was some kind of magic, but it didn't seem to be particularly helpful in the current situation.

But the moment the market is about to close.

A skill caught his eye.



Classification: Academic Skill

Mastery: D

-This is a study to find out the cause of death through corpses.

- You will learn basic autopsies! As your proficiency increases, you will have deeper forensic knowledge!

Raymond swallowed.


In case of death of unknown cause, it is to dissect the body to find out the cause.

‘… … Will this help?'

I do not know.

Common diseases often leave no special marks on the corpse.

In cases where an autopsy is helpful, it is usually trauma or homicide, not contagious diseases.

‘If I did an autopsy prematurely, I could be accused of insulting the corpse for nothing.'

Of course, dissection of corpses was taboo in Ley Pentaina.

The Tower of Healing played a big role there, but the Tower of Healing strongly banned dissecting a corpse, saying it was an act of damaging the soul of a dead person.

Therefore, if an autopsy is performed and there is no income, it will be heavily criticized.

In particular, the tower of healing that lights up his eyes to find his flaws will not go unnoticed.

‘But at this rate, all the patients will die.'

In the end, Raymond made a decision.

“We will do an autopsy.”

“… … wealth… … what?”

“Let’s dissect the corpse.”

“… … !”

Christine's eyes twitched.

Dissecting a corpse!

It was a difficult thing to accept as a general idea.

But soon she nodded.

“Yes, then I will explain to the guardian of the deceased patient.”

“… … If you don't like it, it's okay if I do it alone.”

Raymond said with consideration for her.

No one would want to dissect a corpse.

But Christine frowned.

“It is to save the patient’s life. What do you hate? Of course you should.”

At her words, Raymond gave a grateful expression.

So they did an autopsy.

* * *

First of all, convincing the guardians was the priority.

‘Of course, if I use my authority, I can forcefully proceed.'

However, I wanted to ask for the parents' understanding as much as possible.

Because doing an autopsy on a body is like losing a family member twice.

Fortunately, the guardians did not refuse an autopsy.

It was because of the way Raymond had shown him so far.

they said in tears.

“Instead, I have one request. I will offer my son's corpse, so please solve this epidemic!”

Raymond nodded heavily.

It's a request you make while handing over your son's corpse.

It was difficult to imagine how much sadness there must have been in that voice.

There is only one consolation he can express in their sorrow.

It's all about solving this epidemic.

“all right.”

Raymond firmly promised.

“I will definitely solve it.”

* * *

The autopsy was conducted by Raymond and Christine.

Hansson wanted to join, but someone had to be taking care of the patients.

After a brief moment of silence at the corpses, Raymond raised a scalpel.

“let's begin.”

An autopsy is the process of dissecting a body to determine the cause of death.

In this case, the scope of the autopsy was broadened because there was no clearly identifiable cause.

‘At least the brain, heart, abdomen, chest cavity, and all internal organs should be examined.'

Raymond moved his hand according to his knowledge of ‘autopsy'.

First, a long Y-shaped incision was made from both shoulders to the pubis to open the abdominal cavity.

The ribs were then cut to open the thoracic cavity.

‘Now I have to look at each organ.'

The heart, lung, liver, spleen, stomach, kidney, and pancreas should all be removed and examined.

‘You can't look at it in vain. You might miss an important clue.'

With that in mind, Raymond carefully inspected each of the removed organs.

Christine assisted Raymond.

“… … Are you okay, disciple?”

“Are you okay?”

To be honest, it wasn't entirely okay, but Christine deliberately responded boldly.

“Don’t worry about me and focus.”

“all right.”

Raymond nodded and focused on the autopsy.

But the results were disappointing.

There were no clear clues from the abdominal and thoracic cavities.

‘The heart is enlarged, but it's hard to see this as the cause.'

If so, now is the time to look elsewhere.

“I will open the skull.”

“… … !”

skull. I want to open my head.

Christine felt dizzy just imagining it.

Raymond felt the same way.

But I had to.

Raymond and Christine took a breath and moved their hands.

The skull was cut open with a saw and the brain was exposed.

‘There was confusion, so there might be clues in the brain.'

With that in mind, I carefully took out the brain.

The brain is a very weak organ. Almost the same as tofu. Even the slightest force will break it apart.

Each part of the brain was dissected with the utmost care, but the results were also disappointing.

There was nothing wrong.

‘… … what? What is the identity of this disease?'

Raymond made a nervous face.

The abdominal cavity, the chest cavity, and even the brain were opened, but there is no clue.

‘Can't it be revealed even with an autopsy?'

Christine also made a dark face.

Raymond tried so hard and couldn't figure it out.

‘Is there really no answer?'

As she pondered, Raymond was looking at other parts of the body.

The only part that hasn't been autopsied yet.

It was the neck!

‘But there is an organ in the neck that can cause the symptoms like now... … .'

But that was the moment.

Raymond's body stiffened.

‘for a moment. there's one The neck is also an important biological organ!'

The neck is the so-called ‘passage' connecting the head and body.

Therefore, it consists of blood vessels, muscles, esophagus, airway, nerves, etc., and there was no organ that controls vital functions.

Except for a single thyroid.

Raymond swallowed.

‘no way… … Could it be that there is something wrong with the thyroid gland?'

Raymond carefully cut the neck.

And confirmed.

The appearance of a hugely swollen thyroid gland!

“Master this? Is it really this big?”

Christine asked in surprise.

“no. It is much larger than normal.”

Raymond swallowed.

The symptoms of the patients so far passed through his mind.

‘High fever. heart failure. Confusion symptoms. Symptoms that get healed and get worse.'

Like a puzzle being put together, the symptoms began to fit together.

He put the thyroid tissue through the microscope and let out a drool.

Thyroid tissue was proliferating, covered with inflammatory cells!

A diagnosis came out of his mouth.

“Thyroid storm… … !”

It was the moment when the identity of the monster was finally revealed.

* * *

There is one reason why this mysterious disease caused everyone's fear.

The point of getting healed and getting worse.

Raymond couldn't understand that either.

‘It's as if you're going to die because you're overflowing with vitality.'

But that's a crazy idea.

Because all diseases eventually turn off a person's life force and lead to death.

but only one.

There was a disease that was overflowing with vitality and leading to death.

It was a ‘thyroid storm', an explosion of thyroid hormones.

thyroid hormones. freё

It is a hormone that serves as fuel for our body.

If this hormone is lacking, energy will sag and various problems will occur.

A thyroid storm is a condition in which thyroid hormone overflows like a dyke burst.

‘Exactly the same symptoms as now come! Hyperthermia, confusion, shock, heart problems!'

Raymond swallowed.

‘The reason he died after being healed was because of a thyroid problem.'

Heal is the power that enhances vitality.

Therefore, it was explained that the patients deteriorated because it promoted the function of the thyroid gland, which serves as the body's internal combustion engine.

‘But why a thyroid storm? Aren't thyroid storms contagious?'

Raymond made a puzzled face.

Thyroid storm was not contagious in the slightest.

But what about this mass outbreak? It didn't make sense.

‘Let's treat the patients first.'

went into treatment right away.

Iodine, which suppresses thyroid function, is administered.

Then an amazing thing happened.

Patients who had no effect on any means began to show improvement!

“at las!”

“As expected, it’s Raymond-sama!”

Freed from the fear of death, the locals cheered.

However, Raymond's face did not brighten.

‘We need to find out why this outbreak happened.'

They found a cure, but did not eradicate the disease.

New patients were still coming in.

It was necessary to determine how the disease spread. Only then could this situation be brought to an end.

It was time to do an epidemiological investigation.

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